Something About Country Boys

Author's Note: Thanks for the reviews. I hope that you all enjoy the grand finale of Something About Country Boys and if you're interested, please feel free to check out my other stories.

Chapter Notation: Five years have passed since the last chapter. Warning there is a lot of fluff and silliness in this chapter. There is also a very special set of cameos from the afterlife. This was done for the sake of comedy. It is not intended to be an endorsement or dismissal of anyone's religious views or the lack of them. Happy reading!

Chapter 21

"Daddy is riding really fast!" An adorable girl with raven black hair giggles as Sasuke leads Kurama around at a gallop.

Naruto couldn't help, but chuckle at the scene. "Yes, he is." Sasuke looked so damn smug and well Kitasha seemed to be having a grand time watching her Daddy ride the proud stallion.

They had been married for four years now and their daughter was three. They hadn't waited very long to walk down the aisle or to start a family. While Kitasha was Sasuke's biological daughter, she was Naruto's daughter as well.

They had to use a surrogate. So only one of them could be the donor and thus the biological father, but that hadn't really mattered to the blonde all that much. Kitasha was his daughter and that was all there was to it. (Besides, they were thinking about trying again and this time Naruto would be the donor).

"I told you that I could do it." Sasuke smirks at Naruto.

Damn that sexy smirk. It really made him want to tear the other man's clothes off and have Sasuke ride something that wasn't Kurama. Though he had to wait until later tonight.

They had a daughter now. Sexy Fun Times had to be managed very carefully. He really did not want to have to explain the 'Birds and the Bees' to their sweet angel this early on.

Naruto just laughs though. "Yeah. Yeah." He couldn't help, but grin at his husband. "It sure took you long enough though!" It had taken well over a year before Kurama had let Sasuke ride him.

The blonde was pretty sure he knew how his 'Sexy Bastard' had finally won over the proud stallion. Mostly by bribing him with treats and looking like Madara, Naruto suspected. Though it probably helped that Sasuke was his 'mate." So the fact that the other man probably smelled like him likely calmed Kurama down to a certain extent.

"Whatever." Sasuke rolls his eyes. "Better late than never." To which Kurama neighs, seemingly in amusement.

Honestly, Naruto was pretty sure that it was just in amusement though. Horses were smart creatures to begin with, but Kurama was definitely in a league of his own!

"Uncle Jugo! Uncle Suigetsu!" Kitasha giggles as she races over to the two men who had just walked out of the brewery.

Suigetsu laughs and scoops her up. "Hey, Batty." Naruto didn't miss Sasuke rolling his eyes once again at that nickname.

"Seriously, Batty?" His husband had always been less than amused at the nickname for his daughter. "That's what you call your boss's daughter?"

Jugo laughs and shakes his head. "Well she's little, has dark hair, and she jumps so high it's almost like she can fly. So she's like a bat." He smiles at Sasuke. "A really cute bat though."

That was a nice save, Naruto thinks to himself. God help anyone who insulted their daughter. She was not only the most adorable kid that Naruto had ever seen, she also had two overprotective fathers, an army of Akatsuki Uncles (and one Akatsuki Aunt), feisty grandparents, and a cousin who would do anything for her.

"Of course, she is." Sasuke smiles smugly at that thought.

Jugo and Suigetsu were still working at the brewery and Mangekyo Wines respectively. They were also now engaged and still going strong. Talk about opposites attracting, Naruto thinks to himself.

"Oh speaking of cute things, I guess Itachi and Gaara are going to be over in a few minutes." Suigetsu shows them the text. "They got caught up in traffic."

Naruto nods at that. "Yeah. Traffic can be murder." This was especially the case when you were driving with a three and a half year old boy in the backseat.

Ryo was very cute, but he was a very energetic red head. He was Gaara's and Itachi's son. Obviously, Gaara must have been the donor for him to have those crimson red locks, but the boy did have smoky eyes like Itachi. Those two must have done what he and Sasuke did.

They found a surrogate who looked at least a little like the other father. Kitasha had blue eyes like Naruto, even if she otherwise looked like a mini girl Sasuke. While Ryo looked enough like both of his fathers, that it was hard to believe they weren't both the biological father.

