Author's Notes:

My brother asked me to borrow my computer last week, and I let him borrow it. He is always available when I need help with anything, so I didn't want to tell him no, but now I can't continue writing the chapter because I had all my files in there and I didn't copy anything. Since I have problems continuing with the flow of the chapter without seeing what I have already written, I started writing another idea I have which is going to be in a chapter in the future.

I have been writing it on my cell phone. It's hard and uncomfortable for me to write on the cell phone, though. This is a flashback scene so I don't think it will mess with the flow of the story if I post it now. Plus, I promised that I post the next chapter this week and it's already Sunday. The POV is from a Mystery character which hasn't been part of the story. Though, I think there is a phrase there that will give away this person's identity. Isis has been keeping the involvement of this third person a secret, and that's the reason why only Totosai and her have been previously mentioned in the story.


"Please, you are the only one who has the knowledge needed to make it work." She pleaded with me once again, desperation and disappointment clear in her gaze. The feeling of dread is coiling in my stomach like a snake at hearing the request.

"Lady Kagome, you know why I don't agree with this. What you want it's too dangerous. It's has been forbidden. Only a dark Smith would attempt to do such a thing." I replied to her, refusing again.

Her expression hardened with stubborn determination. "If I use my soul to stabilize it, it won't get corrupted by the demonic power. I just need to know how to channel the power I absorbed from the mind stone to create it's mind, and to find a way to give it an individual personality. I know it will work." She said.

"I know why you want to do this now. Please, don't ask me for this. I don't want to be participant in something that will bring about your death." Now I'm the one pleading. Surely she has realized the magnitude of her request.

"If you know about my reasons then you know why I must do this. You know this will ensure that you and the rest of the Neo-Celestials have an advantage if anything happens to me. You know that the only way this endless, twisted game will end is with the destruction of the Infinity stones. The rest of the Neo-Celestials need to have a way to withstand the power of the stones and stop them if something happens to me before I attempt to destroy all the Infinity Gems. I know you understand why I want to do this. After all, I know the reason why you convinced Riordan to brake his soul bond with Thalia, knowing that since the two of them were Sekmet's and your reincarnations it meant that your soul bond with Sekmet would also be broken. You were trying to end the game as well. Isn't that the reason why you won't tell me how to break the bond? You think I will use it too." She said to me.

"Lady Kagome, please, don't." I said one more time, ine last weak attempt to dissuade her from this path, which will ultimately cost her life. If she knows the real reason why I advised Riordan to break the soul bond, then she and I both know how hypocritical I'm being by denying her request. After all didn't I do something similar to what she wants to do? Make a big sacrifice for the greater good and the continued safety of billions. She is right about her assumptions. I should had known that she would figure out the true reason why I helped Riordan break his bond with Thalia.

"So, it's OK for you to sacrifice yourself for us, but I can't do the same. How is that fair? You think I don't know how much it cost you to break your soul bond with Sekmet reincarnations? She was everything to you. You may had fooled the others when you told us that the reason why Riordan broke his soul bond with Thalia was that he was trying to break the curse Alianishtan placed on your reincarnations, and since it was attached to your soul bond with Sekmet breaking the bond was the only way to lift the curse. The others may have believe it, but you couldn't fool me. I know the true reason why Riordan broke his soul bond with Thalia was that you and him discovered the real reason why the Soul Gem changed our pact and turned us into soulmates when he summonded you to help him break his curse. You helped him brake the bond to prevent the Soul Gem's plans, and spare the rest of us." She said with conviction.

"The others won't approve of this." I said with great sadness, defeated, and feeling a heavy weight inside my chest as if my heart had turned to lead.

"The others don't need to know about it until it's done, and even then, they don't need to know my real intentions for creating it." She said with a satisfied smile now that she accomplished her goal of obtaining my agreement to help her achieve her task.

"Even if the others let this go without penance, once the intergalactic counsel learns of this there will be consequences. They will demand for it to be destroyed, and they have a good reason to fear. The last time a living weapon was created it killed it's creator, took control of its wilder, and started killing anyone it encountered until Inuyasha's father Inutaisho stopped it. I don't need to remind you what happened after Inutaisho's death and the sword awaken from the seal it was placed on." I said to her warning her of the dangers. We were the ones who battled against it. The evil thing opened a portal to hel and tried to create a zombie apocalypse. If we hadn't stopped it, it would had suceded.

"I remember what happened, which is the reason why I'm asking for your help. Master Totosai, you, and me can make sure that what happened during the creation of Tokijin which made it be evil doesn't happen this time. This time will be different." She said with conviction.

"The last living weapon in existence was Tokijin, and it was created 8,000 years ago. Since then, nobody else has been able to create one. It hasn't been for lack of trying even though it has been forbidden. Many dark smiths have tried it with catastrophic results. The creation of a living weapon is considered an impossible task, accomplishing the making of one which can't be corrupted by the large amount of demonic energy required to create such weapon would be nothing short of a miracle." She smiled.

"This isn't going to be the first time that we accomplish the impossible, making miracles happen it's something we are famous for. I haven't talked with Master Totosai about my plans to create a living weapon, though." She said smirking.

I sighed. "I will help you convince him. By the way, using emotional manipulation to guilt me into agreeing to this was a low blow." I said to her. Her enthusiasm had me forgetting for a moment the reason why she wants to create the living weapon.

"That's the only way I knew to get you to agree. Plus, I knew you would understand my reasoning." She said in a serious tone.

Unfortunately, I do understand. It doesn't make the weight in my chest feel lighter, though.

Author's Notes:

Did I just spoiled something big? Oops. This answers some questions you have been wondering about and at the same time generate other questions.

Anyway, I posted a few days ago a short story with the premise of this series, which expands on what I wrote on my profile. Go to my profile to find it. Leave a review to tell me who you think this person is. I want to know what you think about this scene.