Prologue: Canceled Flight

RWBY with elements of Metal Gear Solid, Rainbow Six Siege, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and Advanced Warfare, Crysis, ARMA 3 and Ghost Recon.

Most Helicopters are from Vindicator Defense by VindiCaToR285 and most vehicles from Metal Gear Solid and ARMA 3


SpudyPotato: The system is like a mixture of military academy or service academy and Basic Training, in the first year they study like in highschool, in their second year and first week is basic training and in their final week or month is MOS or Basic Leader Course or both, in other words Jaune and Rouge pass Basic as PFCs and choose Rangers as their MOS, and then took the Basic Leader Course. Since Jaune has demonstrated the skills to be an adaptable leader and as one Drill Sergeant said 'I've never seen anyone with the natural leadership skills like the boy Arc.' He became a sergeant.

Sorry for the Delay, I have College and it's keeping me busy so wait and see. :)

"Code 4." Normal talking/Radio call

'Code 4.' Thoughts

{Code 4} Radio chatter

"Code 4." Loudspeaker

Island of Patch, Marine Base...

{After a second Week of heavy fighting, the Marines were successfully able to drive White Fang forces out of the Village of Pacem. With an additional division arriving soon, hopes are high that we may finally see a return to peace and stability in the area.}

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 13:30:00]

[LCpl. Auburn Tanner]

[1st Force Recon Raiders. Marines.]

Auburn's eyes lazily opened he is dead tired and only have the energy to look around at his surroundings which has white walls, fluorescent lights, a blue curtain to his left and the sound of reveille being played outside. There is one place that he knew of that would play the reveille near a hospital the Marine Base on Patch, Auburn look down to see his prosthetic arm on his left arm, the prosthetic starts from his left shoulder as support and the real prosthetic on his lower arm, like half exoskeleton, half robotics and prosthetic bionic arm, but he wasn't even listening to the doctor about his arm he was busy thinking about all the upgrades he could add to his arm.

"YO!" Blue greeted as he walked in still wearing his Woodland MCCUU while holding a bento box. "I brought your favorite from the cafeteria." Blue added putting the bento box on the desk next to Auburn's bed.

"Thanks." Auburn chuckled clenching and wiggling his prosthetic trying to get a feel of the sensors.

"Guess what?" Blue questioned him as he look out the window.

"What?" Auburn asked in reply as he sat up from his bed.

"We're going to Beacon." Blue said with a smile.

"You're kidding me." Auburn replied with a shock tone.

"No you're not, after you get discharge from the hospital, pack up, we're going to Beacon!" Blue said with a cheerful tone.

"Great." Auburn chuckled as he fell back to his bed. "Just great."

After getting discharged from the hospital Auburn started working back in shape with his new prosthetic arm, from weapons training and hand to hand combat, Auburn trained and trained again. He continue to work on his arm to give the same reaction as he wanted with a real hand, even Lt. Verde, Sgt. Redi, Pvt. Hungu, Cpl. Blue and Sgt. Schwarz also help in getting use to his new arm.

Auburn learned that he and Blue will not be wearing the MCCUU to Beacon but they will be wearing Tigerstripe MARPAT BDUs instead, and since he couldn't use current issue Marine equipment he will have to make due with his Low Visibility Plate Carrier Vest underneath his BDUs and the Utility SPIE Harness, the IIFS Tactical Load Bearing/Carrying Vest, known as the LBV-88 or M-1988 LBV, LC-2 Individual Equipment Belt with Quick-Release Buckle Hello, M1956 Universal Ammo Pouch, a 1-Quart Plastic Canteen with LC-1 Canteen Cover and a M1967 Nylon Field Pack over it.

But he could keep his weapons both his personal Carbine/Sword, Marine Issue Pistol/Knife and the Marine Issue KA-Bar Knife, then started training to get use his weapon on CQC Combat again. For those who doesn't know Marine Huntsmen usually wear Tigerstripe MARPAT BDUs in honor of their previous service or as clothing during their time in the Huntsmen Academies.

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 15:30:00]

[SPC. Rouge Arc]

[1st Infantry Division, 75th Ranger Regiment.]

For Jaune and Rouge Arc this is it, the time they had been waiting for the day that they became Huntsmen and Huntresses. The time they prove themselves capable, with the Training from the Army and the Rangers, they will be ready. But now they have to wait for their flight which is currently delayed at the Military Airport.

"This is stupid, why is our flight delayed!" Rouge shouted as she, Jaune and Noir wait at the airport. They are wearing their Army Combat Uniform and boots with their Tan Berets as they lounge around in the airport terminal. They just finished clearing their visits to their parents, after packing up their stuff Barracks and sending them home, after cleaning up their FOB bunks, then they finished up their paperwork, their discharge paper and now waiting for their flight.

