A/n: I'm sorry this chapter is shorter than the others, also thank you so much guys for the positive feed back and the criticism, it helps a lot when writing, also there will be other things involved, not just Tartarus, and the longer paragraphs were sort of because I wasn't really reading through or breaking them down properly, it looks longer on a phone screen than a laptop and I didn't really think it through much.

Also, this story isn't actually different from the first, it's just a remake. I've changed things and edited the story itself so other things happen and it progresses in a different way, but besides that, it should still have a similar out come.

I won't have regular updates, because with life being a complete and utter bitch, I'd never been able to update in time, HOWEVER! I'm not abandoning any of my stories, nor will I ever. I'm also not going to be remaking any of them anymore nor will I be doing any more Fairy Tail multi-chapter stories once these are finished, only one-shots [and Seduce Me fan-fiction that I'm currently working on, sorry guys but Sam/Aomaris has stolen my heart and I'm obsessed, please send help!].

On the other hand, depending on whether people are okay with slow releases, I might do one more multi-chapter Fairy Tail Fic. It'll be the continuation of The Heartfilia Curse with the second alternate ending [chapter two of 'Some Curses are meant to be Broken While Others may be Changed'] and will be delving into the depths of why Natsu was targetted as well as the 'Draco Legend'. I would really appreciate any feedback you guys have. Thank you so much for your support and reading my stuff!

Chapter Two: Strung Up in Affairs.

Her plan, however, didn't go the way it was meant to. In fact, in her mind, it went horrifically wrong. Though in reality, it wasn't as bad as she was making it out to be. After all, only a few details went 'off track'.

She managed to get authorisation to cross Lamia Scales territory -she'd been ecstatic that they said yes, she wasn't too keen on asking for permission from Blue Pegasus. Not with their reputation of flirting and being a bit 'too-close-for-comfort' ways anyway- but that's where her luck decided to flutter away in the late autumn breeze like the falling leaves that surrounded her.

She had waited two days for Fairy Tail's patrol. Even called out in both her wolf and human forms to see if she could gain their attention. She even tried marking around their area. Sure, she knew it might thoroughly piss them off, but hey, she was desperate to gain access in order to reach Sabertooth.

She was running out of time for crying out loud!

She tried everything she could think out, without crossing over.

Nothing. Had. Worked.

So, once the sun began to lower, and the shadows became longer, she decided that she couldn't wait any longer. Not when there were only a handful of leaves left to fall and the wind became icier every passing hour.

She'd starve.

The blonde knew how painful and slow the process was. She had almost died from starvation the year prior. She did not want to go through that again. So, she took the initiative. She would keep going forwards once dawn approached and make it to Sabertooth before the risk of winter took hold.

Besides, she hadn't seen any of the members of Fairy Tail, so if she stuck to the outskirts there was a possibility of them not even noticing she was there until she'd already been and gone.

She couldn't help but smirk as she shook her fur and began to trudge forwards, the dead leaves crunching beneath her dirt-covered paws.

Looking back on how she ended up trapped, hanging upside down in her human form and clutching her skirt to keep herself covered, she could see where she went wrong.

You're too cocky, Lucy! Sorano would often scold her for it.

The blonde's confidence and ego were sometimes a little too much. By 'sometimes' meaning most of the time, Lucy had a big head when it came to herself that she often forgot that there were smarter, stronger and, on the rare occasion, more beautiful -One of Lucy's weaknesses was vanity, though she doubted herself whenever she met someone who fit into those three descriptions [something she would never admit]- people out there.

Which had put her in the situation of not bothering to keep an eye out for things going wrong: like someone from the territories pack spotting her, or any traps set up in the area.

Lucy groaned, her head beginning to feel warm from the blood flowing there as she swung back and forth, dangling from a tree by a rope that was wrapped around her ankles.

It hurt more than she thought it would. A lot more.

Chewing on her lip she narrowed her brown eyes in thought. She could phase into her wolf form, but then, what if the rope cut through her legs?!

Grimacing, she shook her head. No, that probably wouldn't ever happen, right? She felt like her imagination was just running away with her sanity when it came to that though, but she didn't want to risk it.

She could try-

"That's it!" she bashed her right fist into her left palm. She could try swinging herself up with sit-up's, grab the branch above her or climb up and undo the rope attached to the branch! Brilliant! Oh, Lucy, you are a genius!

