Book Two of my E.N.D series has begun!
Here's Chapter one for you guys!
And thank you for the reviews from the last chapters) of book one from-
-Iris Patton
Book one seemed to be a big hit (I'm happy for that!) I'm glad that you all liked book one enough for a sequel!
Make sure to keep an eye on the author's notes because I might be posting information on other fanfics that I am working on (including one that is new!)
Feel Free to review!
No Flames Please!
All rights go to Hiro Mashima
It was a sunny day- the blue sky only had a few clouds spotting it here and there. The wind was gentle- giving the grass a light push- Making the field look more like an ocean as it swayed back and forth.
Next to the man a leaf was pushed by a breeze that had been a tad bit stronger than the rest- pushing up against the young man's shoulder. Before it was pushed past him- lifting up and disappearing somewhere out of the man's sight. (If his eyes had been open at the moment- however, he was content just laying where he was.
The man sighed to nobody but himself, after all that's the only person who could be near him without dying. Not even his little brother-
The man, you could call him a boy- he didn't look very old after all. No matter- he was four hundred years old. He ran a hand through his soft black hair, afterwards using the same hand to cover his face. The sun was way too bright for the Dark Mage, it always was. However, he also felt no need to move- the wind was just perfect, and the sun wasn't all that hot- bright- but not hot.
The young man frowned silently and opened his eyes- staring straight up at one of the few clouds in the sky, watching its movement as it went- heading East it seemed.
I wonder what you're doing right now Natsu...
Hundreds of miles away a building exploded- startling the entire town- for only a second after to be covered in ice, "What the hell are you doing Ice Princess!" A familiar voice yelled and the entire town could only watch at the poor historic building caught fire again- only to be frozen once again (to the townsfolk horror)- the process repeating itself over again several times as lame insults were yelled between the two Fairy Tail Mages.
"Making sure you don't burn down the whole forest Flamebrain!"
"Dragon Breathe!"
"Knock it off you two!" A woman's voice yelled, followed by a loud clang that not only stopped the fight- but also cleared that part (if not the whole) forest- the dust cleared revealing the two men lying in craters made by their own bodies.
"Yes mam!"
Lucy sighed while watching the three of them at a safe distance, (One that she would not be hit from) As the mighty red-head pummeled the two male Mages deeper into the ground. "Really guys?" The small bluenette Wendy stood next to her- holding the white Exceed in her arms- who gave an annoyed sigh as she watched the three of them.
"Could those three get anymore immature?" She scolded them- despite not a single one of them had listened to her.
"At least we know that everything is normal." Wendy said- looking for the good in their current situation, looking down at her feline friend- and the white cat sighed.
"True." The White Exceed said- knowing full well that no matter how much she scolded them things were going to turn out the same- that's how Fairy Tail worked-
"Aye!" The blue cat next to her exclaimed, "Wouldn't be Fairy Tail without it."
-A bunch of stubborn, destructive, determined, and powerful mages- not to mention simpletons at times. But still never a guild to pick a fight with- as so many others had come to realize.
"I may be able to pay my rent without it." The blonde Celestial Mage whined. Then she looked up at the demolished building and kissed her rent money goodbye... again. Hopefully she would be able to get another job before her rent money was due, or risk facing the wrath of her landlady. The blonde sighed at the thought.
The pink haired Fire Mage peeked back at the Celestial Mage, "What's up Luce?" The idiot asked as if it wasn't obvious from the amount of damage around them-
But the blonde must've been surrounded by idiots as Erza and Gray turned, "Is something bothering you Lucy?" The redhead asked.
"Did the Flamebrain do something to upset you?" the stripper (who conveniently lost his close- again) asked, glaring over at Natsu- who easily returned the glare- getting up in the Ice Mage's face.
"Why me?" Natsu yelled, "And go put on some clothes you damn pervert!"
"Who are you calling a pervert Ash for Brains!"
"You! You naked pervert icicle!"
"Enough you two." Erza said- immediately shutting the two boys up again (and in the meantime having them hug each other out of mutual fear of the redhead.). "And Gray- do put some clothes on."
Gray stepped back and looked down at himself- throwing his hands in the air, "Wha- where the hell did my clothes go!"
"I told you they were gone!" Natsu snapped.
Lucy stared at the group and couldn't help but to smile- her earlier sigh all but forgotten, but that was alright. Compared to three weeks earlier- she tensed up at the memory of seeing Natsu on that infirmary bed after the fight against Dallas, struggling to even breathe- that was something that she never wanted to see again. She stopped and looked over to where the pinkette was laughing and talking with his blue Exceed friend Happy, the Dragon Slayer caught the blonde looking his way and he shot a grin over at her.
