"You really, REALLY don't have to do this," Isabella said for the hundredth time as she watched Emilia adjust her robes.

"I do," she said bravely. "He nearly ruined my life."

"He didn't nearly ruin it, Em!" Isabella narrowed her eyes. "He nearly DESTROYED it."

"Sister Isabella, please calm down. It is my duty to see my abuser punished for what he did to me."

Isabella took a step back and looked at her ward with admiration. "How do you stay so professional? You're five years younger than me and your life was almost shattered two days ago. How are you so professional?"

Emilia gave a small shrug. "I do not know, Sister. I think I am just trying to move on with my life. What's happened has happened."

Isabella reached out and hugged Emilia. "I am very proud of you, Sister Emilia. I hope you know that."

Emilia smiled weakly and allowed herself to be hugged, before gently pulling away. Ever since the incident, she disliked physical contact. Isabella internally berated herself for forgetting that.

"I'm coming with you," she said. "No argument."

Emilia wanted to argue but if she was being honest with herself, she really wanted Isabella with her. Isabella had been a pillar of strength for her ever since she could remember. If Emilia's nerve failed her, she would need Isabella to give her that gentle shove.

"Alright," she said. "Thank you."

Erebus was being held in the prison. He and Emilia were to meet in the prison's dining hall, alone apart from Octavius and Isabella. Emilia almost lost her nerve at the front door, but one look at Isabella's encouraging smile got her through the door and into the room.

Erebus was already there, seated at one side of the table in the middle of the room. Hesitantly, Emilia came further into the room and sat down opposite him. Erebus's head was bowed and Emilia couldn't see his facial expression.

"Why?" she demanded quietly, after a few minutes of silence. "Why would you do such horrible things to me?"

No reply.

"You know virginity is the most precious thing to a Vestal Virgin," Emilia tried. "Why would you try to take that away from me?"

Still no reply.

Then Erebus's head shot up and he leant forward, causing Octavius and Isabella to both put their hands on the hilts of their blades. Emilia flinched.

"Why does anyone ever do anything?" snarled Erebus.

Emilia held her ground. "You will have to enlighten me."

But Erebus just fell silent again.

Emilia growled in the back of her throat. "Out of all the young priestesses and Vestals, you chose me to molest and attempt to rape. WHY ME?"

Erebus still didn't answer the question. However, he did look back up at her and smile creepily. "You will die. My sister will kill you. She's close to you."

"Are you threatening her?" Isabella demanded.

"My sister will get you," leered Erebus. "She's close to you and she knows everything about you. She can kill you in every way she knows you fear."

"Enough!" Octavius commanded.

Erebus leapt to his feet and lunged for Emilia, who screamed. Isabella reacted but Octavius was quicker. Drawing his sword, he lunged forwards and stabbed Erebus right through the back. Emilia screamed again and fell backwards at the sight of the tip of the sword protruding from Erebus's chest. The former priest looked down in shock, coughed once, then slumped. Octavius withdrew his sword, and Erebus crashed to the ground, dead.

Isabella lifted Emilia off the floor and hugged her. "It's okay, it's okay, Em."

"Are you okay?" Octavius asked her gently.

Emilia slowly nodded. "I-I'm fine."

"That's the end of him," Isabella said disgustedly. "I'm glad he died like this. He didn't even deserve a proper execution."

Octavius privately agreed but did not say that aloud. "Your worries are over, Emilia. He can never hurt you again. But if anyone ever does, you must tell me immediately, do you understand?"

Emilia hesitated.

"Em, even if they threaten you and blackmail you into not telling, all you have to do is tell Octavius," Isabella said.

"I will have them executed," promised Octavius. "On the spot, if necessary."

Emilia smiled weakly. "I-I will. Thank you."

"Let's go back to the temple," Isabella said. "Octavius will no doubt need to clear this up."

"I will," Octavius sighed. "Safe travels."

"Thank you, General."

As Emilia left the room and breathed in the fresh air, she felt a sense of calm hang over her. She turned to Isabella. "I have a question."

Isabella smiled at her. "What is it?"

"How did you know I was in trouble?" Emilia asked. "You left to go to the orphanage. And when you came back, you burst through the door like you knew I was in trouble."

"Well…" Isabella paused. "I had this feeling in my stomach that something wasn't right. But it wasn't me who saved you."


"No. It was Vesta."

Emilia frowned. "Vesta?"

Isabella nodded. "I asked Vesta to send me a sign if you were in trouble and she made the old outside hearth light up. That's how I knew."

Emilia glanced down at the ground, then up at the sky. So Vesta really did care for her after all. If it wasn't for her, Emilia would have become impure and would have had to leave the only family she had known. Suddenly, the cold air seemed refreshing and inviting. She smiled up at the sky.

Thank you for saving me, Vesta. Now I can continue to serve you as I have always done.

And as long as Emilia had her three guardians—Octavius, Isabella, and Vesta—nothing could harm her again.