From what I could tell, my existence had been continuous. Being born ignorant and innocent only to grow into my power. Reincarnation as many call it. I never came to see myself as a God or Goddess. I have lived as a warrior, a soldier, and many other things. I have been denied release from this eternal life. I may not want it in the end.
--Egypt 1345 B.C.--
I am sitting on my throne silently as I do most days. Life is monotonous but I am secretly thrilled that there is finally civilization. Living in caves had been more boring than imaginable but thank the universe that the life expectancy was quite low in those times.
One of my wives pads toward me seductively. "Would you like assistance, my love," she purrs. I stare at her blankly. Ugh."No, despite your delicious ways I must decline."She gives me a pitiful pout and bows before walking away. My second in command gives me a look. "You never turn down sex from your wives, Asha." I sigh and roll my eyes. "You must know that sex is not everything, Hetap. I lust for you only ," I said chuckling and he rolls his big dark eyes. I loved my second more than any other. He had been by my side for so long. He was like a brother to me.
Suddenly, I can hear loud footsteps outside the city. I knew this sound very well. Apparently, my rein had come to an end. "Tap, there is an army coming to take my throne. Assemble the soldiers." A fierce expression took over his face and he ran out the door. His war horn disrupted the city and every soldier assembled outside my abode. I sat bored still. Not much surprised me anymore. Maybe today I could die and be reborn in a different time. The fight began swiftly. I found anxiety building in my chest as Hashanah had not returned yet. Just as it began he came through the door with other guards to protect me. "You know I am quite capable of destroying these scoundrels singlehandedly," I said exasperatedly. He looked at me with a forlorn expression. "This army is different." Before I could ask what he meant someone blurred through the door and killed all of my guards leaving my brother for last. The person was pale and looked like a beautiful Sekmet. My face hardened.
"Asha, the Great. The Phoenix of Egypt. Io the Destroyer. Enyo, the Warrior Goddess. Kali Ma, Destroyer of Worlds. You have many names." The creature's voice was like silk but I found it trite. How dare this Sanguine come to feast upon my people. "I prefer only Asha, leech. Why have you come," I said standing. He laughed and grabbed my brother by the throat. I snarled."I have come to taste you. Only a a delectable human could acquire such a following." He swiftly snapped my brother's neck before I could respond. I screamed in anguish. My power threatened to take over me as the beast stalked forward. "Give in to me," she whispered in the back of my mind. The beast grabbed me by the neck as she took control. "You are no God," he snarled. "You are nothing but a savory human." I laughed darkly. "Those will be your last words. Your soul is mine." He balked as my power exploded from me like the explosion of a star. Fire exploded from my body uncontrolled and as hot as one thousand suns. I watched in awe as the Vampire screamed and turned to ashes. But no I wasn't done yet.
My brother, my poor brother. I prowled outside and saw carnage. Vampires feeding from my soldiers hungrily. I acted instantly. Materializing in front of them and watching them explode. They had taken from me all that was left of my humanity. I would show them all what a Sekmet really was. As all of them died I screamed so loud and so fiercely that the ground shook below me. They knew not what type of vengeance they had awaken inside the Phoenix.
After the death of my brother there was nothing I wanted more than to leave. The looks the people gave me infuriated me. So suspicious and so disbelieving. The looks of complete awe were worse in some ways. I did not want to be worshipped as a God. I was a monster. And so I ran
.--East Europe 1008 A.D.--
Europe was an odd place. Actually every other place besides Egypt was odd to me. These people did not have sewage systems. They threw their filth onto the walking paths. How disgusting. As I walked through the town I kept my hood up. I didn't need more attention than I already had.
It seemed every form that I inhabited was of Vampire beauty but subtly human. A heartbeat and bloodflow is the only way one could tell. In this form, I was pale like these people and that unsettled me. My hair was as red as blood and straight as cornsilk. My lips the same color. I would rather be in my Egyptian form. I miss the caramel complexion and my black curly hair. Hmm, maybe next time. I stode into an Inn with purpose. I needed a bed for the night.
A shrewd old lady came to my aide at last. "Would you like a room for the night or a suite, young one," she rasped. Her voice was like dying felines. I cringed. "Yes, ma'am. A suite."She looked at me skeptically and told me the price. "Here's a coin purse. I will be staying for a week and I expect quality service," I said, with a snarl. She paled visibly. "Only the best service ma'am! Slave? Come take this beautiful lady to her room immediately!" I gave her a look when she said slave. I was never keen on the ownership of others but I had seen it. When I took over the throne in Egypt I put an end to slavery.
