
It was midnight when Dewdrop awoke breaking in a cold sweat on her sleeping platform in the Rainwing village. She gave a sudden shriek. "Where is Mother!? I have to save her from the volcano!" she thought. "Mom!" she cried out. "Where are you!" she yelped again even more desperate than before. Then she remembered, Mother was dead.

The tendrils of smoke wafted out from the animus wrought tunnel. Dragons in many shades of color poured out from it. Dewdrop sat anxiously waiting for Hibiscus, her mother, to appear out of the crowded entrance. She waited and waited, but she never came. Mother's last words clung fresh to her mind as the rampaging of frantic dragons that feared for their lives became a steady trickle. "Remember, my little Dewdrop, Mommy will always be with you in your heart, even when you're lonely and afraid. And I promise that I'll come back." The last glimmer of hope was diminished as Nightwing dragonet about her own age stumbled out of the passageway just as the stone structure trembled and gave away to soot, ashes, and lava.

"NOOOO!" Dewdrop sobbed as her mind recalled the past incident. Three male Rainwings dashed over to her to see what all the commotion was about. "Now what happened," a voice murmured. "Get used to it Jaguar, since her mother died she's been 'out there' ever since. "But-," the replying voice was cut off. "No buts!" a harsh voice said. "Let's get some sleep," the voice said in a warmer tone. And with that, the two figures slunk off into the darkness.

A/N: This is a very short prologue, but future chapters would be much longer. What do you think guys? Should I continue this or not?