An: New Story Naruto x Japan urban legends This story is called the Slit mouthed Fox.. Naruko gets her mouth slitted at the age of 6 but she met and makes a deal with Kuchisake Onna and becomes Japan's most feared scary urban legend and is very angry and fed up with the village as she kills all those who wronged her and Slit their mouths ear to ear. Watch out Konoha because Naruko is very angry.

Chapter 1: Carved Mouth Awakening.

" AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! STOP IT!!!!" Screamed a six year old Naruko Uzumaki who was tied to a pole being stabbed by throwing kunai and ninja stars, as the Villagers, Chunin and Jonin alike are torturing her, neither of her Anbu guards came for her help that the sandaime had ordered to watch over her.

" You demon bitch this is killing all of our loved ones!" Hissed a Chunin who punched Naruko's bleeding wound making her cry in pain as tears rolloed down her face looking at the Mob in horror.

" Why don't you do us a favor and DIE!" Screamed a Villager with a pitch fork.

" Please stop I didn't do anything!" Pleaded Naruko as she looked fearfully at the mob, they sneered at her and laughed at how they were hurting her.

" Let's finish this before the Hokage gets here!" Yelled a Jonin with many agreeing.

" Let me do it! I got something that will hurt the demon painfully!" Shouted a Chunin with a dark smirk as the villagers cheered much to Naruko's horror her eyes widened in fear at what the Chunin was holding he was holding a Sword.

And not just Any sword.

" Please! Please! don't!" shouted Naruko

" You know what this sword does demon? this sword is coated with Acid! do you know what i'm about to do with this sword?" Spat the Chunin with Naruko not answering

" No boy will think you are pretty... once I slit your mouth ear to ear!!" He said with a cold smirk as her eyes widened in horror

" NO NO! PLEASE NO!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT NOT MY MOUTH! PLEASE!!!" Naruko screamed as the Chunin laughed darkly with the mob smiling.

" Now who will think you're pretty!" He said leaning towards her before grabbing her head holding her still while her mouth was forced opened and prepared to slit her mouth.

Naruko screamed as the acid sword melted her skin and cut through her mouth ear to ear as her entire mouth was covered in blood.

" Heh not even Tsunade of the Sannin could heal this!" Said a Jonin who smirked watching this.

" Done! now your mouth will remain like that forever!" Said the Chunin before he got struck in the throat by a Kunai which shocked the mob and looked in fear on who did it as Killer intent was leased

It was the Sandaime Hokage who looked pretty pissed as a squad of Anbu came with the old man.

" Anbu! arrest them take them to Ibiki and tell him to SHOW NO MERCY! double the Punishment on all of them!" He hissed Angrily as the mob protested and looked scared they were now being cuffed and taken away to Ibiki, the old kage looked at Naruko in sadness as his eyes widened in horror at what his surrogate grand daughter looked like.

" Neko... get her down take her to the hospital NOW!" He yelled as she wasted no time and doing so.

" Oh Naruko-chan... I'm so sorry..." The Sandaime said sadly

Two hours later in the hospital

Neko's Anbu unit watched the doctors carefully making sure they did their job as The Sandaime walked in.

" How is she doctor?" He asked grimly

" We managed to heal the rest of her wounds but her mouth is beyond healing... " The Doctor explained as the Hokage scowled

" What do you mean her mouth is beyond healing! speak!" he demanded as the doctor flinched at his tone.

" What I'm trying to say Lord Hokage is that we can't heal her mouth... her mouth is like this forever... we found traces of Acid that melted her jaw and her skin.. Not even with Tsunade-sama's healing skills her mouth can't be healed.. it's slit ear to ear..." The Doctor explained while the Hokage cursed and looked at the doctor.

" Can't their be other solutions! to heal her mouth!" The Hokage asked wondering if there was something but the doctor shook his head as the Hokage looked down sadly

" Naruko will be truly sad when she learns this..." He said mentally

" But Lord Hokage there is one option to hide her Slit mouth..." The Doctor said with the Hokage looking at him.

