Pan walked up to Lyric with a small blush gracing her cheeks once more. Lyric blinked twice before Pan leaned her face in close to hers and whispered something in her ears. Lyric giggled and pointed in a certain direction. Pan nodded, then hugged her and took off running in the direction in which she'd pointed.

"What was that all about?"

"I really should respect her privacy and not tell, but she only needed to know where the bathrooms were," Lyric responded simply.

"Ah... I see. A most wonderful evening from where it starts to where it ends," Neo added, a goofy look on his face.

Lyric stared at her older brother in awe.

"I can't believe you just made a semi dirty joke..."

FF NET IS EVIL!! wails I finally discovered a new way to get files onto FFnet, but getting my chapters onto FFnet was going to take a lot of creativity and imagination... not to mention resourcefulness. Luckily, I had enough of each quality to figure out what to do, how to do it, and keep updating when I liked! I'm so sorry that this summer didn't turn out to be ANYTHING like I'd wanted it to be. I planned on playing DDR for a couple hours every day during the summer. The exact afternoon that I'd officially been let out of school, my brother broke my PS2. (--);

I also planned to add at least three chapters during my off time from school. FFnet was being a wick head and wouldn't let me update my chapter by not allowing me to upload my file, even though it had done so with no problem in the past!

thinking about Summer school, which she was supposed to attend

Well... it would have caused a huge strain on my mom and myself, so... slaps the desk Weee're not going! (-.- ;)

Anyway.... Here comes the next chapter! It won't be as typo less as the last one. In any case, I do put my heart and soul into what I love, and this story is my baby. I know you older readers out there probably thought I died or something. I didn't, but FFnet did! ( )

Again, I don't own the DBZ and DBGT characters. I DO, however, own this story and any original characters, IE Neo, Lyric, Aera, Julius, and Lacey (She's a future character that was going to be in this story at any rate.)

oOh! I just heard this song called Butterfly. It's by Tsukiko Amano, and I am not kidding! It totally fits the mood I want for the lemon scene between Pan and Neo. WARNING YOU NOW: There may (or may not be) a lemon scene between the prior mentioned in this chapter. I know most of you are not into that stuff (Are you guys even reading this anymore?laughs cause it's true) but I made this fanfic an R rated fic because I knew it would come to this. I know that FFnet is not really allowing lemons to enter their sacred walls anymore, but I only ever intended for two lemons scenes to ever be described with any kind of detail to grace my ficcy, and the second one is Pan and Trunks.

If there is any sort of lemony goings on, I shall warn you with a succession of exclamation points. It's gonna look like this: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Yeah, somethin' like that. nn; They might not be going at it to the song, though, just to let you know. I am also going to add that I will be giving an EARLY warning,- That means that they probably aren't doing anything even remotely 'like that' when you see the exclamation points. The point is that, in just a couple paragraphs, while they will be. ;Although, I need to add: If the plot of the entire story sounds familiar in any way possible, it's because it was inspired by two stories, but namely one that you can't even find on FFnet. I found the story by mistake over two years ago, and had searched for it like crazy, only to find that not only was the story still online, it had not been updated!

Chapter twenty, Devil Inside/How does it make you feel?.

"Who's saying it's a dirty joke?" Neo later asked his sister.

"Oh, come on! It's a poo joke!"

"Well... can't you just call it a toilet joke?" "No, I can't, actually. It's a poo joke," Lyric said with a nod.

"Geez, it's not like I made a joke about her breasts, or anything... her physical anatomy," Neo added when he saw the look on his sister's face.

She quirked her lips, then turned her head skyward and murmured, "I wonder what they look like?"


Lyric screamed hysterically and began to punch her older brother in her excitement.

"Ly.. Lyric, what the heck are you doing!?"

Lyric continued to punch him in excitement, her laughter filling the nearly empty, now lifeless club.

"Ly, stop it!" Lyric draped herself over her older brother, breathless from laughter.

"Dude, dirty joke! Dirty joke! You little pervert! Dirty joke!" She squeaked out in breathless tones.

"What the hell was so dirty about that!?"

"And now you cursed!" XD

"We- you're making me curse!"
"I think Pan is bringing out something in you that I've never seen before... or, at least, not often before."

Lyric and Neo stood by each other quietly, until Lyric broke the silence. "So, you screwing her tonight, or what?"


"Whaaat? You knew it was coming, didn't you?"

"Lyric, you don't just.. have... just don't do it with someone you like! It takes a little more than that-for most people,"

he added quickly when he saw the sardonic expression on her face. Growing flustered, he continued.

"Well, I'm not really that kind of guy!"

"Is that to say that you're switching ball teams on us? Tsk tsk tsk... so many girls are going to be disappointed, little brother!"

"But I'm your older brother, Lyric! And I'm not gay, damn it! I swear, you say these things just to tick me off!"

"Why don't you just say 'piss' like other people your age?"

"Because cursing is unnecessary except as an expression. I don't like to curse, okay, sis? And watch your language!"

"You mean, unless you're mad, right?" Lyric asked, nodding her head to look up at her brother with her eyes alone, totally ignoring his attempt to curb her tongue to innocence.

"Yes! When I'm really mad!!" Neo stressed, rolling his eyes.

"Okay then. But if you're not gay, don't curse unless you're really mad, and don't want to have sex-" Neo cringes slightly at the word,"- with Pan, or anyone, really, how does that explain the baby?"

"We were drunk, alright!" Neo couldn't help but yell slightly.

Lyric gasped and put her hand to her mouth.


Neo quirked his lips at her reaction. "Like Pan never told you?"
This jerked Lyric out of her trance. "Actually, dear brother," she said, filling the words 'dear brother' with venom, "She didn't tell anyone a thing about the details behind this little 'his and her' circumstance. You really have to open up and trust a little more. Put a little faith in her, you know? I mean, you two are going to have a child together! You two have got to learn to trust each other a little more."

"She has a family back home. I can't just keep her from them! She has to tell them sooner or later, and I don't intend to be the reason she doesn't!" Neo argued.

"But she'll be having the baby! She's going to Stanford, too! That was the main reason she left home, dude! We are not keeping her from doing all three!" Lyric responded angrily.