"Hey, maybe the Marines or the Air Force has gotten worse flights?" Jaune questioned her before leaning back relaxed.

"Or maybe they had technical difficulties." Noir tried to add helpfully.

"Maybe our pilot got sick." Rouge said sarcastically.

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 15:30:00]

[Lt. Red Crane]

[25th Air Mobility Command. Air Force.]

"Dear god, why did my Diarrhea attack had to come at a time like this." A masked Pilot muttered as he sat inside a toilet in the military airport. "Oh god, there's no toilet paper." The masked Pilot said in horror when he reach for the toilet roll.

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 15:35:00]

[SPC. Rouge Arc]

[1st Infantry Division, 75th Ranger Regiment.]

"You jinx us." Jaune and Noir said to her with a deadpanned tone.

"What could happen?" Rouge questioned them.

"DON'T JINX US!" Jaune and Noir shouted in anger.

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 17:30:00]

[LCpl. Auburn Tanner]

[1st Force Recon Raiders. Marines.]

Auburn is in his Room, wearing a black T-Shirt and Tigerstripe MARPAT Pants, fixing his arm after a training accident when his scroll rang, he answered his scroll and was prepared to talk when a massage played out.

"To all current students and new applicants for Beacon's fall semester. I regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, the start of the fall semester will be delayed until October 1st. The dormitories will be open and current students may return to campus, if they so desire. The staff of Beacon would like to apologize for any inconvenience." The voice of the Deputy Headmistress Glynda Goodwitch was heard.

"What. The. Fuck." Auburn muttered looking at his scroll. "Why do I have a feeling that Qrow is at fault." Auburn muttered with a frown. "I need a drink." Auburn sighed as he stood up to the Kitchen in his Barracks.

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 17:30:00]

[SPC. Rouge Arc]

[1st Infantry Division, 75th Ranger Regiment.]

Jaune, Noir and Rouge look at their Scrolls before Jaune and Noir look at Rouge with a glare.

"Alright! Alright!" Rouge raised her hands at their glare.

"Great! We're stuck here!" Jaune shouted in anger.

"Don't worry I have an idea!" Rouge said cheerfully.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Noir Muttered to Jaune who nodded in agreement.

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 17:50:00]

[LCpl. Auburn Tanner]

[1st Force Recon Raiders. Marines.]

Auburn is currently in his kitchen drinking a glass of Orange Soda like he was drinking alcohol. He is also working on his bionic arm again which consists of replacing the outer casing and rewiring his arm. Luckily only his pinky wire was loose so it was easy, now the hard part, trying to fit the new casing on his bionic arm.

"Let's see, find the..." Auburn was reading the manual when the doorbell rang. "Great who could that be at this hour." Auburn muttered as he place the manual down and walk towards his door. "Alright! Alright!" Auburn shouted at his guests when the doorbell rang again and again.

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 17:50:00]

[SPC. Rouge Arc]

[1st Infantry Division, 75th Ranger Regiment.]

Jaune and Noir watch as Rouge continue to ring the doorbell to the home in the Patch Island Marine Base. Jaune and Noir look at each other nervously, they work with Marines before, and they knew not to make a Marine Angry. Then the door slammed open and a Marine with a fake Arm look at them with anger, he looked tired and stressed at the same time. The Marine take a look at Rouge before taking a glance at the rest before looking back at Rouge.

"What do you want Rouge." The Marine questioned Rouge.

"We need a place to stay for the night." Rouge cheekily said to him.

"You're pulling that favor. Uh?" The Marine deadpanned at Rouge who nodded happily. "Funny, how you pull this favor at this hour." The Marine muttered letting them in.

"Well our Pilot got Diarrhea attack and Beacon got canceled so we were hoping that you'll let us stay for the night." Rouge replied while giving the Marine the Puppy Dog Eyes.

"Alright! Alright! You win." The Marine panic when Rouge gave him the all powerful Puppy Dog Eyes. "Just until we get to our apartment at Vale." The Marine muttered.

"Thanks a lot Auburn!" Rouge said cheerfully.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't disturb me while I'm working." Auburn muttered as he went back to the kitchen. "Poor Crane." Auburn sigh.

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 18:00:00]

[Lt. Red Crane]

[25th Air Mobility Command, Air Force.]

"You okay Crane?" Another masked Pilot asked Crane who is cradling his stomach.

"No." Crane moaned in pain.

"Are you two okay?" A female voice asked them.

"Yes."/"No." They both answer the sametime.

"Alright. Crane get to the infirmary, Crow get back to work." The Female Pilot told them.

