Author's Notes:

My first update for 2019. I have a lot of things to polish and post, motivation permitting. I hope this year is a good one, and I hope these stories help make 2019 a good one for you, my readers, too. :3

This is a surprise update only Flagg was expecting. It's taken me a long time to finish it. I'm still not happy with the opening, but the rest I'm quite proud of. I don't have plans to continue this story, but you never know when I might surprise you all once again. ;3

Have a great new year, my dear readers. And thank you for sticking with me into another year~

As always, enjoy~

Disclaimer: The Loud House Copyright Nickelodeon (2019)

Chapter 2: I Love You

Later that night came time for bed, and Luna had to change his clothes. Things were just a little bit awkward; both were still thinking about that kiss they'd shared mere hours before.

Sure, there was fumbling. Lincoln accidentally bumped her boob with his elbow; Luna's knee brushed over his groin. But they got through it.

The older girl helped her little brother into bed, tucking him in. She leaned down and kissed his forehead, rubbed his arm, scratched his scalp; knowing how much that made him feel good.

She turned to leave, but he stopped her.

With a blush on his cheek, the boy simply didn't want her to leave. It felt so good being around her. Couldn't she stay? Couldn't she spend the night with him?

Luna smiled, and let him know she really needed to pee and do some other things.

And she hurried, but when she got back, she realized she forgot to change into pajamas.

Linc shrugged cause he has an old shirt and, well, um...

Since she's-

Not quite like Lori...

Gosh, things got really awkward fast, but he pushed through and gestured at his chest, as if he was holding two round, bouncy objects.

Lincoln's eyes darted everywhere, trying not to take little peaks at her small, perky chest - and failing to not do that, of course.

Luna tried not to bring her arms up and cross them over her chest; the attention and thoughtfulness was enough to just… let it be and… let him look, if he wanted.

One might think Luna would be miffed that he didn't think her chest was as big as Lori's, and one would be wrong. The girl was happy that he not only took the time to admire her body enough to compare and still here they were… Luna and Lincoln; and no Lori in sight.

He offered her a shirt, still blushing, and figured it may have been a little tight, but she could maybe try it? That way she wouldn't have to make another trip?

He tried to be charming about it, and flopped everywhere. His eyes kept glossing over her chest, or her legs, or her lips. His blush kept getting harder. His words kept returning to the standard buh-buh-buh before he'd shake his head and get another healthy look of his sis' beauty.

Watching her brother fall apart while trying to charm her made her eyes fall to half-mast, made her smile drift sideways into a smirk. This... tension between them was getting pretty thick... but he's so cute when he blushed, too. She wanted to see more of it.

She looked at the shirt, down at her chest; she turned to look at him and his eyes darted off, like-

Wow, he was looking at her-


Ok, Luna, you can do this.

She turned around, facing his desk.

She tried not to wiggle too much. Things were already tense enough.

Yeah, she let loose in the bathroom, but time gave her perspective and a sense of worry. Was this ok?

But down went her skirt anyway, covering her boots.

She kicked it away off, then bent over to pick it up.

She folded the purple plaid fabric before laying it on the desk, and-

Oh crap.

She just gave her brother a full moon, veiled by her panties but still-

Blushing, she fumbled with her shirt, lifting it up slowly, trying not to think about where his eyes were roaming, trying not to worry about how unsexy she probably looked while undressing…

She tossed it down onto her skirt.

Too embarrassed to fold it, too.

She looked at her bra, and, well, she's never felt comfortable wearing that to bed... it's hard to go to sleep with the straps digging into her skin.

And, well...

Normally, it's not such a bad thing taking it off when it's just Luan, your dorky punny sister, already snoring and blurting out sleepy jokes.

But now?

She peeked at Lincoln, and saw him staring at her back, her butt, even her bra straps with wide, piercing eyes.

He's so focused, he didn't even realize she's staring at him.

Taking in a deep breath, she reached behind her back, and-


The sound made her heart stop.

Her breath suddenly left her body, sounding like a boisterous wave.

She fingered the straps, pulling them over her shoulders.

Fighting her blush, a feeling threatening to make her faint... she bent forward and let gravity yank the cups away from her breasts...

The bra tumbled to the desk, atop her other clothes.

She took another breath, steeling herself for the next part.

There's... not really any way for a girl to be unsexy while putting a shirt on, y'know? Unless she falls and breaks her face on a shoe or something...

Luna shivered.

The teen girl put her hands into the shirt, getting her fingers poised to dart out the arm holes.

