
And with that being said, I give the Seth, Quil, Embry and Jake one last quick hug, Jake's lasting the longest. Give my father a kiss on the cheek and Damon a passionate kiss as he did earlier and made my way up to my bedroom.

This time

It's been a week since Jake and the others came to stay with us.

When Momma got back that day, she was very shocked, but she quickly warmed up to them.

She was especially attentive and warm to Quil, she confessed to me that he reminded her of Daddy when he was younger.

Which caused daddy to be little annoyed and have him bond more with Damon.

It was a quiet day and we were all just hanging around the house, Damon was helping me bake muffins and the Wolves were helping me get rid of them.

Momma and Daddy were lounging upstairs watching a movie.

As I was taking out the last batch of muffins the phone rings causing me to jump, to the amusement of the Wolves and Damon.

"Hello?" I ask wondering who's calling this early in the afternoon.

"Lilah, It's Rose. There's trouble" I hear Rosalie's anxious voice on the other side of the phone and my heart instantly drops. Damon rushes over to see what's wrong and Jake is on high alert upon seeing the grim look on my face.

"It's the Volturi, isn't it Rose? They're coming?" I ask her hoping the answer is no, hoping I can keep my perfect life that I've found. The perfect family.

"Yes, Edward and Alice went to the Volturi about you. Saying you betrayed them and ran away to assemble an army against them to take over Volterra." She finishes sounding disgusted and sacred.

"How did you find out?" I'm confused at that detail because I know that Edward and Alice wouldn't tell them. After they came the last time and him and Elena got together, I thought they ran away together to my delight.

"They took that stupid girl Elena" I can hear her rolling her eyes. "They went to Volterra and Made up lies about you. That girl also told them about your parents and the rest of their kind of Vampire. Carlise and Esme left them when they told them of their plan and came to us to warn you guys."

I can hear shuffling in the background, and I wonder what's going on.

"We have to go Lilah. We're going hunting, maybe we could meet up later?" She sounds like she's in a hurry so I agree, say our goodbyes and hang up the phone.

I look directly at Jake and say in a trembling whisper "They're coming Jake"

He curls his fists and gets this burning look in his eyes.

"Who's coming?" Damon demands in a soothing voice but also with a burning look in his eyes.

"The Volturi" I say and with that one sentence I see his eyes turn into a firey Hell that I've never seen and he looks terrifying.

With that I tell him my whole history with the Volturi.

When I saved Edward from them,

When They tried to make me join them,

When they tried to kill me

finally when I told them I'd sacrifice myself for Edwards life.

Damon looks increduolous when I finish and the Fire in his eyes gets more pronounced.

"You did all these things for you, and that glittering Fairy still left you!?" He almost shouted.

This cause Momma and Daddy to rush in and demand what's going on.

Jake explains knowing I can't talk about it again.

Daddy pulls me into his arms and strokes my hair in a calming motion.

"Do we know when they're coming?" Momma asks, horror evident in her voice.

Daddy pulls her into his arms as well, and tries to calm us both down.

"No, They weren't told" I tell him disentangling myself from daddy and snuggling myself in Damon's arms.

At once a feeling of ease spread through me.

"We need a plan" Daddy tells us then looks at Momma. "Do you think we can convince the Witches to help us? and the Wolves?"

"You guys have wolves?" Embry asks interest clear in his voice.

"Yes, I'll explain them to you later" Damon says "They're like your kind but slightly different" He finshes as he still strokes my hair.

"We'll go at once to recurit all we can. Many people owe us favour or they're sacred of us. Either way we can get people on our side to defeat these pale glittering faires." Daddy says reassuringly to Momma who sobs louder.

"She just found us Klaus" She chokes out between sobs "We can't lose her again"

"I know Love, We'll first go to Elijah and Rebekah." She agrees and they make plans to head out.

"We can go get our kind of Wolves and be back by tomorrow" Jake speaks up and Daddy nods his thanks.

The Wolves all hug me and reasuure me that everything will be okay

"I'll get Alaric and Jeremy. We'll need Vampire hunters for this." Damon says and looks to me for an okay.

"That's a good idea love, I'll go with you" I tell him as I look towards my parents for premission

"You better take care of her Damon" Daddy tells him "She's our little girl, any har, comes to her. You'll answer to us" Momma finishes.

He just smiles his Damon smile and reassure them of my safety with him.

"She's my life as well." Was his only answer.

With that I kiss and hug my parents goodbye and head out with Damon to find Alaric and Jeremy.

A/N I hope you enjoy this chapter.


XOXO ~Bellatrix