" Crud, school! How in the world are we going to take care of this kid and go to school at the same time?! I normally sleep in the dorms on campus! And her pregnancy... she told me that she was on scholarship! She can't just drop out, can she?"

"Most schools allow about two weeks off time when a student has a baby... maybe Stanford does the same?" Lyric asked, her question hopeful.

"I don't know. I never checked. I mean, I never meant to become a father at 24, Ly. Kinda like you didn't plan on becoming a mother at nineteen," Neo quipped. Lyric bowed her head and smiled sheepishly.

"I felt pretty helpless way back when I was fourteen... and although I could control it this time, I still did it. I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to... so now I have to pay the price."

"Which means...?"

"I'm keeping it."

Neo's eyes widened and he couldn't prevent the noise of shock that erupted from his throat.

"Keeping it? What do you mean, 'keeping it'!"

Lyric shrugged. "I've always wanted a baby. Just not in my early teens while I was still in highschool."

"But nineteen is a good age to have a baby?" Neo responded sarcastically.

"Of course not, dickhead!" Lyric snapped. Neo narrowed his eyes at her and she immediately felt sheepish. "Sorry..."

"Apology accepted. But still, why now?"

"I told you, I've always wanted a baby. Just not when I was a baby myself. I can actually afford to take care of one now. beside, I kinda feel like I wanna go through this pregnancy because Pan is here, and in the same condition. She, however, has the father here to help her through it, and I don't."

"You have mom, dad, and me, too. You're not going to be alone at all, Ly. Pan... we're all she has. Other than that... she's almost totally alone..." Neo responded quietly.

The silver haired and green haired siblings bowed their heads in silence, only to hear Pan come bounding back up, startling them out of their quiet moment.

"Hey guys! I'm done! Let's go, huh?"

All three agreed and made their way for the stairs leading to the surface and sidewalk outside.

"So," Lyric began, deciding to break the silence that she felt was unbearable. "Did you find the club to your liking?"

Pan jerked slightly, and turned her head to the right to look at Lyric. "Oh! YEAH! Your club rocks!" Pan shouted enthusiastically.

"I'm surprised you don't get mugged on the street, or something!" Pan mused in wonder.

"Well, when people hear that your bouncer, pianist, and big brother is also an official cop, people tend to calm down reeeeal fast," Lyric laughed. Reaching their car, Lyric opened the door for both herself and Pan, just shortly after Neo had opened his own down and unlocked the others by pressing a button on the arm rest that was built into the door on his left hand side.

"Lyric, what time is it?" Neo asked, not bothering to suppress the yawn that overtook him as he attempted to finish his own sentence.

"Well, I can't see my watch in the dark, bro. I don't have night vision, remember?" Lyric responded, and in her head she added 'I have mind vision!' and smirked at the thought. Pan was mostly quiet throughout the ride. She wanted to sleep, but something in her stomach and legs would not allow her an easy rest.


I have no idea what came over me. I was pretty tired, there's no denying that. Yet, for some reason, I didn't want to sleep. My stomach was tingling, and my legs felt as if they had some inner fire, an itch, almost.

Was it possible? I think I wanted to keep on dancing! O.O;

Oh boy.... well, maybe human warmth will calm me down.... Now let's see: Who has the warmer neck?


Lyric felt something soft graze her shoulder and neck. She smiled when she saw who it was.

"Tired, Pan?" She smirked when she saw that Pan not only did not reply, but simply rolled her head against her neck and shoulders.

"Y'know, Pan, in the US, we're more used to massages done by hand... not by... head.." Lyric ended her sentence in a snicker. Pan pouted then. "Cold," she mumbled, and retracted her fair head.

Lyric laughed louder.


It's pretty dark tonight... the only light I'm getting is coming from any nearby street light, and even then, they only help minimalistically.

I'm trying so hard to drive us back home as safely as possible, I feel as though I'm taking my driving test again!

Then again, I didn't drive home at, what? 2 AM? Major differences between that test and this one.

Something bumped my shoulder. I nearly freaked, but out of the corner of my peripheral vision, I could see Pan's dark head.

I wanted to ask her if there was anything wrong, if she was really that tired, but the road demanded my attention at the moment. All I could manage was "Pan?"

I had to admit that her response illicited a reaction from me that... well... I had to brake for the light, anyway, right?!


Lyric is cold. Ah yes, I'm pouting now. Neo is driving, but I had already tried Lyric. I wonder if Oldie is a little hotter than Greeny?

I rested my head on his shoulder. Mmmm... how soothing... Neo is warmer than Lyric! Especially his cheeks... I don't know if I'm imagining this, but... is he... could he be blushing?


It was a question, but my response came out kinda muffled at first. That slight look he gave me... so I spoke a little louder, rubbing the left side of my face against his right shoulder as I responded.

"Mmm, you're so warm..."

I was jerked into an alert state when Neo hit the brakes. After looking around me as though some of Frieza's morons might have tried to hijack the car, I finally looked ahead and realized that he'd hit the brakes in order to stop at a red light in time. I don't know why Lyric found that so funny, but she was laughing pretty hard....


Oh my fucking god, that had to be the funniest thing I had witnessed in my entire life! XD

Neo was TOTALLY turned on by Pan's response! I thought he had almost forgot to stop for the light, but a little... intrusion... revealed to me that he had braked because he was shocked by Pan's answer! Oh, DUH! It's so clear to me, now... why she was rubbing up against my shoulder, and then Neo's... she was cold!! She wanted something warm, and since my shoulders are cold from being bare all night, Neo's were the only other option. Oh god, I don't think I'm gonna let him live this one down for a while!! XD

All had calmed down in the car after Lyric was done laughing... which happened to be about four minutes before they arrived at Lyric and Neo's parents home. Lyric was still giggling uncontrollably from time to time, and it was beginning to grate on Neo's nerves. His irate expression showed all.

"Lyric, we could have been killed!"

"I know," Lyric responded, tone almost solemn, mouth puckering into a slight pout, but then she smiled and giggled again, "But that was funny, huh?!"

Pan had to laugh at that comment. It was only a quiet giggle, but Neo reddened in embarassment nonetheless.

