They had all been a family, once. The higher demons, the blues the red, the grays, the queens; once they were all just a kingdom. Their people and their king. The clans and the clansmen. What might have been the royal family before the war destroyed it? One-shots revolving around things better off forgotten.

A/N: please have fun reading this, it's all just for fun. I wanted to go into the small little things that are never really talked about in the manga.

Prompt idea one: the way you said "I love you", as a hello

The Demon King was not just a person. The top figurehead the rest of his kind obeyed. The King will have no faults. No weaknesses. The pinnacle of their clan's power and will. In the circle of life that was cruel, unbiased, where good men died just as well beside the darkest of souls, and there was no amount of pinning or begging that changed death, where battles weren't waged for good or bad, but because of blood; he was a pillar above the rest of the rotting corpses on the battlefield.

There was no such thing as a "kind" Demon king.

"Hello boy," Lucifer tried again to place the stuffed toy in his son hand. "What have you been up to?"

The black eyes of his first and only offspring, his son, glared up from where he sat inside his play pen. His blonde locks a mess and fuzzed out in every direction, his blue onesie and white fluffy baby boots deceptively giving the boy an almost pure aura.

Lucifer knew better. Around the prince were stuffed animals, or what was left of them. Torn up with fluffing and cotton spewed in every direction, the torn heads littered by his feet as well as arm and legs of various toy animals thrown around. He had only begun such actions since his teeth started to appear, and Lucifer took a glance to the side, seeing where the maids were making themselves "busy" tidying up the room, keeping a large berth around the child. He must have been terrorizing the staff again, as his father held his meetings elsewhere.

The king was terrifying. He was powerful. He commanded the very being of tens of thousands of his own kind with his will alone. And right now, he was kneeling in front of his son with a stuffed goddess toy in his hand. A special made request he had commissioned from the rather grumpy royal toy maker. It's delicate wings were puffy and white, the silver hair tied back in a cute red ribbon and the eyes made of shiny buttons. A happy pout on it's face as the light blue dress felt soft in the King's hand. It was disgusting.

So when Meliodas finally grabbed it and put the toy's head in his mouth, ripping off the goddess wings with a hand at the same time as the loud tearing noise tore through the room, Lucifer cooed, ruffling his boy's hair as he spit out the goddess head into a pile of other toys.

That's my boy, Lucifer grinned.

The Demon King was a person.