Two hours later, and she was back to facing the upside down scenery.

"Ugh, can someone hurry up and help me down now?!" her throat was sore from calling out for help.

I could really use some water right about now.

The blonde stretched her arms as far as they could go, wriggling her fingers in hopes of reaching her deer hide bag, though she knew it was fruitless. Her bag lay at the base of the tree, a mere four foot away from her outstretched hands, mocking her.

She knew there was water within her satchel, something she was starting to feel a little desperate for as she licked her dry lips.

Then her stomach grumbled and she turned bright red, quickly scanning the area. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw no one had heard the distress call coming from her upper abdomen. Only to sigh deeply when she realised she didn't care if someone actually had heard it since that meant someone would be able to help her get down.

Plus it was starting to get cold now that the sun was setting.

"Great. Everything goes well until the afternoon, and you go and get yourself stuck. Wonderful. Honestly". Maybe she was going a little stir-crazy, and talking to herself helped, but that didn't help the fact that it was going to get a lot colder and she was scared of not being close to a fire or in her wolf skin.

By the time she decided she would risk her feet for phasing, the sky was dark and the stars bright. Her pale skin had gone even paler, if possible, and her lips were beginning -or at least felt like they were- to turn blue. She couldn't stop the shaking, even after she changed.

Unfortunately, she was still tied up, though she was thankful she got to keep her feet. Which meant that the rope was blessed by magic, and it wouldn't be easy to cut through.

So she did the next best thing she could think of.

She howled as loudly as she could, feeling some form of satisfaction when she heard an answering one.

However, her satisfaction and relief from knowing help was coming were short lived when she realised how this was going to look. Even more so when a second and third howl accompanied the first.

Sounding absolutely livid.

Raiders? It was the only thing she could think of since the first howl sounded completely different in tone.

'Raiders' was merely another term wolves called 'Dark Packs'.

The flashing image of Tartarus' alpha, Mard Geer, passed quickly in and out of the forefront of her mind, but she knew these were not them. The howls were not the same.

However, it was only a matter of time before someone found her if she didn't hurry and escape. She began to struggle and twist and claw at the rope. Even attempting to snap the blasted rope with her teeth.

The seventeen-year-olds energy spiked, adrenaline fueling her as panic rose within her chest when the sound of something big closed in on her. She swallowed thickly, afraid, but trying to persuade herself that she wasn't.

Flinching and scrunching her eyes shut as some form of wood snap from her left, an almost silent growl sounded from the same direction.

Please don't let me die here. Please. This isn't how I'm supposed to die-

Then she fell.

Her body hit the ground rather harshly, and she groaned as she failed to get back on her feet. Brown eyes opened to see a large, reddish-brown male staring down at the girl before moving to help her up.

"Maybe later I'll figure out why you're in my territory, trespasser, but right now you need to hurry up and come with me. Can you walk?" His voice sounded hoarse, strained, and Lucy could only assume from shouting and calling demands.

"I can" He pulled away, no longer supporting her weight. She winced as she put her weight on her back left leg. Probably sprained from that stupid trap. Lucy wanted nothing more than to growl at the damn tree she had just been strung up from but decided she didn't need this guy thinking she was some kind of insane creeper threatening a tree.

"You hurt?"

"Just a light sprain. Am I correct in assuming you're the alpha?"

"Maybe. The name's Natsu, what's yours?"The male turned to her just as she began to choke on her own spit. "Weirdo". Yeah, it was definitely the same pink haired dolt she remembered saving, especially with those unusual, dark forest green eyes.

"Ahh, I believe your debt has just been paid, Natsu" the male huffed, slowing down his pace before looking her over.

"What debt-"

"Hargeon. I saved you and Jellal's arse if I do recall correctly".

"L-Lucy?" The shock was evident, even with his wolf fur covering his face, but she couldn't help but smirk.

"The one and only, in the flesh...sort of" she nudged into his side.

"And here I thought you were human." He nudged her back before picking up their pace, leading her into a soft run before breaking into a sprint. "Now isn't the time for catch up though. Can I ask for another favour?" The blonde shrugged. If she does this, then surely he'll let her through without any problems, heck maybe even let her spend a night or two until her ankle feels better.

"Sure. Lead the way, Mr Alpha" At least she could run on it, providing she puts some of her weight on her other legs anyway.

"Good. Thanks".

In all honesty, she should have just said no and left.