A freak's perspective
I don't own Naruto or Evolve


Naruto and Inu popped directly in front of the whole class earning frightened gasps from Naruto's appearance.


(Note Naruto is nude as his reproductive organs became internal during his transformation so he barely ever wears cloths unless he is told otherwise as he finds it more comfortable) Naruto scratched his cheek with his claws ridding the boy of his itch while his peers looked at his form in mute terror.

Iruka coughed into his hand drawing the attention of everyone in the room before speaking "Would you care to explain what you are doing in here Inu and wha-er who is that beside you?"

Inu gingerly pulled out some papers and handed them to Iruka whom read them over before becoming pale the more he read much to the confusion of the class Naruto moved to the front of the chalk board grabbing a piece of chalk and began writing starting with his name.

Naruto spoke as he wrote "My name is Naruto Uzumaki." at this Hinata looked up at the boy recognition in her eyes "I am 13 years of age, and I am the first of a new bloodline clan in Konoha I like ramen, training, and playing chess I am not fond of cheaters, liars, and copy cats…I like originality." as Naruto finished writing he turned and faced the crowed "So any questions?"

Sakura raised her hand quickly and Naruto pointed for her to ask her question so the girl spoke "Why are you naked?"

Naruto smiled and pointed to himself starting at the chest and moving down to his hips as he spoke "Well as you can see I lack any sort of embarrassing features that require cloths."

Kiba a brash and idiotic boy spoke before anyone could raise their hands "So how are you supposed to start a clan if you can't fuck you don't have a dick!?"

Naruto smiled and looked down shaking his head "I can still as you say fuck as I still have a penis it's… just you know inside…I could show you if you like." finished Naruto jokingly.

Several people's jaws dropped at the words that spilled from the boy's mouth and Hinata in the back blushed before activating her Byakugan before quietly flying back a stream of blood gushing from her nose…not that anyone noticed the girl aside from Naruto and Inu.

Naruto smiled and stretched reaching above his head with his hands while his smaller set reached out as if grasping for prey that wasn't there while the largest set of limbs arced above almost touching the ceiling as they reached which almost appeared as if the boy was going to cleave those in front of him in twain but the boy simply gave a yawn and lowed his appendages.

Iruka shakily told Naruto to take a seat and in the process got a small nod from Inu before the man in a mask disappeared leaving the class with a new occupant whom happily took a seat next to Hinata whom had now gotten up and groggily sat in her seat.

Iruka after seeing that Naruto was sat down began speaking "I would like to congratulate you on making it this far and I wish you luck on the finals." with that said Miziki whom had been silently staring Naruto with a glare since that boy wrote his name on the board began handing out papers.

Once Miziki got to Naruto's seat he 'accidently dropped it short of the desk and let it go careening to the floor but before the man could let out a hateful oops a strand of web struck the paper and pulled it directly in front of Naruto much to the ire of Miziki whom growled while Naruto simply gave a small smirk to the man as he moved to pass the rest of the class their papers.

After the written part of the test the entirety of the class moved outside for the target, jutsu, and taijutsu.

Naruto couldn't help but yawn as he finished throwing his last kunai nailing the bullseye again before walking back to the group and making his way to the back of the students who cleared a path for him.

After a while everyone finished their throws most failed to even get half the required amount in order to officially pass this part of the test but predictably most of the clan heirs did well above average, except Shikamaru but we all know when it comes to that guy that it's all to troublesome, anyway after Naruto who rested comfortably in 1st, Sasuke Uchiha in 2nd, then Kiba in 3rd, 4th was Hinata, and fifth was Ino with Sakura pulling up short just behind her.

Naruto almost couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes when he saw the last two preform but with luck they might live long enough to realize that the ninja life wasn't for them or maybe take the lifestyle more seriously than what they were currently.

Taijutsu was of course much the same except Hinata took Sakura's spot and Ino moved into Hinata's Naruto couldn't help but frown Hinata seemed to have potential but she refused to use it seemingly too shy to properly utilize her combat skills.

Finally Iruka moved them to an open room inside the school and had his students come one by one and demonstrate the academy jutsu with an extra option to do extra jutsu for extra credit.

This time nearly everyone passed and Naruto pulled one over on the Uchiha in the form of his blade jutsu, partial cauterizing blade, which he used to cleave a dummy in half before explaining what it does at Iruka's request.

"It coats my blades in electricity as you saw but due to the intensity of the electricity when it cuts it partially cauterizes the wound while also causing muscle spasms and pain." explained Naruto with a proud smile on his face as he gestured to his large bladed appendages.

Iruka nodded and wrote down that Naruto got his extra points before giving him a headband before sending the grey skinned boy.

And cut