Follow my Instagram account, Hiccstrid_forever.

University is called College in America.

A forbidden love


"How could you! How could you do this to me! You worthless skank!" Snotlout shouted pushing his very recent ex-girlfriend. Astrid stumbles back and simply look at her feet, she would have normally fought back. Scream at Snotlout for how he was treating her, kick hiss ass, and walk away with pride. But today wasn't the case... did she deserve this? She didn't know... how could one university teacher ruin her life?

Four-year earlier

Astrid took a deep breath with her blue eyes staring at Berk University, one of the top universities in the country. And she was able to attend such an amazing school! She honestly didn't expect to be accepted at such a high prestigious school like Berk University. Astrid was expecting to be rejected and simply go to Edge University with her boyfriend, Snotlout instead. But she got the surprise of her life when she got accepted with a scholarship too.

"You can do this... it not likes its Berk University has been your long time dream, or that the school is in the top ten schools in the country..." Astrid gulps softly. She always wanted to attend this school, but now she was worried about doing something stupid and to be kicked out.

"Hey!" Astrid blinks and woke up from her deep thinking, and worrying she could screw up and end up being a dropout.

"Yeah?" She asked seeing a dark hair girl walking towards her. She smiled and placed her hands on her jean shorts, dark shoes, and a white tank top with her hair done in a braid.

"You're my roommate aren't you?" She asked wrapping an arm around Astrid's shoulder.

"Roommates?" Astrid asked with a confused look.

"Didn't you get your administration's papers?" She asked removing her arm and place them on her hips.

"Oh!" Astrid quickly put her backpack down and took out her acceptance letter. "I didn't even look at it." She said removing the contains from the letter, she flips through some papers and found her administration papers.

"Room 302? West side of the dormitories?" She asked raising a brow slightly, "Right?"

"Room 302... West side of the dormitories... located next to the main building... " Astrid mumble quickly reading the paper.

"Nice to meet you, roomie!" She said offering her hand, "Heather Degraned."

"Degraned?" Astrid questioned as she shook Heather's hand

"Don't ask... I'm considering on changing my last name," Heather said sighing softly at her ridiculously family name.

"Astrid Hofferson," Astrid said picking up her backpack

"Hofferson? That has a Nordic origin, right?" Heather asked taking one of Astrid's suitcases.

"Yeah," Astrid nodded and walked with her.

"Any boyfriends, Astrid?" Heather asked with a smirk

"Just one... he's attending Edge University," Astrid said looking away slightly. She could still remember how furious Snotlout was when she told him. He yelled at her because they were far from each other, and he wouldn't be able to keep an eye on her. "Let's talk about something else," Astrid said clenching her hand into a fist.

"Alright... Uh... any siblings?" She asked

"Nope, only child," Astrid said

"Lucky! I have a brother," Heather said sighing in annoyance, "And he sure represents our family's last name."

"His deranged?" Astrid asked

"VERY!" Heather said with her eyes widening. Astrid smiled before laughing at Heather's facial expression; Heather laugh along with her.

"Oh my god..." Astrid said through her laughter.

"Let's get you settle! Our first class is tomorrow," Heather said with a big smile on her face.

The next morning

"So, Heather..." Astrid said while she finished making her bed, "What's your first class?"

"Viking history," Heather said throwing the blankets over the bed, not caring if the bed was made or not.

"Really? Me too!" Astrid exclaimed with a smile

"Seriously? Are we in the same dorm and class? This is awesome!" Heather said taking her shoes from the floor.

"I was worried about my first class, but now I feel more relax," Astrid said

"Let's head to our class, then," Heather said gathering the right books. Astrid nodded and took her books as well, she left their dorm and headed to her very first class.

"This school is so big," Astrid said as the many buildings surrounded them, "I'll probably get lost looking for the bathrooms."

"There's many security guards around, professors, and senior students," Heather reassured as they passed other students. "You won't get lost for long," she said.

"Well... isn't that reassuring," Astrid said laughing softly.

Heather and Astrid eventually found the right building and the right room for their first class. Astrid stops and took a moment to process her surroundings. She looked down at the large room with several seats forming a half a circle around a desk, a whiteboard, and a large projector screen.

"Welcome to Viking history 101," Heather said sitting down on one of the several seats.

"Ugh... thanks?" Astrid said hunching her shoulders. She walked down the narrow space betweens seats and sat down next to Heather. She moved in her seat and notice a small table neatly folded to the side. She pulled it out and placed her laptop on top.

"Good morning everyone!" A large man shouted as he existed a small door. He wore a white shirt with the sleeves pushed back, he adjusted his lose the tie, and placed one of his hands inside of his jean pants.

"What the heck is he wearing? He has like a mixture of fancy and casual?" Astrid whispered into Heather's ear.

"Did you see his large beard?" Heather whispered back.

"Now! My name is Professor Gobber and I'll be your teacher," Gobber said walking around and stared at his students. "Before we get started on today's lesson. I would like to introduce someone. He'll be working with me throughout the year, and you are free to ask him for any assistance." Gobber said as the small door opened once more.

"Assitant?" Astrid rose an eyebrow and saw a tall man walking in. He wore a tuxedo which was neatly press and prime. A black tie was properly tied comparing to Gobber's tie. He had brown hair in a messy style, but what caught Astrid the most was those green eyes.

"Welcome everyone, I'm Hector Horrendous Haddock," Hiccup said turning to the white board and wrote his name in big letters. He placed the marker down and put one of his hands inside of pant's pocket, "Like Professor Gobber said, I'm here to assist him with anything he needs, and of course all of you students."

"Hector here is shadowing me," Gobber said slapping his back against Hiccup's back, "He wants to become a professor like me."

"One day," Hiccup said with his eyes scanning the many faces staring at them. Hiccup's eyes immediately stop at this blonde headed girl, he titled his head slightly and notice this girl was staring right back at him.

"Who is she? She's beautiful," Hiccup thought to ignore Gobber's lesson, "No! Haddock, you can't think like that! I can't lose my job over something so stupid!"

Hiccup turned away from this blonde girl and focused on what Gobber was talking about. He couldn't risk his career over something ridiculously, and easily preventable issues like a relationship.

Astrid sighed and looked away from this young professor, she couldn't let herself be carried away and risk being kicked out. She needed to focus on her studies and not fall in love with a teacher! She could kiss her days in Berk University goodbye if she did something, so stupid like that.

"He's just good looking... don't lose your scholarship over something like that." Astrid frown and stared at her laptop, and type a few notes. "Just focus on your studies." Astrid sighed and gave a quick glance to Hector's direction.

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