Rin couldn't believe the way her life turned out. It never crossed her mind that one day she would be engaged to Japan's most eligible bachelor, heir to the Western Lands, GAZILLIONAIRE, Sesshomaru Taisho! She literally used to hate the very ground this man walked and every breath he took from his pointy little nose. The irony was enough to make her laugh.
"Rin, do you want to stop and get something to eat before we reach the manor?"
"Ooo a burger would be lovely right about now. Maybe even 4!" Rin giggled.
Sesshomaru shook his head and chuckled. His little Rin had become quite the vacuum when it came to food since her second month of the pregnancy. Some nights he'd wake up to find Rin eating a full course spread in their dining room with the happiest smile plastered across her face. He always kept her company until she had her fill.
Sesshomaru pulled into the parking lot of Grindhouse Killer Burgers. Rin's new favorite restaurant and he had to admit, it was his as well.
"Oh Sesshomaru, it's a lot of people here tonight. I don't think I'm in the mood to be bombarded with questions and cameras. Could you order for us and bring the food out honey? This way we can just eat in peace at home."
Sesshomaru let his eyes roam over the number of people inside the building. He wasn't a big fan of crowds either so he didn't mind taking the food to go. Only now he didn't want to get out of the car. Rin had been stroking his hand with her soft nimble fingers. If only she knew what her touch did to his soul! Perhaps she already did. He nodded and placed a kiss on her forehead and followed it with another on her ring finger where their engagement ring sat proudly.
It didn't take long for Sesshomaru to receive their order considering his status and all that. They even put the order in special bags and carried it to the car for him, but he was sure that had to be because of the amount as well.
Four Impossible burgers with four orders of chili cheese fries and two large Arnold Palmers for Rin, and two medium-well beef burgers with two orders of chili cheese fries and two large Sprites for him. It was moments like these that made Sesshomaru love Rin even more. Simply because she can eat just as much as him!
They arrived at the manor in record time due to Sesshomaru's never-ending history of being a super speeder. Everyone seems to ignore this as far as Rin can tell cause hey, it's Sesshomaru. Rin got out of the car rubbing her very round belly.
" We just love daddys fast driving. Oh yes, we do!" She spoke in her baby voice.
" Was that too fast Rin? My apologies, I won't be so careless next time."
Rin laughed and gave him a peck on the lips.
"You're fine baby. I was only joking." She began to head into the manor, greeting the servants along the way.
He was going to be more careful anyways, that is his mate and pups after all. He should never endanger their lives in any way. He must protect them.
Once they got settled inside, Rin quickly ate her food, took her shower, and got in bed. Tomorrow was her baby shower! Her due date is only two weeks away. She wanted to have the baby shower much sooner, but between planning the wedding, dealing with the press, and all the talk show interviews, she completely forgot. Luckily, Kagome and Izayoi hired her one hell of a planner. Sebastian Michaelis and his loyal assistant Ciel Phantomhive. They have impeccable taste and perfect timing. The baby shower was planned within a few days with a gender reveal included. She was beyond excited to find out the gender of the baby or… the BABIES! It was all she thought about as she drifted to sleep.
Brrr! Brrr! Brrr! Brrr!
Rin grumbled as she turned off the highly annoying machine that disturbed her slumber each morning. Well, the mornings where she had a full schedule that is. She was convinced that she would never be a morning person. No amount of coffee could change that, she's already tried. What was she going to do when the baby comes? Middle of the night cries and feeding are bound to happen, so it looks like she'll just have to get used to it.
She sat up slowly, stretching her stiff joints. The yawn that followed made her feel like a lion. She laughed at the thought. Noticing Sesshomaru wasn't in the room, she called for her two personal handmaids, Suki and Juri. Over time, these girls had become two of her closest friends. She'll even be having them in the wedding as bridesmaids. They helped her get ready for the day and prepare her outfit for the baby shower this evening. The shower was until 7:30 pm which gave her more than enough time for shopping, brunch with the family, and a bit more pampering.
While Suki tended to her hair, there was a knock at the door.
"Come in!"
"Ah! Good morning Lady Rin. I see you've already started getting ready for the day. I took the liberty of having your breakfast brought up for you. I hope you don't mind. How are you feeling today?" Sebastian bowed curtly as silver trays were rolled in behind him.
"Good morning Sebastian! I don't mind at all. I just had food on my mind too." she said as she bit into a croissant. " I'm doing pretty great this morning. I can't wait for the baby shower. I'm excited to see what you came up with for the gender reveal."
" Yes, it will be a glorious night indeed. The gender reveal will be quite a sight that I believe you will love. The venue is in preparation as we speak. Ciel is making sure of it. Everything is going according to plan. So please, do enjoy yourself today and refrain from stressing out in any way. Your health is extremely important."
"Thank you, Sebastian! I truly appreciate all the hard work you and Ciel have been doing. I have no doubt in my mind that the baby shower, wedding, and reception will be everything I expected and then some. So I will make sure to enjoy my day!" triumphantly raising her fist in the air, Rin was revving to go.
Rin had three outfit changes for the day. One for before the shower, the next for when she first arrives at the baby shower, and the last one for the gender reveal itself. Her errand dress was a white floral fitted dress with hot pink pointed toe heels. Her arrival dress is a strapless suede gold gown with a slit going up her right leg. Simple but also sexy and comfortable. She would wear black open-toed heels with strings that tie around her ankle and some of her calf. And finally, her gender reveal dress was a silver holographic princess ballgown. Sebastian insisted on her wearing this specific dress, saying that she would understand once the gender reveal has happened.
