Author's Note: This is about to get so OOC it isn't even funny. If you want to read about classic Hermione, this isn't your story. (Though I do have a suggestion for that! Read my Girl Elsa007 fic: s/10198258/1/7-is-a-Lucky-Number )

Basically this story is pent up frustration and sexual energy combined with my obsession of all things Harry Potter and a very 'what if' mindset.

Synopsis: A spell goes wrong and Hogwarts is put into a frenzy. Unbidden passions reign over staff and students alike, as their deepest, darkest, desires come to fruition.

Warnings for this chapter: Horny-ness; Orgasm; Faked Orgasm; Ego Stroking…I think that's it. It'll get hotter down the line I swear!

"Be careful, Mr. Finnigan!" Flitwick's voice, usually squeaky, was two times as high pitched and shrill as he reprimanded Seamus. I glanced over at Harry who was looking entirely too unamused to be convincing, and Ron who was biting back a grin at Seamus's sheepish looking face. "This spell is incredibly temperamental! The Ministry wishes you to all be trained in working with volatile spell work so that you may be prepared to work with such magic upon entering their ranks. I, however, think that working with this particular doozy is a horrible idea! If something were to go wrong…the consequences…" He trailed off shaking his head. "You keep that wand away until you have decided to take this seriously Mr. Finnigan! 5 points from Gryffindor!" Ron smirked and I stifled a laugh as Seamus hastily shoved his wand back into his pocket.

"Oh shut it, Hermione. Just because you've done it perfectly." He grumbled at me. I laughed and pulled out my wand, showing him again the results.

"It's just a Wishing Charm, for goodness sake."

"There's nothing 'just' about it Miss Granger!" Flitwick exclaimed as he overheard. "Another 5 points." I flushed. I had never so much as lost a point for my house during class. I always knew the answers and the teachers here loved me! Except for Snape. A voice in my ear whispered at me. You've lost points in Snape's house, remember? I brushed the errant thought away and proceeded to listen to Flitwick's lesson. "No. No, I simply won't have, it, you aren't ready. We are done with Wishing Charms for the day. We will move on to the next charm the ministry has added to the list you'll be tested on," He checked his list and sighed. "Another incredibly temperamental one. The Impulse Curve Charm. This charm is meant to be used on one's self when they feel their impulses may get the best of them. It causes a voice in your head that talks to you about the Pros and Cons of an action before it is impulsively taken. Wrongly cast, the Impulse Charm can have opposite effects, egging on the impulsive behavior. The spell lasts for anywhere from 2 to 3 hours, but done incorrectly, can last much longer. A treatment is available at Saint Mungo's. Anyone feeling the effects for longer than 4 hours is to report immediately to Madam Pomfrey who will arrange transportation to the Hospital for treatment. As Flitwick began explaining the wording and motions behind the Impulse Charm, I noticed Seamus still practicing the swing of the Wishing Charm, frown set firmly on his face. I held in my laugh and motioned to Harry who rolled his eyes, amused. We began practicing the charm on the mice provided for us, some of whom, instantly slowed the hurried pace in which they had been sprinting haphazardly around our desks and one or two who sped up exponentially. The advanced Charms class laughed at the results. It was clear which mice were now fighting the impulse to run around and which had gotten worse. The students whose mice hadn't changed pace whatsoever had to keep trying until they managed some form of shift. Those who had done well, moved on to practice on Ravens.


Suddenly the room was covered with a pale grey smoke and the sounds of students hacking and coughing filled the air. "WHO DID THAT?!" Flitwick screamed. "WHO WAS PRACTICING THEIR WISHING CHARM AFTER I EXPRESSLY SAID TO STOP?" The cloud of smoke was beginning to settle and Seamus raised his hand, shaking nervously. Flitwick began muttering spells beneath his breath, stirring his wand in the remaining haze like a spoon in a soup pot. "Oh, no. Oh no this is not good." He said shooting a patronus from his wand. The school will have to be locked down, this must be contained, we will have to be put under quarantine! Student's back to your dormitories now. Wait there until further instructions, I've no idea the consequences of this but…"

"Of what, professor?" One of the Slytherins asked impatiently. "What happened?"

"Miss Greengrass, a malfunctioning wishing charm was nixed with a multitude of Impulse charm's both successful and defective. They've created…something and it is spreading across the castle quickly. The magical wards will have to be raised and we will have to be quarantined to be sure this doesn't spread. The ministry will send officials on the Hazardous Magic team to fix this. Now go! And avoid the smoke!"

"Professor, we've all already been covered by the smoke!" A Slytherin girl spoke up anxiously.

"Back to your dormitories! We will handle this immediately!" We shuffled off and I reached out for one of my friends to hold onto. That was bad. Two very volatile spells had just mixed and not even our charms teacher could tell us what would happen. The Hazardous Magic Team? This was serious! I was worried. Ron saw my expression and reached over, pulling my hand into his.

"Don't worry, Hermione. They're going to sort this out soon enough and you won't even have missed much class." He winked. I intertwined my fingers in his and gripped hard. There was something incredibly comforting and relaxing about holding his hand just now. Neville bumped into me and a shock ran through my arm where our skin had touched.

"Sorry Hermione." He said grinning. Tight quarters. My skin buzzed. What was that? I felt…it was…my skin felt alive. I felt alive. I felt like I could do anything. Anything I wanted, anything I wished for…I should just do it, right? What was the point in sitting around bored and scared when there was a whole world of fun out there waiting to happen? A small smile tugged on the corner of my lips as I thought of what I wished for. We made our way into the Gryffindor tower and I made up my mind. I wouldn't sit around and wait for some horrible screwed up magic to take over, I would do whatever I wanted right now.