To even think that there was even a chance that they would never see that grin from the most destructive Mage in the guild was rattling to think about. And she knew that she wasn't the only one- the whole guild seemed shaken up by the event- The Master hadn't even allowed the Dragon Slayer to go out on a job for a couple of weeks- and now he had to be with his team- no solo missions.
Not that Natsu took solo missions much anymore.
That seemed like a lifetime ago-
However, the more troubling part was that no one who was responsible for the event were ever caught- leaving everybody even more paranoid about the event. The Five Light Guilds that were involved with the game stayed close in contact- all of them having their eyes out for their unknown enemy.
Death Cloud had disappeared after the final round- along with all the other Dark Guilds- along with Black Knight-
And Kirum Kortorzi.
After the final round when Kortorzi had been defeated he disappeared- not even waiting until the end of the round to vanish- the Rest of Black Knight had waited until after the match against Shantire, leaving that very night while the light guilds left in the morning- the rest of the town disappearing before they could get any real answers.
Leading to the next mystery- who was Shantire?
The Fairy Tail Mages never did find out who was behind those games. Or who had enough power to create an illusion lo large and powerful to make a huge group (including some Wizard Saints) believe that they were in a real town in the middle of a real game- when in truth they were just running around a forest...
The Celestial Mage stole one more glance over at Natsu- whoever was after Natsu was still out there.
"Let's go collect our reward." Erza said as she peeked back.
"Right on!" Natsu cheered.
"Sounds good to me." Gray said-
In the meanwhile, Lucy just sighed.
The group made their way back to the mayor's house- receiving practically a death glare from the man as soon as they walked into the room and the whole team sighed-
Here we go again.
After being chewed out by the mayor of the town over the extensive amount of damage they (mostly Natsu) had caused they were led out of the mansion where as soon as they stepped out the maid gave a little bow, "Have a nice day." The door slammed on the team- leaving them outside- at least they had been given the reward that was left from all the damage costs. Natsu turned and stuck his tongue out at the door. "Stingy."
Wendy looked at Carla, "I kinda feel bad- apparently that building was important to the town."
"Aye." Happy agreed and also stuck his tongue out.
Erza peeked back, "There's no need for that you two- there's nothing that can be done now. Come along- we should head back."
Immediately Natsu turned green at the thought of the train. "Train? Can't we walk back to Magnolia?"
"I swear If you barf I'm gonna throw you out the window." Gray threatened sitting back so his feet weren't touching the ground- just in case- watching the sick Dragon Slayer groan in pain as the pinkette leaned against the window.
Lucy sighed, "I'll never get over how painful that looks." She said and winced as the Dragon Slayer let out a pitiful whine. Then she sighed and looked over at Wendy- who also looked a little green.
"You can't be serious child..." Carla complained.
Wendy didn't answer- she couldn't as her face turned even greener, then whined and curled up on the bench and Carla sighed, "Looks like Troia is going to be out of the option- even though I'm sure that by now Natsu's body has formed some kind of resistance to it-" She stopped and winced herself as Natsu let slip another pitiful whine, sounding completely opposite of their normal hyperactive Dragon Slayer.
Erza sighed after the third whine, "I guess there's no other choice- come sit next to me Natsu." Erza said as the red head patted the spot next to her. Lucy sweat dropped and stood up to move to Natsu's old spot- already well aware of what was about to happen.
"Aye-" Natsu whimpered and somehow managed to move his body over to where Erza sat and plopped down next to her.
He felt her patting the top of his head and whispering to him gently- then he felt hard metal colliding with his stomach and a blinding pain- then he fell into blissful darkness.
Lucy sighed as Erza knocked out the Fire Mage- letting him sleep away with his head on her lap. Then she looked over at Wendy, "Do you need any help Wendy?"
"I-I'm good." The bluenette said and curled up a little more- practically trying to will her body to forget about the motion sickness.
"Don't even suggest such a thing!" Carla snapped.
Erza looked over at the white Exceed- clearly confused. Lucy sighed once more- If Erza were to "help" the poor girl, she'd end up seriously hurting her on accident.
The blonde looked at the sleeping pinkette and smiled softly- he looked so peaceful while he slept, "I guess he's having a good dream." Lucy said- not realizing she spoke out loud.
The others paused their activities and looked over at the Fire Mage. "Looks like it." Gray smirked and leaned back.
