Naomasa Tsukauchi (detective friend of All Might), slowly walked into the crime scene. A scene that was within a long abandoned ten story building, which was now only about a three story as the top seven were destroyed within a fight between a hero and villain. It resided within one of the more crime afflicted districts within Musutafu city. He walked in dressed in his almost famous trench coat. It was a nothing hideout for some delinquents, whatever sort of laws they did break were so small that noting them would not have been any more than busy work for most officers. The greatest of their crimes might have landed one or two of them up in a jail cell for a week, so why was he walking in there? Why did every step he took feel colder and more weighted than the last? Like he was walking through some sort of ankle deep sludge. He's been to the scene where the new noumus were being breed and didn't feel so nervous? Anxious? Disturbed? One of those words fit his emotional state but for the life of him he couldn't figure out which one.

He pushed aside some police tape as he began to go up some stairs. As he entered his nose filled with the stench of spray paint and something else. The smell he could only compare it to was oddly enough would be something like cherries. Marzipan? Whatever the smell was when he went down the stairs whatever sensation he was feeling before was increased tenfold. So was the smell so sweet and pungent he was forced to cover his nose. It reminded him of the times that in the department locker room someone spilled cologne. It stung and hurt his nose but he kept going. He needed to see what his men we so scared about. As he walked down the hallway he saw sprayed across the walls and even on the ceilings to a degree a single character repeated over and over again. "Ha." The word appearing more numerous as he went down the hallway. He turned down another hallway and followed the character. He passed an open door with a massive amount sprayed all around it before thinning out again. With a pause he turned back and headed to the door. But it made no sense. The room was completely lit. Nothing was inside there. His eyes drew themselves over to a light switch on the wall that had an arrow pointing to it.

With a gulp he flipped the switch off and inside the room was brought to life as the character was replaced with the English words in glow in the dark paint as well as a single arrow to a very thin glowing line in the middle of the room. He walked inside and grabbed the cord and yanked it back and then pulled away a cover that blended almost perfectly into the wall and he fell backwards as five bodies were almost strung up underneath. Each one with a smile that stretched skin and muscles into a permanent grin. Five Bodies with five letters on each of them.

"Smile." A voice that was semi-robotic said. The detective got to his feet and swung at the dark figure only to be blocked and slammed into a wall. Glowing white eyes burned into his own. "Don't try that again."

"Who are you?" He demanded.

"A hero." The man dressed in black said before stepping away and looking in the room. "There is more on the next level."

"You can't just trespass-!"

"No one owns this building." The man continued to say while going to the second level. "Ignore the condemned floors. He didn't leave anything there. Besides a few toys."

"I need to see your hero's licenses." The detective insisted. A pause and the man turned back and glared down at him. Which made Naomasa feel smaller than he had ever before felt.

"I'm the goddamn batman. So shut up and listen to me." Batman clarified as they went to the third floor. As he passed the rooms the detective looked in and saw different crates and canisters. "He was having supplies shipped here for about a few weeks. Multiple different sources. He must have arrived two days ago."

"What are in those containers?" Naomasa demanded.

"Strychnine, Hydrogen Cyanide, Methamphetamine, MDMA, Nitrous Oxide, and about half a dozen different chemical compounds." Batman answered.

"I'm sorry what?" Naomasa questioned. As they turned a corner and found five more strung up bodies. A loud gulp escaped his throat.

"Chemicals found in different psychedelic and physiological drugs. Used in a special combination that varies batch to batch. Basic ingredients are easy to identify. But are varied in a way that no singular cure is available to what they create together." Batman answered. "Kill the lights." The detective hit the lights and they turned off again and the word that batman nearly hated more than anything else in the world appeared. "That's what you are dealing with."

"Who is this guy?" The detective asked as he turned on his flash light and shined it in batman's direction but found him missing.

"The name is in front of you." Batman said. His voice seeming to come from everywhere.

"If you really are a hero. We will need your help. Work together with the Hero Organization." The detective called out. "Before this freak does this again."

"I'll think on it. Till then, keep your men out of this. You have no idea who you are dealing with." Batman warned him. "You've been warned."

The detective turned on the lights and batman was gone. The detective let out a long breath and went back to his men that were positioned outside of the building. He went over to his car and sat on the hood as his heart beat came back down from the 100 or so it must have been for how badly his chest still hurt. The smell of cherries remained in his nose for a time that he wished was much shorter. He didn't smoke nor desired to smoke but in that moment he sure as hell wish one of his men that did came over so he could replace the sent with something else. But he was unsure if even that sent would be strong enough to overtake the one stuck in his brain.

"Sir. You saw what we found correct?" One of his men said as they came over. He nodded.

"You also missed a few things. 5 more bodies on the second floor. As well as two words." Naomasa said with a sober tone.

"Those words being what sir?"

"Smile…. And, Joker."