Chapter 1 :



"wake up, Gray-sama. It's 7:00am already"

" so what ? "

"you promised Natsu-san and rest that you would go to the mission with them today "

Still there was no response from the sleeping person under the covers. Juvia was just got out of the shower after few seconds. She was wearing only a towel and her hair was still wet from the shower.

"Gray-sama, If you are going to be late again Erza-San will kill you for sure this time. "

At the mention of Erza's name gray abruptly woke up from the bed. Gray looked around and sighed and once again flopped back to the bed when he saw his wife in nothing but a towel looking around for something.

"don't just say Erza's name like that, you scared the hell out of me"

Juvia gave him a smile. She was still looking for something.

"That got up pretty fast. Good morning Gray-sama. "

Gray got up from the bed and made his way towards Juvia. She was standing in front of the mirror with wet strands of her Azure hair falling on her shoulders.

Gray wrapped his arms around her waist from behind pulling her against his chest. He slowly kissed her bare shoulder.

"Good morning to you too"

"You should get ready, Gray-sama. Juvia will get the breakfast ready for you. " She kissed him on the lips turning around standing on her tip toes.

Gray kissed her back. His hands around her tightend.

"I'd rather stay here with you in the bed instead of the mission with those idiots. " Gray whispered slowly in to her ear. Juvia chuckled at and slowly pulled away from him.

"remember Erza-San."

Gray sighed and got separated from her. Last time he got late, Erza cut his half of the reward. He did not want that to happen again. He went straight to the bathroom for a shower and made his way towards their dining room. Juvia was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. He made himself comfortable on the chair.

"Oh, you are already here. Juvia is making Gray-sama's favorite, pancakes. "she said happily from the kitchen. They both ate breakfast talking about simple things . She got his back pack ready and gave him.

Gray said a good bye and went out of the house leaving Juvia. Juvia went back to the kitchen to clean up the plates. After few minutes there was a knock on the front door.

It has been few months since gray and juvia got married. The entire guild was not that surprised to hear that but it was surprising that it was gray who proposed her this time. Everyone were happy in the guild. The wedding turned out to be awesome.

Natsu was his best man. Lyon was sad to hear that his Juvia-chan was getting married his frenemy but however happy. Elfman was talking about gray finally acting as man. Gajeel just warned him that if anything happened to Juvia, he wasn't going to hesitate to punch gray.

All together, their wedding was something special that either of them were going to forget.

Juvia went back to the kitchen to clean up the plates after gray had left the house. But suddenly there was a knock on the front door. Juvia was thinking who would come at this time at the morning. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see gray. He was panting heavily as if ran a marathon bending down to hold the door frame for support.

"huh, Gray-sama? What happened? "Juvia asked in a worried tone.

"I forgot something important." Gray answered when his breathing got normal.

"juvia packed everything. What did she forget? " juvia thought to herself. Her poor Gray-sama had to run all the way.

Gray got to normal height. He took a step forward closing the distance between them and suddenly planted his lips on to her's. The ice mage held her head between his hands.

Juvia was still in shock. His lips were cool against her's. Scratch that, they were freezing cold. He was an ice mage of course. Gray detached from her and whispered 'I love you' on her lips. He stepped back andtook his back pack, said a goodbye and left.

Juvia was blushing when he left but either way smiled at his romantic act and whispered 'Juvia loves you too, Gray-sama'.

After their wedding, it was gray who was more romantically active nowadays. He just came back all the way just to kiss her. It was their rule that they made there would be a morning, goodnight, and a goodbye kiss every day.

Juvia chuckled to herself and went back to work.

Gray was now running his way to the train station. Erza was definitely going to kill him now but it's worth it. He smiled to himself at Juvia's reaction when he suddenly kissed her back in house.

"Gray Fullbuster, How many times do I have tell you to be here on time? You are again late. " Erza scarlet, the titania of fairy tail practically screamed at him when he reached the station

"Sorry, my alarm ringed me up late." Gray tried to cover up. He wasn't going to tell her that he was late because he forgot his goodbye kiss to Juvia.

Erza held up Gray's shirt and pulled him up and whispered

"don't you dare lie to me. That was before your wedding, Fullbuster. Not now. Those tricks won't work from now on."

Gray smiled nervously. There was no way that he can he can be saved this time.

"Hey, Ice princess. You are late. Did your wife drool over that you are abandoning her for few days " Natsu started laughing. He was eating a burger with happy on his shoulder.

Gray raised a browup. No one named his wife.

"shut up, flame breath. Don't talk about Juvia like that." Gray said back. Erza released him but warned him the either way about being late next time.

Natsu was married to Lucy a year ago. The couple is living in a three store house with happy that Natsu bought six months before.

"And I suppose your wife kicked you out for the mission because you were annoying her in the house " Gray taunted back. He smirked when Natsu ate burger hurriedly and screamed,

" you wanna fight ice princess? Let's do it, I'm all fired up. " he made fire to appear on hand and gray made ice to appear on his hand. Both stood apposite to each other in fighting stance ready for a fight.

Erza cleared her throat. The men suddenly became aware of titania's presence and changed the atmosphere to friendship mode.

The train arrived and three mages and the exceed climbed up the train for the mission.