The kid had his red hair styled like Itachi and like Naruto had said, the same color eyes. He also surprisingly had a nose that was nearly identical to the elder Uchiha Brother, but otherwise when it came to looks…he definitely took after Gaara.

"Tell me about it." Jugo nods in agreement. "Oh and I figure that we should probably check on Orochimaru to make sure that they're keeping their word about him not getting paroled."

Yeah. "That's a good idea." Naruto nods in agreement because the last thing he wanted to find out was that freak somehow managed to slither his way out of prison early!

"You're impossible." Orochimaru glares at them.

He couldn't believe this. They still visited him once a year, just to taunt him. It was unbelievable!

Kushina smirks at him. "You're lucky that you're behind bars." That damn bitch! "Because I would have done far worse than you!"

Minato shakes his head. Orochimaru was quite certain that the man thought his wife was more than a little crazy, but he was too fond of his own life to protest much. Which meant he tolerated her temper.

"Spare me the idle threats!" His voice was coming out as a hiss and he knew it, but Orochimaru couldn't help it.

Oh how he hated these parents! They were even worse than their children!

"You know, your really shouldn't threaten the prisoner." Fugaku sighs.

Damn straight they shouldn't threaten him! What was wrong with these people?! Did they not have the slightest idea that they could get caught?!

"I know that we shouldn't." Mikoto sighs as she kisses her husband's cheek. "But it's so much fun and the snake does deserve it."

Kushina nods her head eagerly at that. "Besides, who is really going to take his word for it over ours." Damn them!

Damn them all to Hell! For five years, he had been in this miserable prison. For five years, he had endured their taunts and for five years, he had to watch as the Akatsuki and Mangekyo Wines continued to thrive.

To make matters worse, Mangekyo Wines had now entered into some sort of partnership with the Akatsuki. They maintained their independence, but they were now selling wines to the Akatsuki at a discounted price! This was ridiculous!

"Well, I suppose that's enough of that." Minato smiles as he turns on the tv. "How about we all relax and watch the news." And of course, the sadistic blonde had to turn it to the Business Channel!

A short while later, Gaara smiles as he, Itachi, and Ryo make their way back to Mangekyo Wines. Ryo was rather eager to play with his cousin and well, the red head was happy to finally be out of traffic.

"It's sweet how he runs straight to her." Itachi chuckles as he watches the boy do exactly that.

Gaara couldn't help, but nod. Ryo might only be three, but his personality was already manifesting itself. If he wanted something, he was going to go for it. The boy was absolutely fearless. That much was obvious.

So was Kitasha. "Ryo!" She giggles as she rushes over and hugs her cousin tightly.

It was so adorable that Gaara couldn't blame Itachi for immediately taking out the camera. Things like this were just meant to be captured on film! Thank goodness for cell phones.

"Glad you guys could make it." Naruto laughs. "What'd you get stuck behind some grandma or grandpa?"

Itachi shakes his head. "No worse." He smiles and snaps a few more pictures. "We got stuck in rush hour."

Suigetsu nods at that. "Yeah. Rush hour is such a bitch." He chuckles though immediately was besieged by four angry parental glares.

"You said a bad word!" Kitasha's and Ryo's voices ring out in perfect unison.

Honestly, there were times when Gaara thought they acted more like twins than cousins, but that was something he was happy about. It was cute and it was good to see them developing bonds so early on. Bonds with other children their own age. It was healthy.

Itachi swats Suigetsu upside the head for his language. "Watch your language when there are children present!" He shakes his head.

"Can I see the pony?!" Ryo suddenly looks up at Naruto hopefully.

Naruto laughs and nods. "Yeah. You can see the pony." That seemed to be all the prompting that Kitasha needed because she grabs her cousin by the arm and drags him towards the stables with the adults in hot pursuit.

Mikoto smiles as Orochimaru watches the Business Channel with horror. It was fun to tease the psychopath.

"Yes, we're very happy about our partnerships with Mangekyo Wines and Uzumaki Breweries." Pain smiles at the reporter. "We've also in talks with Gaara Sabaku about a partnership with him in regards to his horse ranch, but we haven't decided what form that will take yet."

Orochimaru glares at all of them hatefully. "Turn the damn thing off." To which they all just shake their heads.

