Code Geass: Black-Blooded Orphans R2

Stage 1: The Curtains Rise Again

Time has past since the Black Rebellion, a rebellion that went down in history as the first Rebellion to shock the world as a masked man called Zero waged war against the mighty Britannian Empire for Japan's Freedom. The Rebellion forever changed the world. Britannia's Invincibility fell apart after losing a single colony, followed by other colonies as well. Some of them went to the Chinese, others became independent. As time went on, Japan rebuilt itself into a new age of peace and prosperity. The people soon had medical care and aid once again, the population began to grow, the economy grew into a great sea of wealth and money, law enforcement had grown greatly thanks to the Black Knights, who now act as an independent organization bent on keeping the peace. Lelouch Vi Britannia and his sister Nunnally Vi Britannia were in charge of protecting the peace for Japan. The Knightmares, machines of pure destruction, were now being used for other purposes other than war and law enforcement. They soon worked at the fields, the mines, the seas, construction sites and many other places. Japan soon grew stronger with an Aerial Fleet, along with Japan's newest ship, the Ikaruga.

Britannia however, had weakened after the rebellion. Ever since Vincent Zi Britannia, who was actually VV, took the throne, the people had gone through harsh times. The onslaught that came from both China and the EU wrecked most of the country on both sides in the homeland. Some of its colonies and territories fell to either the Chinese or the Euros. The economy took a dive, it only lasted for about 3-4 months. Political tensions were intense between Japan and Britannia. Even after the nonaggression pact signed between first Princess Guinevere Su Britannia and Japan's Prime Minister, Kaguya Sumeragi, some parts of the nobility in Britannia had been split into political parties. One Party said that Japan should be reconquered and put under Britannian control once again while another said that invasion would harm the economy and would repeat the Black Rebellion once again. As these tensions burn, the Glaston Knights who were stranded on Japan lead a Resistance group confounding the legality of the Japanese Government and committed acts of terrorism. This group was called the Area Reclamation Group or ARG. Right now, the Black Knights led by Lelouch Vi Britannia are now moving in to put an end to this group of terrorists.

Let the Curtains Rise Again…

United States of Japan

The State of Okinawa

Okinawa was taken over by the Chinese, but after Japan was free, they left. Now the ARG had taken Okinawa. The Japanese Military and the Black Knights were moving in to handle the crisis. A fleet of Japanese Battleships and Cruisers began firing a barrage. The Light Cruisers fired a series of missiles at the coast. The ARG were prepared. They had coastal defenses set up around the coast. They had old fashioned turrets defending the beaches. Landing craft had landed on the beaches and began deploying troops, vehicles, Knightwalkers and Knightmares. The ARG faced them head on with some Sutherlands, Yorks and Gloucesters. The enemy force had been prepared.

"Tch, these elevens think they got us already?" A general said.

"They can't even get past our defenses." Another one said.

"Guess we'll drink to our fine victory." Another one said.

"Unidentifiable Aircraft incoming, it's coming from above." A soldier said.

"What?" Another one said.

A black red energy bolt hits a Sutherland, destroying it. A Knightmare flew and landed on the ground, grabbing the ARG's full attention. It was the Ganymede, piloted by none other than her.

"No… It can't be—!"

"I see I have your full attention. Lower your weapons, anyone who does lower their weapons will not be shot." A girl inside the machine said.

"Who the hell is that?!" An ARG soldier asked.

"I don't know! How in the hell are we supposed to know who that is?!" Another one asked.

"Maybe I'll be a bit more clear." The girl said, "My name is Nunnally Vi Britannia, Captain of the Zero Squad under orders of Captain Kozuki and former 4th Princess of Britannia, daughter of Marianne Vi Britannia."

"The BK's White Death?! Here on the front lines?!" A soldier said.

"The White Demon that slew the Goddess of Victory and her Knights?!" Another one said.

Nunnally was amazed at how utterly dull the ARG Soldiers were. They never even knew her until she said her name out loud.

"I hope I get something out of this." Nunnally said to herself.

"In time my dear, now let's get to bashing heads now shall we?" A voice said.

"Whatever you say, Kaasan." Nunnally said.

"Eliminate her! She's only a little girl!" One of the generals said.

The Sutherlands and Gloucesters rushed at the Ganymede. Nunnally sighed.

"There's just no use into talking to men." Nunnally said, "Especially when stubborn as hell!"

