Author's note: If you are familiar with the original, this is indeed a rewrite! And if you are not familiar with the original, I thank you for checking this fic out.

Why am I rewriting this? The original was written over eleven years ago, and while I think it's still decent, I no longer think I can write the intended sequel without updating this story. I'm a much better writer now with many more experiences (specifically, more experiences with romance which I did not have before). There is no need to read the original unless you want to compare the two versions. In fact, unless you've already read the original and are just curious, I would say just stay away from it. This version is so much better. ^^

There is also a sister story titled "Mind Wrapped" you can check out in which Paulina switches lives with Danny instead of Sam.

The Luckiest Girl in the World -Remastered-

Her Toy and Her Idol

Three teenagers climbed out of a red convertible as it pulled up to the curb of Casper High. Danny, Sam, and Tucker waved to Jazz as she drove away to the student parking lot.

"All right, now we can talk about what we might want to do tonight," said Tucker as the three headed into the building.

"You mean now that Jazz is out of earshot?" asked Danny playfully.

"Oh. I guess that did sound kind of bad, huh?"

"Just a little," said Sam.

Danny chuckled, but he understood. As much as he loved his sister and had grown closer to her since she had joined their circle, he still wasn't too crazy about having her tag along for their Friday night adventure.

"I was thinking we could see the newest Anti-Timmy Force movie!" said Tucker excitedly.

Danny chortled and shook his head. "Nope. Try again."

"What? Why not?"

"Because the first two movies were impressively stupid."

"No, they weren't! And besides, the critics say this is the best one yet!"

"That's really not saying much."

"Aw, come on, Danny." Sam put a hand on his shoulder. "Tucker's so excited. We can do this for him, can't we?" Danny turned to look at her, and Sam smiled at him as she continued. "How about I buy your ticket, huh?"

"Drink and popcorn, too?"

Sam pinched his cheek mockingly. "Danny, I can buy you whatever you want."

Danny instinctively put a hand to the cheek she had touched, and massaged it, but he was blushing at the affection of the contact. Sam blushed at his reaction, held his gaze for just a moment.

But then Danny's eyes were looking elsewhere, and it didn't take Sam long to see exactly what—or rather who—had diverted his attention. Paulina, the most popular girl in school, considered by many but certainly not by Sam to be the prettiest, too. She was looking in her locker mirror as she did every morning before the first bell.

Danny's eyes moved ahead as they passed Paulina. Sam decided not to mention the look, did not want Danny to think about the Latina anymore.

"So, yeah? We're gonna see it?" asked Tucker eagerly. The three had arrived at the boys' lockers.

"Fine," said Danny as he phased his arm through his locker to get his books, "but what are you going to do for me when it sucks?"

"Come on! Sam's already buying your ticket!" whined Tucker, opening his own locker.

Sam gripped her backpack and waited for the two boys. Her locker was a little farther down the hall, but she always waited for them to finish first. She didn't like being away from them.

Or rather, she didn't like being away from him.

Sam watched Danny somewhat dreamily, admired his dark hair falling against his neck, his arms quickly becoming more defined with muscle each week, and his light eyes looking down the hall at—

"Why are you looking at Paulina?" Sam asked before she could stop herself.

Slightly embarrassed, Danny turned his gaze to Sam. "She's, uh…pretty?" he offered lamely.

Sam was fuming, but she didn't want to Danny to get the wrong idea, didn't want him to think she was jealous or that she wished he would look at her that way instead.

Danny was once again looking at Paulina. Sam glanced at the Latina as well and saw that she was returning Danny's gaze. Her eyes closed partway as she smiled at him seductively. She flipped her hair and walked away down the hall.

Danny turned back to Sam sheepishly. "Sorry, um, what were you saying?"

Sam noted his red face, his catching breath. "That's disgusting," she said.

Danny blinked and straightened up, his eyes flashing with offense. "What? I'm not allowed to look at pretty girls?"

Sam gritted her teeth. Of course he was allowed to look at pretty girls. Why couldn't he just look at her? "No, I mean the way she toys with you! And the way you let her!"

"You think she's toying with me?" asked Danny hopefully.

"Danny, that's not a good thing!"

Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "Being toyed with is better than being hated or ignored, right?"

"Totally," agreed Tucker. "I'd die to be Paulina's toy."

Sam turned to him angrily. "You'd die for that? Really?"

"Yeah, and I'd die very, very happy," said Tucker dreamily causing Sam to punch him just hard enough to snap him out of it. "Ah, I mean—" Tucker turned to Danny with a shrug. "You know, there are other girls you could be a toy for, too." Sam punched him again, harder this time.

