Code Geass: Black-Blooded Orphans R2

Final Stage: This Last Dance

The Ganymede and the Vidar clashed. The two combatants were matched. They kept clashing over and over. The Ganymede dodged the Vidar's charge. They kept parrying each other, hit after hit. The Ganymede fired its gun at the Vidar as it dodged the bullets.

"You think that will help you?!" Cornelia said.

The Ganymede dodged an attack from the Vidar. The Vidar brought out a VARIS rifle and shot it at the Ganymede. The Ganymede dodged the incoming green blasts of energy. The Ganymede charged at the Vidar. The Vidar kicked the Ganymede in the face.

"Do you have any idea how long I felt traumatized and scarred after 9 years of losing the things I hold dear?" Cornelia asked, "First, I lose my mentor, then I lose the two out of four people I could trust, 7 years later, I lose my Royal Guard, my two Knights, the Glaston Knights, and then I find it that you and your brother stabbed me in the back after everything I have done, all for some mad concept of a gentler world!"

The Vidar bends its knee to reveal a spike coming out of it. The Vidar jabs it into the Ganymede, nearly hitting Nunnally's head.

"You killed for a better world? All you did was throw it into even more chaos!" Cornelia said, "What's wrong? You won't kill me after what you did to Darlton, Guilford, or even-"

"I don't know all those people, but-"

"YOU!" Cornelia roared she kicked the Ganymede in the face.

'I gotta get my memory fixed after this because I really cannot remember any of those guys.' Nunnally thought.

"Hey!" A voice yelled.

It was Tamaki's Akatsuki. Since Nunnally had technically cleared the path, the Black Knights are now moving in.

"Your fight is with me, Bitch!" Tamaki said.

Cornelia shot at the Akatsuki before it could even shoot, forcing Tamaki to eject.

"Every. Single. Time. Why?" Tamaki asked.

"Move it!" Another voice said.

It was the Guren!

"Kallen-San!" Nunnally said.

"Get your ass moving! I'll deal with her!" Kallen said.

"But….." Nunnally said.

"You heard her, move it!" Nemo said.

"Right!" Nunnally said.

The Shinkiro caught up and used its Absolute shield to create a hole in the shields of the Damocles. The Ganymede goes through the hole and heads towards the Damocles.


'That little witch, she thinks she has me beat?' VV thought, "Ready my unit, it's about time I teach that child a lesson in obedience."

"But sir, the Arthur hasn't-"

"It's only a prototype, besides, it was designed for me only." VV said.


The AA weapons on the Damocles fired. From Flak guns to CIWS, the sky lit up. The Ganymede evaded the incoming fire.

"The Shield Generator should be somewhere in there!" Nemo said.

"Right!" Nunnally said.

The Ganymede breached the hull and journeys inside. Sutherlands and Gloucesters were stationed inside in case intruders manage to enter.

"It would be advised to hit the power generator. Knock that out, and this thing is gonna fall hard." Marianne said.

The Sutherlands and Gloucesters fire, only to be torn asunder. The Ganymede smashed a Gloucester in with its mace. The Ganymede kept going down the halls en route to the generator.

'Hang on everyone, I'll make sure this ends quickly!' Nunnally thought.

The Guren and the Vidar clashed over and over. They were evenly matched.

"Is that all you, Eleven?" Cornelia asked as she fired her rifle at the Guren.

The Guren dodged the shot and retaliated with a shot from its Radiant Wave Surger.

"Do you have any idea how much I endured? Do you even bother asking how much I had to suffer by the likes of YOU?!" Cornelia asked, "Your people ruined me! You stained my record and even my face. You even went so far as to justify the deaths of the two men I considered as comrades! If that wasn't all, you poisoned my own little brother and sister into doing YOUR dirty work! I lost even my own sanity when Schneizel left a knife in my back! Then there was Euphie who….. if it wasn't for all of you, all of this would have been avoided!"

"Your people took an entire nation from us! You had it coming the moment your brother slipped up! You forced others to bow to you so that you could be above them when they didn't do anything wrong! You were wrong to do all of that and you knew it!" Kallen said, "All you did was force people to suffer for your own amusement!"

