HI! Sorry it took so long to update this story. But here's the finally 4th chapter. And more to come soon. And as for the flashback. We will only see more when Logan starts to slowly remember. But instead of Sarah's memories again, this will be Logan's.
~Storybrooke, Tuesday, 3PM~ Logan and Sarah's House
Logan, who was wearing only a red/black plaid shirt, as well as jeans. Shifted in his horses saddle, irritated by the turn of events that had drawn him from his work and watching over Elena. Who he knew at the moment was looking around town for her sister, Emma swan. Mosquitoes whined through the hot still air of the chaco summer; reeds stood still in the scummy green water of the marsh.
Logan took of his baseball cap and ran a hand over his short brown hair, which was starting to go a little black. And looked down at his ranch's overseer from atop his massive horse. And the horse needed to be big, the Austrian was over six feet tall. Big-boned and all muscular, with the sort of sculpted muscle that only a scientifically designed exercise program can produce.
His neighbor's and employees thought he was a physical-Fitness fanatic, which was true enough.
''What is she even doing all the way of here?'' Logan demanded, steely blue eyes snapping, a muscle jumping in his strong jaw, visible even through the short almost coming beard he had.
Geppetto Garcia, His overseer, rose from where he'd been squatting on his old legs and shrugged. ''She's a cow, Logan, it seems she wants to be with her brother's and sisters.'' He explained, and the cow in question was definitely not with her sisters and brothers at the moment, unless she was standing on them.
The poor cow was chest-deep and possibly sinking deeper into a disgusting and smelly bog. The cow bawled her distress, big eyes rolling in terror, showing the whites all around, as she continued to bawl out. Making Logan's lip's twitch in irritation, but he knew it wasn't the old man's fault. She must have gotten herself free. Even Henry and Sarah had warned him when Henry came over to ride one of his and Sarah's ten horses.
''She's supposed to be locked up in a pad-dock.'' Logan said coldly.
''Some of them are escape artists, Logan,'' A new voice interrupted, getting Logan's and Geppetto's attention. There stood Henry as well as Sarah, who were watching the dramatic scene. ''So, I think you should king of give Geppetto here a break.''
Logan sighed, and nodded, telling Geppetto to go and take a break. Before he jumped off his horse, and stared at the poor cow in pity. Before turning to hand Sarah and Henry the rope that was attached to him. ''Well, I guess we better get her out.'' He replied, and Henry nodded as well as Sarah. Before they slowly approached the panicking beast.
Henry had only managed to wrap the rope around the cow's horns when she started lashing out at him and Sarah, who was trying from her side to help as well. Until Logan told them to stand back, knowing his daughter and Henry could seriously get injured or worse killed by the angry wailing beast. This was a man's job, So with a sigh he approached the dreaded beast.
''I don't really want to strangle her,'' Logan said softly, as he took the rope back from Sarah, before she moved out of the way. ''I just want to get her out of harm's way. But it seem's I'm going to have to get in there and pull her out.''
Henry sighed, watching him nevously. ''Well, she might start kicking, so be careful.'' He said, and Sarah worriedly watched Logan wrap the rope around the horns once more.
''Okay, strangle her,'' He said, not liking it one bit. But as soon as he entered the nasty smelling bog, and got a grip on the cow. She started thrashing around, her horns, aiming dangerously at him. Logan moved back, knowing better than to piss her off. But he had to get her out of there, before she drowned into the bog. But it seemed luck wasn't on his side today, as he lost grip of the rope, and watched as it sailed into the air, about to hit the poor cow in the face, until a mysterious small hand reached out and grasped, followed by a grunt.
''Mind helping me, cowboy?'' Turning around, Logan saw Elena surprisingly walking through the bog, not ever in his life seeing such a bad-ass women get her pretty clothes all muddy for an animal before. But with a nod he went over to the small women, and wrapped his muddy muscular arm's around her tiny frame, and together they pulled and pulled. Into the cow was at least near the surface, and that's when Logan had an idea.