Erza smiled softly and pushed back the pinkette bangs.
It was a small house in a small village in the middle of nowhere- but that was plenty for the toddler. It had just enough bedrooms for the amount of people that lived there- but wasn't so impossibly big that the child would never be able to find his way around. The meadow around the house quickly gave way to a line of trees that went a little ways before coming to another meadow- that's where they would meet their family friend-after all he was far too big to fit inside the house.
The village was peaceful- and they loved the family- despite the rumors- there was no doubting how much the father had done for them over the years- and well as the mother.
Then there was the toddler- no one could hate that child with the goofy grin that he wore all the time.
The Toddler giggled and he watched himself through his eyes as he wobbled his way across the house- a happy feeling rising in him as he did so.
The front door was open and the toddler wandered outside- stopping and looking around until he found what he was looking for.
"Mommy!" The child yelled- gaining the woman's attention as he giggled and reached out his tiny hands towards the woman and ran over to her.
He couldn't see her face- but he knew that she gave the child a warm smile as he approached. She opened her mouth and said something- but no words came out.
Nonetheless the child giggled anyways- the child's grin expanding (if that were even possible) as the woman ruffled his soft pink hair.
The child giggled once more as the woman stood up- picking him up along with her- she seemed to call out to somebody and the child's eyes sparkled with excitement.
Natsu groaned as he opened his eyes- his stomach was hurting- whether that be from the motion sickness or Erza's punch he wasn't too sure- probably both.
The pinkette groaned once more and rolled over onto his back- eyes widening and he tensed up when he remembered that he was on the bench- which means that he was going to fall off-
Except he didn't.
The Dragon Slayer frowned and looked around- frowning even more when he realized that he was on the ground. He looked up at the roof of the train confused- where were the others? And why was it so loud? He looked around- seeing no sign of Erza, Lucy, or the stripper. He craned his neck too took over to where he heard a small whimper. Not too far away from him was Wendy- the two Exceed were in between the two of them. the poor girl's eyes spinning and her face green from the motion sickness-
Which reminded him-
The Dragon Slayer turned pale and whimpered as his stomach churned- gaining the attention of the blue Exceed next to him. "Natsu?"
Natsu frowned, confused as he heard the sounds of fighting- the Fire Mage forced himself to look up, and could barely see Erza and Gray fighting off somebody from the front of the train- they rushed out of his sight- leaving Lucy as the only one in his sight.
"Somebody attacked the train." Happy explained.
Natsu groaned and tried pushing himself up- only to fall back down once again as his motion sickness got the best of him.
He could see the shine of Lucy's key as she tugged on it. "Open! Gate of the Lion! Leo!" She yelled and the lion spirit appeared.
"Is somebody bothering you Lucy?"
"Loke- we need to take these guys out!"
Loke looked over in Natsu's direction- confused at first then he seemed to understand before turning away, "Very well, consider it done." Loke said then rushed forward- Lucy right behind him as she pulled out her whip.
Both moved out of Natsu's sight and he groaned. Dammit I'm not just gonna lay here and do nothing while the others fight! He thought angrily, before trying to push himself up again- flinching as he heard an explosion. Making the Dragon Slayer's head snap over as he tried to get a view of what was going on.
What was that? That didn't sound like it was in the train-
The Dragon Slayer pulled himself up to his feet. "Natsu!" Happy cried and flew up so he was at level with the pinkette eyes, trying to get his friend's attention. "The other's said that you should stay here." The Exceed said- clearly worried for his friend.
Natsu let out a growl- as he took another step forward, his legs shaking. "Like I'm just gonna sit here and do nothing-"
"You're on a train Natsu- you'd just get in the way." The Exceed tried to argue- moving in the way again with his arms out.
Natsu took another step and scowled over at his friend, "I'm not that useless-" He stopped, then his frown deepened as he looked at the floor at his feet- something was wrong. It felt as if it was leaning-
A pen from Lucy's bag rolled across the floor and the Dragon Slayer's eyes widened as he realized what was going on.
The attacks came out of nowhere- one moment team Natsu sat peacefully then they were ambushed the next- barely able to dodge, an attack almost hitting Natsu as Erza threw herself and the pinkette to the floor- where she briefly checked on him, relieved to find that he was unharmed before requipping into her Heavens Wheel and running forward to attack- leaving the unconscious Natsu on the floor and blocked a blade aimed at her. She looked around- counting at least four Mages that had been hiding with the normal passengers. She looked over at Gray- who used an Ice Hammer to knock one of the Mages out- then quickly created a shield to protect him and the downed Dragon Slayers behind him.