"Ron." I whispered in his ear, drawing his attention away from Lavender Brown who was scooting closer and closer to him on the couch. He turned to me, smiling. "Ron, I'm bored." He laughed.

"Have you finished all your books and they won't let you go to the library yet?" He teased with a smile, his thumb caressing the side of my hand.

"Noooo." I wined, still whispering. "Lavender, is boring. We should ditch her." He smirked.

"Feisty, I love it." He said with a grin. "What do you suggest we do instead?"

"Do you trust me?" I asked. He nodded and I took his hand, leading him away from the couch (much to Lavender's disappointment) and towards one of the study rooms behind the fireplace.

"Granger if you've brought me here to study," he began as I locked the door. "I swear by Merlin, I'll-" Before he could utter another word my lips cut off his speech. I threaded my fingers into his hair and sucked hungrily on his lower lip.

"Holy shit," He said, gasping for breath after a minute. "Hermione, what are you doing? I mean I'm not complaining, but-"

"I'm bored Ron. I'm bored and incredibly horny!" He blushed, wide eyed and incredulous. "Come on! You can't tell me you didn't just enjoy that!"

"No! No I definitely did, I just didn't expect you to-"

"Come on, Ron. I need you." His eyes grew dark and a growl escaped him as I found myself pinned against the wall, his hands reaching all over me, touching every surface. His lips clamped down on some skin at the base of my neck and he moaned happily into me. One hand gripped my ass tightly, holding me aloft, pinned to the wall while the fingers on his other hand pulled my leg and wrapped it around him.

"Say it again." He huffed, hotly.

"Say what?" I taunted, knowing full well what it was that tickled Ron's fancy.

"Say you need me."

I laughed lowly and lowering my voice to a throaty whisper I moaned the words. "Make me." He snarled and laid me down on the floor, ripping down my shirt and pulling aside one cup of my bra before attacking my nipple with a vengeance.

"Ohhh…" I closed my eyes, reveling in the sensation. "Ron. Please!" I begged. "I need you!" he began to suck hungrily at my nipple, his fingers finding the other and pinching and prodding at it as if he were a complete Neanderthal. There was no slow and sweet seduction, no caring about my pleasure, he did what he wished and he was blunt and barbaric about it. And it made me wet. I was being taken for the pleasure of someone else. I was about to be fucked in a more primal way than I had ever been before. The thought made me moan in anticipation.

"Tell me how badly you want me." His words came out in a jumble as he nipped at my breast.

"Ron, I want you. Only you." I knew how insignificant Ron felt and I decided to shamelessly play on that. A bit of ego boosting and he would be well on his way to coming inside me. "I've wanted you for so long. You're such a man, so hot." He reached down and began fumbling with his trousers, pulling his hard cock out and rubbing it, spreading his precum out evenly. "God you're so huge! I want you inside me! Please, Ron! I need you! Fuck me!"

"I will baby, I will." He said with a grin, pulling my skirt up around my waist and shoving aside my panties. He readied himself at my opening and slowly descended within. He groaned, closing his eyes at the sensation. "Fuck, baby you're so tight!" He moaned.

"God, you're huge!" I moaned (though he was a relatively normal size). "Don't stop! I need you!" The words worked their metaphorical magic once again and he began to thrust sporadically. "Yes!" I moaned as he grunted over me. This wasn't exactly what I'd had in mind. He'd just gotten me all riled up about being fucked like an animal and now he was acting like a lamb himself. It was kind of…boring. I needed more. I needed…

"Are you close baby?" He asked. "I'm so close." I needed this to be over so I could find someone else to scratch this itch I was developing.

"So close, baby." I nodded as he rocked his hips in a way that was almost novice against mine. I knew he wasn't a virgin, I'd walked in on him and Lavender Brown. But if this was what the girl kept coming back for…well. Then she could have him.

"Cum for me baby. I'm not cumming until you do." I almost rolled my eyes at that. Yeah. Right. I took a deep breath and after a deeper thrust than the others, began my show. I screamed out, shutting my eyes and tilting back my head. I curled my toes and arched my back.

"Yes! Oh Ron yes! You're amazing! YesYesYesYes!" that was enough to drive him over board and he came, moaning, inside me, collapsing on top of me, heavy and covered in sweat. After a few moments of resting, he rolled over and smiled at me.

"Holy shit, Hermione." He said with a grin. "Next time you're bored…" He began suggestively. I smiled at my friend.

"Totally." I lied. "I'm going to go clean up. Don't come right out, wait a minute so no one knows." I said. He nodded emphatically and laid back breathing heavily. I snuck out of the room, hoping to find my next target. Anyone would do. I suddenly found myself desperately wishing to Orgasm. More than anything else. I needed to cum. Do it. A small voice in my head whispered. "Find someone to help you. Do it." I smiled. Indeed.

Author's Note: So…this just sort of gets us into the story. For those who are curious about the background here: At the time he cast it, Seamus was wishing, deep in his subconscious (not that deep actually) to get laid. That combined with the massive amounts of impulse control modifiers that were being tossed about the room and the large explosion that usually follows Seamus around created a bit of a fog that is spreading around Hogwarts, imbibing this wish in people and lowering their impulse control. Should be fun, right?! Hermione was closest to Seamus and so she began feeling its effects first. As the stories go on, each will be small amounts of plot (if any) and an awful lot of sex. I think I'm going to split it up with one pairing/sexual encounter per chapter. I had to get Ron out of the way because I'm not very good at writing for him. The smut will be a lot better in future chapters I promise! I hope you enjoy this!