When the cow got closer to them. He lashed out a raised fist, and smacked the massive cow in the middle of her forehead; her head instantly fell to the side with a drawn-out moo, like a tired squeaky toy. Then she lay with her eyes half-closed, her steam-engine panting slowing to a steady deep...wushhhh.
Elena's eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open. Clearly Logan's muscles weren't just for show.
''Is she okay?'' Sarah asked, as Logan and Elena finished pulling the tired cow out of the mud, where she instantly collapsed from the hit from Logan's massive fist. Which now could have a big bruise forming, but he didn't care all he wanted was to get his cow out before she dreadfully drowned. Logan then turned to his daughter, his blue eyes wide as he took deep breaths.
''She will be, hopefully.'' Logan sighed, his mouth going into a thin line. Before he heard a small grunt, as Elena seemed to be having trouble getting out. So without hesitance he went over, wrapping his massive arm's around her before carrying her bridal style out of the muck. Before gently setting her on her two feet. ''You okay, sweetheart?'' He asked, looking her over.
Elena gave him a little sharp look, and Logan knew he instantly made a mistake calling her 'sweetheart'. Before she nodded, giving him a thankful small smile. ''Yeah, Thank you, Logan,'' She then turned her gaze towards Sarah and Henry, who were watching them patiently. ''Are you two alright?'' She asked, of course her first concern was always children.
Sarah nodded, as she walked over and looked down at the mooing beast. While Henry went over to Logan to see if he needed help, getting the cow up. ''You need help?'' The little boy asked, and Logan looked at him, giving the boy who he looked at as his own son a affectionate pat on the head.
''No thanks, Henry.'' Logan replied, looking back down at the beast. ''Let her rest for now, I really do regret punching her lights out. But if I didn't she would have drowned.'' He sighed softly, while Sarah and Elena chatted about stuff, until the sound of high heel's stomping over concrete caught all of their attention, and their stood a fuming, Regina Mills. AKA, to Sarah and Henry, the evil queen.
''Where the hell have you been!'' Regina yelled angrily, her cold brown eyes set on Henry, who instantly shrank up and quickly hide behind Logan. Who instantly wrapped a protective arm around the boy, as Regina stepped towards them. ''And what the heck is all this mud doing out here, great now my shoes are messed up, thanks a lot! And what do you think you are doing with my son! Y-You dirty excuse-!''
''Excuse me!'' Elena suddenly spoke up, her voice deadly calm, as she dangerously approached the angry mayor. Stepping in front of Henry and Logan while Sarah glared at Regina. ''Don't you think you're being a little bit ridiculous here? Not to be rude, madam mayor, but you should show some of your town people some respect. And not only that, but what kind of example are you showing for Henry? If I were you madame mayor I would walk away right now. Before someone get's hurt...by someone I mean you.''
''I-'' Regina tried to speak, shocked that this low life women was speaking to her that way. While Logan and the two kid's watched on with wide eyes, before Logan smirked, impressed with how Elena carried herself. 'What a women' He thought dreamily.
''And I bet it's true that Henry here is running over here to Logan. Just to get away from you, isn't that right, madame mayor. And that man you call a dirty excuse, has been there way more than you have for Henry as well as his beautiful nine year old daughter, Sarah. Many more time's then you ever have!'' Elena said angrily, Logan's heart started beating way faster then it should have. Finally a women who not only cared about men but about Sarah, she was the only one who ever stood up for him and his daughter. Elena then continued to rant. ''So, madame mayor, why don't you-''
Before Elena could finish, Regina raised a fist and punched the women in the face, making Logan instantly get in-front of Elena protectively, while Henry and Sarah both glared shocked and angry at Regina, who was shaking her hand from the pain of punching Elena, who was now currently shaking the hit off like it never happened. Before she could do something, Logan began began to speak threateningly angry and calm.
''I suggest that you leave without Henry, before I personally call Graham for assaulting a women. Who didn't even punch you back, or I could also personally kick you out for trespassing on my property!'' Logan growled, while Elena's eyes widened, never having a man stick up for her, she usually stood up for herself. ''So, Mrs. Mayor, what shall it be.'' He finished, stepping closer to her, as if he was cornering her.
