A freak's perspective
I don't own Naruto or Evolve

The planet of shear was known for two major things its' resources and the other thing was well the giant freaking monsters which had appeared mysteriously and began attacking the populations of shear mercilessly and because of this the hunters were made these people were trained to the best they could be to deal with the threat of these beasts.

The monsters were defined into five categories with sub categories for two, the Goliath which was the brawler of the group and had a sub species by the name of Meteor Goliath which is drastically different physically it is not that different ability wise except for that its abilities are a bit more enhanced this is the same for the Elder Kraken which is just different colored.

The remaining three monsters are the Gorgon, Wraith, and Behemoth.

The Gorgon can climb and stick to walls as well as make traps, Wraith is the assassin of the group with its teleporting and clone abilities, the Behemoth is the wrecking ball of the group slow but powerful it has the most health of the monsters and has lave/rock based abilities.

But all the monsters have two things in common the ability to generate a 'shield' which can absorb damage from all forms of attack and that they all appear from eggs of unknown origin who can birth all of them and now that you have the jests of their abilities let us begin the story.

A heavily injured Wraith rushed for a portal in an attempt to escape with its life and it succeed but the portal it had selected was tampered with by unknown means and it closed just as it entered blocking the hunters from following it.

Meanwhile in the Naruto verse

Naruto was foraging in the forest of death once again in order to get his dinner when something odd happened a spherical rip opened in front of him and a floating tentacled creature came through and froze once it saw him…despite not have eyes.

It would have attacked but when it smelled the area it detected a mass of new scents and energies around it and it was beginning to feel pain as the new energy tried to force its way into its body but there was one thing it could tell for certain there were those creatures those tiny but annoying creatures whom invaded its home and hurt it so much and here was one now but it was odd it was chalked full of a different form of the same energy that was hurting it currently that form was much more potent and violent.

(This is something that I made up on how the Monsters reproduce which consists of the monster taking a native species of the current planet and taking the genes that allow them to breathe and survive the atmosphere)

The Wraith wrapped forward and grasped Naruto and rushed further into the woods smelling for threats until it came to a cave which was seemingly abandoned and dived deep inside before it stopping making the boy jerk slightly as it stopped.

The Wraith then raised Naruto up and bit on his neck tearing the flesh and blood vessels before it set him down on the floor and began a process similar to the evolutionary steps and by the end a small mound of flesh was piled on top of Naruto and was beginning to form an egg but there was a factor that altered what would have been the start of a new race of monsters in the elemental nations…the fact that Naruto was in fact alive and healing and that there was another creature within Naruto's mind one who was capable of great feats of healing, manipulation, and strength.

The Kyuubi wasn't pleased with the means by which it was awakened its host was dying due to a dangerous wound to the neck and unknown cells attempting to steal/manipulate its host's cells.

So the first thing Kyuubi did was stop the process whilst keeping the protective shell that had formed around them before Kyuubi began examining the DNA of the invading cells before it discovered something odd about the DNA it had the genetic blueprints for seven total creatures each had its own unique set of abilities.

The Kyuubi smiled as an idea grew within its head and it began the process of studying and implementing selected DNA sequences while stabilizing Naruto's body and forcing it to accept the changes.

Several weeks later

Hiruzen realized that something was very wrong when Naruto didn't show up for their monthly ramen meet not only that but the entire village has been eerily quiet within the village since about two weeks ago.

Hiruzen called Neko and Hebi both to his side before asking for them to bring Naruto to him but 30 minutes later they returned empty handed Hiruzen called Wolf and her dogs and asked Neko, Hebi, and Wolf to find Naruto as fast as possible and return him safely to him but instead of Naruto being brought to him Neko body flickered in and asked him to come with her as they had found something odd inside the forest of death and after a second he stood and nodded offering his hand which she took and body flickered them away leaving a group of shadows to report to their leader.

Back inside the forest of death

Hiruzen honestly didn't know what he was looking at his best guess was that it was some type of egg but it was far too large to be from anything inside the forest of death not only that but the 'shell' of the egg was decorated with rock like spikes and the egg itself was glowing a faint red and occasionally pulsed and the rate at which it was pulsing was increasing over time.

Hiruzen turned to Wolf "Why did you bring me here while I do agree this is odd what does it have to do with Naruto?"

Wolf just shook her head "That's just it his scent trail leads us here as faint as it was at least a week or two old there was just about no scent left to track but it brought us here."

Hiruzen gained a confused look "What do you mean his scent was faint he couldn't have been gone for very long his care takers would have told me."

The ANBU looked at him disbelievingly "Hokage you know that they don't like him do you honestly believe that they would give you truthful check ins on his condition!" yelled Hebi angrily.

Hiruzen looked down sadly he knew that they were most likely lying to him and Naruto was always to kind hearted and thankful that he never asked for anything more than what Hiruzen gave him even if he asked if something were wrong Naruto would most likely deny that anything was wrong and now due to his own delusions he might have doomed his grandson in all but blood to an unknown state of life seemingly stuck in a giant egg.

And cut