After fishing the keys out of her purse, Lyric unlocked the door, kicked off her heeled white sandals, and made her way to the stairs as quietly as possible. Pan was nearly shocked by Lyric's grace and silence, but then remembered that she was probably used to it, what with the clubbing and all. She followed suit, remembering to remove her own shoes after Neo pointed at the alcove. He rolled his eyes, then picked up Lyric's shoes and put them in the alcove.

"She always forgets to do that," he whispered in tired annoyance. Pan smiled and followed after him instead. Lyric had disappeared.

About a minute after they had climbed the stairs and had been walking in the hallways, Neo turned around and, with raised eyebrows and curious london blue eyes, asked, "Are you sleeping with me tonight, or what?"

Pan balked and was about to respond when Neo quickly put his index finger to her lips and looked around him, seemingly afraid that something might swoop down on them. He then grimaced slightly.

"Do you remember where your room is?"

Pan shook her head. "But I'm not tired!" she insisted, whispering to keep her voice down.

"Hmm... well, do you want to stay in my room for the time being?"

Pan's eyes had a fleeting expression of worry in her eyes, but she smiled and nodded. "Mhm!"

"Well, then.. this way.." Neo responded in a voice a little above a whisper. He seemed to wince again, and Pan wondered what was wrong until her sensitive saiyan ears heard something that her ears were not meant to hear.

She shook her head in disgust. "Parents shouldn't be allowed to do that when their kids can hear," Pan whispered. Neo couldn't sustain a light chuckle. "Yeah, I felt that way all through puberty, and still do."

Pan raised an inquisitive eyebrow. 'Puberty?' she thought.

A few short minutes later, they finally reached his room. He opened the black door and went inside. Settling himself on the bed, he reached over for his CD player and was about to plug the earphones into his ears when Pan spoke.

"Um, your door!"

Neo looked mildly startled. "Yes, what about it?" he responded, putting the earphones down. He was still lying on his bed.

"Why is it black? Were you a goth or something as a teenager, or what?" she joked.

Seriously, Neo answered, "Ehh, something like that. I painted it black for a number of reasons. At the time, I was feeling pretty depressed."

His facial features quirked. "For some reason, that attracted a lot of girls when I was in highschool... one of them said something along the lines of it being because she 'wanted to take care of me.' That was scary."

Pan laughed and urged him to continue. "Hehehehe, go on!"

Neo continued, lowering his head and eyes to stare at the ground. He had curled into a sitting position on the bed, and had brought his left leg up to rest his head on the left knee, while letting the right leg curl around his left foot. It was a strangely graceful position for a man that was long of body like Neo to take.

"I was feeling rather dark. I thought, 'what useful thing can I do to release the stress?' and, somehow, came up with the concept of painting my door. If you haven't noticed, it's only painted on the outside. Black. I felt black on the inside, and I guess I was showing it outwardly. Whatever I showed, though, must have been darker than what was inside, because a lot of people worried, specifically my mother.

' As a person, she is very kind, and doesn't like to see people suffer. When she saw one of her own children in the state of mess that I was in, she nearly killed me with love," he chuckled, but his expression was distant, looking more inward than outward.

"I painted it black on the outside as a sort of significance of not so much what I was feeling as much as I was showing," he breathed.

"Any more questions?" he asked.

"Well... is your room soundproof?"


"Er... because.. I'm not tired... I think I want to keep dancing!"

Neo laughed. It was that same laugh that Pan had thought seductive, and she couldn't help it as shivers ran up her spine. Calming herself, she realized that Neo had leaned over the blue comforter of his bed and seemed to be fiddling with something on the floor on the other side. She tilted her head to get a better view as her curiosity of his physical structure unwittingly took over her mind.

Her eyes widened in shock as she realized what she was doing. 'Was I just-? Did I just check out Neo's butt?!'Pan blushed, but it went away before Neo arose from his admittedly erotic position, and he arose carrying a stereo.

"What would you like to listen to?"

"Have any good CDs?" Pan answered quickly.



Neo went over to his closet and rummaged around the floor of it. He had to bend over again in order to do so, and I found myself getting curious again. 'He has a very nice backside,' I thought, noting the curve of his spine. He has a rather elongated body, then, huh? I suddenly found myself comparing him to Trunks. Both were muscular, but Trunks was much more muscular, and definitely the stronger of the two... not to say Neo was flabby. He had a nice body, he was very lean... he had small muscles, the kind that fit nicely into a guy's arms, not the kind that look like they'll pop out any second, like Vegeta's. Then again, Vegeta's muscles look nice on Vegeta, but that's probably just because he's shorter than Trunks. Somehow, I found Neo's shape attractive to the eye, and yet I had always had that crush on Trunks.. then again, I've known Trunks all my life... Trunks is sexy and he knows it, so he flaunts it everywhere he goes. I think he has only tried to seduce me once before, and I was totally turned off by it... okay, something in the way he did it made my heart beat harder, but it made me madder when he hit on me.

Neo... Neo could be sexy, but... somehow, because he seems to be an angel that doesn't pass a lot of judgement on anyone aside from his sister, it makes him both attractive and sickening. Attractive because he is innocent in so many ways. In some strange and, I admit, sick way, I... I find myself thinking things about him that I'm sure he wouldn't want me thinking about him in general. Forbidden. He's forbidden himself from women, even though he obviously prefers women over men. He is forbidden. Do not touch, do not mar... I want to desecrate him...

Trunks is no innocent. His dirty thoughts are probably a lot worse than mine, seeing as he's no angel, much less a virgin... and yet Neo gives off the 'tenshi' vibe. I wonder if he was a girl in a past life. I laughed at the thought. All this while he was searching for CDs capable of entertaining me. I couldn't help but be a little embarassed by his kindness. Ah, yes... Trunks was nice, but never kind. Then again, at least he had a backbone and backside! He wouldn't let someone treat him badly, and I don't know if Neo wouldn't stick up for himself, but he seems like the type that wouldn't. Then again, Trunks doesn't have as nice a backside...

Kami-sama, badbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbaaaaaaaad thoughts!

"Um, there aren't any cd's in here that you might like...."

"Are you suuure? Try me," Pan challenged. Neo pulled up some mexican CDs, the Deep River album from Utada Hikaru, and a few others.

"Mexican pop rock hits?" She read the back... or tried.

"It's spanish, Pan... can you read any spanish at all?"

