Zack Meets Jake.
It was a beautiful day, with the sun shining, and no clouds in the sky.
On this particular day, Celeste and her nephew Zack were at the park. Both were meeting a student Celeste would be teaching braile to. His mother had helped to arrange the whole thing.
They soon met them both.
"Celeste Wherenberg?", A woman asked.
"Karan Stuart. This is my son, Jake."
The blond smiled, shaking his new teacher's hand. He then noticed Zack, and grinned.
"Hey, little guy."
Zack smiled at the older boy.
Both soon went off to play as the parents talked.
Celeste, at one point, explained that Zack's parents had died in a fire, and that she had taken him in.
Zack and Jake, meanwhile were playing pirates in the sandbox. While no treasure was found, both boys did have a great time getting to know each other, as well as have fun.
A few days later, Lucy dropped by Celeste's house with Susie, explaining that both her and Randy had meetings they had to take care of.
"I'd be glad to watch her for you. Jake should be over any minute.", Celeste told her.
Zack played with Susie for some time, before he stopped.
"What's wrong?", She asked him.
"I think I need a new diaper.", he told her.
"I'll be right back.", she promised him, and she was, with changing supplies. She soon got to work, powdering him and putting a fresh diaper on him as easy as one, two, three.
"Thanks.", He told her, smiling, thinking to himself that he'd have to ask her where she'd learned to change diapers.
Later, Jake arrived for his session. Soon, they were underway. The lesson for today was learning the braile alphabet. The trick was to figure out what key made what letter, which Jake soon got the hang of after several tries.
"Very good. Our next lesson will be on contractions.", She told him.
"Con-what?", He asked.
She then explained what they meant, and gave an example. "It is the letter x in braile."
"Oh? I thought it was spelled out, not with a symbol.", He told her.
After having some ice water, Jake played for a bit with Zack and Susie before it was time for him to leave.
Karan thanked Celeste for the good job she'd done, insuring the women would be fast friends.
Later, Zack told the other kids about meeting Jake, though they guest about who it was before he told them. They were impressed, and were all sure both would be great friends for a long time.