" What?" He replied

" We can give her a surgical mask to hide her mouth" He said.

" Fine... that will have to work... I will tell Naruko about her Mouth" He said sadly with the doctor nodding

" I'm so sorry Minato... you must be truly angered at what this village has done to your child..." He thought Sadly before walking in to break the bad news to Naruko.

(In Hell)

The Shinigami didn't looked happy he watched the whole thing on what those villagers did to Naruko Uzumaki, No child deserved this having their mouth slitted ear to ear and for what? because she held the Kyuubi? He couldn't take it anymore these villagers and all who wronged Naruko must be punished! They spit on the Yondaime's wish, His exact wish was for Naruko to be seen as a Hero! and no one in the village respected his wish!. The Shinigami thought deeply of a way to punish the villagers and those who would someday cross Naruko as He opened his eyes with a evil smirk formed on his face.

" Taeko-san Step forward... or should I call you Kuchisake Onna?" The Shinigami said as the Figure stepped forward.

This Figure was a woman with long black hair, Wearing a Beige Trench Coat holding Foot long Scissors her mouth was covered with a White surgical mask. ( An: Carved Kuchisake Onna Version)

" I have a task for you... since your the only Japan Urban Legend and Yokai I could trust with this mission.. Naruko will be Your vessel, I want you to make her your new Successor and to punish those who wronged her and if Kyuubi has a problem tell him I have sent you to be inside Naruko's Mindscape you two will share her mind together and help her since the Sandaime Hokage is no better at helping her. Do you understand?" He asked looking at the emotionless woman.

" Consider it done Shinigami-sama..." She said emotionlessly

" Good I expect a lot from you teaching her the ways of being your image... and find Kankandara, Yuki Onna and Hachishaku-sama find them vessels... Show no mercy to anyone who crosses Naruko" The Shinigami Said looking at the slit mouthed Yokai who nodded and was sent away to the land of the living.

" Are you ok with this Minato?" Asked the Shinigami who turned towards the Yondaime who had the Shinigami's seal on his forehead.

" I'm very ok with this What was I thinking... I thought the villagers would grow to love Naruko-chan and see her as a Hero. . but turns out I made a mistake.. Jiraiya has abandoned his status as godfather and Kakashi isn't doing his job to protect her either... perhaps Kushina-chan was right the villagers wouldn't see Naruko as what I expected..." Said a very angry Minato said.

" I should had just let the Kyuubi destroy that village... those ungrateful bigots haven't respected my wish... Sarutobi has done a poor job of protecting Naruko..." Said Minato with a sigh as the Shinigami stood there listening.

" Naruko-chan I'm truly sorry for setting you on this path... to burden yourself having you to deal with all this abuse and Hatred... but don't worry Because Kuchisake Onna will fix my mistakes and help you in anyway she can she better give Konoha a wake up call cause if she don't then I will once I am brought back by Via Edo tensei" Said Minato narrowing his blue eyes at the village he died for.

( With Naruko)

Naruko Uzumaki was looking at the mirror with tears on face... her mouth couldn't be healed the Sandaime told her about her condition all she could do was burst into tears and kept crying... those villagers had slitted her mouth and now she is forced to wear a surgical mask to hide her Slit mouth..

She reached for a towel to wipe her tears looking away from the mirror slowly putting away the towel she looked back at the mirror only for her eyes to widen when she saw a tall woman with long black hair, wearing a beige trench coat and the woman was also wearing a Surgical mask.

" Wh-Who are you ple-please don't hurt me!" She pleaded backing away from the Woman.

" I can feel your pain young girl... I have not come to hurt you... I am on orders of the Shinigami to mold you into my image..." Kuchisake Onna said before Naruko could say something her body froze as the Kuchisake Onna pulled up Naruko's hospital dress and saw the seal on her stomach... she fazed right inside the seal. Naruko's eyes looked lifeless as a Big purple light engulfed her as the entire village was having a Earth quake which shocked many as the Hokage, the Elders Anbu and Jonin plus Clan heads ran to the Hospital but froze when they felt a massive amount of Killer intent that was alike Kyuubi's but much scarier and worse.