"Right!" The duo salute her before leaving to their respective spots.

"Ohhh!" Crane moaned from the infirmary.

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 18:50:00]

[SPC. Rouge Arc] [LCpl. Auburn Tanner]

[1st Infantry Division, 75th Ranger Regiment.] [1st Force Recon Raiders. Marines.]

"OUCH!" Auburn shouted in pain when his Bionic Arm sparked. "Great. What wire is loose now." Auburn muttered as he unscrew the casing.

"You okay?" Rouge asked over his shoulder, only wearing a Sports Bra and Biker Short.

"AH!" Auburn yelp looking at Rouge while breathing heavily. "Why do you love doing that!" Auburn shouted.

"Because I love you." Rouge said cheekily before kissing Auburn on the forehead.

"Will you stop that." Auburn said pushing Rouge away.

"Awe, but I missed you when your gone on your Deployment." Rouge pouted.

"We seen each other on Patch everyday." Auburn pointed out.

"But you were at the hospital at the time." Rouge replied with a pout.

"I was kind of missing my..." What Auburn was about to say was cut off when Rouge kissed him in the lips.

"Hey Rouge I was wondering..." Jaune, only wearing his PT Shirt and Pants, started talk going into the Kitchen when he saw Rouge kissing Auburn who looked like he was in heaven. "I'll ask you later..." Jaune awkwardly said as he slowly walk back. Rouge finally get go of Auburn how look like he's in heaven as he let out a dreamy sigh, he has a goofy smile and a dreamy look on his face.

"Better." Rogue asked him.

"Much better." Auburn muttered still feeling the after effects of the spontaneous make out session.

"Good." Rouge whispered seductively before leaving the kitchen.

"Now... What was I doing again?" Auburn muttered as he went back on repairing his Bionic Arm. Rouge giggled quietly as she went to the living room where She, Jaune and Noir are sleeping for the night, Noir is already asleep but Jaune is looking at her with a teasing smile.

"So that's your boyfriend?" Jaune teased Rouge who come in giggling.

"Yeah, we've been training since the academy days." Rouge replied as she sighs dreamily.

"Seriously?!" Jaune asked seriously incomplete confusion and surprise. "How didn't I notice?" Jaune questioned her.

"I always go to Vale on my leave and meet up with him." Rouge replied as she prepare her sleeping bag.

"Are you serious." Jaune blinked before asking her. "Is that why mom always pull you away when we visit home every time?"

"Yep." Rouge grinned before sleeping her sleeping bag. Jaune look at her before walking towards the Kitchen, where Auburn is currently fixing his arm. Auburn finally fix his arm and was preparing to go to bed when Jaune came in.

"So... How did you know my sister?" Jaune asked him.

"We met at the Academy and started dating after basic training, we always meet up at a cafe at Patch on our leave." Auburn answer with a smile. "That girl's nuts. I was a shy and quiet boy on a Hardcore Marine Training when she came up to me, then after training she ambush me and started making out with me then we started dating."

"That's kind of simple." Jaune blinked in confusion.

"She's really simple and direct." Auburn replied before standing up and stretching. "Well it's time for bed." Auburn yawned. "See ya next morning." Auburn told Jaune as he walks up the stairs to his room. Jaune look at the retreating form of Auburn before chuckling and going back to the living room to go back to sleep.

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 18:50:00]


[Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group]

Somewhere in the thick foliage of a jungle a dozen shadows moved through the tall grass and foliage with darkness shrouding them as the moonless night hid their advance. These rapidly moving silhouettes belonged to the elite men of 5th Special Forces Group, they consists of both Human and Faunus working together side by side. Their mission... Hunt down member of the White Fang Insurgents in the area near Vale.

One of the White Fang Soldier is running away from his group, ambushed by the 5SFG and now hunted through the tall grass, unknownst to him a sniper has him in his sights and with a single shot, the Soldier fell lifelessly. The Sniper stood up to show he is an Eagle Faunus armed with a SR-25 Sniper Rifle.

"Target Down." He spoke into his Radio before more Ghosts appeared around him. They all started to move towards where the White Fang soldier was running towards. Then it shift over the shoulder of one of the ghosts to see a covered face with a pair of NVG covering his eyes.

[Canceled Flight]

[Day 10 - 18:50:00]


[5th Air Combat Group, 501st Fighter Squadron]

Flying high above in the skies is a Squadron of Fighter a classified fighter squadron, their mission to take down any Alpha Nevermore or Alpha Griffins. This classified fighter squadron are meant to keep the flying grimm out of the skies of Vale or at least limit them.

What do you think of this story?

Hope you like it and I'll update as fast as I can.