Danny laughed. "Sure, Tuck. I'll keep that in mind." The bell rang, and Danny started away to their first class.

Sam grabbed Tucker's shoulder before he could follow. "What was that?" she demanded.

Tucker held up his hands in apology. "I know, I suck."

Sam scrunched up her mouth.

"But, you know, I've been talking to him, and he definitely seems to be coming around," said Tucker.

Sam's eyes softened. "Really?"

"Yeah. It's just, you know…he's easily distracted by other girls. Valerie, Paulina…" Tucker shrugged. "You sure you wouldn't rather just ask him out yourself?"

Sam had considered this many times, but she longed to have Danny pursue her, to have him request a date with her because he decided on his own that he liked her and not because she had asked him first.

"It's always an option," said Sam, "but I'd rather wait and see if he'll come around on his own."

"Just don't wait too long," said Tucker. "You know how easily excited and swayed Danny is."

"Valerie has already made it clear that she doesn't want to date Danny, so unless Paulina suddenly decides that she wants him…"

"You never know!"

"Oh, when it comes to the shallow queen of mean, trust me." Sam nodded emphatically with narrowed eyes. "I know."


Paulina studied her face in her locker mirror, made sure everything was smooth and flawless. She had a title to maintain, after all. Not that it was difficult for her to remain the prettiest girl at Casper High.

"Hey, Paulina, just a heads up for you," said her blonde friend, Star. She was leaning against her own locker waiting for the Latina to finish her morning make-up check as always. "Dash wants to ask you out tonight."

Paulina rolled her eyes. "How many times have I told him never again?"

"Dash is kind of forgetful."

"And that's just one of the many reasons he and I are never happening. He's just not my type." Paulina turned her head to look at her locker shrine to the ghostly hero of Amity Park, Danny Phantom. She girlishly sighed.

"And what exactly is your type?" asked Star.

"Him," gushed Paulina. She fingered her hanging cut-out of the ghost boy, watched it bob and spin and dance. How she wanted to dance with him.

"Okay, but what makes Phantom your type?" asked Star. "Do you even know anything about him?"

"He's so brave and clever and sweet." Paulina put her hands to her face. "And so luscious."

"You have your pick of literally any boy in this town, and you go for the one who isn't even human."

"What can I say? I want only the best."

Someone walked by her, a boy who tried to sneak a glance at her unnoticed. Paulina was used to boys checking her out in this fashion and normally just ignored them, but this wasn't just any boy. Paulina watched Danny Fenton from behind as he walked toward his locker. She continued to stare at him, pondering. His parents were well-known ghost hunters, and she had noticed that he often seemed to attract the ghost boy. She had even invited him to her fifteenth birthday party just to increase the chances of the ghost boy arriving, and the way Danny cheerfully promised her that the ghost boy would come to her party…

Did Danny somehow know the ghost boy?


"Hmm?" Paulina turned her attention away from Danny to look at Star.

"You sure Phantom's the only guy you're interested in?"

Paulina rolled her eyes. "No, Star. That's why I made this shrine to the ghost boy, because I'm totally not interested in him."

"No, I can totally see that you're obsessed with Phantom. But would you ever date someone else?"

"No. No other guys even come close to him. Why do you even ask?"

Paulina looked at Danny again who turned and met her gaze. She gave him a seductive smile, enjoying the blush appearing in his face. With a flip of her hair, she turned on her heel and walked in the opposite direction away from him.

"That's why," Star teased.

"What's why?"

"I saw what you did."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Whatever, Paulina."

Paulina playfully shoved Star. "Whatever, yourself!"

Original reviews (do they still apply? :b )

Invader Johnny: I can only say that Pailina is a witch but the plot of the fic seems interesting none the less so update, ok?

IRcrazy: What an interesting topic to choose! I love reading fics where Paulina wants to meet Danny Phantom.

redgrass-and-silvertrees: you're kidding, I FINALLY MET ANOTHER LIVING PAULINA FAN! SWEET!

Phantom2B: I'm not a fan of Paulina, but this story is gonna be good!

GhostAnn: I'd like to finaly read a story were some one wasn't bent on turning Palina into more of a witch for once.

no name today: Danny really is clueless, isn't he?

DreamaDove93: Danny SAM is just beside you !

Kimnd: Spot on with everybody except Danny... Not that it's a major problem or anything, but if this is before his character growth out of liking Paulina, you should probably show that in some way- like having Tucker drool over her too or something

IcyGhostLlama: I SOOOOOO have a shrine of Danny in my locker too!

MaiAnh252: Being a fan of Paulina, i'm looking for a romantic fanfic with her as a main character.