The Ganymede fired two slash harkens and tugged a group of Sutherlands into each other. The Ganymede flips out a machine gun on its arm and destroys a Gloucester. The Ganymede flips out its other gun and fired at the approaching enemies. The Ganymede dodged a charge and pulled out its swords and sliced a Sutherland while shooting at another Sutherland.

A beam of crimson red rained down. The surrounding enemies were toast.

"What now?!" One of the ARG generals asked.

"Another enemy aircraft! It's… oh god." A soldier said.

'She's here.' Nunnally thought.

Up in the sky was the Guren MK.2, Japan's greatest achievement in technology. It was piloted by Kallen Kozuki.

"The Akaryu! We have a chance!" A Japanese soldier said.

"Damn them! Damn the Black Knights!" One of the ARG generals said pounding on a console.

"Radar has picked up a group of enemy flying ships! It's the Black Knights!" A soldier said.

"What?!" The general said.

"Here me ARG. It is I Zero." A voice said.

'Z-Zero!' The general thought.

Up in the sky was Japan's mighty air fleet, accompanied by the Black Knights mighty Black Fleet. Among the group of black ships including 2 Isaribi Air Light Cruisers, 2 Hotarubi Transport Carriers, 2 Kamikaze Air Destroyers, and the Ikaruga Battleship, commandeered by Zero.

"Surrender now, or face death." Zero said.

"All troops, prepared for deployment." A Afro-haired Japanese man said.

"Good Ohgi." Zero said, "Prepare to launch all our units."

Ikaruga Hangar

A Blue Gekka was being loaded on the catapult, it was piloted by Naoto Kozuki.

"Alright, Naoto, heading out!" Naoto said.

The Knightmare flew out of the catapult and spreading its wings and activated its float unit and flew into battle.

The Gusion was being loaded on the catapult. It was piloted by Yoshida.

"Yoshida, heading out!" Yoshida said.

The Gusion was launched from the catapult. The Black Knights were launched one at a time. Their numbers outnumber the ARG even more.


The Ganymede activated its float unit as it withdrew its weapons and pulled out a black colored rifle. It flew into the air. The Black Knights charged into battle as the Japanese Forces moved up. Inch by inch, Okinawa was being taken back into Japanese soil. The ARG we're getting desperate. The Japanese forces were steady making their way towards their HQ. There was nothing they could do to stop it.

The Gekka fired a long range beam from its Radiant Wave Surger. The beam cooks the Britannian forces below. The orange parts next to its body unveiled two hadron cannons, one on the left, another on the right.

"Hadrons, fire!" Ohgi said.

The Black beams shred through the sky, burning the enemy air forces. The Ganymede charged in. It fired its rifle as black red beams tear away at Sutherlands and Gloucesters. The Ganymede charged into enemy territory. It blasted its way into the ARG's HQ.

'This is the place alright. Now just to be sure they haven't got any traps on their sleeves.' Nunnally thought.

Nunnally's eye turns red with a red bird sigil on it. This is the power of Geass, an ability that allows the user to use a power that fits their desire. She was capable seeing into all lines of the future.


A slash harken came out of the darkness. The Ganymede got hit by it.

Vision over

A slash harken came out of the darkness. The Ganymede dodged it just in time.

"So of it isn't the girl who did this to all of us…" a voice said.

Five Gloucesters emerged with blue coloring on the head and shoulders. It was the Glaston Knights. The sons of Andreas Darlton. Claudio, David, Edgar, Bart, and Alfred Darlton.

"You got quite the nerve for letting us live, but now you're going to wish you never killed our father." David said

"Its ironic isn't it? At first it was you who held Japan and made it yours and the Japanese were fighting to bring the rebirth of a nation that was dead into a new form, now it's them who have Japan in their own hands now while you're trying to bring back something that's already dead." Nunnally said.

"Why you—!"

"Wait." Claudio said.

"But Claudio, you've seen what this vile little witch has caused! She should be hanged— no, she should burn for what she's done!" David roared back.

"That doesn't give us the right to prove her wrong." Claudio said.

"But…" David said.

"So what are you waiting for? I'm right here, aren't I?" Nunnally mocked.

"Let's see how that bravado lasts you for!" Edgar said charging in.

"Edgar! Wait!" Claudio said.

The Ganymede dodged the charge and kicked the Gloucester in the face. It spun out for a bit and recovered. It charged again. The Ganymede brings out a sword and pierced the Gloucester.

"That's it! You just crossed the wrong line!" David said.

He charged in firing his Sattel Waffens. Bart joined in as well, but got shot down by the Guren's Radiant Wave Surger. The Guren rushed in and fired a short range burst at David's Gloucester. The internal damages made it useless. The Ganymede fired a shot, destroying David's Gloucester.

