Season 1 Episode 5: The First Step part 2

As the students flew through the air, they all made sure to find a way to land, some flying farther than others. Well, most of them anyway.

Zilar used his katanas and lodge them into a tree stump, allowing him to stop.

Weiss spawns a glyph underneath herself to jump off of.

Ren uses his StormFlowers to spiral around the trunk of a large tree and hit the ground, brushing off his clothes before looking up to see Yang, blasting herself through the air with her shotgun gauntlets.

"Woohoo! *Blast* Yeah! *Blast* Alley-oop!" She shouts in excitement as she then blasted herself towards the trees, crashing through the leaves and ground rolling into a run.

"Nailed it." She said.

Tails takes the sword off of his back and transforms it into a circular shield and uses it to crash through three trees before rolling onto a large branch. Tails rolls to his feet, placing the shield onto his back, and places his hands above eyes as he looked around the area.

He sees Jaune still falling, with no way of finding a way to land on his own. Tails transforms his shield into a bow and pulls the line back. An ice arrow began to form. He aims and fires.

As Tails placed the bow on his back, it transformed back into Dusty Crow (Its original single edged sword form)

"He'll live... I hope." Tails said as he jumped off the branch.

"I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!" Jaune repeated. He lacked a landing strategy and had nothing to soften his fall. He just fell, hoping that fate would let him live.

Luckily for Jaune, fate wasn't done kicking him below the belt as something pierced his hood and something else collided with him.

He and the unknown something got stuck into a tree. He looks up to see an arrow made entirely out of ice slowly melting away, it was holding his hood and someone else's sleeve. A white sleeve.

"Wait, doesn't this sleeve belong to-" The arrow broke sending him and the unknown person to the ground. Jaune landed on top of the person that was lodged in the tree with him. He sees that he had landed on Weiss. He gives a nervous smile and gets off of her. He offers his hand, which Weiss relunctantly accepted.

"I guess where partners, Snow angel." He said. Weiss took a moment to process what she just heard.


Ruby fires off a few rounds to slow her fall, and then she transforms it into its scythe form before hearing a loud scream.

"Huh?" Ruby said as she looked off into where she heard the sound, unaware of the tree she was flying directly into. She looks forward and sees nothing but the trunk of the tree she has headed into. She didn't have time to even scream before her face collided with the trunk of the tree.

"Ow." She said as she pulled her face away slowly slid down the tree. She wipes the bark off of her face and used her tongue to check for bark in her mouth. To which she did manage to find a few pieces.

"I'm glad Tails wasn't around to see that, I don't wanna be known as tree-face too." Ruby said.


"Um..." Jaune said awkwardly as he saw Weiss falling to her knees. After hearing Weiss scream from realising who her partner was, he wanted to find away to make her feel better.

"It's okay." Jaune said as he rubbed her back.

"Everything's gonna be alri- OOF!" Jaune was interrupted with an elbow to the abdomen. Weiss then stands up and began to storm off.

"I'm sorry, but I do not believe this partnership would work out. Good day." She said as stormed off into the bushes, away from Jaune.

"But... But Snow Angel." Jaune said in dejection.

"And stop coming me that!" Weiss shouted. She got around ten feet away from the failed knight only to see a certain hammer wielder, riding on the back of an ursa.

"YEEEEHAAAW!" Nora shouted as she rode the ursa like a mechanical bull. For the first time in Weiss' life, she felt sorry for a Grimm. So she weighed her options.

"Flirty failed knight, or Hammer wielding psycho?" Weiss asked as she looked at her hands as if to actually weigh in options. She sighs and made her way back to Jaune.

"By no means does this make us friends." She said as she grabbed him by the hoodie and dragged him off.

"You came back!" Jaune said happily.


Ruby successfully pulls out the last piece of bark out of her teeth before beginning to run.

"Okay, Gotta find Yang! Gotta find Yang, gotta find Yang, gotta find... (shouting) Yang! Yaaaang! Oh, this is bad, this is really bad... What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first? Well, there's always Tails. He's nice, he's funny. He would probably be awesome in a fight too. But he's probably already found someone else." Ruby said, as she imagined poorly drawn versions of herself and Tails. The poorly drawn version of Tails was talking to someone else as the poorly drawn version of her sadly walked away.

"What about Weiiiiii- nevermind." Ruby said. She then continued to think about.

"Well, the only ones I got to know are Weiss, Tails and Yang. I wonder if that girl with the bow would be willing to-" Before Ruby could finish, she bumped into someone and was knocked into the ground. She looks who she bumped into.

It was the boy Yang liked. He sure did like green.

He turned to look at who bumped into him to see the young reaper giving him a sheepish smile. They made eye contact and the boy (Ren) offered a hand.

"This is a strange way to meet a partner." Ren said. Ruby accepts his hand. Ren helps her to her feet.

"Thanks, um... " Ruby trailed as if to ask his name."

"Ren." He introduced.

"Ruby." She introduced.

"We'd better get a move on." Ren said.

"Right." Ruby said as she followed behind Ren. He seemed to know where he was going.

'Nora is not going to be happy with this.' Ren thought to himself. He then began to wonder what Nora's signal sounded like, and if he missed it. it wouldn't be good either way. 'She'll find a way to team up with me, that's for sure.'


Tails was still walking through the forest. He knew where he was going, so he wasn't in a rush. Then, he stopped dead in his tracks, and his ears began to twitch. He picked up a sound and a smell. Both were hostiles.

"Sleuth of Ursai." Tails said as he turned around to see an Ursa major emerge from the bushes. The ursa roars.


Done with the fifth chapter. The next chapter is going to be much longer, and will introduce the villians. The harems for the two ponytailed males will also begin in the next chapter, as well as the ones after.

Like, fav, and review. Peace.