Danny and Tucker walked in, Tucker walked over to Jazz with a smug expression, Danny sat next to Sam. Sam looked at him to see him with red cheeks, along with turning her own cheeks red. They both shuffled closer together, Danny looked at Sam, and Sam looked at him. Their faces were coming closer and closer together, "Sam..." Danny mumbled, as they were about to kiss. A huge bang echoed throughout the room, causing them to jump back.
Everyone was crowded around what fell into the room. Danny and Sam look over in shock, "What could a Fenton Thermos be doing out here?" Danny heard Maddie say. "W-What!?" Danny ran over and pushed everyone out of the way, this wasn't any thermos. It was Dan. "Everybody back away, and nobody touch it! Frostbite! How the hell is this here!" Danny called out, "I do not know Danny, my-", "Time Out," Danny heard a voice say, everything froze around him, he couldn't move, he couldn't talk, he knew who this is. He felt something heavy be put around his neck, Danny could feel himself move, he turned around and smiled when he saw his mentor. "Clockwork, what happened?" He asked.
Clockwork looked a bit roughed up, but there wasn't much harm to him. Even though he can't get hurt as he is a Elder Spirit, he can still get cuts and bruises here and of the ghosts that you least expect are also Elder Spirits, for example, Nocturne. The Master of time sighed, "Vlad happened, he broke into my lair, I was away, talking with those lousy observants, I knew something was up, and I ended the meeting early, I then rushed back to see Vlad standing at the entrance with the thermos in hand. He quickly shot a ecto beam at me, and escaped, I couldn't do anything about it without messing up the timeline." Clockwork explained.
Danny sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Its always Vlad, he can't let it go can he?". "Also, Danny, I forgot to mention, since you are 16 soon, you are going to be crowned Prince of the ghost zone, since you over-ruled Pariah." Clockwork said. "Wait, What!? I'm Prince of the Ghost Zone, but everyone hates me! Apart from you and a few others but still, all of the ghosts try to kill me!" Danny yelled out as he panicked. Clockwork sighed, "I know Danny, I know, but trust me on this, you will be the best ruler the Ghost Zone has ever had, you will be better than Pariah. You will be crowned King when the time comes" Danny didn't know what to say, he knew Pariah was too powerful for his own good, therefore he wasn't a very good ruler, but everything was happening too fast, first the field trip, then having a pole through his shoulder, getting stranded in the ghost zone with his classmates, Vlad taking Dan's thermos, and now this!? "Clockwork, I-" Danny sighed, he really didn't know what to say, he was at loss for words.
He didn't say anything else, until he picked up Dan's thermos, he handed it to Clockwork. "I don't want to risk him getting out," Clockwork nodded. "I'll see you again soon, Prince Phantom," Clockwork smirked and announced. "Time In," He disappeared and everyone started to move again. "Hey, what happened to the thermos?" Maddie asked, Danny didn't say anything, he was staring straight ahead of him, he couldn't think straight. "Danny? Did Clockwork come? Danny?" Danny put on a fake smile. "I'm fine, and yes he did, now lets go get some hot chocolate and sit back in front of the fire?" Danny said with a awkward laugh. Tucker, Jazz and Sam looked at him weirdly, not believing him. Danny didn't want to tell them about being the Prince of the Ghost Zone, he already worries them too much, and they sacrifice everything for him, he couldn't make it worse by revealing that. The yetis brought them hot chocolate and they sat in front of the fire. "Danny, what's wrong?" Sam asked quietly. "Nothing Sam, I'm fine," Danny put on a smile then looked at the fireplace. It is a really good idea to not tell them about him being the Prince.
Is it?