Its a few weeks later when Harry and Jasper were finally alone again, not alone for an hour like when they went hunting but a whole day. All of the other Cullens were away on some kind of errand or were at work and Harry took the chance to finally show some of her books to Jasper. She had lifted the glamour of the books one by one as she saw the astonished look on Jaspers face grow. He looked at some of the more timid books like The Standard Book of Spells but when his eyes locked on The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection he picked it up and read the back of it.

"This was one of your school books?" He asked as he read the description on the back.

"That was a required book for my first year, it has a lot of handy tricks but is nothing compared to this one." Harry said as she pulled out Confronting the Faceless. "This is a sixth year book and packs the heavy stuff like the Cruciatus Curse, Inferi and Resisting the Imperius Curse." Harry handed the book to Jasper, "Those are the real curses and monsters you don't want to mess with those."

Jasper opened the book and read the first page of it with big eyes, "Did you ever have to use some of these spells?" he asked as he read all about the Impediment Jinx and all its quality's.

"Yes," Harry said with a sad face "without them I would have never survived." Harry didn't go on to explain any of it and Jasper took that as a hint not to push her on the subject. The only thing he did was pat her reassuringly on her shoulder as he picked up multiple books from her desk and ran downstairs to throw them on the dining table. Harry did the same so he wouldn't have to take two trips to her room, she knew it was just a formality because Jasper was faster and stronger than her but she was taught by Mrs. Weasley to always help out if she could.

This is how Harry found herself explaining and demonstrating different spells all morning, they had eventually moved all the stuff to the living room where all sorts of books were scattered around the place. Harry had demonstrated many different spells on the objects around them and eventually some of them on Jasper, she didn't want to at first but he was very persistent so she only performed the small and harmless spells on him. Jasper was impressed to say the least and after a while he didn't need to question Harry so much, he knew he would never fully understand Harry's world but these books helped him a lot. He did notice however that almost none of the books were history based books, there were a few exceptions to this like Hogwarts: a History but nothing up to date and he got the sense Harry wanted to keep it like that.

The two of them were lazily laying on the couch, both leaning on a arm rest while their legs were tangled within each other while they were reading when they heard the sound. It was a mix of a pop and a crack and suddenly two heartbeats were present outside the house, not the normal heartbeats of animals that sometimes wandered onto the driveway but human heartbeats and they were beating like the owners were in a hurry. Jasper jumped up in alarm and looked at the front door where he saw two silhouettes standing in front of the door, he saw one of them reach out and ring the doorbell but in a hurried way as they repeated the action multiple times and in quick succession.

Harry didn't jump up in alarm at the sound as she heard it many times before but she was rather worried, she was the first of the two of them to speed towards the door and open it using her vampire speed without warning. Before her stood a worried looking Hermione and Ron, they didn't say anything but Harry stepped to the side nevertheless so they could walk in. They hurried inside towards the living room only to stop at the sight of so many magical books laying about and a slightly defencive vampire standing in the midst of them.

"What happened here Harry?" Hermione asked as she looked back at her friend who was closing the door quickly. "Why are all these books laying around?" Her look was worried but also tipping on anger as these are not books to just throw around.
Harry saw the secret meaning in Hermione's words, she didn't want to say what kind of books were laying around for fear of exposing all the magic strewn about. "I was introducing Jasper into my past," Harry began to say only to falter somewhat when she saw the alarmed looks in her friends eyes, "just our school years and what we learnt there." She finished quickly to calm them down a bit.

Harry didn't achieve her goal as the looks didn't go from the faces of Ron and Hermione. "Why would you do such a thing Harry," Ron exclaimed in astonishment, "The statute of secrecy doesn't have its name for fun you know."

Ron sounded angry but he was actually worried for Harry, Jasper could sense his feelings whirl around the man so he did the natural thing and tried to calm him down with words and of course his ability. "You could argue that I am also magical seeing I'm a vampire," Jasper said in a reassuring tone, "I am not planning on telling anyone about this." Luckily, he saw Ron relax slightly at his words. "How did you guys get here anyway?" He asked to divert from the subject.

"We apparated." Hermione answered for her husband, she could see that this didn't make sense to Jasper but the subject had turned her attention to something she had wanted to say the moment she walked in. She whirled around to face Harry with a worried look on her face, "Jacob is on his way, he will be here in-" she wasn't able to finish that sentence because Harry heard a familiar car leave the highway.

"You're right, I hear his car right now." She interrupted Hermione and looked at Jasper and the books around him, "Jasper can you return the books to my room as fast as you can?" She asked in a hurried tone, Jasper nodded and sped off. He was done withing two seconds and Harry took this time to rush her friends into the kitchen, she had used her vampire speed so they were somewhat flabbergasted but the car was moving quickly towards the house and Jacob couldn't know they were present. "Why is he coming?" Harry asked in a hurry but she could almost guess the answer already, she had feared it from the moment she had heard them apparate.

"He found out about the contract." Hermione said.

Harry mentally cursed and she could hear Jasper use some choice words too, he had clearly listened while he was moving her stuff out of sight. "Stay out of sight, I'll handle this." She said in a curt tone.

"He is not happy Harry," Ron said with a worried look, "try to keep him from turning or this will get ugly and we will have to step in."