A beautiful bluenette nods in agreement. "The partnership has been enormously profitable." She smiles. "And if nothing else, I'm quite certain Seiko will enjoy riding the horses."

"Never." Kushina rolls her eyes at him. "You kidnapped my son. You're lucky that this is all we're doing to you!"

"Ponies are fun!" Deidara laughs madly. "Yeah?!" Prompting Sasori to shake his head in desperation at the blonde's antics.

Kisame smirks and smiles. "The brat is pretty cute. He also likes the new martial arts studio that we've started up." He looks at the camera, the picture of excitement. "We're calling it the Samehada!"

It didn't escape Mikoto's notice that Minato was chuckling at that. She could see why. It was rather amusing to see the shark-like man so gleeful about something.

The reporter nods at them. It was almost as if she couldn't really believe her luck. For a moment, it seemed as though she was going to get tongue-tied, but she gets over it quickly enough.

"That sounds rather exciting." She smiles at them. "How is little Seiko doing by the way?"

Hidan snorts. "Don't get them started on that damn brat!" His comment earns him two very angry parental glares, but he keeps going. "They'll never shut up about him, if you let them get started!"

Seiko was Konan's and Pain's adorable four year old boy. He had blue hair like his mother and lavender eyes like his father. Mikoto thought her grandchildren were the cutest in the entire world, but Seiko was also pretty damn adorable!

The reporter laughs and wisely gets between them. She obviously sensed what was going on and wanted to avoid a bloodbath.

"Hidan, do you have a death wish?" Kazuku shakes his head.

Zetsu nods. "I have to agree, you're really pushing your luck!" The man who still resembled a plant in Mikoto's mind was apparently trying to save Hidan's life.

Fugaku shakes his head at all that and well, Mikoto was in agreement. The Akatsuki were certainly a rather interesting lot to say the least!

"Shut that damn thing!" Orochimaru glares at the screen.

Mikoto smiles and hands Fugaku something. "Well I think that's enough torturing him for today." She beams at him. "We should go home. I want to see if they fit you properly."

He looks at her in confusion. "If what fits properly?" That's when he looks down and sees a pair of blue jeans in her hands.

Kushina laughs and hands Minato a pair as well. She and her friend had planned this. Itachi and Sasuke certainly had a point about a nice pair of jeans on a cute butt!

"…" Fugaku was left momentarily speechless.

Minato shakes his head in amusement. "Best to humor them." He smiles and kisses his wife's cheek. " Thank you."

Fugaku nods dumbly and Mikoto smiles as she drags her husband off. Kushina doing likewise. She was sure that the businessman was going to look great in his new outfit!

Itachi laughs softly as he watches Ryo and Kitasha fawn over Shukaku. "Pretty!" Ryo smiles as he pets the foal.

The foal was black and white. Which wasn't really that surprising. Kurama was a black stallion and Shukaku's mother was a white mere. He was a handsome little thing though and very lively.

"I guess every kid has always wanted a pony." Suigetsu snickers.

Sasuke nods in agreement as he shows Ryo how to brush the baby horse's mane properly. "Gently." After all, the last thing any of them needed obviously was for the foal to get spooked because his hair was tugged on too hard, Itachi observes.

Kitasha nods and smiles as she feeds the horse an apple and giggles. She had such a cute giggle. She was just like Sasuke at that age. Though she was just as hyper as Naruto. (A very dangerous combination, really.)

"Do you think our parents are still taunting Orochimaru?" Naruto grins at them.

Jugo shakes his head. Probably because the answer was rather obvious. Woe to anyone foolish enough to go after any children of Kushina Uzumaki and Mikoto Uchiha. (And if anything, their fathers were worse in some ways).

"Not really, but he does have it coming." Itachi chuckles at the thought. "The man did put Kabuto up to kidnapping Naruto and goodness only knows what other schemes had carried over the years." As far as Itachi was concerned, they hadn't done anything wrong.

Sasuke smirks at the thought. "Well he's going to be either dead of old age or a very old man when he gets out." That was true. "So I doubt he'll be causing many problems in either case."

It might be cold to say, but Itachi couldn't exactly disagree with that. He probably should feel guilty, but he didn't. Honestly, the world would be better off without him.