Regina looked at Elena, Henry and Sarah before looking back at the enraged man before her. ''You want to play the hard way then fine. I'll play the hard way, Mr. Connor.'' Regina growled, before turned on her heel and walking away towards her town car. Before Logan took deep breaths to calm himself, as he turned to look at Elena, who now a hand print of her cheek. Which was turning a dark red.
''Are you alright?'' He whispered softly, gently reaching out to cup her face. Which instantly made her tense at first, Logan knew he had to find out about her past, of why men made her uncomfortable. Maybe Emma had some information, but he watched as Elena slowly excepted his hand, and instantly leaned into it. Their eyes locking with one another,
''I'm fine, thanks.'' Elena whispered, as she turned to look at the two children, removing herself from Logan's hold. ''Are you two alright? I'm sorry you both had to see that.'' She said, as Sarah and Henry walked over, still shocked and angered by the events which just took place.
''See what?'' A familiar voice said, grabbing all four of their attention. Their in all her glory stood, Emma, with her hands on her hips. Looking at scene, unsure of what had just happened. ''What happened? I saw Regina speeding by when I came across you guys.'' Logan approached her and took her by the arm, while Elena talked to his daughter and Henry. ''What?'' Emma said, giving the man who she knew as Logan a look of confusion,
''Your sister was only trying to stick up for me and my daughter, as well as your son...when.'' He paused, glancing back at Elena who was to busy chatting with Henry and Sarah to notice him. ''Regina lashed out and punched her square in the face-''
''She did what?!'' Emma all but exclaimed, before snatching her arm from Logan before stomping over angrily and worriedly to her twin. ''Elena, are you alright, what did that bitch do to you.'' She growled, as she went to cup her sister's face. Instantly frowning as she saw the small bruise forming on her cheek, where the mayor lashed out at her. But her sister just shook herself from Emma's grasp, before sighing.
''I'm fine, Emma, Logan already defended me.'' She replied, which made Emma give Logan a thankful look before a small devious idea came to her. Turning around and marching over to Logan she asked when simple question. ''Do you have a chainsaw I could borrow really quick?'' Logan's eyebrow raised by her question, unsure of what she was about to do.
''Yeah, why? What do you plan on doing with it.'' Logan asked, as Elena approached them, also intrigued about what her sister was going to do. ''And by the way it's in the barn hanging on the wall, you can't miss it.'' He explained, and Emma gave him a small smirk before walking away, her sights stuck on the mayor's house.
''What do you think she's going to do?'' Elena whispered, Logan shrugged, as he watched Emma hop in her yellow beetle before driving down the road. ''Because one thing I know, is that if you mess with one of us you mess with both of us. I just hope Emma doesn't plan to do anything stupid and get herself arrested again.''
''Arrested?'' Logan asked raising a brow. That's when Sarah and Henry made themselves known.
''Yeah, because Regina told on Emma about her taking Henry's files from Archies.'' Sarah grumbled, crossing her little arms. ''But Mary Margret managed to bail her out.'' Logan listened to his daughters words and smirked to himself. He just hoped like Elena, Emma wouldn't get arrested again. But it was his chainsaw she was using. But if it involved getting revenge on, Regina. He was in for it.
''For some reason, I can't wait to see what your sister' s motives are.'' He chuckled, causing Elena to smile a little. Actually for the first time feeling comfortable around someone for once. Even after she was abused for many years by men. Logan made her feel safe, at home and loved. She had never had a man so concerned for her. And for some reason she always wondered if they had ever met when she was little. He did seem very familiar. He had to be from her past.
Just as Elena went to thank Logan once more. His phone rang, making him give her an apologetic look. ''Sorry. I have to take this.'' He said, reaching into his pocket, with his still muddy hands, regretting to not wash them before he touched his phone. While Elena nodded and went over to Sarah and Henry to see if they were alright from Regina's outburst. ''Hello?'' Logan answered, holding the phone to his ear.