"DON'T LIE TO ME, YOU WITCH!" Cornelia said.

The Vidar clashed with the Guren.


"Don't you get it?! All you're doing is holding a present that has to leave!" Kallen said.

"No! I'm only defending the future from the likes of YOU! All must learn to bow down to the strong or suffer!" Cornelia said.

The Guren backed away and fired the Radiant Wave Surger. The Vidar dodged the beam.

'Nunnally, hurry!' Kallen thought.

The Ganymede kept going. A wall suddenly cracked and collapsed.

"What the heck?" Nunnally asked herself.

A giant figure emerged. It was as huge as the Sutherland Sieg itself and had a humanoid shape.

"What is that?" Nunnally asked.

"I don't know, but I don't think I want to know." Nemo said.

"Well, you've been a bad child. Haven't you, Nunnally?" A voice said.

'Its him!' Nunnally thought.

"Oh come on, can't you at least give your uncle a hug?" The voice said.

It was VV. Of all times for him to be here, why now? The Knightmare he is in is huge. It had two arms that formed two Blaze Luminous Swords. It was painted in gold. Pure gold. It had a ring on its back. Wings fold out of the ring and creates green lights off the back.

"The mighty King Arthur doesn't need the sword Excalibur. All it needs is two great swords of light that out-rival even Excalibur in more ways than one! Now it is about time you get punished, sinful child." VV said.

"For a guy who hates God, you definitely act like you're a God." Nunnally said.

"Enough with the theatrics. It is about time I put an end to this once and for all." VV said.

The Arthur charged at the Ganymede.

'I can't fight it in here, it's too crowded!' Nunnally thought.

The Ganymede turns back as the Arthur ran after it. The Ganymede turned around and went in reverse and started shooting at the Arthur. The bullets did nothing.

"That armor really is tough!" Nunnally said.

The Ganymede managed to get outside. The Arthur came out as well.

"What is that?" Kallen asked.

"So he's going this far?" Cornelia asked.

"You know what's ironic about this whole thing? Charles had the same idea as your brother had, but of course, we all knew how that turned out. Here you are, trying to accomplish what your grandfather couldn't: uniting the entire world, only under the flag of a group of independent countries. I never thought you would follow his ideals without having to actually notice." VV said.

The Arthur's armor revealed missile launchers in its arms and legs.


"The Mordred's Miniature Missile Launcher, neat, considering you just violently butchered an innocent girl who had a crush on your brother. Poor Anya, guess her love for the man she thought was dead got her killed, just like you will be after I am done with you." VV said.

The missiles fired. The Ganymede evaded the missiles and destroyed them with the energy wings. The two blue arms open to reveal two Hadron Cannons. The Arthur fires the cannons. The Ganymede dodged the beams. The Arthur comes at the Ganymede and got in front of it. The Ganymede dodged a swing from the Arthur's arms. The Ganymede got behind the Arthur.

"Fool." VV said.

He turns around and swings the arms at the Ganymede. The Luminous swords cut the Ganymede's Mace off. The Ganymede backs away and fires at the Arthur. The bullets again, fail to dent the armor.

"So much ammo you're wasting, someone needs to teach you better." VV said.

The arms open as the Arthur fires Hadron blasts at the Ganymede. The Ganymede dodged the beams. The Arthur fires all of its Slash Harkens. They all hit the Ganymede and hold it down.

"So vulnerable…. You're just utterly helpless." VV said.

The Ganymede struggles to get free.

"And still, you struggle." VV sighed, "Just what are you trying to prove?"

Nunnally didn't answer.

"I know you must hate me, go ahead, let loose." VV said, "Release your hate and anger. Let me see it with my own two eyes so I know that without a doubt, you hate me more than anyone else."

"No." Nunnally said.

"What?" VV said in confusion.

"I pity you. You're just pitiful." Nunnally said, "Even when you 'killed' my mother, you were pitiful at holding it all in."

