A few moments later Ginevra stormed through the door, glaring at her phone. Somehow she was even taller than both Zarina and Afina. It was probably the shock of blonde, but slightly whitening, hair that stood up from her head. It seemed to add at least a few inches.

Honestly, Garnet was just surprised that Pearl was as short as she was. Pearl and Ginevra moved with the same sort of grace though. A combination of dancer's grace and something more predatory. For Pearl that came from her fencing practice.

She wore light tan slacks and an off white suit jacket over a white button up shirt. The only thing not business about her was the dark sunglasses covering her eyes, though they were quickly tucked into the front of her shirt as she came inside.

Ginevra was obviously a few years older than the others, with strong wrinkles around her eyes and laugh lines around her mouth. Right now she wasn't laughing though, rather glaring at her phone as she typed angrily.

Pearl got up and rounded the couch to engulf her mother in a hug. The phone was quickly shoved into a jacket pocket and Pearl's hug was returned.

Ginevra sighed deeply. "Pearl. It's lovely to see you."

"You're just saying that because you had a hard day at work." Pearl muttered, still hugging Ginevra.

"No. I'm saying it because I love you and I have missed both your and Steven's company."

There was a heavy pause.

"And because I work with idiots and I'm so glad you are smart enough to never be as hapless as them. Are you quite sure you don't want to work for me?"

Pearl laughed and pulled back, taking Ginevra's hands in hers.

"We'd drive each other crazy within a week."

"I'd take that over pure incompetence." Ginevra said with a sneer. "At least some work would get done that way. But I suppose you are correct."

Amethyst and Garnet had both stood up and awkwardly shook Ginevra's hand over the couch. She nodded at both of them, neither smiling nor frowning.

"It's nice to meet you both. Pearl has told me a lot about you over the years. Thank you for supporting her while she took care of Steven."

Amethyst shuffled from foot to foot awkwardly but Ginevra's phone chirped from within her jacket pocket before anyone could respond. Ginevra rolled her eyes.

"Idiots." She muttered. "I'd better turn that off before they ruin dinner."

Ginevra pressed a kiss to Pearl's forehead.

"I'm going to help Afina with dinner. And get rid of the extra setting I'm sure Yellow put out."

"For who?" Pearl asked, baffled.

"Steven." Ginevra said with a raised eyebrow. "I love all of my daughters equally, but if I hadn't been there I'd swear those two came out the wrong women. If Yellow was anymore passive aggressive she'd be Afina."

"If Yellow were anymore passive aggressive Aunt Zarina would of kicked her out of forensics years ago."

Ginevra snorted. "Those two? They're as thick as thieves. No offense, Amethyst. You haven't seen them in court together, it's horrifying. I don't think a single judge has told the two of them 'no'."

With another quick hug, Ginevra left the lounge.

"Pearl! Why does your mother know about my juvie record too? It was bad enough that your aunt knew, but both of them?" Amethyst hissed as soon as she felt they wouldn't be overheard.

"Calm down. They talk to each other, that's how healthy relationships work, and before you can say it, neither of them hate you. Trust me, you'd know if they did. Besides, Mother isn't exactly a saint."

"How many times has your aunt arrested her?"

"Just the once." Zarina said from where she stood in the doorway, her arm linked with Linnea.

They had both changed clothes. Zarina into jeans and a t-shirt, and Linnea into a light pink dress.

Amethyst flopped into the couch and threw and arm over her eyes. "You're killing me."

"Yes." Zarina said with a raised eyebrow. "That's the point, and I must admit, it's quite amusing."

Linnea's eyes lit up. "It was fantastic. Some guy grabbed my ass while I was dancing at a bar, and Ginny decked him. Zarina ended up being the responding officer. If anyone could sweet talk their way into a police officer's pants from a jail cell it would be Ginny."

Zarina rolled her eyes. "She did not sweet talk me. I was on duty."

Linnea smirked up at her. "Uh huh. You keep telling yourself that, sweetheart."

"Anyway," Zarina said loudly. "I'm sure dinner is ready. Shall we?"

Zarina and Linnea led Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst into the dining room where Yellow and Blue were already seated and Ginevra and Afina brought dishes of food to the table. Soon their meal started and Amethyst had to try to not shovel it into her mouth as fast as she could. One, because that's how she normally ate, and despite her denial of the fact, she knew it wasn't exactly good table manners, and two because apparently Afina could really cook.

Much like Pearl had predicted earlier that evening, almost as soon as they sat down, Blue and Afina started a fiercely signed conversation that Yellow quickly joined in on. Surprisingly though, there was no 'making eyes' between Ginevra and Linnea, much to Pearl's eternal gratitude.

Instead they chatted with Garnet and Amethyst, starting with safe topics such as how Steven was and how Garnet and Amethyst met Pearl (high school and college respectively, though that didn't really cover the how and Pearl was just fine with that).

"Yes, isn't it strange how you can know someone most of your life and only start dating once you're older." Zarina said loudly while purposefully staring at Yellow.

"You're not still bugging her about Jasper are you, Aunt Zarina?" Pearl said pointedly. "You know how she gets when you pressure her and Jasper isn't going to make a move if you keep hovering over the two of them. What's the rush, anyway?"