"I'm not stupid, Neo!" She spat, and instantly felt bad.

"I was way out of line for that. I am really sorry... I just don't like it when I think someone is insulting my intelligence."

Neo smiled honestly at Pan's confession.

"I wasn't calling you stupid, Pan, if that's what you thought I was thinking. I was just asking if you knew any spanish. That'd be pretty amazing. Fluent in Japanese and English, and now Spanish? Trilingual is a rare enough thing as it is," he answered.

"Well, I know a little..." Pan trailed off as she realized that she could translate two of the titles from the list of songs.

"Number three is called 'Still,' right? And number fifteen.-" her brows quirked," is called 'Worm'?"

Neo smiled in confusion. "Let me see that." After reading the names of the songs she had 'translated,' he suppressed a chuckle.

"In this context, song three actually translates to 'I still.' That was still pretty close, Pan," he condoned, when he saw that pout on her face. "Number fifteen is actually more akin to 'Little Worm.' Gusano is 'Worm,' but Gusanito is a lot closer to 'Little Worm.' The 'to' ending makes it cuter and more childish, and since it ends in an 'o', the worm in question is male. Gusanito was meant to sound cute, and childish, and tell you that the worm was a boy."

Pan was still slightly grossed out at learning that someone had sung a song about a worm at all.

"Can I hear that 'I Still' song?"

"You can call it by it's name, you know."

"Um... is it 'Todavia'?"

"Yes! That pronunciation was perfect!" Neo crowed. Pan lowered her head, midly embarassed by the praise. She couldn't help but give herself a mental pat on the back, though. She still had her pride, afterall.

After setting the CD into the grey and blue boom box, Neo skipped ahead to song three, which was called 'Todavia.'

Pan found herself moving to the beat and smiling in spite of her self. It sounded like a song a mother would sing to tell her baby that she loved him or her. The song was very short, about three minutes, and ended too soon for Pan.

"I take it you don't understand that much spanish, though," Neo sighed.


"Well, it's obvious to me that you don't know as much spanish.. at least, not enough to grasp what the words to the song were."

"But it sounded so happy!! It sounded like a baby's song!"

"In the song, the woman is singing about how her boyfriend broke up with her and is already happy and with another woman, even though she still misses him."

Pan's eyes widened and then saddened. "Awww...."

"Exactly. I wasn't exactly listening to the lyrics the first time I listened to it, either."

Something must have come to mind, because he suddenly lifted himself from his bed, and he walked over to his lap top on the desk in the corner. Popping it open, he clicked around a few things. Pan noticed, by looking over his shoulder, that he had kept his computer logged onto the internet for easy access.'Lucky,' she thought semi-bitterly.

She also noted that he had an account with He was signing into his email account. Why, for the love of Kami-sama, was he playing on the internet when he had a guest to entertain. She leaned over his shoulder, but he stood and blocked her view. "I'll explain in a minute, I promise!" he said sheepishly, noting the angry look on her face.

"That better not be porno you're looking at," Pan joked. Neo cringed. "It's not.." he responded loudly, and quietly mumbled, "But random people will send total strangers some very strange and disgusting email without your knowing it..."He found what he was looking for and happily clicked on the email. He clicked a few more things, and, within the promised minute, called Pan over. Smiling excitedly, he pressed a button on Real Player ONE and a strange, yet controlling beat filled the room. Pan found herself enthralled by it.

"Is this the dance music you were craving?"

She nodded. "HELL YEAH!"

"Funny you should mention 'Hell.' " he replied with a sheepish smile plastered on his face.

"The song is called Devil Inside," he revealed as a woman's voice drifted out.

Everybody wants me to be their angel

"-And it's fresh off the Utada english album."

Everybody wants something they can cradle, Oh,

They don't know my brain

While Utada sang that line three more times, Pan jumped on Neo, squealing hysterically.
"AWESOME!! DUDE!? How'd you get it!?" she shrieked, hysterical with excitement.

"Shh, shh! I had signed up to get the latest news about Utada's english career. They're tracking it, and informing me of every little detail," he smirked. "And since I'm on Island Def Jam's mailing list, I also get.. special privilidges. I am one of few people across America that gets to listen to this song right now, before Exodus comes out- Utada's english album," he added when he saw the perplexed look on her face.

Pan was enthralled with the song as Utada's vocals drifted out of the Lap tops tiny speakers. It was loud and clear enough for her to dissect and lose herself in the many instruments, and synthesized sounds. The beat made her body sway. She found herself dacing right there in Neo's room, but she didn't care at the time. The song demanded that you dance in a fire, surrounding a woman whose very soul was escaping her body. It had the sound of a tribal exorcism, she had to admit, but it was a very sexy exorcism nonetheless.

She was dancing in wild abandon as the song became a full blown beat as it stretched out into it's last minute.

Neo, himself, was enchanted, hypnotized by Pan's flower dance. It was totally wild and dangerous, a beauty that nature intended. Her body moved like a snake, and other times she would either shake her shoulders or wiggle her hips in a very latin groove. Sometimes she even rocked her shoulders in a V motion while her head tossed left and right, back and fourth. Even her feet would sometimes leave the ground, only adding a more feral feel as she danced to the at times tribal sounding song. She calmed down as the song suddenly stopped.

"Play it again!!"

"I can't..."


"Because, I have to keep clicking back. I can't exactly download it for my own enjoyment wherever and whenever I want... only if I can log on, sign in, and click on the specific sound links every time I want to listen to it again. Well, that or I could rewind it when the song still hasn't officially ended... like, when it still has a few more seconds to go."

"Well, can you play it again anyway?"

Sighing, Neo replied, "Yeah..." and started everything again.

He received a very violent yet pleasant surprise as he felt Pan grab him by the shoulders, spin him around, and slam him against her. He may have been taller than her by a few inches, but she was very strong. She forced him to dance with her. It was the same wild dance, and Neo felt something inside of him give away when he saw that blissful smile on her face. He closed his eyes as she had done and danced the way his heart and mind felt, the way his soul demanded.