"Holding what in? I don't deceive people, not like that witch of a woman you call 'mother.'" VV said.

"You were all alone, weren't you?" Nunnally asked.

"What?" VV staggered.

"I knew what CC had to go through because she was immortal, losing the ones she cares while she is stuck in an infinite prison that slowly eats her heart away, forcing her to be more closed off to anyone else to avoid the pain of losing someone close to her." Nunnally said, "You understand how it felt when my grandparents died, didn't you?"

"S-stop it." VV stuttered.

"You know it's true, so why?" Nunnally asked.

"Enough!" VV said.

The Vidar and the Guren clashed.

"Do you know how it feels when you lose someone you care about and live with it?! Do you know how it felt to push people out because you begun to lack faith in anyone? Do you know what solitude is?!" Cornelia asked.

The Guren pushed the Vidar back with its Radiant Wave Surger.

"I knew someone with that feeling once. It only took a few years for them to get over it and start over." Kallen said, "I knew how it felt because I knew someone who went through it all, you're no different from that person!"

The Gekka fired its Radiant Wave Surger, forcing the Vidar to back away.

"He was a tough guy. Sure, he may not have trusted me back then, but that's because he had no who would be there if he was alone. I showed that guy what it took to get far in life, and look where it got him! He never ran because of us!" Naoto said.

The Zangetsu clashed with the Vidar.

"A man who lives in sorrow and rage is a killer, but that kind of person exists because people refuse to be there for him whenever he felt alone and saddened and enraged. Someone must stand by him and comfort him until he can get through this world with friends by his side!" Todoh said.

The Shen Hu fired its Bayron Cannon, forcing the Vidar to back off.

"I too used to know someone who was alone. But that is just a bunch of memories! That person got to see the outside world, and like hell will you take it!" Xingke said.

The Sutherland Sieg fired its missiles.

"As Lady Marianne's servant, it is only right for me to be there for those who cannot stand on their own! One must be a companion to the other to keep that person from falling! That is what it means to show loyalty!" Jeremiah said.

The Vincent attacked the Vidar.

"There are people who must care for you somewhere! I know it because I was alone once, but the memories I spent with that person was real, even if I wasn't there for them!" Rolo said.

The Flauros fired relentlessly.

'There are people just like that, that's why we are here! To make sure people stand their ground when they get knocked down!' Rivalz thought.

The Rei slashed through the enemy.

'Someone has to be there for that person. No matter what!' Shirley thought.

The Shinkiro fired its Phase Transition Cannon.

'I used to be alone, but now that is in the past, I have met many people who I can call friends, comrades, companions, loved ones, and…. family.' Lelouch thought.

"A part of you, a small part of you must feel that way, I know it. That's why-"


"You're wrong." Nunnally said, "You're only hiding what you really are."


"You just wanted a friend, didn't you?" Nunnally asked, "You just didn't want to lose father because he was the only thing you had left."

His eyes widened.

"SILENCE!" VV said, "You are nothing but an insignificant gnat! You are but a thorn in my side! An obstacle of what I seek! Once I'm done with you, I'll no longer have to deal with all this torment!"

He had tears coming down his face.

"Pathetic." A voice said.

The voice was coming from Nunnally, however, the voice sounded much like-

"No….. I killed you myself! You should be dead! It's impossible!" VV said.

"Seriously? That was why you really had to kill me? Because you were all alone and had no one but your brother and I was taking him away from you?" The voice asked, "You know what VV, I really thought we had something special. We could have been great friends, you would have been a great uncle to my children, and yet you 'killed' me. Isn't that funny?"

"No…. No… No…. No…" VV said.

"Yes….. Yes! YES! YES! I AM BACK FROM THE PITS OF HELL VV! MARIANNE VI BRITANNIA!" Marianne said as she possessed her child and gazed at the Arthur.

The Arthur kicked the Ganymede into the top of the Damocles. Marianne left Nunnally's body.

"What did you do?" Nunnally asked.

"Oh, just made your uncle realize he done goofed." Marianne said, "And my, he did it with the wrong woman."

