Just a reminder that I do have a go fund me page. Just add tsukis-vet-visit after the .com part. It's alright if you can't donate today...sharing helps as well!

Also, would any of you be offended if I made this a minor crossover with La Cordo de Oro?

Daemon looked at the younger Decimo and his two Hands, then at the faeries.

"How the hell did you find me? And how did you know I was still alive?" asked Daemon finally.

"The same way I have blackmail photos of Giotto and the others...save for you... and how I know the reason you were so pissed at Giotto is because Elena died and he disbanded the Vongola's unofficial army without even listening to you," said Tsuna. "I hate time travel."

Daemon stared at him, at least until Tsuna handed his phone.

"It's the file labeled 'Vongola Blackmail'," he said helpfully.

Daemon humored the tiny Decimo, and flicked through the pictures. His face went flat from shock, before he started to shake from repressed laughter.

"Oh god... that is... There are no words to describe this!" he cackled.

"Want to help me spread chaos and anarchy in the name of annoying the hell out of Byakuran and ruining his entire plan of world domination?" asked Tsuna hopefully.

Daemon was positively giddy at the idea.

"Considering that little shit is planning to take out the Vongola permanently to complete his plan, absolutely. Just one thing..."

"Give me your phone number, or help me find a working printer that I can hook my phone up to, and I'll give you copies of the photos. I bet Alaude and G were pissed as hell when I told Giotto where to find the faeries to help him ditch his paperwork. I remember you kept slipping them foul ingredients to put in their morning coffee," said Tsuna helpfully.

Daemon's grin was evil.

"How did you know I was still alive anyway?"

"You're related to Mukuro. If he can pull that possession crap, even if he was using those stupid bullets to do it originally, then odds are you have the same ability and have been abusing it to stay alive."

Daemon cackled. He liked this kid more than his older counterpart.

"Besides, if anyone could keep us hidden from Byakuran and whatever resistance the Vongola and Varia cooked up, obviously it would be you," concluded Tsuna.

Reborn was not in a happy mood. They had confirmed that Tsuna, Takeshi and Hayato were in the future...but that was it. Somehow the trio had managed to fall entirely off the radar.

They weren't captured, because the enemy faction had yet to gloat about having Tsuna (which they would), and nothing Kyouya could find indicated where they were.

The fact they managed to hide from both sides was both impressive and very worrying.

And then things started falling apart... for the Millifiore.

Yuni had been removed from wherever Byakuran had been stashing her until now, which coincidentally caused a major rift between the "white" and "black" factions and untold chaos. The fake Funeral Wreaths were dealt with in quick succession, save for Shōichi who was still in Namimori at the time, and the Varia were downright confused on the quartet who did most of the disposal.

Their leader could barely hit the broadside of a barn with a hand gun (Squalo's words), but it was his actual weapon that had baffled the Varia Elite the most.

Seeing a Sky (because there was no way you could mistake those Flames for anything else) fight using a violin and random music selection had really thrown the assassins for a loop.

There was also the not-so-tiny detail of Mukuro being released to Vongola's custody less than an hour after that fight, with no idea who exactly had paid for his freedom. Or if he did, he certainly wasn't telling in between his maniacal laughter about something he clearly found downright hilarious.

It wasn't until Ryohei, the last of the Tenth Generation Guardians showed up, that they finally had a solid lead on Tsuna, Hayato and Takeshi.

Though Reborn had to ask what the hell they were doing in Vienna of all places, near the world famous music school. Or where Tsuna and Takeshi learned to speak fluent Italian.

Daemon was cackling alongside a very amused Mukuro (and wasn't that a match made in hell...Tsuna was glad he would be gone by the time those two started plotting) when Reborn found out the truth.

Byakuran was so put out when he figured out what happened.

"This is so unfair! How did I end up stuck with the one version of the Vongola Decimo that has plans of his own for world domination!" complained Byakuran.

Tsuna cracked up, hearing that.

"How is it my fault that those stupid pink bombs sent us to this time line instead of the correct one, you marshmallow-addicted idiot?" grinned Tsuna. Byakuran pouted.

"I'm confused," said Shōichi.

Tsuna grinned at him openly.

"Well Shōichi, the simple fact of the matter is we somehow ended up in the wrong alternate timeline. Since I have my own plans that almost come close to world domination and I wanted to annoy Byakuran for causing this mess, I opted to work as a third party rather than get dragged into Reborn's insane idea of 'saving everyone'. It just so happened I had something that would get a certain Mist who's related to Mukuro and is also talented at possessing people to work with me."

Daemon leered at them all, while Mukuro cackled in the background. Especially after learning what Tsuna had "paid" the Vindice for his freedom.

Hearing someone else's day was about to get infinitely worse just to free him and happened to be heavily entrenched in the mafia had made Mukuro adore this Tsuna almost as much as Daemon did once he had those blackmail pictures of the Primo's Guardians...and Giotto's bitchface at the sheer amount of paperwork Alaude dumped on him.

He almost forgot how hilarious that face was.

Tsuna made a face.

"Besides, the sooner I fixed this mess my way, the sooner we can finally go home to our proper timeline and continue to give my Reborn migraines by corrupting people with music. He still hasn't forgiven me for converting Xanxus...which really begs the question of how annoyed he's going to be when I call Daemon back from wherever he's hiding in my timeline," said Tsuna.

Byakuran was still pouting.