She lifted the whole thing into the air, arching her back on instinct.

Her head disappeared in an instant.

She didn't see the look on Lincoln's face, but if she could... it could only have been described as a man seeing an angel in ecstasy.

The rippling cloth shimmered down her pale, freckled back.

And it's actually longer than she expected; the material falling down enough to cover half her butt. But not enough to hide her panties, or the fact they rode up a little bit while she put her shirt on.

She finally turned around.

His shirt's neck is tighter than her own cut shirts. Her finger tugged on it, feeling like she might choke...

Or maybe it's because she's feeling a bit hot now?

She looked at Lincoln, but his eyes were aimed downward.

And then, she feels how tight her panties are… in a very important place.

On habit, and in a very unladylike way, she plucked at the dampening cloth with her fingers.

Blushing, she apologized.

Suddenly unable to look at Lincoln's face, she let her eyes roam.

Across his thick blanket to-

And now her eyes were fixated on a prominent location.

She could see the bulge of his cast, and where his other hand was fiddling with the sheets.

So... s-so that third bulge must be- must be his... h-his...

The boy moved, lifting his leg upward, just enough to mess up the sheets... to block her view.

Her eyes turned on his, and he looked scared.


Her guilt was lessening.

For a moment, she thought she was the only one aroused... and, if Lincoln would look closer, he'd notice the crotch of her undies was darker than the waistline...

Feeling a surge of... power? No. Warmth? Understanding? Close...


Feeling a connection to him, she drew closer.

She sat down and twisted to face him, laying a hand on his cast.

They didn't need to talk. Their eyes spoke enough.

But, to make the message even clearer, Linc scooted toward the wall.

And Luna lifted up the sheets and slid underneath.

They laid on their backs, both feeling warm, both feeling awkward.

Luna's hands were plucking at his orange shirt.

It's a little tight around her chest, but his smell was comforting.

She must have grabbed a worn one, but that's ok.

She didn't mind it.

She turned her face toward his.

He's looking at the wall, his cheeks were burning, and his good hand was atop the blanket now; clutching at the sheets with white knuckles.

The boy's afraid. But of what she didn't know.

Feeling her heart tug toward him, to calm him, to soothe him... she grabbed his hand and pulled it toward her.

His eyes, startled and wide, turned onto hers

She stared deeply into his as she kissed his hand.

Again, they didn't really need to say anything. They just listened.

Listened to the sound of their own heartbeats playing together.

Listened to the rhythm of their bodies as Luna shimmied toward him.

Lincoln soon felt her chest against his hand as Luna clasped his hand and hid it by her heart.

He felt her breath as she laid her head on his pillow, on his shoulder; and her exhales puffed on his hair.

He could see her nose, her cheek, and her lips in the corner of his eye.

He turned to better see her face, and she's so close.

So very close...

Her lips opened, her pink tongue prepared to move.

And she spoke, the sound nearly making him fall from the bed at how passionate it hit him.

"Goodnight, Lincoln."

He started to reply, but froze when her lips pressed against his. He's shocked, but soon recovered and pressed back.

Luna hummed as she felt him respond to her, but she pulled back after only a second.

Her lips parted again, warm from her own brother's heated kiss.

"I love you."

And holding his hand to her heart, and smelling the fragrance of his showered hair, she fell asleep.

Lincoln, on the other hand, needed a few minutes to calm down... and to let his curiosity be sated.

His eyes roaming across her gentle curves; his hand feeling the softness of her chest...

He counted every freckle on her face until he was sure he had them memorized.

And then, he too was out like a light.

You know, for having one broken leg in a cast, Lincoln felt pretty comfortable in his bed. He expected to feel a bit stiff. Maybe it was the extra pillow Leni made for him to prop his leg up that helped him. Or maybe it was the extra blanket that the twins had nicked from the hidden winter stash just for their favorite older brother.

Or maybe it was the warm softness he was resting on.

His eyes blinked open, and promptly closed again.

For one second, Lincoln thought that maybe he should get up...

But then he caught a glimpse of his old shirt stretched taut over his sister's chest, and he decided to enjoy the remaining moments as well as he could.

So, with eyes closed, he let his senses lead him.

Her legs were pressed against his.

Her toes brushing the top of his foot.

Her feet were a little cold, but the rest of her body really made up for it.

One of his hands, he realized with a start, was laying on her flat stomach.

His knee was laid across her thigh, his cap pressing into the inner parts of her other leg.