"Well this got dark pretty fast." Suigetsu rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "You guys wanna go swimming?"

Those were the magic words, Itachi laughs softly. "Yeah!" Their enchantment over poor Shukaku was temporarily and instantly forgotten as they started jumping up and down in excitement at the prospect of swimming.

"Well that answers that question." Gaara smirks as he lifts up Ryo onto his shoulder so that the boy could ride on his back piggyback style. "Lets head to the pool then." Before carrying him off.

Naruto does the same to Kitasha, who squeals in delight as the Uchiha brothers follow them. It was a good thing they had a pool. Otherwise, that they'd probably have to fight through more traffic to get the beach or the local swimming pool at the park!

"I can't believe you planned this." Izuna shakes his head from his position on a cloud.

Madara just smirks at him. Of course, he planned this. It was such a pity that his matchmaking had to wait until after his death. Oh well. It had worked out beautifully (as he knew it would)!

He chuckles at his brother's exasperation. "You can't argue with the results." The former owner of Mangekyo Wines couldn't help, but feel more than a little smug at being proven right.

After all, who didn't enjoy being proven right? It was just a natural human instinct to bask in such an occurrence. So yeah. He was going to bask for awhile and enjoy taunting his foolish little brother a bit!

"No. I can not." Izuna sighs and looks at Madara warily. "How did you know that this would work though? They hadn't met before. You were making quite a lot of assumptions."

Madara smiles wickedly at that. "Mostly intuition and the fact that opposites attract." Gut feelings sometimes couldn't be fully explained, but it was important to follow your instincts.

Instincts were there for a reason. Hadn't this entire situation proven that? Though Madara would have been happier if Orochimaru and Kabuto hadn't pulled their psychotic little stunt, of course. Everything else so far was working out beautifully.

"Uh huh." Izuna shakes his head and hugs his brother. "I love you, but you are such a crazy Bastard at times!"

Madara laughs wildly and returns the embrace. "I love you too, but you're way too serious!" He smirks at him and tosses a cloudball at him. "Lighten up." Which up here was probably the closest thing to a snowball they were going to find!

Izuna raises an eyebrow. "Well if you insist!" He swiftly grabs a piece of the cloud they were on for himself and hurls it at Madara.

Ah ha! He had a challenger. Well Madara would show him who was boss. There was a reason why he was undefeated at this game! Madara Uchiha never lost! Not even death could knock him down for long! 'Believe it' as Naruto would say!

Sasuke smiles as he watches the kids splash around in the pool. Naruto and surprisingly Gaara had joined in on the splash fight. It was quite the intense battle to say the least, but Itachi seemed content to watch with him.

"They're too adorable." Itachi laughs.

Sasuke nods in agreement. That was really the only way to describe the sight of his bubbly blonde playing with their daughter and nephew while Gaara joined in with them.

The younger Uchiha Brother smiles at that thought. "Yes, they are." Because well it was true. "So it looks like the Akatsuki Partnership is really taking off."

Itachi's eyes were still trained on the children and their other fathers as he nods at Sasuke. "That's true." He smiles. "I'm an economist and even I couldn't have predicted such a revenue boost. I do hope it continues."

Yeah that would be nice. Though they were all set for life, anyway. Ryo and Kitasha were certainly going to have large inheritances one day. Which was good because Sasuke didn't want either of them to worry about anything.

Speaking of that though, in about at decade he expected the local boys would start to become highly annoying. There would be far too many frogs and princes attempting to win over his princess!

"Me too." Sasuke nods.

Hopefully, their next child would be a boy. Maybe, he'd be able to help Sasuke and Naruto scare away the unworthy suitors that were bound to be coming!

He liked the idea of two princesses, of course. Though Sasuke was realistic enough to know when they became teenagers, that was going to be very, very bad for his stress levels.

"Damn. That's one Hell of a cannonball!" Suigetsu snickers as Ryo jumps and makes a big splash.

Of course, there was a possibility that Ryo would help them as well. He seemed protective enough of his cousin and they certainly got along well.

"Big splash!" Kitasha giggles.

