[It's time for the first chapter! This fanfic deals with a budding romance between Bowser and Luigi, and homosexual themes as well as some themes dealing with emotional abuse and trauma. Also, there's some minor Mario and Peach fluff throughout the story as well.

If you aren't into gay pairings, then feel free to turn back. I won't judge you.

If you're sensitive about abuse, I will be including some warnings in at the beginning of chapters that deal with it.

As always, I do not own the characters in this story, they are the property of Nintendo]

The plan had gone off perfectly. Bowser kidnapped the disguised Luigi, thinking he was really Peach, and Peach was now free to pursue the Ancient Star. By the time Bowser found out about the deception, it would be too late. Luigi held Peach's fan close to his face, even though the surgical mask he was wearing helped disguise his large nose.

"Come here, my dear~" Bowser said, approaching Luigi. Luigi made a show out of refusing to look at Bowser, a delicate little cough his only response.

Bowser's hands touched Luigi's shoulders and a shiver went up his spine. Not an unpleasant shiver, either.

"I know it's you, Luigi..." Bowser said, purring seductively. Luigi felt the blood rush to his face, and he fanned himself with Peach's fan, "you were my target all along."

Bowser turned Luigi around, delicately took his surgical mask off, and leaned in. Luigi could feel the Koopa King's hot breath...



"WAAAAAH!" Luigi shot up in bed, sweating heavily, and blushing deeper than the time one of the mushroom retainers walked in on Mario showering.

Mario leaped out of bed and was at Luigi's side in a split second.

"Luigi!? Are you okay?" Mario asked, his eyebrows knitted together in brotherly concern.

"Y-yeah..." Luigi said, letting his heart calm down for a second, "I just had a... really weird dream, is all."

Mario smiled, sitting at the foot of his brother's bed, "Feeling stressed over playing body double?"

Luigi gulped and nodded, "I dreamed that Bowser was hitting on me, bro."

After a second, Mario started laughing so hard he fell off of Luigi's bed. As embarrassed as Luigi was, Mario's laughter was oddly comforting, and he felt his tension leave him as he realized how silly his dream was. He joined in the laughter, too.

"Oh Luigi, no wonder you woke up screaming, I would too!"

However, Luigi still felt a little unsettled. It wasn't actually the fact that Bowser was hitting on him that woke him up, was it? It felt like there was something else that startled him awake...

He couldn't quite remember that last part of the dream, the shock of waking it up had clouded it over.

It was nothing to worry about, though. For now, he had a job to do.

"Well, come on and get dressed, bro, we got things to do."

Oh right. He did have a job to do. He had to go play body double for Peach and get kidnapped by the biggest baddest koopa in the land.

Luigi shivered as he stood up. Why did he have to be blessed with the right frame to be Peach's body double?

It wasn't long before they reached the fortress where Peach was staying at. She had decided to tour the kingdom as part of a campaign to improve relations between the royalty and their constituents. In fact, she was so determined that she was even traveling in spite of a nasty cold, which forced her to wear a surgical mask.

Or rather, that was the story being told. In truth, she simply exploiting her hay fever to help sell Luigi's disguise. The entire campaign, while a genuine gesture, was also a ploy to tempt Bowser into trying to kidnap her. She made sure that someone would leak information about her route in such a way that Bowser's spies would hear it, and made sure that her next stop would be where Bowser would be most inclined to strike – on top of Mushroom Hill, which was close to her kingdom's borders and thus quite easy for Bowser to fly in and grab her.

But it wouldn't be Peach that would be kidnapped this time.

Pausing to sneeze delicately, she put the finishing touches on Luigi, pinning her broach to his chest.

"There, Luigi, you're now the spitting image of myself," Peach said, smiling. Luigi smiled too, though his was hidden behind the surgical mask that Peach was wearing previously.

The Princess herself was wearing a simple brown robe with a hood to hide her hair and face, same as the one Mario was now wearing.

"When you get kidnapped by Bowser, Mario and I will sneak off to Astrolandia to see about that Ancient Star that was found there."

Luigi nodded, remembering that they needed Peach to go there personally, since the Ancient Star would only respond to a Royal of the Mushroom Kingdom.

"I'm really sorry to put you through this Luigi, but you're the only one who actually looks like me in my dress," Peach said, her face becoming a little downturned, "And I know you're a bit frightened... but I'm sure you'll be okay. You've faced off against Bowser alone before."