If anyone had walked in and had seen them, they probably would have thought that they were nuts. Neo was actually flinging his arms around at the times when the drumming beat came on. Sometimes he would jump and land one foot before the other so that it would match with two of the stronger beats in the drumming section of the song. Pan was not much different. She was still dancing in that very seductive way that she had before, only she was dancing for a couple minutes longer than before because she started dancing as soon as the msic hit her ears again. The both stopped back to back , their arms at their sides and their legs shoulder width apart. They were both staring in the same direction with their heads somewhat down. It was a defiant pose, and most worthy of the ending of the song.

They then turned their head to see the expression in the other's eyes and both smiled, Pan giggling happily. Neo looked somewhat sleepy, but he had smiled nonetheless.

"What other music have you got?" Pan bounced excitedly. Neo put his arms around her shoulder. "Whoa, calm down... I have the soundtrack for a couple movies burned in here... and some anime," he laughed sheepishly. Pan went through the archives of his sound system and found to her delight..

"Spirited Away!!" She went through the songs until she heard a most familiar song.

Pan yawned long and loud, then steadily made her way to Neo's bed.

"This song makes me sleepy," she responded when she saw the interested expression on Neo's face.

"Want me to take you to your room?" Neo asked unsteadily as Pan slowly crawled under his blue comforter.

"Uh-uh..." she moaned as she rubbed her head into his pillow.

"Uh, Pan?" Neo was getting nervous.

"Mm, yeah?"

"... You are tired, right?"

"Mmmhmmm," she answered, rubbing into Neo's bed once more. Neo's left eye twitched.

"But you don't want to go to your room?"

"Uh uh...."

"... Can I have my bed back, Pan?" Neo asked, unsure of what this girl was going to do to his bed.

She seemed to have come back to full consciousness. She sat up, her waist below the covers, and, with her left arm, patted the place next to her.

"Sure, feel free. It's your bed, right?" and after she responded she immediately slid back under the covers and turned to face the right side.

Poor Neo was so very confused.

"And you intend to sleep in your clothes?" Neo asked, hoping to get her to go back to her room.

"But I'm fine," Pan responded.


That said, Pan squirmed under the covers.

"There! Got my pants off! Neo, why don't you just get to bed?"'Because you're sleeping in it,' Neo thought, more than a little worried.

They'd left the song on continuous play, and Neo was feeling it's soothing effects as well.


I decided to try and shrug it off. Pan is facing the other side; I could do the same, right? And the cover is big enough for the two of us, isn't it? She's kinda sleeping under the covers... at least that allows me to change into my pajamas... she won't have to... see me....

Okay, my face is feeling a little red. I'd better just steel myself towards facing this... um... situation...

I made my way over to the dresser, trying to focus my attention on listening to 'The Sixth Stop.' Thank the gods that my dresser is next to my desk. At least I can do this fairly quickly...

The brown wooden desk has four drawers. Neo pulled out the second from the top and yanked out my pajamas.

He pulled his shirt over his head, and unbuttoned his pants. He then proceeded to put the pajama shirt on, making sure to button it only enough so that it wouldn't let any cold in and would not choke him. Neo pulled his pants down, and stayed that way. He couldn't help it if he liked sleeping in a cotton shirt and boxers. Then again, he also couldn't help the fact that he had an audience and wasn't entirely aware of it.

He turned and walked to his door and, while watching what appeared to be Pan's sleeping form, he sighed and flipped the switch. He then lowered the top of the lap top, closing it. The music was still playing.


I'm sure my wanting to stay made Neo nervous. It was all over his face and in his voice, but I was sleepy and his covers are fuzzy, and soft, and warm. -

I couldn't help myself! I didn't want to get up and leave such precious material, but I couldn't exactly take it with me. Besides, I was comfortable.

Since Neo is shy, I decided to turn away for the time being. He started rummaging around a few seconds later and I turned my head and peeked from under the covers to see what he was doing.

He was getting undressed...

His back was to me, of course... and I couldn't help staring...

My cheeks went a little red, I think...

Oh yeah... Neo definitely has a nice backside...

Huh.. At least he's sleeping in his boxers... no, wait... boxers and a shirt...Why am I disappointed? (-.-;)

He's dressed. He'll be turning around any second, so I moved back into the way I'd been 'sleeping.' I hope he doesn't know what I was thinking.... Huh... Lights out!

Gyush, Gyush, Gyush! - Yes, I snuggled into the covers. You got a problem with that?!

Neo eased his way onto the left side of the bed, lifted the covers, and slipped in. Sighing in comfort, he turned away from Pan.

"Night, Pan," he murmured, tone nonchalant as opposed to his original overt opposition towards her spending the night in his room. He seemed to have calmed down.

"Oyasumi nasai, Neo kun..." Pan sighed.

After Neo had settled in and was trying to get to sleep, something occurred to Pan. After a few minutes of self debate, she slowly inched her way toward the blue eyed, biracial boy.

After a few minutes, she was back to back with him. After bumping him, Neo squirmed away from her, leaving a small amount of space between them. Pan, in a headstrong move, moved so that they would be back to back again. Neo, still nervous, moved away and fell off the bed. Only slightly annoyed, he got up and got into bed, this time intending to bump Pan back onto her side. He succeeded in getting her to inch into the opposite side of the middle half of the bed, but her body refused to move any further. Giving up, Neo simply allowed her to sleep next to him, back to back.


A little after Neo got into bed, I got cold. I remembered how warm his shoulders were, and began to wonder about his body heat. He'd just changed clothing, but he was inside, and I wondered if he was really that warm. I wondered what it would be like to feel that warmth. I still couldn't sleep, although I was getting groggy. I felt that I would scare him if I just touched him all of a sudden, so I settled for back to back. I decided to move over the bed so I could be back to back with him, but whenever I got close, he would move over. Getting a little peeved by his childish behavior, I moved towards him again, and he, again, moved away... only to fall off the bed. I had to stifle a giggled, because he seemed pretty mad. He got into bed and sort of pushed me with his back. He managed to get us to the middle, because I began to like the feeling of his back pressing into mine, so I stayed rooted there. He eventually gave up and just stopped. He is warm! Yaay! I was beginning to get sleepy, so I turned around. Somehow, I knew that Neo wouldn't like that. What I didn't know is that he didn't like it for an entirely different reason that what I thought at first.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (It's a while in coming, but this is a warning!)