His sister's hands were on his body.

One laying limply over his back.

And the other...

The poor boy gulped.

The other was on his butt. A-and it was kinda holding him tight.

Not that he was much better, of course.

His cheek was pressing into her boob. He could feel something... like a soft bump... pressing into his face.

He turned his face just a little... just enough so his lips could feel it through the fabric of his old shirt; the same he'd let her borrow last night for their impromptu sleepover.

The second his warm lips crossed over her peak, her hands flinched (giving his butt a generous squeeze, making the boy squirm.)

Her parted lips, once exhaling into his hair, let out a tiny gasp.

And Lincoln felt something he didn't expect...

His, well, u-um... junk was twitching and... doing that thing again. Y'know, the same thing it did when Luna's hand brushed it in the bathroom.

Well, it got bigger and hotter and made him think things about his sister that... that brothers probably shouldn't think.

He couldn't resist the subconscious urges though.

He flicked his lips back over her peak, and this time instead of gasping, she let out a low moan.

It lasted long enough to make his legs melt into jelly goo.

He was tempted to try it a third time, so of course he gave in. His older sis was still asleep and his curiosity was practically burning.

Not burning as badly as the thing between his legs, though.

That spoke with a pretty loud voice as well.

And he found himself listening to it a lot more than he probably should have.

Caught up in the heat, he opened his mouth and pressed his lips around that little bump.

He didn't know what he was doing and accidentally breathed in at the same time he had his mouth around his sister's nipple. He sucked on it, and Luna gasped again.

But she didn't just gasp.

Her hands jerked.

And the boy found himself rolling atop his sister.

His broken leg was ok, even though it was now upside down atop the pillow.

No, what the young boy was mostly worried about-

Was how to hide his really noticeable bulge in his briefs when it's pressing against his sis' stomach.

His hands lifted his chest up just enough so he could look into his sister's face.

Oh, thank God, she's still asleep.

Now, if he's really super careful, he could just lift up his-

The small motion made his sister's grunt, and he wrinkled his nose.

Why'd she gasp for breath? It's not like he was-

Oh fudge! His hands were on her chest!

And no, he didn't mean that flat part that you could see all the time and was ok to look at... especially when she's jamming out super hard, and she starts to get a pink flush there, and he sees a few drops of sweat, and he kinda wonders why he has this desire to touch the flat plane with his tongue.

Nope. When she rolled him over, his hands fell onto her boobs.

Two handfuls that were perfect for his preteen-sized hands.

Oh God.

He knew he was going to do it no matter how hard he resisted, so why even try?

He took his hands and squeezed her breasts, and his junk throbbed so suddenly at that.

His sister gasped again and her hips thrusted against him.

Fudge! He didn't expect that.

His eyes clenched shut, his whole body on edge, and then it happened.

He started twitching down there...

His briefs felt wet.

Oh God, no.



There was nothing he could do now.

Luna's eyes wrinkled, and his heart stopped.

There was literally only one thing he could do in the moment.

Fall onto her body, and pretend like he died, while his boyhood jerked over and over again into his sister's groin.

Luna blinked her eyes open, promptly closing them again as the harsh sun rays ravaged her vulnerable eyes.

"Fuh-" she caught herself just in time, her eyes blinking open again; and seeing thick white hair, ruffled and messy from their sleep, she smiled.

Look at how cute he was. His freckles dotting his cheeks, his pink cheeks, his wavy hair. She ran a hand through his bangs and let them fall back to his head. She leaned forward and left a mark on his forehead with her lips.

She saw him stir, and she felt a girlish giggle blossom in her chest. She didn't let it out though. Instead, she hid it behind a few more kisses; as her lips rained down on his forehead while the boy slowly woke up.

His eyes finally popped open; his cheeks were burning.

"Luna, what are you doing?"

She couldn't stop herself if she tried.

And she didn't even bother trying.

Her lips moved across his face until they reached his lips, and she gave him a quick peck before replying.

"I just love you, bro."

That did it. Lincoln had too much.

He hid his face in his sister's neck, and she finally had to let out her giggle.

"What's wrong, Linc? Can't handle a girl's affections?"

Her fingers moved around to his armpits and she started prodding him and making him laugh.

But she stopped when she noticed something strange, something… wet?

She rolled him off onto his back, and she lifted the blanket.

Not really caring so much that he could see her panties because she saw him in his undies all the time anyway - she looked down and noticed the fabric had wedged into her cleft down there, but what's worse…

She'd wet herself.