Yup! Everything was going according to plan. Once she finished her breakfast, her makeup was done and she was dressed. When she got downstairs, the manors head butler William on her with a note from Sesshomaru.
Dearest Mate,
I was hoping to wake with you this morning and accompany you on your errands, but there's something at the office that I must take care of. I will meet you for brunch at our place at 11:30. My personal bodyguard will accompany you until I arrive.
With all my love,
Rin almost teared up. He always made her heart flutter with these notes. The rest of the world knew him to be cold-hearted and stoic, but when it came to them, he was sweeter than a puppy. He'd probably get upset with her for comparing him to a puppy. As she stepped outside she was immediately greeted by Reno, Sesshomaru's personal bodyguard and friend.
"Good morning Lady Rin. Lord Sesshomaru says I am to accompany you today until he is finished at the office." He bowed and opened the door to the limo.
"Good morning Reno! How's the wife and newborn?" she always made sure to get to know all of their employees on a personal level. To her, they were all family and everyone liked it that way.
"They're doing well actually! A healthy pup indeed, fiery just like her mother."
Rin smiled and slid into the limo. It was always great to hear good news like that. Rin's life seemed to get a lot better once she and Sesshomaru took things to the next level and she hoped that it would only get better from here.
Before she knew it, it was time to meet Sesshomaru for brunch. He was already there when she had arrived. Punctual as always. He stood and pulled her chair out for her making sure she was comfortable. He dismissed Reno and then took his seat across from his mate. He kissed her hand and rubbed his thumb over her smooth skin.
"I've missed you today mate." His eyes softened. He couldn't state being away from her for too long. They were only apart for a mere three hours today, but it felt like an eternity to him. He wasn't sure when he began to let his guard down around this vixen, but he knew he didn't mind. She deserved to see the parts of him that he refused to show the world.
Rin couldn't help the blush that rose to her cheeks. Sesshomaru had become so open and vulnerable with her over the course of the past few months. It worried her at first. She thought someone had kidnapped the real Sesshomaru and replaced him with a clone. They enjoyed each other presence during brunch and reminisced on their college days and when they first met.
"Feels like it was just yesterday that we were trying to bury each other in our own achievements and arguing over the most childish things." Rin said as she looked over her soon to be husband's regal face.
"Your rebuttals were never any match for mine dear."
"Oh is that so? If I'm not mistaken, it was me who won a majority of our debates back then, and I'm sure that I would still win a majority of them now."
" One day we'll have to test that little theory of yours then. Shall we make a wager?" Sesshomaru smirked. He loved playing these games with his Rin. It was always thrilling to see the outcome of their little debates.
"Wait till I have this baby." Rin matched his energy. " We'll see just how many topics we can cover then."
Sesshomaru growled. Low enough for no one else to hear, but definitely loud enough for Rin to. She knew that growl all too well.
'It's on after the baby shower.'
'It's on after the baby shower.'
They had to have known that they both had the same thought running through their heads. They were in sync like that and would be even more so on their wedding night when he marked her officially. Now that is something he's been looking forward to since he realized that she was his mate. After some more shopping, a little bit of family time with the in-laws, and a much-needed nap for Rin, it was finally time to get ready for the baby shower. Thanks to Rin's style team, she was ready with time to spare. She had time to get a quick snack in. She headed downstairs, ordered a few desserts, and made sure to cover her dress completely to keep it clean for the party.
By the time she was finished, Sesshomaru was coming down the stairs in his suit that matched perfectly with her dress. Ciel made sure that each of Sesshomaru's outfits for that night matched Rin's to a T. Sebastian has taught him well. He truly is one hell of a planner.
The arrived at the venue, which was a five-story Victorian styled manor. This was the first time Rin had actually seen the place. She was confident in Sebastian's choices when it came to these things. And rightfully so! The manor was absolutely magnificent. Beautiful beyond compare.
"Welcome to one of the Phantomhive Manors. We do hope that you enjoy tonight's festivities as we celebrate the arrival of the heir to the Western Lands and first offspring of Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Rin!"
Cheers and applause resounded through the building. It was exactly as Rin hoped it would be. Elegant, regal, and most importantly Victorian. Rin had a love for Victorian architecture and design and wanted to do something with that in mind. The night went on smoothly and now it was time for the gender reveal. After their outfit changes, Rin and Sesshomaru made their way to the garden where all of their guests waited for them. It was completely dark outside, aside from the moon and the stars giving off some light. Suddenly a spotlight was turned on, pointing towards a circle white fur rug.
" Please step forward Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Rin."
Arms linked, the happy couple moved to the rug.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to announce that our Lady Rin will be giving birth to two heirs," Sebastian stated with a cheerful smile.
The guest gasped and applauded congratulating Sesshomaru and Rin on the good news.
" And now it is time to reveal the gender of the twins."
Immediately, lights filled the garden from top to bottom showing nothing but blue calla lilies all throughout it. A sight for sore eyes! The light bounced perfectly off of the flowers and we're not too sure what was put into the air, but even the air seems to sparkly with the presence of the lights.
"Twin boys! We're having twin boys!" Sesshomaru embraced Rin tightly. He couldn't believe it. He was almost certain that the pup would be a girl, then again he also thought that it was only one pup. He's obviously off his game.
Some of the guests were shocked by the display of emotion they were witnessing from Sesshomaru. He had a toothy grin staining his face and had gone over and hugged each member of his family as well as his close friends. Rin's eyes had tears along the brim. Seeing her love so happy made her heart jump with joy. She was grateful for this moment and everyone in it. The support and love was almost overwhelming. Life as Rin knew it could only get better and it would. It always did so it seems.