Luigi grinned bravely, but his heart was pulsing. He never wanted to do this sort of thing, but there were times when his fear of losing his friends overcame his fear of facing danger and he could find the strength to move forward.

Peach kissed him on the cheek, and he blushed and laughed awkwardly. Mario chuckled politely at Luigi's happy expression.

"Come on, Mario, we've gotta get going so 'Princess Peach' can continue her tour," Peach said, winking at Mario."

Mario and Luigi shared a brotherly hug before they parted ways.

"Good luck with the Princess!" Luigi said.

"Good luck with Bowser!" Mario responded.

And with that, the Princess and Mario left the room, hiding their faces and leaving through a hidden passage.

Toadsworth marched into the room and Luigi quickly covered his face with Peach's fan. It was time to continue the Royal Tour.

The tour was, so far, uneventful. "Peach" would ride in a car, and wave to the people, stopping now and then to hear from spokespeople. Luigi did his best to listen to everything, but Toadsworth handled the actual talking, on the excuse that the Princess had a sore throat. Luigi was just doing his best not to panic about the plan failing... or worse, succeeding.

It was at the summit of the hill, for a royal picnic for the people of Mushroom Hill Town, when the worst possible event happened – the plan succeeded.

"GWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!" echoed Bowser's voice his air ship flew down from above the clouds, "I've got you now, little princess!"

The guards charged forward, but were quickly overwhelmed by the koopa troopas, whose shells provided natural armor tough enough to protect them from the spears. It took every inch of Luigi's self control to avoid jumping on the koopas himself – if he did, he'd surely blow his cover.

He felt Bowser's large hand grab him from behind, lifting him up as easily as if he were a sack of feathers.

"Gotcha!" was Bowser's rough voice, and Luigi shivered...

The plan had gone off perfectly. Bowser kidnapped the disguised Luigi, thinking he was really Peach, and Peach was now free to pursue the Ancient Star. By the time Bowser found out about the deception, it would be too late. Luigi held Peach's fan close to his face, even though the surgical mask he was wearing helped disguise his large nose.

"Come here, my dear~" Bowser said, approaching Luigi. Luigi made a show out of refusing to look at Bowser, a delicate little cough his only response.

Was... was this going exactly like my dream this morning? Did that mean that... Luigi thought, fanning himself and fighting the intense urge to blush.

Bowser chuckled behind Luigi, the deep sound sending a shiver down his spine.

"I know it's you, Green Stache."

No tender touch on my shoulder? No leaning into- wait, there were more important things to worry about now. My cover's blown!

Luigi turned around and made no attempt to modulate his voice,

"H-How'd you know!?"

Bowser laughed, "I have more spies than you realize, Greenie. And while you may have been counting on me to go easy on you and overlook your athletic abilities, that ain't happening! You're my prisoner and I will use you to gain Peach and the Ancient Star at the same time!"

Well. That plan backfired spectacularly.

Luigi fanned himself, worrying about himself, and also Mario and Peach.

And also a slight feeling of... disappointment? Luigi wondered – no, feared what that might mean.

"I suggest you get some sleep, Green Stache. It'll be awhile before we get to my castle."

Bowser laughed his way all the way up the stairs to the bridge. Luigi sighed sadly, removing his dress to reveal his overalls underneath and laying on the cot. He sank into an uneasy sleep.

Bowser turned Luigi around, delicately took his surgical mask off, and leaned in. Luigi could feel the Koopa King's hot breath... and he leaned in as well. Anticipating when their lips were about to touch. Closer and closer... his lips-

A loud smash woke Luigi up mere moments after he fell asleep, as well as he fact that he was now laying against the wall with the cot laying on top of him.

"What do you mean we've been hit!? Who attacked us!?" Bowser's voice roared, clearly heard even from the brig. "I need ans- WOAAAGHH!"

Luigi managed to crawl to the small window of the cell just in time to see Bowser fall into the forests below. He still couldn't quite process what was happening, just as he couldn't process the large object that was flying towards the ship from the outside. Smashing right where Luigi was, the wooden hull cracked. Luigi breathed a small sigh of relief before the crack opened, sucking him ouside of the ship and sending him falling into he forest below.

Screaming for his life, a small thought came bidden to him as his mind finally caught up to his dream, remembering it.

Oh. So THAT'S the made me scream awake this morning.

[So... Luigi's anxiety-fueled dreams seem to have uncovered some hidden feelings he's had. Guess we'll have to see how he handles them from here onwards.]