Dang it!

On instinct, she just happened to look over at Lincoln's briefs, and her eyes bugged out.

Whereas she was a little wet, his briefs looked soaked.

"What the heck! Did you pee the bed? While laying on me!?"

She didn't mean to sound so angry, but she was a bit grossed out.

The boy just turned away and hid his face in his pillow. Too embarrassed to say he actually got off to her body like a greedy puppy dog, he let his silence condemn himself.

Luna sighed, her frustration giving way to acceptance.

"Right, well I'll be back, ok?"

Lincoln turned just enough to see his sister slip out of bed and over to the desk.

The teen slipped her skirt up and over her wet underwear, her butt wiggling in a delightful way. She didn't change the shirt tho. She just grabbed her purple top in her hand and left him alone.

For ten minutes he was left alone to lay on his back and remember how good it felt to have Luna's sweet kisses peppering all over his face.

He pulled his pillow over his face and smiled so wide he started to cry.

Gosh, he loved her so much! Ahhhh!

Luna hopped on over to the bathroom, which was thankfully open as Leni had just walked out from an early morning shower.

The girl stepped into the room, smelling the warm steam and her older sis' apple-scented shampoo.

She went over to the toilet and dropped her bottoms. She began to relax herself, letting out an exhale and a sigh as she relieved herself. Then, it was time for business.

She took her skirt off and laid it on the bathtub wall. Then, she slipped her panties off.

Sigh, she didn't know Lincoln still had that problem.

She'd known he still wet the bed a few times even at four years old, but still.

As she went to toss them on the ground, her fingers brushed a damp spot and that gave her pause.

The brunette crinkled her brows and looked closer.

It was… sticky?

She felt it again, fighting the urge to cringe at touching his pee.

But… it was more sticky than wet, so… it couldn't be pee, right?

Then, what could it-

Her eyes opened wide.


She remembered how red his face was, and how hard his chest was breathing, as she woke him up with her kisses.

Oh my...

She had assumed it was a natural reaction to being kissed by a cute girl, but-

What if he was already awake, and had- had…

Her cheeks burned as she looked at her naked crotch.

He must've. H-he had to've humped on her, and then… then released on her.

Oh God.

D-did they- just have-

She shook her head.

N-no, she still had her panties on, and he his briefs. But, still…

She groaned and frowned.

She really wished she had been awake to feel their first dry hump!

Come afternoon, Luna was leading her brother back to his room.

They sat down on his desk chair. Since she was the oldest, she sat down first and patted her lap.

Her brother tried being shy, but she just rolled her eyes and tugged him onto her thighs.

"What's wrong, don't want to sit on my lap anymore?"

She'd asked him that while slipping an arm around his chest and pulling him back against her breasts. Her lips were beside his ear. She felt him shiver. And she knew if she let her other hand reach down around his frontal low, that she'd probably be able to find out what the problem was.

But instead of doing that, Luna coughed and looked away, then back again, then to the computer.

She tapped a button and the screen came up.

"I figured we could play a game together, what d'ya got?"

Lincoln looked at her, then at the screen.

"Well, I've got Dark Souls 3 already in, and the controller is right there."

She nodded and grabbed it, then paused.

"Wait- you only have one?"

He shrugged and nodded, "Yeah."

Luna hummed.

"Well, that's ok. We can just share."

She gave him a smile, but Lincoln just sighed.

"We're gonna die…"

She nudged him in the back, accidentally poking him with her nips. The boy blushed and groaned.

He'd never been really aroused right before playing this game before…

Luna gave him an encouraging smile as she took one side of the controller, and he the other.

"Oh, come on, bro. We got this!"

They didn't have this.

The game loaded, and they spawned at the Great Belfry bonfire. Lincoln was stuck on the Nameless King and his flying steed.

Luna didn't see what the problem was. It was basically a glorified chicken that breathed fire.

They stepped across the smoky landscape, clad in heavy, intimidating armor, wielding a greatsword and greatshield.

Luna whistled as they approached their enemy, impressed with how imposing Linc's knight looked.

Then, the stupid chicken lunged forward and the King drove his spear into their chest, impaling them like sticking a knife into butter, and Luna hollered.

"Oi, what the hell!?"

Lincoln just frowned as the slaughter began.

It took them an hour to finally kill the chicken.

And with each bolt of dazzling lightning the Nameless King drove into their shared knight character, Luna shook and raged harder.

"Fuck you, bastard-" yeah, she forgot she shouldn't be saying such things, not that Lincoln minded too much.