''Hello...Logan.'' Robert Collins replied, making Logan tense. Oh, how he despised that man. Ever since he lost Linda all those years ago, he remembered one night where Robert tried to take Sarah away from him. After he had went nuts. But with the help from his best friend, Graham. Logan was able to get his daughter back who had been only five years old when she was taken. So, with an angry tense shudder, he waited till Robert finished. ''Just wanting to let you know, Regina wanted me to pick up her son. Is he still-''
''You are not coming on my property!'' Logan growled, catching Elena's, Sarah's and Henry's attention and concern. ''After what you tried to do to my daughter all those years ago. I wouldn't even let you near, Henry.'' He finished, as Elena feeling concerned for her new friend approached him slowly, placing a gentle hand upon his arm, making Logan relax a little. Before he spoke once more. ''So why in a million years would I let you near my daughter or Henry?'' He spat.
''Order's are orders, Logan.'' Robert replied, with a little scoff. Which just made the anger rise in Logan more. ''And beside's can't let you have the new women in town what was her name, oh yeah, Elena Swan, all to yourself.'' He chuckled darkly. And Logan felt his heart drop at that threat. Glancing at Elena who gave him a small smile back before listening to Robert once more. ''I mean after all who's fault was it that Linda-''
Logan instantly hung up. Angrily shoving his phone into his pocket. ''That cursed wench...'' Logan growled under his breath, making Elena shudder at the tone of his voice. ''Thinking she can make Henry go back home. Him making threats-''
''Threat's?'' Elena interrupted, and Logan finally looked at her, trying to keep calm. As Sarah and Henry approached the two adults. ''Is it Regina again?'' Elena asked softly, by the look on his face she caught on quickly. ''I'm sorry. This is my fault-''
''Don't apologize, sweetheart.'' Logan smiled, giving Henry and Sarah both a small smile as well. ''If it wasn't for you who know's what Regina would have done.'' Logan sighed thankfully. And Elena almost felt herself blush but shook it off. Just as Logan's piercing blue eyes caught sight of the already forming bruise on her cheek, from Regina's lashing. Gently not to startle the women, Logan gently cupped her injured cheek, earning a small hiss of pain in return. ''We should put some ice on this. I hate to admit it, but Regina packs a pretty good punch.'' Logan smiled.
Elena nodded, While Henry and Sarah waited for their orders. Logan as if sensing this turned to his daughter. ''Sarah grab the fresh ice pack from the barn. Henry you come with me and Elena. I don't want you out of my sight for now, okay.'' Henry nodded and followed after his aunt and best friend. While Sarah went to the barn, her long blonde hair bouncing in that tight pony tail she had Mary Margaret do, since Logan wasn't too much into doing her hair or knew how to.
''Thank's for everything, Logan.'' Elena smiled, walking beside him, while Henry just watched them smirking. Hopefully his dear friend would find comfort in his own aunt. And as he watched the sincere smile on Logan's face he knew. Even Terminator's could hopefully have happy endings, he just had to make Elena and Emma break the curse with the help from Sarah.
As Logan put Elena onto his bed. He heard a faint knock on his house door, and cautiously opened it. And taking a breath as he saw it was only Emma holding what appeared to be a basket of apples. Emma was smiling at him, before she spoke. ''Can I come in?'' She asked, and Logan nodded, quickly getting out of her way. As she entered his house. ''Nice place...'' Emma said, looking around at the old pictures of him and Sarah fishing at the old docks. Before she turned and held out the basket.
''What's this?'' Logan questioned, smiling a little. Looking at the apple basket with a little grin.
''For helping my sister,'' Emma confirmed truthfully, leaning back against the kitchen table. As Logan set the apples onto the counter. ''And by the way, is she here? I need to speak with her.'' Emma asked, and Logan nodded but frowned.
''She's resting for now.'' He replied quietly as too not wake Elena. Emma nodded silently, as she stared at Logan. Logan must have caught it because he rose a brow at her. ''What?''