"Nunna! Nunna! Are you there?! Respond!" A familiar voice said.

'That voice!' Nunnally thought.

The screen showed Kaguya.

"Kaguya-San!" Nunnally said.

"Oh, my son's soon-to-be-bride. What does she want?" Marianne asked.

"Nina used the parts of the Hashmal to whip up something good along with her secret project! We're sending it to you using the Dai Longdan's main battery!" Kaguya said, "Just remember, you only got one shot."

"Let me guess, you're gonna ask about my aim." Nunnally said.

"Yeah, how good is it?" Kaguya asked.

"A lot better than yours." Nunnally said.

"Good, here it comes! Catch it!" Kaguya said.

A huge container came down from the sky and hits the ground. The container opens and reveals only one half of a giant gun.

"Where is the other half?" Nunnally asked.

"Nina and Rakshata weren't just gonna give you a new set of wings and claws, were they?" Kaguya asked.

"Those girls…." Nunnally said.

"Well, we're here now! Let's waste him already!" Nemo said.

"I for one agree! Let's put this whole thing down and go home!" Marianne said.

The Ganymede grabs the cannon as its chest plate reveals a slot that fits the other half of the gun.

"Ganymede: Final Stage!" Nunnally said.

The slash harkens hold her to the ground as the cannon connects to the Ganymede. A trigger is pulled out from the console. Kallen sees this and fires the Gefjun net, trapping the Arthur.

"The Ganymede-!" VV said.

"What the hell is that?!" Rivalz asked.

"Don't know, don't care, I think we need to DUCK!" Naoto said.

"Even if I can't move, I'll shoot you!" VV said.

He fired, but the shields deflected the Hadron particles.

"What?!" VV said.

The energy from the Ganymede went into the gun. The cannon opened up. A huge laser is shot out from the cannon. It hits the Arthur. The beam shot itself toward outer space as the Ganymede's wings burn up as the Damocles begins to collapse from the immense recoil being directed to it. VV roared as the beam hits the Knightmare. The great flash of light soon disappeared. The Arthur's left side was disintegrated. VV however was still alive. The Ganymede powered down from the lack of energy as the cannon gave way.

"What?!" Nunnally exclaimed.

"Oh no." Naoto said.

"We can't reach her in time!" Rivalz said.

VV laughed.

"In the end when it is said and done, you're just a little bratty witch!" VV said.

However, the Hadron Cannon malfunctioned and went haywire. Black energy was going out of control.

"What's this?! No! NO! I won't go out like this!" VV said.

"Pathetic." A voice called out.


"Pathetic creature all this time, you'd thought I didn't know you planned to slay me?!" The voice said.

A figure that looked much like Nunnally, only with red eyes, white hair, and dressed up as some goddess looked at the tiny emperor.

"You dare to stop the wheel of time and fate with a lousy sword?! What fool or fiend dares to face even a god?!" The figure asked.

"Who are you?" VV asked.

"Me?! I am your God, Mortal! As your God, I demand why you would take such a weapon of unholy power that is Akasha itself and point it at me!" The figure said.

"God?! HA! Don't make me laugh, you are no god! You are no longer needed in this world!" VV said, "I have the code on my forehead! You are nothing!"

"No. You don't belong here anymore." The figure said, "Your existence is a sin against man. I'll prove it."

The figure snapped her fingers, causing the code on VV's forehead to cease its existence.

"What?!" VV said as he staggered to feel it's power to be gone.

He felt himself gaining back his mortality.

"But this is impossible! There's no way!" VV said.

"I created Codes and Geass, so it is my power to give and take it away as I will it! You are no longer worthy of using it to make my dreams come to fruition!" The mighty deity said, "And I have the power to rewrite reality and truth as I will it!"

VV suddenly began to turn into nothing.

"N-No! Impossible!" VV said.

Nunnally watched as the machine went berserk without realizing what is going on.

"Its…. Going critical." Nunnally said.

Back inside the Arthur, VV watched as he began to cease existence.

"The girl offered you mercy and a another chance, yet you go back on it like a coward!" The deity said, "BEGONE!"