Seeing his older sister get angry at something else besides him was kinda neat. Seeing the movements in her face, the shake in her hands, the way her feet twitched and stepped. Not to mention, her arm that was wrapped around him squeezed him tighter and tighter; and no, it wasn't uncomfortable. God, no… it was perfect~

As they died yet again, Luna growled and set her chin down on her brother's head. Her hand was stroking his chest absently, and Linc's hands had moved down to her legs, rubbing her skirt softly.

It was evening now, and what did they have to show for it?


Luna picked her head up, told him to get up, and kissed the back of his neck as he moved off her lap.

Lincoln watched her as she tapped the keyboard, and starting playing some songs.

Finally, she was smiling again, and the girl hopped out of the chair and helped him sit down in it.

As the beat of the drums and the rhythm of the guitar filled her up, her hips began moving to the sounds.

She looked down at her brother with a smile, grabbed his hands, and laughed.

"Dance with me!"

He couldn't move, but he could smile and let her twirl his hands and flop his arms around like the big dork she was.

He wished he could stand up and hold her close and twirl her around with an arm around her waist and their hands clasped to the side. He'd look into her eyes, and she into his. Soft music would play around them, and eventually they'd slow to a crawl. Barely swaying from side to side, they'd move their hands until they were hugging each other tightly, like they were clinging onto their little world, and their lips would touch each other's.

Luna let his hands fall and she hummed with the song, twirling and spinning.

Lincoln found his eyes watching every part of her.

Yeah, she was sexy. No doubt about it. Her curvy butt and chest were beautiful and appealing, and he longed to run his hands over them.

Her legs were lively and toned, carrying her around like a little breeze fluttering leaves across the ground.

Her arms were dipping and twisting over her head.

Her hands stopped in front of his face, and the boy jerked back as if being jolted awake from a marvelous dream.

He looked at her palms, and followed her body upward until he reached her eyes.

Come here, her eyes spoke to him, and he listened.

Luna helped him up with a gentle touch, and Lincoln soon found her arms wrapped around her just like in the vision he'd had only moments earlier.

He wasn't tall enough to look in her eyes, but he was tall enough to lay his head on her chest. And while feeling his cheeks warm, his heart burned that much more at the closeness and beauty in feeling her heartbeat in his ear.

Luna hummed as she led him in a short, swaying dance.

It couldn't last long, but it seemed to have been an eternity before she led him over to his bed and laid him down.

The rocker crawled in beside him and laid her head on his chest, her hand resting on his stomach, her leg laying across his.

The mood turned softer, warmer as the boy felt his sister's body on his side.

His eyes turned toward hers. They flicked down to her lips.

"Do you want to kiss me?" she asked with a whisper.

He nodded, shaky and a bit scared.

She gave him a shy grin.

"I want to kiss you, too."

Luna lifted herself up with her hands so she was hovering over him. Then, she leaned her head down and dropped a little kiss onto his lips.

She pulled back and Lincoln gasped.

Her lips fell onto his again, a little longer than a second this time.

And when she pulled back she didn't even take a breath before lunging at him again, pressing her lips fully against his and laying herself across his chest and good leg.

Lincoln groaned into her mouth, feeling his soft, curvy sister sprawled atop him.

His hands went into her hair, and he held her closer to him.

Luna sighed and licked his lip, but the boy didn't open for her. He was too overwhelmed to understand what she was asking with the subtle gesture. But that was ok.

Soon, they pulled apart and gasped for breath.

Luna's flushed face smiled above Lincoln's.

"I love you," she spoke first before dropping her lips onto him again.

He had puckered his lips and closed his eyes, but jerked when he felt her on his neck.


He wasn't expecting that.

"Shh, my love," she cooed as she pressed little kisses down his throat.

He looked at her as she crawled down his body and lifted his shirt up and over his head, baring his chest to her eyes.

She was still wearing his shirt, still looking at him like he was the only thing in the world.

Luna leaned up onto her knees, still hovering over his leg, and she placed her hands on his sides. She started stroking him up and down before leaning down and kissing his chest, above his heart.

The young girl sighed and laid her head down on its side, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

Her hands reached upward til they found his, and she held them dearly as she placed sweet kisses over his heart.

The heat of the moment simmered to a low flame over a bed of coals.

And though it was a little hard to relax with his sister draped over him like a warm blanket, Lincoln eventually fell asleep to her lips gracing his heart with little kisses and soft I love yous.