The compartment door opened- startling the Fairies as passengers ran screaming from the front of the train, "What's going on?" Lucy asked one of the people running by- letting Gray and Erza fight off the last two Mages that were in their compartment.
The first passenger ignored her and continued running. "A group of Dark Mages took control of the front of the train!" a different passenger yelled as he ran past- following the crowd to the back of the train.
Lucy peeked over at Erza- who nodded, "In that case we shall head to the front of the train."
Gray peeked over, "What about Flamebrain and Wendy?" The Ice Mage asked- looking over at the Dragon Slayers, one unconscious- while the other one might as well have been. "They can't fight as long as this train is moving- they'll be in huge trouble if someone attacks them now." He said- not bothering to mention that the Requip Mage had probably hit Natsu hard enough to keep him under for the rest of the day.
Erza looked back at Natsu then turned to one of the passengers- grabbing him so he couldn't run, "Before you go you said that they are in the front of the train?"
"How many?"
"Too many- now let me go!" The man pulled away and continued running towards the back of the train- practically running over other people to get there.
"Nobody is running from the back of the train so it's safe to assume that none of the Dark Mages are back there." The redhead mumbled.
"Or at least they haven't acted up yet." Gray responded and the redhead nodded.
Then Erza turned- facing the front of the train-summoning her sword and pointed it ahead. "Gray- Lucy, we're heading towards the front- Lucy will stop at the next compartment ahead of this one. Happy and Carla, stay here with Natsu and Wendy- yell if you need any backup- Lucy will be in hearing range." The Requip Mage ordered.
"Got it!"
"Aye sir!"
Erza and Gray immediately took off- Lucy summoning Loke before following after. She ran forward to the next compartment, stopping there and making sure that no Dark Guild members got past her.
One of the Dark Mages sneered as he saw her, "Well if it isn't a fairy?" He teased, noticing the pink Fairy Tail guild mark stamped onto the Celestial Mage's hand. The Dark Mage chuckled as he summoned a sword. "This is gonna be easy.
Great, Erza just had to leave some behind for me to deal with. Lucy sighed as she tugged on her whip, "You're not getting past me." She declared.
Next to her Loke tensed up, "And you won't be hurting a hair on Lucy's head you Dark Mage scumbag."
"I won't get past you huh?" The man teased, "And what are you hiding back there?" The Dark Mage sneered, "Now I'm curious- that means that I'm gonna cut through you girly then rip apart whatever it is that you're trying to protect." Then he ran forward-
Only to be punched back by Loke- who scowled. "I guess you didn't hear me. So, let's make this very clear- you will not harm Lucy as long as I still draw breath." The Lion said with a scowl.
The Dark Mage scowled at the Celestial Spirit, "You- what the hell are you?"
"My name is Leo the Lion- and I am the most powerful of the Celestial Spirits." Loke said as he fixed his tie. "Now come at me Dark Mage Scum."
Erza and Gray ran forward- cutting down one Dark Mage after the next as they made their way to the engine. The Requip Mage scowled as she looked around. There are so many of them! How did we not notice any of these people before?
"Erza- do you feel that?" Gray called up.
Erza peeked back, "Feel what?"
Gray slid to a stop- making a quick ice ball- no larger than his palm and knelt down- carefully setting it on the floor and the two Mages watched with their eyes widening as the ball rolled off to the side, "The trains leaning- are we supposed to be turning?"
"Not for another ten miles." Erza said then rushed forward, "We must hurry- they are planning to throw this train off the tracks." She said as the two mages felt a sharp jolt coming from the train.
Gray stood up and rushed after her, "Why the hell would they want to do that?" He yelled- nearly losing his footing on the next jolt.
"We'll ask them once this train is safely stopped and everybody aboard is safe from harm." Erza said as she opened the next compartment and they were attacked by ten Dark Mages.
Gray pressed the side of his fist against the palm of his hand, "Ice Make! Cannon!" He yelled and shot down the compartment- taking out three Dark Mages at once- leaving the rest of them to Erza as she rushed forward,
"Step aside scum!" The Fairy Queen yelled (ordered) as she struck down the rest of them, "Pentagram Sword!"
The attack struck then the two of them rushed forward- jumping over the downed Mages and threw the last door open as they came up to it- stopping just in time to see the engine car be thrown to the side- separate from the rest of the train.
"That's not good." Gray mumbled as he lost sight of the engine.
"Prepare for impact!" Erza yelled and grabbed the side and looked out in time to see the earth hitch up and throw the train off the tracks and onto its side in a violent crash.
