Another one. Just to warn yall I'm terrible at updating regularly with uni and work, but slowly this story might get more chapters. Xx

"Did you know that in 1511 the leader of Mecca banned coffee because he thought it stimulated radical thinking?", a voice broke Spencer out of his thoughts when he was about to leave the coffeeshop near his house, ready to head to work. He would remember that voice anywhere, as it had branded itself into his brain since their last meeting.

"Hermione", he exclaims while a smile forms on his face.

"It's nice to see you again!", she says smiling.

"Is it?"

"Of course, it is", she chuckles.

"Why shouldn't it be?"

"I don't know", he answers slightly embarrassed.

"Well, regarding to your fact, I do work and think quite well under the influence of coffee. Some might call me an addict", he says with a smile.

"Yeah, I get that. Me too. I come here every morning on my way to work, to grab the biggest black coffee the shop has to offer", Hermione replies, gesturing to her own drink in hand.

"Pegged you more of a tea drinker", he says.

"It's because I'm British isn't it?", she laughs.

"Not just – but mainly", he shrugs, embarrassed again.

"I do like a cup of tea, but nothing can get me through the day, like a good cup of coffee", she explains.

"Are you on your way to work?", Spencer asks.

"Yeah, just heading to the BAU actually. I was called in for a case by an Agent named Emily Prentiss, do you know her?"

"Yes, she is our unit chief! So, you'll be working a case with us?"

"I don't know any details yet. As of now I am only asked to come meet her and give my opinion on a case", Hermione says.

"Did you know, that the average American spends roughly 1000 USD on coffee each year?", Spencer says all of a sudden, making Hermione laugh at the sudden topic change.

"No, but thanks for letting me know", she laughs.

"I assume I will be seeing you shortly? I must run, otherwise I will be late to my appointment with Agent Prentiss", she says with a small smile.

"Yes, I will see you there", he says and watches her turn and head to her black car. It takes a couple minutes before he caught himself staring at the empty spot, where Hermione had stood.

When Hermione got into the elevator, she produced a small smile, seeing as Spencer just stepped in at the same time.

"Deja-vu, huh?", she laughs, which makes him laugh in return.

"In certain cases, people who experienced a Deja-vu, say it resembles a dream they once had", he says.

"Well, does it a resemble a dream you once had?", she asks him cheekily, making him turn beet red.

"Sigmund Freud discovered that a feeling of a Deja-vu had to do with an unconscious dream", she adds quickly, not wanting to embarrass him further.

"You have a very sharp mind, Hermione", he says with a smile. Spencer hadn't felt connected to someone like this in a very long time. He was able to uphold an intellectual conversation with Hermione, which doesn't happen often. He found it quite hard to find like-minded people his age. It seemed Hermione was, just what he needed after his last year in prison, not that he would tell her that.

"Thank you! I quite enjoy talking to you, Spencer. It's not every day I find someone of the same intellect to converse with. As much as I love my friends and colleagues, they don't quite share the same love for knowledge as I do, which makes it hard sometimes", Hermione says, as if she just read his mind.

"Yeah, I know what you mean", he laughs. Their short ride in the elevator came to an end as the doors opened and they stepped out still laughing together, as Spencer just confronted her with yet another fact about coffee.

"You just go up the stairs and her office should be on the right", he says, pointing to a glass office up at the other end of the floor. Hermione followed his gaze and when she saw who was with her, she gulped. This was by no means good, she thought to herself.

She turned around and smiles at Spencer thanking him for the pointer and walked up the stairs, while Spencer continued over to his desks, getting eyed suspiciously by his team.

"Wasn't that the woman from the other day?", JJ asks when he settled down.

"Good Morning to you too, JJ", he jokes, a smile still playing on his lips.

"Sorry, Spence", she says.

"Yes, it was. She was called but Emily to consult on a case", he shrugs.

"Do you know who is in the office with them?", he asks looking up at the office just in time to see all the blinds going down.

"No, but I can tell you that whoever it is, is important. They made quite the deal out of his arrival", Garcia says all of sudden from somewhere behind him.

"I'm sure we'll find out in a due time", Rossi says.

"President Quahog, I did not expect to see you here", Hermione says walking into the room, seeing the American President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

"Dr. Granger, thank you for joining us. Agent Prentiss, this is Dr. Hermione Granger. Our consultant here at the FBI", President Quahog says, introducing the two women.

"Dr. Granger, my pleasure to meet you", Agent Prentiss says.

"Likewise. What is going on, President?", Hermione asks quickly. To have the President here was no good sign.

"Let me just shut the blinds, there are a lot of onlookers."

When Agent Prentiss had closed all the blinds the three of them sat down together.

"President Quahog just informed me of the nature of his presidency as well as the abilities that come with it. You have been working with the FBI for quite some time now, Dr. Granger", Agent Prentiss says.

"She has been placed as a consultant in order for our own Law Enforcement to pick up on cases related to magical occurrences. We would have placed someone from America, but due to Dr. Grangers academic aspect as well as her status in Britain we came to the conclusion to put her here instead. She has proven to be an excellent asset to both our causes", President Quahog explains.

"We came across a series of murders throughout the country, but before we could act, the case landed on top of Agent Prentiss' desk. Therefor we thought it was a good idea to include you in the case and if it proves to be of magical means, the case will be handed over to us", President Quahog continues.

"What murders?"

"A total of 23 People have been found dead in various parts of the county. No death of cause and no connection has been found yet. It's almost like they dropped dead", Agent Prentiss says, and Hermione take a sharp breath, her head swirling to the President.

"I know what you're thinking, Dr. Granger. We believe it was the killing curse. We have no proof nor a lead, that is where you come in. We want you to investigate with the team while discreetly investigate for magical means. Your magic must stay a secret between the three of us. No one else can know. I only informed Agent Prentiss her, because we think it best, seeing as there might be future cases.

"I understand", Hermione says.

"I believe this meeting has come to an end. Agent Prentiss, it was pleasure speaking with you, if you need assistance in future cases do not hesitate to contact me through the book I gave you", President Quahog says, standing up.

"Dr. Granger, please escort me back to the elevator. After that you may join the team of Agent Prentiss."

"Of course, Mr. President", she says, following his lead out of Agent Prentiss' office, ignoring the curious looks, she could feel on herself.

"I trust you will handle this case accordingly, Dr. Granger?", President Quahog asks quietly.

"Yes, Mr. President. You know my file. You can trust me to work along the lines of the American Laws", she says. When they reach the elevator, he presses the button and two tall men, no doubt wizards, step up to them.

"It was nice seeing you again, Dr. Granger!", he says with a smile.

"Likewise, Mr. President", she replies.

He steps into the elevator and is gone within seconds. Hermione takes a deep breath, before turning around and heading back to the large office, where Prentiss is waiting for her.

"Dr. Granger, please follow me, the other team members are waiting in the conference room, where Garcia our technical analyst is briefing us on the case", she says with a smile.

"And please call me Emily, we all are on first name basis, it makes working a lot easier", Prentiss adds with a welcoming smile.

"Only if you call me Hermione."