VV screamed as he turns into nothing. His clothes are all that is left of him. The Arthur exploded into a great fireball.

"Uncle has been…" Cornelia said.

The Damocles's shields go down, giving the Vidar time to rush at the Ganymede.

"Why you-!"

"Oh no! We're not gonna make it!" Rivalz said.

"I will!" Kallen said.

The Guren went after the Vidar. It was too late though, the Vidar was already getting close.

'Everyone….. Hurry!' Nunnally thought.

A fast moving projectile hits the Vidar's hands.

"What?" Cornelia asked.

Everyone was stunned. Nunnally heard static on her headset.

"Are you alright, Nunnally?" A familiar voice asked.

'That voice-!' Nunnally thought as her eyes widened.

Everyone's eyes were widened at what they now gazed at.

"No! No way! Come on, really?!" Naoto said.

"It can't be…" Kallen said.

"It's him…" Lelouch said.

"He's here….." Todoh said.

"But that's-!"

"The Lancelot?!" Cornelia exclaimed.

It was definitely the Lancelot! It was remodeled as the Lancelot Albion!

"Suzaku Kururugi, reporting for duty!" Suzaku said.

"But if you're here- no, it can't be!" Cornelia said.

"Reinforcements have just arrived!" Suzaku said.

Schneizel's Fleet

The Avalon leaded the ships as the Bael raised its sword up high.

"The time is upon us! For the future of this new world!" Schneizel said, "Offer up your hearts!"

The army rallied behind him and charged.

The Black Knights

"That son of a bitch! He actually made it!" Naoto said.

"Surrender at once, my liege, or be slain where you stand." Jeremiah said.

"You-!" Cornelia said.

"You're outgunned and outmatched, just throw in the towel." Suzaku said.

"Well dear sister, it would appear as if I called checkmate, game over." Lelouch said.

Cornelia was captured. The battle was over. The Black Knights invaded the homeland and seized control of it within months. It was only a matter of time until all of Britannia fell. Soon, after the death of VV, the destruction of the Damocles, and the surrender of Cornelia eventually caused the world to go into a state of aftermath. With Schneizel now taking the throne, Britannia went through many reforms. As for Lelouch, he got married to all the girls who were there by his side. The Ganymede was damaged to the point where it would take several months to fix the Ganymede. Everyone went back to their normal lives, acting as if the Black Rebellion was just yesterday. By 2020 Britannia was officially a part of the UFN. Lelouch had a few kids to tend to now that he had to be a responsible father, though, his lack of athletic ability, despite being good in a Knightmare, couldn't stand to a few kids.

2020 a.t.b

April 14

Today was the Black Festival. The Festival was in celebration of the Black Rebellion that changed the world. Nunnally watched as everyone celebrated.

'All of this, just because I wanted a gentler world.' Nunnally thought.

"Nunnally, there's something I want to talk to you about." Marianne spoke.

"If it's about Naoto, I get it." Nunnally said.

"N-no. Just go to Kamine Island. I….. I have something to show you." Marianne said.

"Kamine Island?" Nunnally asked.

"Just do it." Marianne said.


Kamine Island

Nunnally went to Kamine Island to find out what her mother wanted. She went into the cave to see the large artifact.

"C's World?" Nunnally asked.

"Yes, I want you to head there. Inside, you will find out the truth." Marianne said.

The artifact glowed. Nunnally went near it and entered the mysterious world to be on top of a shrine on what looks like Jupiter.

"Jupiter? How did I get here?" Nunnally asked.

"Oh, it's just your soul that's here." A voice said.

Nunnally turned to see her mother in the flesh or in this case, soul.

"So you made it." A voice said.

Nunnally turned to the voice and saw herself, only with white hair, red eyes, and dressed as a goddess.

"Whoa, what is this?" Nunnally asked.

"This is the Sword of Akasha. A weapon to slay god." Marianne said, "You see, Charles and I wanted to make the kind of world you wanted, but, I guess it's too late for that, considering it wouldn't be what you wanted. Especially after all that has happened."