Linnea giggled. "You gave her one grandchild and now she wants a horde of them."

"Let's not talk about grandchildren." Ginevra said dryly. "Save that sort of talk until at least the second time we meet Pearl's girlfriends."

"You're all terrible. You know that right?" Pearl said wearily.

Garnet just smiled slightly and shared a look at Amethyst. It seemed like they'd be fine, even if Zarina had arrested Amethyst a bunch and Garnet had hit on Blue (though by the looks of it, Yellow would never forgive her, and Blue had been staring at her weirdly for most of the night).

Zarina huffed. "Fine. We'll talk about something other than Yellow's obliviousness. How is the family, Amethyst?"

"Uh," Amethyst paused with her fork halfway to her mouth. "I don't really talk to my parents all too much."

"Well I could have told you that." Zarina said. "In my experience people don't form juvenile gangs when they have a good home environment. I was talking about the Famethyst."

Amethyst stared down at her plate. "They're good. Um, I don't really talk to them too much anymore. When I went to college we drifted apart a bit. I, uh, didn't want to keep up with the same stuff they did."

Ginevra gently placed her knife and fork onto her plate.

"Amethyst. We don't hold it against you that you found another family when the one you were born into was…"

"A bunch of assholes." Zarina interrupted.

"Lacking." Ginevra said diplomatically. "We all regret things in our lives, that doesn't make you a bad person."

"I … uh, thanks." Amethyst said shyly. "I guess I know where Pearl gets her good advice from."

"Yeah, if only she could take her own advice." Linnea cut in. "Ginny's more of the punch her problems away type of gal. Pearl, thankfully, has a bit more restraint and finesse."

"Anyway, you should get in contact with them again. Most of them are on the straight and narrow. I've even got Jay working as a police officer." Zarina raised an eyebrow. "If I didn't believe in second chances, I wouldn't have dated a woman I once arrested."

"I might just do that." Amethyst said with a small smile.

Pearl could just see the beginning of tears in Amethyst's eyes.

"So, dessert anyone?" Afina chirped from the end of the table.

Yellow was quietly signing to Blue, who in turn was smiling slightly at Amethyst.

"Sounds good." Amethyst said. "If you'll just, uh, excuse me for a moment?"

She stood and darted out of the room quickly. Linnea started gathering the plates from the table.

"Either of you two going to go after her?"

Pearl and Garnet shared a look.

"Nope." Garnet said simply. "Sometimes Amethyst just need a bit of time to deal with stuff. She'll be fine, she just needs to slow her thoughts down a little."

"She thought you would hate her." Pearl said quietly.

Zarina scratched her nose. "I'm not surprised. She was a little shit growing up. But after dealing with all the stuff Blue got into, she was honestly kind of tame. Mostly Amethyst just gave me a work out. Kid could run. Not fast enough, but she could run."

Blue signed something to Zarina.

"Yes, I am talking about you, brat. Don't pretend to be little miss perfect with me."

Blue grinned at her before standing and helping Afina with dessert.

Amethyst was back just as dessert was being dished up. She was obviously calmer than before and wore a brighter smile.

They left shortly after they finished eating, and after a very long and drawn out goodbye. Garnet and Amethyst shook everyone's hands again while Pearl gave everyone a hug. She paused in front of Blue and they signed to each other briefly before Blue plucked at Pearl's shirt.

Soon they were buckled into the car and driving.

"I think that went well." Pearl said.

"You can say it, Pearl." Amethyst said dryly.


"I told you so. You can say it. You did tell me that they didn't hate me. Like five times."

"I guess I could say that. I don't think I will though. But for the record it was four times, not five." Pearl said smugly.

"I'm pretty sure your sister hates me." Garnet said quietly.

"Oh, ignore Yellow. She's always been a bit overprotective of Blue. She'll get over it. Surprisingly, she's terrible at keeping grudges."

"I meant Blue."

"What?" Pearl said loudly. "What in the world makes you think that?"

"She kept staring at me."

"I really do need to teach you two sign language. She was probably trying to figure out how much you could bench press or something. She spent half of dinner bugging me to ask you to give her a piggy back ride." Pearl sighed. "Blue has always been the troublemaker of the family. Try not to go along with any of her plans."


"Oh yes."

"I'd have given her a piggy back ride, you know."

"There will be other times, Garnet."

"Garnet made a friend! Garnet made a friend!" Amethyst said loudly from the back seat.

"So did you, Amethyst."

"Awww, P! Just cause you're right doesn't mean you have to say it."

"Why do I put up with you Amethyst?"

"Because you loooove me."

"I suppose that is true." Pearl admitted.

"And me?" Garnet asked quietly.

"Of course I love you, Garnet. How could I not?"

For those interested:

White Diamond - Ginevra

Pink Diamond - Linnea

Yellow Diamond - Zarina

Blue Diamond - Afina

A/N: This is the end of this particular story, but I am looking for ideas/prompts for more from this universe. So hit me up in the comments or on my tumblr: alexryzlingold/span/p
Thanks for reading guys, I hope you enjoyed it!