"We'll take care of it." Jasper said with a certain tone in his voice Harry couldn't place, he had appeared in the doorway, he nodded towards her friends and somehow they could decipher it because Ron nodded back with a protective look in his eyes.

This is how Harry found herself sitting on the couch in fake relaxation, Jasper was already at the door waiting for their guest. They had had a short discussion about who would open the door but Harry had quickly realised that this was a fight she would loose. Jacob's car drove up the driveway and Harry could hear him stepping out of the car one minute later. Twenty steps after that she heard Jasper open the door before Jacob could break it by pounding it, which was most likely a good thing he didn't have the chance to do that.

"Hello Jacob." She could hear Jasper say, his tone was emotionless but she could detect an edge that she couldn't place.

"Leach," Jacob said in answer, "I need to speak to the ginger." His tone was angry and she could hear he was just looking for a fight. This wouldn't make talking to him any less difficult.

Harry sped to the hallway, she had the feeling that Jacob walking in on her in a relaxing position wouldn't make things better. "How can I help?" She asked when she was in full view of the shifter.

Jacob walked passed Jasper without invitation as he pointed at Harry. "You!" he was already yelling as he strode towards her with angry steps. "Last time I checked it was common courtesy to warn someone there was some sort of contract involving that person but you just leave me in the dark."

"Jacob please relax." Harry said as she held up her hands as if she could physically calm him down with them. "I didn't know about that thing until some time ago."

"Until those so called 'friends' visited you mean?" Jacob almost shouted as he stopped in front of Harry with a red face. "Those friends are here for almost three and a half weeks, when would it come across your mind to consult me on the matter?"

"Jacob," Harry said with a warning in her tone, "this is a very complicated matter, not something you are going to share with everyone you know."

"We are BETROTHED!" Jacob shouted the last word into Harry's face. "I, a werewolf, am BETROTHED to a leach and you didn't think this involved me enough to mention it to me?."

"I was going to mention it when we found a way out of it!" Harry's voice was also rising but she couldn't fault the boy before her for being angry, the only thing that bothered her is that he called her a leach.

"Is that what those two friends of you were doing?" Jacob asked in a somewhat smug tone.

"Yes they are, combined they have more knowledge than I ever had on the subject."

"I guessed so, they were talking about it a little to loud and I overheard them. They were talking about it in the barn but I locked them in."

"You did what?" Harry was livid but she also knew they had gotten out due to apparating, the act of locking them in was more disgusting to her than the end result.

"You are going to solve this or they are going to stay there until that contract is broken." Jacob's tone was determined and angry.

"Listen Jacob," Harry began in a somewhat calm tone of voice, "That contract was meant for your father and I but he didn't marry me, hell I didn't even know about the contract when he decided to marry your mother. The contract can only be transfered once and your father did that unknowingly to you, he is not at fault and neither am I!" Harry's tone was getting more dangerous by the second and Jasper could see she was getting fired up.

He walked towards her and stood next to her in some form of comfort. "Harry's friends, who you tried to lock away, are doing anything they can to break the contract." Jaspers words were pointed at the boy who only became more angry at them.

"THEY HAVE BEEN AT IT FOR MULTIPLE WEEKS!" He shouted back, "How long will it take to break a stupid contract?" He threw his hands up in the air and began walking around as if he was getting rid of all the energy within him. "Why can't either of us just marry someone else and break it that way? My dad did that, why can't we?"

Harry opened her mouth to say something but she didn't know what to say, she never asked about the consequences of the contract mostly because she didn't want to know them. Hermione beat her to the fact though, she threw the door to the kitchen open and marched out of it with an angry look on her face. "Every marriage that breaks the contract will end with blood!" She half shouted as she got into the personal space of the shape shifter. "You would know that if you read the stupid thing or asked me, but what did you do instead?" she poked him in the chest and answered her own question without waiting for a reaction from Jacob. "You locked me and my husband in a barn!" She was shouting now and Harry could see that no words from anyone around her would calm her down until she had said her part. "I am working non stop for three weeks to help Harry and your ungrateful arse and at one sentence you don't like you lock me away and go shout at my best friend."

Her voice was calming down somewhat and Jacob took this chance to break in. "How-?" He began to ask but he didn't get far, he meant to ask how she got here but Hermione took it as a question about the contract.

"Because it's magic you stupid little shit!" Her face was getting red and Ron was quickly walking towards her to stop her if needed. "Everything here is magic, I'm a witch, Jasper is a vampire, Harry is both for some reason and you are a fucking shape shifter! So I suggest you sit down, shut up and listen to me so I can explain what I found out about that stupid contract."

"Couldn't have put it better." Ron said with a little laugh mostly because he was happy that he didn't have to restrain his wife.

"We better do as she says." Harry said.

"How so?" Jasper asked.

"The last time she was this angry she punched Draco Malfoy when we were still at school."

"What did he do?"

"Long story, but the short version of it was that Malfoy insulted one of our teachers who was also a good friend of ours."

Harry didn't know what went through everyone's head but after her explanation everyone sat down without any protest.

School vacation is over and I am incredibly sic, so what do I do? I go and write a new chapter instead of staying in bed like I should be doing.
If you have an idea please send them my way and maybe I'll use it in the coming chapters.
