Hey again, I'm back with yet another fanfic. I promise I'll finish this one, promise. I didn't spend 2 years wanting to write this and finally turning it into this mess for nothing. Three things before we start: One: if you have any questions to ask, P.M. me or write them in the review section. Two: please don't ask for your O.C. to be in this fanfic, I already have enough cringey non-canon characters...


And three: thanks for reading this. I appreciate it, and I really mean that. I'm glad to know I'm entertaining someone with my crappy, probably boring writing.

Edit: I used to have 2 other prologues on here, but I deleted them.

Happy reading!

His hairs stood on edge, but the heavy wind was too cold and strong. It didn't help at all.

There wasn't any shelter around - at least not as far as Tails could walk or see. But it's been hours, he was pretty sure there wasn't any shelter at all around here. Just the opening he was in made by broken, blown down trees.

Eventually, the fox stopped hoping and just sat on the ground. At least it wasn't muddy, right? His scenario wasn't that bad…

Well… it was still pretty bad nonetheless.

Tails's tattered gloves traced the metal on his camera. Through the leftover fabric he could feel its cold surface, and it made a shiver travel down his spine. He ripped the excess off, they were useless anyway. He didn't dare look at the watch that was on his wrist. It would hurt too much.

The kitsune pressed the power button. Immediately a flash of light came from the camera, and it was on standby. He placed it a good distance away from himself and pressed the record button before going back to his spot from before.

"Uh… hi again. It's me, Tails…" He started.

"I'm in a different place than I was before… I wonder why," A forced chuckle escaped his lips.

"Life isn't really going great for me right now, as you can see." The frosty air coming from his mouth became harder to see as seconds passed into the night. "I don't think it'll be getting any better anytime soon…" Tails voice started to crack, because he thought he was right. He knew he was right.

And it was unbearable.