Natsu felt the train lurch and he had never moved so fast in his life- despite the motion sickness. By the second jolt he had grabbed Happy from midair and rushed over to where Carla and Wendy were- grabbing the two of them as well and peeking up-
And catching a silhouette of a man standing in the doorway to the compartment of the train- he seemed to be looking around for something- or at least that Natsu could tell.
Natsu froze- staring directly at the man as he subconsciously held on to the other three a bit tighter- his breathing became heavy and he could hear the pulse in his ears as he tried to focus on the man- but between the increasing shaking and smoke- along with his motion sickness he couldn't focus on anything.
Except through it all he saw the man turn in his direction- and despite not being able to focus on his face he knew the man was looking directly at him and was well aware that the Fire Dragon Slayer was there and that he saw him.
He saw the man smile- not a friendly smile, more like a sneer of a man who's won a dirty game. Then the man vanished and Natsu felt his gut clench as the train was thrown off the tracks.
Natsu did the only thing he could in the time that was allowed- and that was to hold Happy, Wendy, and Carla as close to him as possible-
"N-Natsu-San-" Wendy mumbled.
"What are you doing!" He heard Carla yell.
He rolled in midair- so that he would be the one to take the impact- knowing that they weren't on the ground anymore.
The Fire Mage felt the impact-
Then was thrown into darkness- hearing Happy scream-
Magnolia was a peaceful town in Fiore- it was well known for its large Kardia Cathedral- and each year the Sakura trees would glow a rainbow color, they had a wonderful festival each year as well.
However, what was most well known about the town was its Mage Guild. The strongest and most famous (or in some cases infamous) Mage Guild in Fiore-
Fairy Tail.
The building itself looked like a castle and looked to be in perfect shape- despite how many times the guild had been destroyed in the past- whether it be by powerful enemies or by the regular guild brawls that would often take place.
For that exact reason the guild was rarely quiet- there was always something going on. May it be another fight- or some party for no reason at all, the guild hall could always be heard down the street.
So, on a day that the guild was oddly quiet the Guild Master Makarov Dreyar couldn't help to feel a tad bit worried. He looked around to see which teams were missing- only Natsu's team. The old man took a drink from his mug.
If I remember correctly they should be taking the next train back- it should be here in about an hour from now-
His thoughts were rapidly interrupted by a guild member running into the guild- throwing the doors wide open with a "Master!" and running farther in, not even bothering to close them behind it. "There's trouble-"
"What is it?" The Master asked and the main guild members stood up as the painting one pushed himself back up to his feet- the Guild Hall suddenly was completely silent- to the point that you could have heard a pin drop if somebody had-
"A-a train heading into Magnolia just now was attacked, it was the one that was supposed to arrive in this next hour." The Guild Member stuttered- pointing outside as if he was pointing in the direction of the train.
The rest of the guild members stood up- shocked by the news- Dark Guild acting up in the area were rare these days- "What? By who?"
"Supposedly it was a Dark Guild-"
"And what of the train?" Makarov asked before any of the other members could speak up one more- directing all the attention to him.
The guild member looked back over at him, "The train was thrown clear off the tracks- by about fifty feet. The Magic Council is supposedly there now retrieving survivors."
The Guild Master's heart painfully thundered while his stomach twisted in knots- as his mind registered the issue- my brats were on that train.
"Get a team ready- and Jet-" The Master spoke up and the speedy mage stood up, "Go make sure that Porlyusica is ready when we get back just in case." The Guild Master ordered the Speed Mage.
Jet frowned in confusion- but nodded nonetheless and immediately took off- leaving behind nothing more than a cloud of dust in his wake.
"Laxus- bring your team, Also Mira, bring Elfman and Lisanna." The Master ordered as he hopped off his normal spot- heading towards the entrance to the guild hall.
Laxus sighed and stood up- not fully knowing what was going on- but knew full well that it had to be serious to get that kind of a reaction from the old geezer. "Alright."
Mira frowned worryingly, "The Magic Council are already there-" the Take Over Mage spoke, "Is there something the matter Master?" The Take Over Mage asked- speaking the question that the whole guild had on their minds.
And the guild was silent as the Guild Master answered-
"Natsu's team was most likely aboard that train."
Alright! Chapter one is out!
Sorry for the cliffhanger- although you should all be used to that one by now (hehe)-
This one is going to be even longer than book one (I've already got the whole thing planned out!)
Feel free to review
But no Flames plz!
Til next time!