" Am... I Pretty...?"

This question caught everyone off guard as they heard it again.

" Am ... I Pretty...?"

The Light died down revealing a tall blonde woman with streaks of red hair, as she wore a Red Trench Coat instead of Beige... her right hand had foot long scissors she also wore a white surgical mask.. her eyes were full of coldness with no life in them as an emotionless glare had sent shivers down their spines... as the tall woman let out a Hollowed roar. ( An: She makes those hollow sounds from bleach) that roar made everyone close to wetting their pants as they shivered seeing the woman stare at each of them.

" Nar-Naruko?" Spoke The Sandaime really worried and preyed the Kyuubi hadn't broke free or took control of her.

The Blonde haired woman tilted her head to the right looking at the old kage.

" Naruko is that you?" He asked again taking a step forward.

" The Girl is resting... you will address me now Sandaime Hokage" Spoke Naruko but in a tone that wasn't Naruko at all... this voice sounded emotionless, cold and hollowed like the Hokage knew this was not Naruko.

" Kyuubi?" He spoke as the woman who was possessing Naruko's body laughed at him.

" The kitsune is now cut off... I will deal with him shortly.. old man... but I am not the Fox.. " Spoke Naruko who grinned behind her surgical mask as she could feel the fear rolling off of everybody.

" Just who are you? if you're not Naruko or Kyuubi." Said The Hokage as The woman let out a cruel chuckle that made everyone tense.

" My Name? my name is Kuchisake Onna otherwise known as the Slit mouth woman!" Answered Kuchisake Onna with many in the Old generation having horrified expressions and panic even the Hokage looked at her in fear

" This woman can't possibly be Kuchisake Onna?" Thought Hiashi who looked white as Orochimaru, he turned on his byukugan looking at Naruko only for his eyes to cringe and look away just from looking at Naruko the power Kuchisake Onna emitted effected his eyes and hurt them.

" This woman... can't be?" Thought Danzo as he ignored the pain from his hidden Sharingan eye.

" Why are you in Naruko's body?" Asked The Sandaime who looked ready to have a heart attack at seeing the urban legend before him.

" I was sent here on orders of the Shinigami" She replied as everyone was now close to shitting themselves at what she said.

" What Orders di-did he send you?" Asked Homura who looked scared.

" It concerns this child that all of you have wronged and mistreated, The Yondaime's daughter..." She said shocking everyone now

" How? how does she know!?" Thought Hiruzen

" Can we talk about this in a more private matter" Spoke Danzo as the woman nodded

" So right you are Danzo-san... let's talk in the council chambers... I'm sure you will know exactly why the Shinigami and The Yondaime sent me here" She spoke now walking pass everyone but she quickly pulled off her Scissors and Beheaded 5 Chunin's and 7 Jonins as blood was everywhere, the Clan heads, Hokage and the Elders widened their eyes in complete shock and fear

" Those Chunin's and Jonins tried to burn Naruko, Use her for Target practice using kunais and beaten her up... they deserved death now the Shinigami will send them to hell" She spoke Coldly walking by the feared Shinobi.

" We... are so... fucking Dead..." Thought the Clan heads.

" Minato... please don't tell me you've actually agreed to this?" Thought the Sandaime

while Danzo stayed silent trying to keep his emotions in check... he was sweating... and felt afraid for some reason.

They followed the Japan urban legend and was heading to the council chamber.

To be Continued

An: Well that's a rap might make this a Horror fic parings undecided but planned on making Naruko either Bi or Straight but tell me what you think? how Screwed Konoha is now?

Naruko is Kuchisake Onna

Haku will be Yuki Onna

Anko will be Kankandara the 6 armed Snake lady

Tsunade might either make her or Hinata become Hachishaku-sama.