Disclaimer: I do NOT own Digimon, but if I did, I probably wouldn't be writing this.
Chapter 1: The Vision
Kari Kamiya
The Emperor's base, the Digital World
Kari was in the kitchens, making The Emperor's dinner, like she had almost every night for the past two years, when it hit, the vision. Two years ago, Kari and her friends had tried to stop The Emperor, Ken, from taking over the Digital World, they had failed. Their digimon now all had dark spirals on them, forcing them to remain in The Emperor's control, even now; Kari was being watched by Flamedramon, an armor-digivolution of Davis' partner Veemon.
"Hurry up with his dinner." Flamedramon said "Or do you need a littleā¦ motivation?" Under his own free will, Flamedramon would never harm Kari, but he was under The Emperor's control, and his orders were to hit Kari if she didn't do as she was told.
"It's almost done." Kari responded "Just waiting for the meat to finish cooking."
Then, it hit, Kari's world went black, and she heard two voices, speaking in tandem they said: "You shall face evil as you have never known" The first Voice said, its voice was deep and low, obviously male.
"Only the light can bring the kindness out of the dark" The second voice said, this voice, in contrast to the first voice, was light and high-pitched, perhaps a young female. When this voice spoke, the darkness she was seeing turned into the brightest light she had ever seen.
"Only once the light brings out the kindness from the dark, can both worlds be saved" The two voices said simultaneously.
Kari woke up in her servant's quarters, The Emperor looking at her curiously.
"What happened?" she asked groggily
"When you were making dinner you passed out, that was roughly twelve hours ago now." He replied curtly
TWELVE HOURS! Her mind reeled. Then she remembered the voices she heard while she was unconscious.
"While I was out, I heard... voices." She stated slowly, as she was still not sure if they were real, or just a figment of her imagination.
"What kind of voices?" The Emperor asked suspiciously, as if wondering if she could be planning some kind of rebellion.
She then went to tell him about her vision, and he looked as if he was thinking hard about what the vision.
"I will allow you to rest today, but tomorrow, you will go back to work, as for me, I must think into what you have told me. " He said as he was leaving the room.
Kari spent the rest of the day in her room, alternating between watching TV, sleeping, and wondering who those voices that spoke to her where, and what they meant. One line of her vision made some sense, and she got the general idea of what it meant. Only the light can bring the kindness out of the dark. She had the crest of light, so she was probably the light, perhaps there was a crest of kindness out there somewhere, and its owner was either captured by the darkness, or, willingly or not, serving it and Kari was destined to find him or her and save them. Kari went to bed thinking about this, but not knowing what she could do about it, went to sleep.
So, how do you like it, if you don't like it, tell me what I did wrong, and maybe I can fix it, and remember, this is only my first story. I will probably put up the next chapter within a week or so, but no real promises.