Pan turned around, putting her right arm around Neo's stomach and draping her right leg over his legs. Neo's eyes shot open at the very sudden and intimate contact, a crimson blush spreading across his cheek. It didn't help matters much when Pan rubbed her head against Neo's back and pulled him closer. Gulping, Neo tried to convince himself to get to sleep, but the Japanese beauty still wanted to play. He couldn't help a sharp intake of breath when her fingers began to trace litttle, feather soft circles around his abdomen.

He forced his eyes closed and shivered, then curled his body inward,hoping Pan would back off by a bit. However, Pan, if anything, almost climbed right on top of him. Neo's eyes widened again. He had to do something and fast. He was getting very nervous.



"Er... what are you doing?!"

"... You're very warm!" Pan cheerily said after a moment of silent thought. As if to accentuate her words, she squeezed him slightly, making Neo slightly gasp once more.

"Is that why you're hugging me, and stuff?" Neo asked, for lack of better words. His mind was choosing not to work correctly at this point in time.

"Mmmm....." Pan hadn't really responded. Neo turned around to face her, but since she originally had pulled the covers over her head, only the part of her face above the nose was visible.

"Pan, why are you hugging me, and-" Neo's widened as he felt Pan violate him.


"You have a nice, squishy butt!" She announced, her eyes closed, with a big grin on her face.

"Pan, are you drunk!?"

"Neeh... sleepeh... do not deny your squishyness!" she crowed, giving his buttocks another squeeze.

"Have you ever squeezed your butt before?"

"Not with my hands!" Neo answered, eyes wide in disbelief at what the girl was saying and doing.

"Could, like, stop touching me there?"

"Aww... why?"

"Because, it's making me nervous!" Neo replied, voice choking.

"Hmm... that is a problem!" she thought aloud with an absurd pout on her face.

Neo's eyes, if anything, became wider when Pan moved Neo's hand to place it on her chest.

"See, I squeeze your heiny, and you touch my..."

"Your breasts?"

"Yeah, right on. I couldn't think of a nicer way to put it." Pan smiled sheepishly.

"Uhhh.... you just asked me if you could grope me.... no, you've BEEN groping me!" Neo thought aloud.

"Why are you groping me!?" Neo asked, not so much yelling as asking. He was one very confused man by now.

"Cause... um..." Pan stuttered.

"Just tell me why, Pan. I would like to know why you're touching my butt..." Neo pleaded, and continued with a sardonic expression on his face, "...And enjoying it?"

He hadn't made a move to touch her, despite his right hand upon her chest where Pan had placed it.

"Well, you have a nice backside. I couldn't resist!" Pan answered truthfully, a small blush on her face.

Perhaps her face was not as red as Neo's was at that moment.'I have a nice backside?' he thought with astonishment.

Clearing his throat, Neo decided to add. "Erm.. uh... well, uh, Pan, um... you have a... ah... nice...curves?" he mumbled weakly.

"You can be honest with me, Neo. I just told you you had a nice ass, now you can tell me what it is you've been looking at," Pan said with a grin.

"Okay, well... you have... a rather large chest... but I really do think your curves are nice," Neo answered honestly.

Giving his lower cheeks another squeeze, much to the embarassment of the shy and reserved Neo, Pan asked, "Like I said, feel free to grope me... that way, if you touch me, I, I can grope you without feeling guilty!"

"Well, but, I-!" Neo stuttered and then gasped. Pan temporarily removed her hand in order to move Neo's hand onto her breast, and even formed it into a cup and made him squeeze it lightly.

"There. Not so hard, is it?" Pan asked mockingly, as she slid her hand back across his waist and clasped his commanding tush. 'No, but it's getting there,' Neo thought bitterly.

"Um... remind me again: why are you doing this?" Neo asked weakly, as he gave in to temptation and lightly squeezed Pan's breast.

"Cause, I want to touch de heiny!" Pan answered in a ridiculous voice and accent. As Neo rubbed what Pan had allowed him to touch, Pan gasped a bit.

"Are you okay?"

"Um... yeah... just... that felt nice," she said, a light blush across her cheeks.

"Should I turn off the music?" Neo asked, wanting very much to stop.

"You don't have to..."

"But should I?"

"Have you ever left music on all night?"

"...Yes," Neo admitted, a sheepish tone in his voice.

He got out from under the covers, much to Pan's disappointed hands, and proceeded to walk over to the computer. However, as soon as he lifted the top of the lap top, Pan gasped.

Neo turned around. "What's wrong!?" He asked, truly worried.

A myriad of emotions went flying across Pan's face, so many that Neo had a hard time noting them. Fear, excitement, embarassment, laughter and humor, astonishment, and wonder were among the expressions he was able to catch.


"Uhhhh......" Pan couldn't seem to find the right words.

"What's the matter?" Neo asked, voice filled with a mixture of worry, intruige, and slight annoyance.

"I've just... I've never seen one before... and I must say, it's impressive," Pan choked out, and giggled.

Neo gave her a weird look.

"Just what are you talking about?!"

Pan couldn't speak. She continued blushing and giggling like a five year old.

Neo sighed and turned back to the computer. He had to bend over because he didn't want to sit down. He wanted to finish up as quickly as possible. That was when he saw it. His eyes became big and round when he realized what she's been laughing at.


"Neo, just leave the music on and get back to bed! I wanna grope you some more!"

"I don't think that would be for the best," Neo answered, cheeks burning.

"Ahem... Er, Neo?" Pan asked.

"Yus?" Neo answered, head still lowered. He closed the lap top, but stayed rooted to his spot.

"See, I must admit... I'm curious..."

"Oh god," Neo mumbled, but Pan couldn't understand what he said, so she continued.

"Well.. I've never seen an...erection before. Scientifically speaking, I've never seen a real one, so.. can I ask you something?"


"... Does it feel as silly as it looks when you walk up the stairs with an erection?"

Left eye twitching, Neo responded, " I wouldn't know. I never walked up and down a flight of stairs while I had an erection. I don't date often, etc, ya know?"

"Well... can I see it?"

"... I don't think so." Neo said with an air of finality in his voice.



"Pretty please?"

"Pan, seriously, no."

He came back to the bed and crawled under the blanket, but he turned so that his back would face Pan.