"That is right. This weapon was made to slay me, the god of this world, C." The deity said.

"Ok then, C, what do you want?" Nunnally asked.

"Indulge me." C said.

"Eh?" Nunnally asked.

"I want you to hear me out and what I'm about to tell you. It may seem stranger than fiction, but it is of the most real." C said, "Long Ago, I was lonely. I had none who would be with me, so I created this universe along with mankind. Ever since, man was different. That is why they always discriminate against one another. I wanted a world where I would be with many other people who act differently. The wheel of time and fate spun. This world has no meaning anymore. It's just a husk of what it was 7000 years ago. Now I ask of you, to make your decision for this world."

"Whoa…." Nunnally said.

"But get this, once you make a decision, it will be stuck forever." C said, "in order for the world to gain any meaning again, someone must be sacrificed. You have done the world a favor. I only want you to regain its meaning once again."

Nunnally thought about what she heard. If she sacrificed herself, then, the wheel of time would go one as it should be. However, doing so would erase her from existence.

"I'll do it." Marianne said.

"Eh?!" Nunnally said.

"Hmm?" C asked.

"I caused all of this. It would only be right if I take the plunge." Marianne said.

"Mother….." Nunnally said.

"She knows what's best, child of man." C said.


"Understand this Nunnally, I know you might miss me, but I want you to be happy. Please, forgive me." Marianne said.

Nunnally hugged her mother, her tears drop from

Her eyes. She was crying. After all this time, she was going to lose her, forever. She didn't want to go through it again.

"I know. I know. You have to be strong. Everyone is waiting for you." Marianne said as she stroke her daughter's head.

"But mother… I-"

"I know. I know." Marianne said.


"I'll always be with you. Always. Just remember that." Marianne said.

She backed from her daughter. She plunged into C's world. Her body turned into dust. The mark of Geass shines in the sky.

"It is done. The wheel of time will spin forever, as it always had been. Now go little one, protect this world. Protect it with all that exists inside of your heart." C said.

Nunnally nodded her head and stopped crying. She wiped her tears away. She left C's World, only to find Naoto in front of her.

"Naoto?" Nunnally asked.

"Hey there, Nunna." Naoto said, "Might you indulge me about the past, thy fair maiden?"

"Sure." Nunnally said.

She and Naoto were alone, on a beach.

"You know, I was kinda glad you joined us. We were like a family together." Naoto said.

"Yeah." Nunnally said.

"Ever since we got this far, it almost seemed like yesterday." Naoto said, "The world is at peace, your brother has kids now, and I haven't even found a girl I liked, until now."

"Eh?" Nunnally asked.

"You see Nunnally, how do I explain this? I…. love you, I guess." Naoto said.

"Naoto…" Nunnally said.

"Ever since you came into my life, I felt strong, I felt as if I found someone who knows how I feel. You showed me a world where there would be peace. We made it a reality." Naoto said, "You're brother and my sister felt the same."

"Naoto….. I….." Nunnally didn't know what to say.

"I always felt calm when I'm with you. I just couldn't feel afraid when you stood with me." Naoto said, "Now would be a pretty good time for me tell this. Nunnally…."

He pull out a wedding ring. Nunnally gasped.

"Will you… marry me?" Naoto asked.

Nunnally didn't know what to say. She had to admit it, she felt the same. Tears came down her eyes. She hugged the man.

"Yes!" Nunnally said, "a million times, yes!"

"Nunnally…." Naoto said.

"You always filled my heart with love. I want be with you for as long as my heart beats on!" Nunnally said as she cried.

"Nunnally…" Naoto said.

"Damn, I'm impressed. You had feelings for him the entire time. Just wow." Nemo said.

"Come on, we got a wedding to attend to." Naoto said.

Nunnally nodded. Soon, at Tokyo, they were married. They had a wonderful time together. They enjoyed their lives together as if they branched into a new tomorrow. Nunnally now had what she always wanted, a gentler world with a man she would be happy with for as long as they can be.


