HTSAPM chapter 11

Khan did indeed look regal and downright stunning when Jamie made her walk down the aisle. Her heart stuttered a bit at the look he was giving her, standing there tall and proud in his tuxedo.

"The man can really wear a suit", thought Jamie. He looked a bit awed by her, with visible affection appearing when she finally reached him.

Chris was right, she did feel better once they stood holding hands, facing each other.
The ceremony was formal and simple, but they meant every word of their vows, which was kind of a miracle, thought Jamie, smiling at her groom as he slipped the ring on her finger. He had such elegant hands she noticed as she returned the favor with his ring.

They were pronounced husband and wife and Noonien melted her with that first kiss. How one person could express so much passion in one brief touch of the lips, Jamie was unable to guess.

"Superior beings, indeed" she thought dazedly. When she opened her eyes again, he was grinning at her and there were actual wolf whistles coming from the Augments (and probably Sulu and Scotty, too). They walked down the aisle to many cheers.

Afterward, there was much mingling and hugging and laughing and crying as Jamie was surrounded by her friends. Many of the Augments were quite friendly and paid her lovely compliments, also expressing their delight that the commander was less aloof and irritable these days thanks to her.

As the line dwindled down, Jamie spotted someone she never expected to see.

"Mom?" she whispered in disbelief as Winona neared her. Her eyes filled with tears and she rushed over and embraced her.

"Hey, honey," Winona whispered, equally emotional, "you look so beautiful."

Jamie sniffled. "How did you get here? I thought they wouldn't give you leave."

"I twisted some arms and called in favors. I've missed too much of your life, already. There was no way in the universe I would miss your wedding day. The shuttle was just barely on time to get to the ceremony, otherwise I would have been helping you and offering advice." Winona smiled and gently smoothed down a rumpled edge of her daughter's veil.

"I'm so glad to see you, Mom." "I'm glad to see you, too, honey. Now introduce to me to that superhuman husband of yours."

Jamie grinned and took her over to Noonien, who seemed to be in a discussion with Spock.

"Noonien, come meet my mom." Jamie implored, grabbing him by the hand. He looked surprised, but followed her over and Jamie made the introductions.

"So Mr. Singh, you seem to genuinely care for my daughter. That's remarkable, considering you only met last month."

"It does sound preposterous," Khan admitted, "but your daughter has a very winning personality and a caring heart in addition to her obvious beauty. We spent a lot of time together during that month in which I discovered those facts. She did not want us to remain strangers and neither did I."

"Well, judging by that kiss, you certainly aren't strangers." She teased, nudging Jamie who blushed but only looked more radiant. "I told Admiral Marcus, if he was going to marry you off like that, he'd better give me leave to be here. The old coot didn't like that and made me wait till the last second. But here we are and I'm keeping you from your party."

Jamie couldn't contain her smile at the reception that evening. She danced with Noonien(a truly blissful experience; the man danced like an angel) reconnected with her mother, ate decadent cake, and laughed at the antics of augments, who were celebrating with gusto and fervor. With a gleam in her eyes she tossed her bouquet which landed in the arms of a very surprised Carol. She winked at Bones afterward, who rolled his eyes and shook his head at her.

By the time they made their getaway, Jamie was in a state of happy exhaustion. She didn't protest when Khan carried her aboard ship to his quarters.

"Goodness, you're strong," she murmured, staring up at his face.

"And you're incredibly beautiful," he answered setting her down on the bed and looking his fill. She pulled him down beside her and wrapped herself around him.

"I love you, Noonien. We're finally off on our grand journey together."

And much later that night, snuggled together under the covers, he gently kissed his sleeping wife's temple and thought what a great journey it was, indeed.