Reborn was distinctly annoyed with this Tsuna.

"How exactly did you avoid being found?" he demanded.

"Blame Hammer space," said the trio in unison. Daemon cackled even more at the looks they were getting.

"More specifically blame the fact Mukuro figured out how to make Mist bindings and then showed us how to manipulate them into holding damn near anything...including the Vongola rings," said Hayato.

"That and the fact Tsuna wasn't the least bit afraid to get on the Arcobaleno Administrator's bad side by blackmailing him into hiding us until we found out where Daemon was hiding," said Takeshi.

"Or that I got along terrifyingly well with said Mist Guardian in the Primo's time, so I knew how to convert him into helping us spread chaos and hide us from sight. By the way Belphegor, your dead twin brother was a complete ass. I'd rather deal with your eccentricities than listen to him prattle on again," said Tsuna flatly.

The Varia Storm Officer blinked, before he started snickering in his own way.

"Shishishi... Rasiel always was an idiot~" said Belphegor happily.

"Yes, yes he was. He didn't even see that anti-tank bullet coming until after his brains were splattered all over his butler," said Tsuna darkly.

Belphegor cackled even more.

"So that was your doing! Shishishi... That was hilarious!"

Tsuna beamed at him.

"So can we end this nonsense? I really want to go home and sleep off this time travel crap for a week," said Tsuna. He then eyed the albino Sky with an annoyed expression. "And Byakuran, if you even think of trying something I swear to god I will use my harmony factor against you before tanning that pale ass of yours red for making my life harder than it needs to be. I know how to subvert people's Flames against them so that they become useless and I will not hesitate to use that against you."

"You're no fun at all."

"And you need to cut down on the damn marshmallows before you become diabetic," Tsuna shot back without an iota of sympathy.

He was just glad this headache was over with, because when he registered the familiar bonds of his Guardians other than Hayato and Takeshi, he knew he was home.

He was still going to sleep for a week after this.

Reborn stared at the Primo's Mist Guardian with some shock...and no little annoyance.

"Tsuna... what the hell is he doing here?" demanded Reborn.

"Oh, hey Daemon. How did you find me so fast?"

"Nufufufu... you forget, little Tsuna, I partially harmonized with you during your visit to the past. And it wasn't that hard to figure out how to possess people when my body started failing. Speaking of..."

"Wait until we convince Verde to make a clone of Mukuro or something and possess that. That should bring you back up to full power enough for us to properly harmonize," said Tsuna without hesitation. "Which reminds me, where are Remi and Tido?"

"Off bothering your other Guardians. I believe they were planning to bug your Cloud first."

"Not my problem."

Tsuna promptly buried his face back into his pillow. He hated time travel. It was such a headache.

"Tsuna... explain, now."

Tsuna openly glared at Reborn for that. Then he twitched his wrist, causing a ton of things to fall out on top of the Sun. The Arcobaleno was practically buried in the junk he picked up from the Primo's time.

"Tsuna..." growled Reborn.

"You want to know what happened? I hate time travel! First that stupid thing malfunctioned and sent me to the Primo's time... I got plenty of blackmail and three new converts out of that deal by the way... and then when we set off those stupid things again we ended up in an alternate timeline where Shōichi's Sky Byakuran had killed almost all the Arcobaleno and was trying to take out the Vongola so he could control the world through the Tri-Ni-Set!" said Tsuna irate. His grin suddenly turned vicious. "Of course Byakuran didn't expect me to enlist the help of Daemon's alternate self long enough to throw my own wrench into the plans in exchange for blackmail and being able to scare the living hell out of my alternate future self with the idea of two Mukuro being on the loose."

"...Blackmail. Now. Before I use you as target practice."

Tsuna handed over his phone. He already had all the information copied onto a spare micro SD card just in case.

Reborn's face went from black to positively evil.

"I take back anything bad I ever said about you, and fully replace it with 'I am so glad you are my student'."

The face Giotto made as Alaude brought in the paperwork was hilarious.

"How the hell did you think I converted a Mist far too much like Mukuro to my side in the first place?" deadpanned Tsuna.

"Considering he's the reason the Primo forcibly retired and was also the Mist of the Secundo..."

Tsuna turned to level a glare at Daemon.


"Giotto didn't seem to mind when I pointed out one simple fact to him stepping down for Ricardo and gave his blessings," said Daemon.

"...No more hellish paperwork and a Mist all too happy to cause chaos, thus creating even MORE of it?" asked Tsuna.

Daemon whistled innocently.

Reborn stared at him. Then at Tsuna.

"Why are you not complaining about that?"

"I fully intend to inflict his brand of chaos on the Ninth and CEDEF, only for it to suddenly stop the second I become Decimo. Which won't happen until I graduate high school if I have any say about it. And unlike Giotto I know better than to put off paperwork until last minute from having to help Kyouya with his all the time," said Tsuna flatly. He eyed Reborn oddly. "Are you crying?"

"Why couldn't stupid Dino have been this much fun?"

It took Tsuna a few seconds to realize he just gave Reborn all the reason he would ever need to harmonize with him.

Meh, not his problem until he decided to quit being lazy.

So...about three more days.

Daemon snickered in his devious way at the fact Tsuna had basically given him carte blanche to make the Ninth generation and his so-called father's life a living hell via paperwork and pranks.

"Mind if I borrow Remi and Tido?"

"Only for short periods. I want to make sure they're alright after time traveling twice."