Cornelia Li Britannia: she had been arrested. She was placed in the dungeon along with the surviving Knights of the Round. When she heard about Suzaku and Euphie's Marriage, she was impressed. To think, she hated the Japanese, yet, she would condone Suzaku being Euphie's husband. She laughed at the irony. Her cell mates heard her laugh.

Schneizel El Britannia: Schneizel ruled as the 100th emperor. His rule was as fair and just. His reforms left an impact on the world. The world was at peace. Kanon was his assistant in the affairs to come in the future.

Euphemia Li Britannia and Suzaku Kururugi: Suzaku and Euphie enjoyed their marriage. They had a boy called Genbu. Suzaku was given the title Knight of Zero, as a tribute to the man of miracles. Euphemia handled all the diplomatic matters in the world.

Tamaki: Tamaki was now working in a bistro with Rivalz. The inner circle of the Black Knights came here every now and then.

Inoue and Sugiyama: Inoue and Sugiyama got married. Inoue was now working as a doctor while Sugiyama stayed in the Black Knights.

Minami: Minami was now working with Ohgi, now being in charge of the newly reborn Ikaruga.

Xingke and Xiangling: Xingke and Xiangling got married. They had a daughter called Xiangsheng. Xingke had to rest easy due to the strain of the Shen Hu. Xiangling was in charge of the Forbidden City's defenses.

Yoshida: Yoshida was now a mechanic. He made sure everything was working and operational by the time someone needed a car.

Ohgi and Villeta: Ohgi and Villeta were married. Villeta was pregnant with Ohgi's child, which would be born by the next 9 months.

Jeremiah and Sayoko: Jeremiah and Sayoko were married and were Lelouch and Nunnally's personal guards. They also worked on an orange farm.

Lelouch Vi Britannia, Kallen Ka Britannia, Shirley Su Britannia, Cera Ci Britannia and Kaguya La Britannia: Lelouch and his maidens lived in happiness. They had just about 10 kids. Lelouch was going to give the title of Zero to one of his children, should they prove themselves worthy and live in peace. Kallen was hailed as an ace along with Shirley. Kaguya finally got what she wanted, the perfect man for her.

Nunnally and Naoto Kozuki: Naoto and Nunnally had a baby boy. They named him Mirai.

Nina Einstein: Nina was given the Nobel Peace Prize after making the world's first fusion reactor.

Rakshata Chawla: Rakshata was focused on making an artificial colony that would float in the sky. The funding was enough to help the project proceed. By 2030, the first airborne colony flew up into the sky. It is said that she is now making efforts to terraform the moon.

Milly and Rivalz Ashford: Milly and Rivalz finally hit it off. Milly retired as a news reporter for Diethardt. Rivalz worked at Tamaki's Bistro. They certainly got their hands full.

Diethardt Ried: Diethardt was working at Hi-TV. Milly worked under his wing.

Katase: Katase died due to natural causes.

Todoh and Chiba: Todoh and Chiba got married and left the Black Knights to work on their new dojo.

Asahina: Asahina retired and worked as a drill instructor.

Urabe: Urabe was working at Tamaki's.

Senba: he died due to natural causes. He was posthumously promoted.

Alice: Alice and the Turbines conducted their business as usual.

Clovis La Britannia: he now was working as an artist, leaving behind politics for the comfort of painting canvases.

Taizo Kirihara: he died to natural causes, handing over the Kyoto House to Kaguya.

Guinevere Su Britannia: Guinevere was now in charge of the economy, making sure Britannia stood on its feet.

Carine Ne Britannia: Carine was a tad jealous when she heard of Nunnally's marriage. She occasionally visited her once a month.

Odysseus Eu Britannia: Odysseus was being taught the basics of being a ruler.

Rolo: Rolo was now in charge in Japan's investigation bureau. Tackling crime as it happens.

Tianzi: though young and inexperienced, she stood strong in being benevolent with her people. Xingke served her.

Saki: Saki was glad that her daughter was finally married to a real man, a man of miracles at that.

The world finally knew true peace. Everyone lived in peace and happiness.

The End