A pale girl of about 14 summers came padding in barefoot. "Yes, Mistress." She turned to me and her eyes widened. I smiled at the girl. She was quite beautiful for her age. She blushed. "Right this way Madame." I followed quietly as we came to my suite. She fumbled around with the keys trying to unlock the door. I chuckled quietly. When she finally opened it I walked in and gave a once over of the place. "This will do. Thank you, young one," I said sincerely. She ducked her head shyly. I walked forward swiftly and tilted her chin up."You do not look upon my face? Why?"I could hear her heart beating erratically. " is not my place, My lady," she whispered. I scowled. "You will not act as a slave around me. I will see to it that you are free before I go about my way." Her face lit up and she smiled tearfully.I reached into the pocket of my cloak and gave her a coin purse. She looked at it with wide eyes before trying to hand it back."I could not take this from you. You are too kind, my lady," she said vehemently. I pushed it back into her hands. "I will not take it back. It is yours. If you ever need food or shelter you will have it. Would you deny a guests gift for wonderful service," I asked jovially. She blushed and tucked away. "Thank you again, my lady." I sighed. I hated titles. "Call me Asha, please. What is your name?" Her face lit up. "My name is Irina." I smiled. She had a beautiful name. "You may return to your duties. I will be here if you need anything." She nodded and began to back away not wanting to break eye contact."Thank you, my- Asha," she said before running downstairs. Hmm, interesting.
The next few days, Irina would come and bring me water to bathe. Each time she would blush fiercely and stutter. It was cute i might add. Occasionally i would ask her to wash my hair just so i could get her to stay a little longer and bathe. I could smell cuts on her back that had the potential to get infected if not taken care of. "Why do you always have me bathe, Asha," she asked from the bath. I sat on the sofa in from of my bed reading an old tome. I continued to read as i answered. "The old lady beats you doesn't she?" Her heart beat faster. I closed the book and strode to her side. "You bathe because they could get infected and I would not stand for it." She blushed. How I love her shyness. "May I ask why you care," she whispered. "Nobody has ever cared." I am silent for a moment. Why do I care? I've never really taken such an interest in other people before unless it was for sex. "You are special, 'Rina. You have great potential and I see a long future ahead of you." I was not lying. I foresaw her future but I didn't look too far. I like surprises very much and the temptation to meddle was strong. There would be Vampires here that would take an interest in her. They would love her like I could not. I am never permanent. She cuts off my musing with her adorable voice.
"I can never repay you for your kindness," she said looking down into the water. I shook my head. "You don't have to but you will by becoming more." At that I walked back to my bed and picked up my tome.
The last day of my stay I was talking to the old bag and putting the suggestion in her head to let Irina go when the three lady's asked. She was very susceptible as I had imagined. I left a few garments and another coin purse under her small cot in the kitchen. Irina, who had been escorting the Vampires about the town, chose this moment to come back. Her eyes were teary."You leave so swiftly?" I sighed and nodded.
"I must go, my love. I am a nomad. Here take this," I said pulling a golden ring from my finger. Her eyes bulged as I slid it onto her finger. She touched it reverently. "Will I ever see you again," she asked as her tears finally fell. I leaned down and kissed her head softly. "We will meet again in a different time and a better place."
As I walked away she watched me all the way. Ahead three Vampire women stood watching with odd expressions. "Who are you," the eldest looking said in a sneer. I thought for a second before answering. "I have many names but you may call me Asha. I am taking my leave." As I began to walk a hand wrapped around my arm. I stopped trying to hold in my snarl. "These are Sasha and Katarina. I am Tatyana. What were you to Irina," the shortest asked suspiciously. I turned around unlatching her arm with ease. They looked surprised. "She is my friend. I expect you to take care of her in my absence. Understand," I said, letting my powerful aura flow around me. They stepped back unconsciously, nodding. "What are you," Sasha asked fearfully. I smiled sweetly at them."The Phoenix. We will meet again young succubi." With that I walked away from another life yet again.
I am taking suggestions on what the pairing should be. Alice, Kate, and Tanya are out of the question. So are Jane and Esme. I was thinking Vicky or Bella. Maybe even Leah (that poor soul). Rosalie is available but what would I do with Emmett. Maybe I could get some action in with her while she's still human;) This is completely AU and Femslash as fuck so hit me up with ideals. Good readings, my samurais:)