"Awww.... well... can I at least touch?"

"Aiyaah.... sure, whatever..." Neo responded, trying not to care, despite his very aroused self. His eyes widened for the millionth time that night and a blush spread across his cheeks for what seemed to have been the billionth as he felt Pan's fingers graze his erect member. Neo's hand flew downward and grabbed Pan's hand. His eyes closed in a way that suggested pain.

"You said yes when I asked if I could touch. I never said I would touch your butt..... Neo?" Pan asked, worried. She couldn't see his face, but he was shuddering.

"Pan, please... just... stop," he ground out.

Pan's face fell.


"Why? Why are you doing this to me?" Neo asked.

"I want the truth, Pan. Just, please... tell me..." Neo pleaded.

Pan was quiet for a moment, lifting the offending hand and placing it on his abdomen.

"I guess it's confession night, right?" Pan joked likely. Neo chuckled appreciatively. Pan smiled in response.

"Well... I guess I have to admit it now... I... have a sort of crush on you," Pan forced out, embarassed at having to admit her feelings. Neo turned to face Pan, shocking her.

"But why me?" he asked, genuinely surprised.

"It shouldn't be hard to explain, but.... sometimes you like someone and you don't know why. You're nice, funny, smart... handsome," Pan added, cheeks burning, eyes averted. Neo had to smile apologetically.

"And when I'm with you, I..." Pan's cheeks became a much darker red than before. Neo's curiosity was piqued.

"You what?"

"Please don't get mad!" Pan pleaded.

"Why would I get mad? Just tell me... you started this, remember?"

"Oh...! Alright," Pan said in defeat.

"Well... when I'm with you, I... well, it's... I find it hard not to just... jump on you."

"Jump on me?" Neo asked, confusion and amusement evident in his london blues.

"Not in the innocent way," Pan added.

"Ohh!" Neo responded, as if jerked out of happy land. A blush spread across his face.

Pan's face was still red, but she continued, "So of course... I have feelings for you... and with this baby on the way... I am so sure that you were my first, but I can't remember that night at all!" Pan uttered, not able to help it as a crystal tear made its way down the right side of her face. Neo's heart tugged and his left hand slowly made its way to Pan's face, tracing the path of the tear up to the corner of her eye.

"Please don't cry," he asked, voice filled with sadness.

He couldn't help but smile as he asked, "So you like me like me?"

Pan chuckled and nodded.

"What about you?" Pan asked.
"How do you feel?"

"... About you?" Neo asked.

"... Of course!" Pan assured.

Neo turned to lay on his back, and put both of his hands to his head, grabbing the sides. He let go of his head and put his hands underneath his head, then removed them and placed them on his abdomen. Pan placed her arm across his stomach and inched closer to the silver haired innocent.

"How do I feel?" Neo asked himself.

"I like you... I like you a lot... I guess I was originally attracted to your intelligence. I can't even remember how it was that we met," Neo laughed. "Only that we were in Hawaii at the same time!

"I liked your fire. You didn't seem like you would just give youself away. You wouldn't give up. You'd fight to the death if you could. Your curiousity made me think of you as cute, though," Neo added truthfully. Pan giggled in a silly way.

"And the way you laugh. I like how you change your laugh just to show how you feel."

Neo glanced at her, then returned his line of vision to the ceiling.

" You'll laugh when you're nervous, when you're naturally happy, when you're joking, just.... I like you, Pan, which is why I don't want to-" Neo turned his face to look at Pan's face and stopped.

"Don't want to what?" Pan asked, voice low and interrogating.

"I don't want to do anything to hurt you," Neo ended eyes full of sadness.

"So... are you attracted to me?"

"Attracted to you, of course I'm attracted to you! I just don't want to do anything that we'll regret later!" Neo explained in a rush.

"... Anything we'll regret, or you'll regret?" Pan asked, eyes filled with hurt.

"Anything we'll regret. I don't think I could regret a night with you, but if you regret it, so will I," Neo explained, seeing the pain in Pan's eyes.

"And if I don't regret it?" Pan asked, a hint of hope in her voice.

"Then how could I regret it?! But how could I risk that friendship for a crush? Pan, I would love to-"

Neo was cut off as Pan placed her lips upon Neo's mouth. Muffled at first behind her deliberately gentle kiss, he then quieted and reciprocated. His arms had flown out to the side when Pan had suddenly attacked him, and they were slowly coming back to encircle Pan's hips. Pan, meanwhile, had straddled his waist.

"Did I forget to mention that you're a good dancer?" Neo asked when Pan broke the kiss in order to breathe.

"No, but you're a better dancer on DDR and a real dance floor," Pan smirked and leaned in again.

Pan slowly moved her right hand downward while she kissed him, tracing down Neo's stomach and onto the part of him that told his birth doctor that he was a boy. Her fingers traced the bit of anatomy barred by boxers, making Neo gasp once more.

Pan put her left hand index finger up to his lips and 'Shhh'ed.

"But why?" he whispered, blue eyes round. Pan merely continued to touch. Neo threw his head back onto the pillow and bit back a groan. Pan smiled honestly now. "Cause you're a good kisser," she answered.

"But you're the one kissing me!" Neo whispered harshly. It was taking every bit of his will just to keep from making a sound other than quiet breathing. Kissing him on the lips once more, Pan replied, "And you're kissing back."

"Only cause you're kissing me!" Neo whispered right back, and whimpered as she stroked him.

"Cause you enjoy it." Pan responded, kissing him once more, succeeding in silencing him for the moment.

Gasping for air, Neo said, "I'd really rather not do this, Pan. I mean, aren't you... aren't I...?"

"Not an announced couple, yes... and if you're going to say we're 'virgins', that's not true." Pan whispered in cold logic. Neo swallowed, a visible lump moving down his throat. Pan smiled devilishly and leaned her face towards Neo's left ear, where she whispered something that both aroused him and made him very nervous as she unbuttoned the bottom button of his pajama shirt.


Why is she doing this? I like Pan, I honestly do, but something about this doesn't feel right. I really don't want to do this with her, not now... there's something terribly wrong about it, but I can't seem to get her off of me.

