Warnings: Mentions of rape and blood.


Daenerys Targaryen and Ashara Dayne listen intently as Jaime and Brienne explain everything they discovered.

"Running the King's Landing arm of the Martell family business," Dany says with wondering surprise once they've finished, "that…does not match anything I've ever been told about Elia."

"She deliberately kept things secret," Brienne says. "It's why she was so successful."

"And we're sure it was Gregor Clegane who murdered her?" Ashara asks, her violet eyes cold.

"Yes, we're sure," Jaime says. "The rape kit didn't yield any usable DNA but it did show whoever raped Elia has aspermia—that is, he doesn't produce any sperm. However, when they analyzed the nightgown Elia was wearing, they found Gregor Clegane's blood mixed with hers."

Dany frowns. "How did that happen?"

"Clegane isn't talking," Brienne says, "but it could have happened in any number of ways. He could have injured himself while he was committing the crime…or Elia fought back and scratched him or gave him a bloody nose or something." She presses her lips together and looks away. "Regardless of how it happened, it's a much stronger piece of evidence."

"How so?"

"Even if they could prove Clegane is infertile, he could claim he was having an affair with Elia, they had consensual sex that day and somebody else killed her after he left. But there's no way to explain how his blood ended up mixed with hers on her nightgown."

"Where is he now?" Ashara asks.

"In jail," Jaime says, "and with luck, no judge will grant him bail."

Ashara's smile is bitterly amused. "Judges grant bail all the time. He should stay in jail if he knows what's good for him."

Jaime raises an eyebrow. "Oberyn Martell?"

"Doran and Oberyn are legitimate businessmen…but they have not forgotten their sister or their roots."


Jaime and Brienne escort Ashara and Dany to their office door, where Ashara hesitates then turns to Dany.

"I've just remembered there's something else I need to talk to Jaime and Brienne about. No need to wait for me; I'll meet you in the car."

Dany nods, says good-bye and leaves them.

Jaime and Brienne watch Ashara with politely questioning expressions and she slowly smiles.

"Thank you," she says. "You truly have no idea how relieved I am to finally have an answer."

Brienne shifts uncomfortably and nods. "We were just doing our jobs," she mutters.

Ashara chuckles. "I know. Still. Like I said the last time I was here, Elia was my friend and I loved her very much. Those were great days before they all went wrong. I would have cherished those moments all the more if I'd known…" She shakes her head, waving her words away. "Treasure the precious moments when you see them; they always disappear far too soon."

Jaime glances at Brienne and is caught by her guileless blue eyes.

Ashara chuckles, startling him. "I'm sorry; this isn't why I stayed behind."

Jaime and Brienne raise eyebrows in question but say nothing.

Ashara leans closer. "You may want to check beneath your boardroom table and your desks." She straightens. "The Martells do not like leaving anything to chance."


They find the bugs easily enough once they know what to look for, and in the boardroom, Brienne takes great pleasure in smashing them to bits with her shoe.

"I hope that deafened whoever was listening," she growls.

Jaime laughs. "Well, it's our own fault. The boardroom and offices are out of sight of the reception area and Ashara had the run of the place for at least an hour."

"I'll have Sam install cameras tomorrow," Brienne grumbles.

Jaime puts his arm round her shoulders and begins to guide her out of the boardroom. "That's tomorrow," he says, his voice soothing. "For today, let's go to an afternoon matinee then for something to eat."

Brienne digs in her heels. "It's only one o'clock!"

"Which is why it's an afternoon matinee. Come on, they're playing Scarface at the Blackwater. Al Paenymion, Myrcella Piper, 1983."

"What's it about?" she asks suspiciously.

"A Myrish immigrant takes over a drug cartel. I thought it was appropriate, considering Sandor Clegane's unfortunate scars."

She scowls. "We're working, Jaime!"

"We've just finished a case, Brienne! A tough one, too!" He turns her to face him and says, suddenly serious, "It really was a tough one, in more ways than one. Come on. Let's make some of those moments Ashara mentioned and hold on to them with all our might." He frowns. "Are you worried about Hyle?"

She blinks her glorious eyes and he sees she's genuinely confused. "Hyle who? You mean Hyle Hunt? From the movie?"

He slowly smiles. "I take it your date didn't end well, then."

She blushes and mutters, "I didn't call him."

His smile widens as he once again urges her towards the reception area. He winks at Bronna as he opens the door and ushers Brienne through. "Well, that means there's even more cause for celebration! I'll even spring for dinner now!"


They watch Scarface then eat a leisurely meal during which Jaime finally convinces Brienne to take in the early movie at seven and out for a drink afterwards.

He teases her unmercifully and notes with interest every shade of pink and red she turns while always admiring the remarkable blue of her eyes. Conversation flows more easily than he had hoped and his conscience doesn't begin to raise its head until she's driving him to his apartment.

He has a sudden urge to invite her up for a nightcap but as he turns in the car and opens his mouth, his gold hand catches the light of the streetlamp and stops him in his tracks.

Brienne blinks, her forehead creased with a puzzled frown as she looks at him.

He quickly recovers and says, "Thank you, Brienne, for playing hooky with me." He reaches for her hand and lifts it to his lips. He brushes a light kiss against her knuckles and says, "Sleep well."


He doesn't go into his apartment building until she's driven away.

He curses himself as he rides the elevator to his floor. Brienne is a good person, he tells himself, and she deserves more than a casual affair, which is all he can offer her. Besides, he likes her and being The Jaime Lannister too much to do anything that would jeopardize their relationship.

Or, he ruefully admits as he opens the door to his apartment, his chance to hold down a legitimate job.

He drops his keys on the side-table by the door, toes off his shoes and pads his way to his bedroom, pulling his shirt out of his pants and unbuttoning it as he goes.

He flicks on the bedroom light and stops short.

"Hello, darling," Cersei purrs, sitting up in his bed and blinking against the light, the blankets held to her naked breasts in mock modesty. "Have you missed me?"


A/N: BWAhahahaha!