Hi guys! It's FandomQueen713 again! This story is basically what would happen if Reyna and Annabeth switched places instead of Percy and Jason. I know, completely original. Note the sarcasm. I had the urge to write this, so here it goes.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters at all because I am not the god know as Rick Riordan-and thank Zeus for that! Otherwise, everyone would be reading my versions of the books and then throw them away because my writing is trash!

Reyna's POV

Reyna woke up and found herself on a bus. Amazing way to start the day. Anyways, Reyna was sitting next to some short Latino boy with curly brown hair and a very pretty girl with choppy long hair. The strange thing was, she was sure that she should know them, but Reyna had know idea who the Pluto they were. She felt a sudden burn in her forehead-why did she think who the Pluto? She cried out as the pain intensified before vanishing, and found the pretty girl looking at her.

"Reyna, are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked, concerned. The Latino boy gave a laugh full of humor.

"Piper, she's just in awe of my incredible good looks." At the sight of her glaring face he quickly added,"But seriously, are you okay?"

She gave a nod, and the pain subsided. Then Reyna paused and shook her head. They looked at her with wide eyes as Reyna asked,"Who are you people? Have we met? And where are we?"

They continued to stare until the elf boy said,"I'm Leo Valdez, and I'm your boyfriend that you love very much and you owe me $20 and-"

He got cut off by Piper- Reyna thought her name was-Shut up, Leo! He's kidding, Reyna. We're your best friends. I'm Piper Mc-never mind. Anyways, we are going on a field trip at the Wilderness School. You know, where kids are the animals. Anyways, are you sure you can't remember us? I would ask if you're joking but I have agreeing you're not. What happened, did you suddenly lose your memory?" Piper said this all without pausing for breath. She certainly had a way with words.

Reyna responded,"I don't know. Actually, I don't know anything about my life anymore. I don't remember anything."

Suddenly, a man with a bullhorn and a baseball bat stood up and yelled,"Listen up, cupcakes! The- THE COW GOES MOO!" His bullhorn suddenly blared out and the rest of the people on the bus burst into laughter. He straightened up and yelled out,"VALDEZ!!! You're on clean up duty for this!"

Leo gave a sigh and stopped fiddling with his fingers. Reyna looked at him with amazement."How did you mess with that guy's bullhorn?"

Leo looked delighted and said,"It was pretty simple. All I had to do was change the frequency of the voice dilation and..." he continued on with some technical terms, then stopped as he noticed she wasn't listening anymore. We sat in silence as the bus continued until we reached the canyon.

The man-Leo called him Coach Hedge- stood up again and asked us to file out. As she passed him he glared at her and tightened his grip on the baseball bat. Reyna was sure he knew that she didn't belong. However he said nothing and Reyna continued forward. We continued forward and he called out,"Get your partners!"

Leo and Piper instantly got together, and Reyna looked around at the unfamiliar faces until she heard,"Looking for me, Reyna, sweetheart? Let's partner up." A boy who seemed very obsessed with his looks smiled and grabbed her hand. She knew instantly that she didn't like him, especially because he didn't treat her like a woman, but rather an object. Sadly, Reyna was stuck with him as everyone else partnered up.

Coach Hedge said,"Ah, Dylan and...Reyna is it? Here's your form. Fill it all out as fast as possible so you can enjoy whatever it is you mort- I mean kids- like seeing here." He fixed her with a glare while passing out forms to everyone else. Leo took his and Piper's, made it a paper airplane, and chucked it into the canyons instantly, while Reyna tried to finish Dylan and her's. She didn't remember much about herself, but Reyna knew that she was hardworking and always finished her tasks. However, the next time she looked up, everyone had left but Dylan, Leo, Piper, Coach Hedge, and me. Dylan suddenly began to attack everyone and Reyna managed to pull out a knife from her boot. Don't ask how that got there, but she managed to unsheath it and start fighting. Reyna was completely confused by what happened, but somewhere along the way, Leo fell off the edge, Coach Hedge climbed down to save him with his...goat legs?, and Piper was trying to fend herself off from some venti Dylan had summoned.

"Venti? How did I come up with that?" Reynawondered as she stabbed Dylan. Leo and Coach Hedge climbed over the edge again, and Leo was struggling to get out of Hedge's hands. Dylan disappeared into the wind, after grabbing Coach. He hurtled away with Hedge.

Piper, Leo, and Reyna took deep breaths. Piper turned her colorful eyes towards Reyna and asked,"How did you do that? What were they and what's going on?" Kind of ironic that Piper was asking the girl who remembered nothing for answers.

Reyna shrugged and also gave a grim smile. "Those were venti, wind spirits. Don't ask how I know, I just do. Coach Hedge was a faun: half goat, half human. I don't understand how I know but..." Reyna trailed off as she saw a shape in the clouds.

A chariot. The golden contraption sharply landed right by us, and two guys were inside. One had gorgeous raven black hair and sea green eyes, but he looked broken and tired. He stepped out and abruptly said,"Where is she? Where is Annabeth?!"

Reyna made a sound like,"Idunno." She couldn't function well as she examined this boy. He looked around 17 years old, two years older than her, and was wearing an orange shirt, just like his friend next to him.

The other guy had a rainbow tattoo on his arm, and placed a hand on the first guy's shoulder."Calm down, Percy. Look, this girl is missing her shoe. Maybe she's the one you were supposed to find." Percy gave a guttural noise, then ruffled his hair. Reyna looked down and saw that she had lost her shoe during the fight. She opened her mouth to say something to Butch when Percy spoke.

"I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. You must be demigods, so we need to take you to camp. Butch here will explain everything as we go. I guess your satyr, Gleeson Hedge, isn't here anymore, but not to worry. Her in." He patted the chariot and then swung himself onto it like a professional. Percy looked one last time back, as if searching for this...Annabeth.

Piper, Leo, and Reyna got inside the back and Reyna whispered to Butch,"Who's Annabeth?"

Butch turned to make sure Percy wasn't listening, and he then whispered back,"Annabeth is Percy's girlfriend. She's been missing for a few days now and...we have no idea where she is. Percy's been going crazy looking for her."

Reyna nodded like she understood, and turned away. Internally, she was exploding. "Of course, Percy Jackson had a girlfriend! Why wouldn't he?" Reyna scolded herself, but couldn't stop herself from feeling that Percy and her had some kind of connection.

She fell asleep in the chariot before waking up when Butch screamed,"We're gonna crash!"

There's the first chapter of 'Switched'. I know my writing hasn't been very good this chapter, but hopefully you still enjoyed it. I'm going to skip writing about all the quests and such, but I'll add in some important parts if you guys want. I plan on writing the next chapter in either Piper or Leo's POV about all of them getting claimed and being at camp, and then the next will be Annabeth's POV at New Rome. Let me know what you think, and feel free to leave suggestions in a review on what you think should happen. Or just leave a review on what you thought about it!

Also, thanks for all the support and feedback on my other story, 'After the Dam War: Jason's Jealousy'. It really made my day to hear that you guys liked it and all.