Emma stared at him once more. Before talking in a low dangerous mother-bear tone. Like a mother protecting her cub. ''If you ever hurt my sister. And I mean ever, I will personally hunt you down and-''
''Why would I ever hurt her?'' Logan asked, feeling hurt at Emma's threat. Until sudden realization came upon him as he remembered all the times he's been around Elena she didn't feel comfortable around him, and he knew it had to be because of her past experience with men. So with a deep breath he gave Emma a hard, serious, 'Let's get down to business' look as he spoke. ''A man has hurt her before haven't they?'' He said, causing Emma to give him a look of shock, crossing her arms.
''How did-'' She tried to speak. But Logan cut her off.
''I know from the sign's she gave me when we met,'' He said truthfully. And Emma nodded, biting her chapped lip. ''So, tell me, who hurt your sister? I just want to help.'' He pleaded, and Emma could see he wasn't lying thank's to her so called 'Super-power' and softly gave him a weak smile.
''I don't know his name. But when my sister would come home from her job as a Bailbonds person, such as myself, ,'' Emma paused, biting her cheek. And Logan could tell she wasn't comfortable talking behind her sister's back. ''She would come home with bruises on her face. And I would ask her what happened, but she would just push me away and starve herself for days. Until she came back out and watched Netflix or Game of thrones with me.''
Logan's vision suddenly went red for a moment, before he managed to calm himself down. Now everything made sense, the flinching, the fear, and most of all the shrinking up as well. When a man tried to touch her. How could some one treat her like that...He didn't know who they were but deep down he wanted desperately to hunt them down and end them on the spot..
''Hey! Logan, you with me?'' Emma exclaimed, snapping her finger's in his face to grab his attention. Logan blinked, snapping out of his murderous gaze. Before nodding to Emma who lowered her arm. ''And that is all I wish to speak about it...but if you want to know more. Ask my sister.'' Emma explained, leaning on the table once more, and Logan nodded once more looking a tad thankful. At finally finding out why Elena reacts the way she does around men such as himself, guarded, broken, and of course uncomfortable.
''Got it, Emma, thanks.'' Logan gave her a toothy smile. And Emma smiled in return, before she looked towards Logan's bedroom where Elena was asleep. Logan caught her look and nodded. ''Go ahead, I need to check up on Henry and Sarah anyway-''
''How is he?'' Emma suddenly asked, pausing just as she reached the hallway entrance. And Logan gave her a look.
''Henry?'' He asked, and Emma nodded. Well, of course she would want to know she was his mother after all. So with a sigh he took a deep breath. ''The boy's fine, and he always comes over to spend time with my daughter.'' He smiled, earning one from Emma but a more sadder one almost.
''So, Sarah, does she-''
''Believe in the curse too? Oh, do not even get me started.'' Logan chuckled, placing his hand's on his waistline. And Emma chuckled as well, before she gave him a puzzled look.
''Who does Sarah and Henry think you are? In their book?'' Emma asked. And Logan chuckled once more, biting his lip.
''You know your sister asked me the same thing,'' He replied truthfully, and Emma stared at him, just waiting for his answer. And Logan told her. ''T-they think I'm someone called...The Terminator-''
''The Terminator?'' Emma rose a brow in disbelief crossing her arms. ''As in the character who is half man and half machine. And the one my sister grew up watching back in the 80's? That one?'' Emma asked, and Logan nodded. Confirming her answer, and Emma just continued to stare at him for a solid minute. Until she shook her head with a chuckle of disbelief, before she went down the hall towards Logan's room.
Logan just stood there watching Emma walk towards his room. As he pondered on what he was going to do for Sarah's punishment, at helping Henry escape Storybrooke and running away. He hated to punish her for doing something she thought was right, and he knew she just wanted to help the boy see his biological mother once again. So with a deep breath he thought it through.
''I guess I'm going to have to make her clean the stables.'' He sighed. Before heading out of his house door, to meet up with his daughter and Henry. Slamming the door closed as he went, hopefully not waking, Elena.