"I had it under control." Nunnally said.

"Just be glad I'm here." Kallen said.

"Isn't that what I'm supposed to say when you're with my brother?" Nunnally asked.

"S-shut up." Kallen said as she suddenly blushed.

"Yeah, she has my personality, I'll give her that." Marianne said.

"You think or you know?" Nunnally asked.

"Eh, just from experience. Your fathers by the way." Marianne said.

"Honestly, I don't know how you fell for him anyway." Nunnally said.

"Actually it was the other way around, he just didn't like kids as much as I did, but only if it's not you or your brother, I have no respect for misbehaving children except the both of you." Marianne said.

"Whatever." Nunnally said.

"Why that little—!" Alfred growled as he charged in.

Claudio and no other choice but to charge in as well. The Ganymede brought its rifle out and shot at one of the Gloucesters, damaging it. Leaving Claudio out. Alfred charged in, only for Kallen to grab his Gloucester by the head.

'D-Damn!' Alfred thought.

"Sorry." Kallen said before activating the Radiant Wave Surger.

The Gloucester bubbled and soon exploded. The Ganymede puts the rifle away and brings its swords out.

"W-Wait! Please! I beg mercy!" Claudio pleaded.

"Too late, you made your choice long ago. It's about time you be punished." Nunnally said.

The Ganymede was about to swing its sword, but Nunnally had a change of heart and decided to let Claudio live.

"... In jail I mean." Nunnally said.

The Ganymede walked away. Nunnally didn't kill Claudio, she gave him one last chance to reenter society if it allows it. The ARG was defeated and their surviving members were caught. The Ganymede flew back to the Ikaruga.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Marianne asked.

"I can't just kill them all, it wouldn't be right. Sure some of them deserved death, but some of them deserve to live." Nunnally said.

"But why the one man however?" Marianne asked.

"He's different." Nunnally said.

The Ganymede landed. Nunnally came out once again. Rakshata approached the girl as she got out.

"So how is the Ganymede?" Rakshata asked.

"It's fine. When will the new modifications come in?" Nunnally asked.

"Soon enough little one." Rakshata said.

Nunnally went to change into her BK uniform. Her uniform was different, she wore a black dress. The Ikaruga turned around as the rest of the Black Fleet followed. The Japanese would handle the rest.

Pendragon, Britannia

VV sat on the throne with an empty and yet bored expression. When he took the throne for himself after his brother was murdered, he seemed…. Sorrowful. It was as if he regretted leaving his brother to the throne. He knew parenting was not his strong suit, but it's not like he was like that, to begin with, all he could think and care for was Marianne and VV himself.

'All this power and I feel cold. All those women wouldn't bring any sort of happiness to me. None of them would.' VV thought, 'Especially her.'

The door opened. The one who came in was Cornelia Li Britannia.

"Cornelia? What brings you here." VV asked.

"I think you already know. I want vengeance for the loss of my Royal Guard, The Glaston Knights, and the retribution of my honor and dignity." Cornelia said.

"If you think I'll invade Japan like your father did, we'd risk another rebellion. I can't do it." VV said.

"You do realize that I can't simply just—"

"If you want to ruin this empire with such feelings, then you don't know the situation already." VV said.


"Enough. Now leave. We will not invade Japan. Not again." VV said.

"Until when? When they form an alliance between the EU and the Chinese Federation and besiege Britannia on all sides? Until every last person, I cared for is dead? Until the day where Japan will be weak, which will never happen? Until the day Britannia's former glory is restored? Tell me, Uncle, how long will we wait until retribution is at hand? Tell me!" Cornelia said.

VV looked into Cornelia's eyes. They burn with rage and hate. VV was silent, he was silent because he knew that feeling all too well. He lost his pride as a prince, he lost his brother in the midst of chaos, he lost his mother in the Emblem of Blood. He knew it because he lived to see it happen. Cornelia knew nothing of what VV endured. She knew nothing but the fact that VV was her uncle.

"If you will not take action, I will." Cornelia said as she turns to leave.

"No!" VV said.

The emperor ran towards the child and grabbed her hand. Cornelia looked back at VV only to see his anger.

"Until the day we, the Royal Family of Britannia can reclaim its honor and glory along with yours and Britannia's Glory, your life is in my hands! Until then, you are to never venture out of Britannian borders until I say you can. Got it?" VV said with a very serious look.