She had such a sweet laugh. It was really music to his ears and watching her eyes sparkle like that was mesmerizing. Though he knew that Itachi felt the exact same way about Ryo. So this was what being a proud parent was like.

Sasuke just hoped that they never took it to the extremes that Ryo's and Kitasha's grandparents did though. There was a line and those four had certainly crossed it. It was a damn good thing that they all owned so much property really. Otherwise Sasuke wasn't sure where they would have fit all the birthday and Christmas presents!

"Yes." Gaara nods approvingly. "A very big splash!"

"You were right about something though Itachi." Sasuke smiles at his brother.

Itachi tilts his head. He probably didn't know what Sasuke was referencing, but the younger Uchiha certainly remembered. It was after all, what started all this in a strange way.

He smiles at the other Uchiha though. "Well I'm usually right." Itachi was so modest Sasuke thinks to himself rather sarcastically. "What was I right about in this context though?"

He'd just have to quote Itachi, it seemed. "Well who can resist a nice pair of blue jeans attached to an even nicer posterior?" Sasuke smirks at him. "Remember when you said that? It's true." And as if to prove his point, Sasuke gestures towards their husbands. "There really is something about country boys in their blue jeans."

Itachi chuckles and pokes Sasuke in the forehead. Damn it! Was Itachi ever going to stop doing that?! Apparently not!

"Foolish little brother, of course I was right about that." Itachi smiles at him slyly. "Naturally, you had to find that out the hard way though. Still, I suppose it doesn't matter that it took you longer to reach the same conclusion because it all worked out perfectly in the end."

Sasuke shakes his head and pokes Itachi's forehead in retaliation. "You're partially right." It would have been easier, if he had just given into his attraction to Naruto sooner because goodness knows he loved the man. "It would have been easier, but this isn't the end." Sasuke smirks at his brother. "This is only the beginning."

Itachi smiles at Sasuke and nods because he knew that the younger Uchiha was right. Well at least that's what the former lawyer liked to think anyway.

"You're right." Itachi nods again, confirming his suspicions. "We own a successful and rapidly growing business, have adoring parents and crazy in-laws, two gorgeous husbands, and are fathers now." That was right. "This really is just the beginning. Madara really knew what he was doing when he left us Mangekyo Wines. It's almost like he planned this."

Sasuke snorts at that. He doubted anyone could plan that far in advance. "I doubt it, but you're right. We do owe him a lot." Sasuke smiles and Itachi just nods in agreement.

"AHH-CHOO!" Madara sneezes in the afterlife.

Naturally, Izuna takes advantage of the moment and smacks him in the head with a giant cloud ball. "I win!" He snickers.

"That doesn't count!" Madara flails around comically. "You cheated! I was sneezing!"

Izuna shakes his head in amusement. "You know, they say when you sneeze it means someone is talking about you." To which Madara just rolls his eyes.

"That is the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard." The elder Uchiha snorts.

It was not ridiculous! It was so true! Anyway, they had important matters to attend to.

"Come on, Tsunade is throwing her death day party!" He smirks at Madara. "It's at the beach."

Yes, there were all sorts of landscapes in the afterlife. A fact which wasn't widely known, but Izuna had been rather pleased to find this out because it could only mean one thing.

Madara's eyes light up at that. "Tsunade's beach party!" And Izuna knew why, the pervert would never pass up a chance to see scantily clad women. (Not that Izuna could blame him, he was the same way)!

"Yes, come on!" He smiles as he drags his brother off. "Let's go!"

Madara just smirks as he allows himself to be drug off. "This will be fun." Oh yes, it was going to be lots of fun! "There is just something about country girls in their bikinis that really gets me going!" Well that was true.

They were also rather fortunate, that they were young enough to enjoy such things. One of the nicest aspects in the afterlife in Izuna's mind was that you could choose what age you were on whatever whim you liked.

Naturally, most people were content to be young and healthy in the afterlife. He and Madara generally walked around in their twenty or thirty something year old bodies and had a grand ole time charming the female angels!

"Me too!" Izuna admits with a slight blush as they make their way towards the beach.

Izuna Uchiha was a happy man. His family was happy and he had his brother back. And it certainly didn't hurt that they were heading to a beach filled with beautiful women in bikinis! This truly was paradise!