People only dream of having a close, intimate relationship with the ones they love when they're older. I'm twenty four, and I'm pretty sure that I was a virgin until I went to Maui to watch over my sister. I didn't do that good of a job, apparently, since she's pregnant and so is Pan. There were still a lot of inconsistencies with what we thought happened that night. There was really no sign of anything sexual, aside from most of our clothes being gone. Plus, we were on a couch. If we really had done something that night, we would have had a hard time doing it, I'm sure. Unfortunately, I remember a little of what went on, but I only remember that were touching each other all over and kissing. Something else must have happened, and I must've forgotten it.

In any case, we woke up with her lying on top of me, and both of us lying on the couch in the living room of her suite, and she found out that she was pregnant

And here we are now, again doing the thing that put her with child. From what she said, I'm assuming that she's doing this because she wants to know what it felt like. Neither of us remember, so it's like we had our first time while dreaming and when we woke up we couldn't remember any of it. I guess she's just trying to make up for what she lost, but that's not healthy. I really need her to get away from me as soon as she can. If she doesn't, I don't know what I'll do, but I know I'll regret it. She had to whisper those words into my ear. Geez, I'm hot enough already: I need a cold shower, damn it!! But she whispered into my ear, and she repeated the same damned thing that I had whispered to her earlier that night at the club.

"Remember: 'I'm carrying your evil.' "

She made it sound so dirty... but then, the way I said it must have sounded bad as well.

God, this... lust feeling... cripes, it's lust! They say only girls feel this way! Hell no! I can't be the first guy to feel like he's being taken advantage of in such a way! Can I risk my friendship with her over a crush?

Why do I feel like I'm being raped?


Neo turned his head to the side as I continued to unbutton his shirt from the bottom up. I had undone the last one, then I looked down at his lean stomach and smoothed both of my hands over it. I really couldn't help but like his stomach. I was jerked out of my awe by Neo's words.

"Why are you doing this to me?" he had asked. I got the strangest feeling in my heart, then. Did he really not want to do this?

I looked at him, observing. His words had been so sad, and the question was heart breaking. What with our current situation and what we were doing, he sounded as if... I..... as if I was raping him.... My eyes got real big, so I got off of him as soon as I could. Immediately, I felt worse. I can't believe I had done something like nearly rape someone... and it was a guy, too! And he's not even a bad person! Someone like him didn't deserve that... no one does, really. He just stayed where he was, with his head turned to his right, my left. I'm surprised he wasn't crying at all. I'd be bawling!

I didn't know what to do in a situation like this, so I did as I felt... never mind that those same exact feelings had caused me to nearly take him without his consent. I pulled the covers back up to his neck, then I crawled under them myself. After doing so, I realized that I couldn't do what I wanted to do, so I pulled myself up til I was against the back board and asked Neo to lift his head. He actually obeyed. I lifted his shoulders somewhat so that I could sit with his head in my lap. Looking into his averted eyes while my head floated above his, my short hair falling down enough to cover my face, I whispered that I was sorry and stroked his head.

"Don't be," He whispered.
By then, I was just really confused. He chuckled a little.

"I guess I'm just not really ready to do this... not with everyone being in the house... with this song playing," he quietly chuckled. I had to smile at that. I remembered one of our conversations from back in Maui. Poor guy. He'd thought I'd branded him a pervert for what he'd said, but I was really just joking. Suddenly, I was jerked out of my thinking, so I decided to voice my thoughts out loud, but they came out just a little wrong.... Poor, poor Neo. nn; He freaked.


As Pan stroked Neo's head for a few minutes longer, she soon began to smile playfully. Neo, meanwhile, was being soothed into sleep by Pan's hand. At least, he would have been, except that he had one problem: He was still awfully hot, and the covers being pulled up to his neck hadn't helped matters much. Groaning, he attempted to kick off the cover, but succeeded only in pulling them down to reveal his still unbuttoned shirt, which, in turn, revealed his very uncovered stomach and chest. Pan chuckled, and looked straight ahead of her. Turning his head up to look at her, Neo saw this and made the mistake of talking.

"You look very pretty when you're thinking," Neo now said honestly, his voice sounding very factual. Pan looked down at him with a sly grin and said, "You're a kinky bastard, Neo!"

Hearing this, Neo literally fell out of bed. Pan burst out laughing and rolled onto her right side.

"Wha-!? How!? Why?" He asked.


I couldn't stop laughing. I was surprised as the next thing I knew, I was lying flat on my back, two arms at my sides, and Neo's body hovering over mine, his face right above my own.

"Just answer the question, Pan," Neo said in a low voice. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes. They seemed both very dark, and yet very bright, especially now. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell if he was really angry, or just desperate to get an answer out of me. The thing is, what he just did was a very.... very... unpure seeming thing, and I'm not going to lie: He was turning me on... again.

His request was innocent, but somehow, his request was going to take on a whole new meaning if he didn't get off of me.

"Um... are you mad at me?" I asked. What else could I ask? Dirty thoughts were flying through my mind like 747's!

Neo got off of me and decided to sit next to me instead. He went back to leaning his head over mine, though.

"Of course not, but I really want to know why you called me that. In all honesty, I should be furious with you!" Neo grinned. Pan laughed, her fears having disippated for the most.

She finally answered.

"All night, I could have sworn that you were seducing me. Not only that, but what you said, back on Maui. We were talking about music, and somehow that conversation on music was related to sex.

I think we both said that we would like to have our first time to music that we liked. You added that there wasn't a good song that was long enough!" Pan laughed.

I'm ending it here because it went over thirty chapters. See, internet connection totally went down for four days, so I decided to do something relatively useful during those four days: I added to my chapter. Unfortunately, I added so much that it's almost too big. nn;

So, the lemon didn't turn out ot be quite how I expected... and it's not even much of a lemon to begin with! They didn't go through with it, and I know very well why. Oh well! For another day!

Manana es una milagro de dios! nn Tomorrow is another miracle from God!

Crud! I just realised that FFnet is no longer allowing me to use those squiggly lines that I would use to separate first person view from third person view. In any case, is it suddenly changes from " I was talking to Neo/Pan" to "He felt horrible" etc.- Well, you get the point.... also, it's not letting me use the underlines and a whole bunch of other things, so this WILL detract from the story! In any case, please enjoy it as best as you can! ;