"Yes… My lord….." Cornelia said as her rage subsided into sorrow as she clenched her teeth and looked away.

EU Coastline

The Britannian Forces were invading the EU, but were having trouble trying to take the beaches. The EU's Panzer Hummels kept the enemy from entering close-quarters combat. Them and their artillery pinned the Britannians. There was no way to get over up on the hills without risking going into a meat grinder. The generals of the EU were pleased of their advantage. As long as the Hummels stick to the high ground, they will push the enemy back.

"Looks like another victory for us I say." An EU general said.

"Unidentifiable aircraft incoming!" A soldier said.

"Eh?" The General said.

Out of the blue came a white Knightmare. It landed on the ground. It was none other than the Lancelot, Knight of Seven Suzaku Kururugi's personal Knightmare Frame.

"Britannia's White death!" A soldier said.

"The Knights of the Round?! Here on the frontline?!" Another one said.

"Lower your weapons. Anyone who surrenders will not get shot." Suzaku said.

"He's only one Knight! Attack!" The EU General said.

The Hummels charged at the Lancelot. The Lancelot fired its slash harkens and tossed the Hummels to the side. It took an MVS and slashed a Hummel down. It activated its float unit and fired its VARIS at the Hummels.

A fleet of Britannian ships was watching as the Lancelot went at it. On the bridge of one of them was Schneizel El Britannia.

"Seems like he's doing well." Schneizel said.

"He is the Knight of Seven." Kanon said.

"He would make a fine bodyguard in the case the chance for a new world order, the order of Lelouch or I in the future." Schneizel said.

"Yes. He sure does fulfill his role better than the other Knights of the Round." Kanon said.

Tokyo Settlement, United States of Japan

Tokyo and all the surrounding ghettos were being rebuilt. The areas around the concession were being rebuilt. Up in the Government Bureau, Kaguya was looking through several documents and papers.

'Man this is a ton of paper…. if only my future husband was here to help me in this plight.' Kaguya thought.

The door opened as Lelouch walked in.

"Lelouch!" Kaguya said as she tackled Lelouch to the ground.

She wrapped herself all around him, unknowingly crushing his ribs.

"Kaguya…. Ribs… cracking…." Lelouch said out of breath.

"Oopsies. Just got a little bit too excited." Kaguya said.

"Right… any developments so far?" Lelouch asked.

"Nope! Not a single one!" Kaguya said.

"What about Britannia?" Lelouch asked.

"Nothing yet. They're so focused on the EU, they don't have time for us." Kaguya said.

"Well good. We need time for Japan to be at full strength should an invasion occur." Lelouch said, "Our military might is growing fast."

"Right. Say Lelouch," Kaguya said.

"Yeah?" Lelouch asked.

"You think I'll make a good wife, right?" Kaguya asked.

"Don't worry. I know you'd make a great wife someday. I know it." Lelouch said.

"Thanks." Kaguya said.

"No problem." Lelouch said.

Pendragon, Britannia

"You're going to what?!" Guinevere exclaimed.

"That's right sister. No more will I stand for this hideous violation of what Britannia is now. Our military might, broken. The economy, barely trying to get up after that fiasco. The stability of the nation itself is breaking apart. If we wait for the right chance for revenge, civil war will erupt." Cornelia said.

"That doesn't justify an invasion on foreign soil without approval. We are at war with the EU, a war with Japan would put a tighter strain on the nation itself." Guinevere said.

"I have had it with the losses I have endured. If you were me, you'd know how it would feel to lose almost everyone you care about right before your eyes." Cornelia said.

"That matters little. If you so much as try to do anything of that sort, you will regret it." Guinevere said, "I won't allow any-"

Cornelia knocks out Guinevere.

"Sorry sister, but my honor demands retribution." Cornelia said.

She leaves the room. She goes to take her loyal subjects that wish to follow her as she goes to get revenge against the Black Knights.

Tokyo Settlement

"Britannia's military is moving into Japanese territory?" Lelouch asked.

"Yeah, about 20 minutes ago, a patrol fleet spotted Britannian Airships flying above international waters." Milly said.

"Have they declared war yet?" Lelouch asked.

"No. At least I hope they haven't." Milly said.

'Then that could mean only one thing….. Cornelia really has it out for Japan after everything she was forced to put up with.' Lelouch thought.

"What do we do?" Milly asked.

"The Black Knights and the Japanese Military will have to mobilize. We need to keep the fight away from Japan." Lelouch said.

"Right." Milly said.

The Japanese Military was put on high alert and were being launched to intercept the Britannian forces.

