I walk out with Percy. He follows my every move. "Go be yourself.." I say to him. "Jason, just text me if you need me.." He says as I nod walk to the big house. I look into a bedroom window to see the pale Octavian. My first crush. He sits there naked stroking his penis. It grows. I nod lustfully. I enter the big house sneaking into his room. I grab a collar from my pocket. I slowly sneak up to Octavian and put the collar on. The Augur looks surprised to see the collar on him. "Who is this!" He yells out loud. He struggles to take the collar off. "RASA." The Augurs eyes gloss over as he becomes distant from the world. I walk up to him. "Hello My Little Slave.." I say with a commanding voice. "He...ll...ooo M..ast...er..." He says distantly as if no one could hear him. "You are my sex slave, you will have a deep crush on me and you will act like my slave in private and call me Master and in public you will act normal. Anytime I am with you will be horny and erect thinking of me.." I say with lust. "MISSA SUBSISTO." The trance ends and I'm left with a slave. "Octavian, undress me.." I say with lust. Octavian gets up from his bed and starts to undress me. "Grope my ass will you do it." I say with another command. He starts to grope my ass making me erect instantly. I start to touch his naked body. I let him take off my jockstrap and pants. "Stop there.." I say. "Blow me Octavian..." I say. He starts to lick my shaft up and down in a pattern. Precum is starting to form and fall down the shaft. He starts to deepthroat my cock intensely. I continue to moan as he continues. He starts playing with my balls as he continues sucking. I hold his head down longer making him gag. I'm on the verge of cumming now. I thrust into his mouth cumming in his mouth filling his mouth with my warm seed. I put my clothes back on after I cum leaving him naked. "You may continue on to your life." I add Octavian to the phone list. I exit out to the lake looking to the shore.
Authors Note: Sorry It's Late! I've been busy with finals!
A/N: Gonna start a poll! Choose who you want to be enslaved next! Next update will be on time!