Pacific Ocean

The Britannian forces were comprised of a naval fleet of battleship-carriers, destroyers and cruisers while the Air Fleet had 3 Logres Class Battleships, and 5 Caerleon Air Destroyers.

Hangar Bay

Cornelia was looking at her new unit. It wasn't a Gloucester, but it was a Vincent, a mass-produced model based off the Lancelot and the Original Vincent itself. Her's was modified with a Float Unit that uses two boosters for thrust. It had armor all over it. Unlike most Knightmares onboard the ship, her Vincent uses a weapon called the Needle Blazer, an elbow mounted weapon that fires a short close range burst that can destroy a Knightmare in one pulse. Most of the Vincent Commander Models use this weapon. Her Vincent uses a more General like head with a helmet with a huge antenna on it. It was given a shield that uses Blaze Luminous and a cannon specifically built as an energy weapon.

She clenched her fist at the thought of all her defeats and losses.

'Guilford…. Darlton… I will avenge you all….. I swear to it, even if I am chained to hell itself.' Cornelia thought, 'I'm coming after you Nunnally and Lelouch.'

Along with her Vincent we're Vincent Wards and Sutherlands, Gloucesters and Grazes.


Nunnally looked at the newly rebuilt Ganymede. It was now the Ganymede Lupus. It's hands have been modified to use claws on it. It takes less energy consumption and can use a Radiant Wave Shield around it body. Along with the Ganymede were the new Akatsuki Frames based on the Guren and the Gekka. Another new model was the Zangetsu, Todoh's personal Knightmare. Kallen's Guren had been modified along with Naoto's Gekka. The new Burai Shidens are complete, now carrying rifles, cannons, shields, Kaiten blades, and double edged blades. The Gusion was now remodeled into Gusion Rebake Full City. Nunnally looked at the new units.

'Cornelia has quite the bravery to try something like this. Too bad she'll lose again.' Nunnally thought.

"Oh Nunnally, I was looking for you." A voice said.

Nunnally turned to see her Brother.

"Let me guess, be careful out there?" Nunnally said.

"Well I was but yeah." Lelouch said, "It's about everything we've done up until now."

"I know. It's hard. We managed to free Japan. I'm pretty sure we'll meet and get through every hardship." Nunnally said.

"I know that, but it's about Rolo too." Lelouch said.

"That brocon again?" Nunnally asked.

"Nunnally, we talked about this." Lelouch said.

"I know but why is he got to be so protective about you so much? I mean all the stalking whenever you go on a date with Shirley or CC or Kaguya or even Kallen, whenever we eat at dinner, you could have at least noticed he seemed very protective about you." Nunnally said.

"Look, it can't be that bad." Lelouch said.

"Big brother!" A voice said.

"Speak of the devil." Nunnally said.

Lelouch turned to see Rolo, his little brother that he decided to take in. He had the same brown hair as Nunnally as well as the violet eye color. But like Nunnally said, he can be a bit over protective at a certain extent. He was the pilot of the Original Vincent, which was stolen and was brought under the Black Knights.

"Oh Rolo, what are you doing here?" Lelouch asked.

"I was just checking on you." Rolo said.

"Oh yeah sure." Nunnally said.

"What's your problem?" Rolo said.

"Enough the both of you." Lelouch said, "Save it for the enemy."

The combat alarm went off.

"Well I guess I will be going to the bridge." Lelouch said, "Good luck out there you two."

"We'll be fine big brother." Rolo said.

"Count on it Oniisama." Nunnally said.

Nunnally and everyone went to their assigned Knightmare Frames.

Britannian Air Fleet

The Britannian Forces under Cornelia's command began launching. Cornelia got in her Vincent and remembered everything from a year ago, during the rebellion.

'This time…. I will have revenge. I will put an end to you, Zero!' Cornelia thought.

Pacific Ocean

The Japanese Navy along with the Air Fleet was about to engage the Britannians head on. The Britannians had deployed their forces. The Black Knights and the Japanese Military deployed theirs. Zero in the Gawain moved forward.

"Black Knights! Japan! We beaten the Britannians out of Japan once, we can do it again! You just gotta have faith." Zero said.

"Remember what happened last year! We'll show them just how strong we Britannians are! Make them pay for the humiliation that happened in the Black Rebellion!" Cornelia said.

The two armies would soon clash as a new war will begin. For over a year after the rebellion, Britannia and Japan will be at each other's throats once again.

Who Will Survive?


AN: Dear god this chapter was long. Hope it was worth it…...