Chapter 2
Terence P.O.V.
I woke up really early the next morning at the station as I miserably got up and made sure I had everything. I knew I will travel far from here. I'm going from Utah to New York. A place where I'm sure Mom and Dad would never imagine me living in. I see that Abby and Nick are having a morning coffee and having some family time, so I decided not to go and bother them. I guess this will be a goodbye to them anyways. I board a bus heading for the airport as I looked at the station one more time. I will soon be leaving Utah. Goodbye Mom and Dad. It is until I'm ready for us to be together again. I tipped the driver and boarded onto a the bus near the back of the seat. I look around to see a lot of people sit down. Before the bus was about to depart, I see a girl on her own. She had blonde hair and sky blue eyes and braided hair. I had to admit, she was really cute.
"Honey, do your parents know you're boarding the bus on your own?" the driver asked.
"Oh, uh….you see…." the girl said trying to think of something. Her voice was really young and a bit babyish, but I felt it within me to help her. She too seemed like she was a runaway like I was. She looked awfully tired like me, but still pretty and cute.
"Something fishy is here sweetheart, do I have to call security?" the driver asked as the girl breathed anxiously not knowing what to do.
"Wait!" I suddenly blurted out from the back. "She's my sister. We uh, got lost by accidentally boarding the wrong bus. We're heading to the airport right now so they can situate us and find our parents."
"Damn it! That was embarrassing as hell!"
"Is he your brother?" asked the lady driver. She nodded frantically rushing to the back of the bus sitting down in the seat next to me.
The driver started the engine and drove for the airport.
"Thank you so much! I would've been dead meat right there," the girl said.
"You're welcome," I replied nervously blushing. "I hope I didn't embarrass you are anything….."
"Nope! You didn't," she giggled. I blushed once more as I looked at all her things she had with her. "I'm Natalie by the way. Natalie Miller."
"Oh…." I said."I'm Mike. Mike Schmidt."
It was silent for the rest of the ride as we arrived at the airport. Natalie and I both got up at the same time as she and I eyed each other blushing. I wonder if she was getting off the same stop as I am.
"You're going here too?" she asked me. I nodded as she grinned. "Sweet! I am too. Where are you heading?"
Was she some kind of stalker or something? I swear, she has a cute smile, but I wonder if she was using me to get away or something.
"I'm going to New York," I replied as her face lit up with joy. "That's where I'm going too! New York City?"
I nodded as she giggled and took my hand and walked me out of the bus and into the airport. I blushed once more since this cute girl was finally touching me and using me to cover her. Well, we were kinda using each other to escape.
As we got through security, Natalie and I went to go and eat at the restaurants before our flight was going to depart. I wonder if I should reveal the secret of who I really am. I wonder if she ran away too just to get away from family.
"Hey, wanna know a secret?" I asked her as she looked up while gobbling a hamburger. "You're being so helpful, that I want to share something with you."
She gulped down her sandwich as she smiled and nodded to listen. "The truth is, I'm a runaway. Mike Schmidt is an alias. My real name is…...Terence Smith."
Her eyes widened as I braced myself for more anger and hatred.
"What?! No way! That's so cool!" she squealed as I blinked in surprise. She didn't lash out on me like everyone else. She didn't tell me to burn in hell. She didn't even seem to mind that I was a child murderer.
"I can't believe it! Well, I want to tell you something too," Natalie said.
Natalie too had a backstory like I did. She told me the abuse her mother has given her after she accidentally pranked her little sister thus making the incident kill her sister too. That was exactly how I was with Alex.
"Natalie is my alias. I'm Arianna. Arianna Overmyers."
"So you're a runaway just like I am?" I asked excitedly.
"Yes!" Arianna replied.
"Flight 367 will be departing in five minutes. Flight 367, departing in five minutes." That was our flight.
"Let's sit together on the plane!" Arianna said.
"What's your boarding pass number say?" I asked.
"Twenty," she replied.
"Mine's twenty one," I replied as we both ran to our gate to our plane. We handed our boarding passes and headed onto the plane. Thank god it was two seats per row. Ariana and I ran towards the ones in the back as we sat down together and waited for everyone else to get boarded on.
I watched out of the window as I watched the plane prepare for take off. I look at the country of Utah knowing that I will be leaving for a very long time. I can't believe I've done. So has Arianna. I watch as the plane's wheels speed up on the ground along with the landscape slowly passing by. As soon as the ground was no longer touching us, the world beneath us suddenly became nothing but tiny specks of life.
"It's such a pretty view here!" Arianna said excitedly.
"Just a random question. How old are you?" I asked. At least there was tons of chatter so no one could here our secrets. Her voice was childish, and she looked pretty tiny for a girl to travel on her own.
"I'm 13. I'm only four foot nine sadly. It's pretty small for a seventh grader," Arianna blushed. Damn. I can't believe I was there to save her ass otherwise she would have to go back to her hellish prison.
"I'm 13 as well," I replied. I also couldn't believe I was only a foot taller than her. She giggled as we stared at the beautiful view from our window.
"Say Terence, wanna try and live together?" Arianna asked.
"But, how are we going to afford such an expensive apartment?" I asked her.
"My grandpa lives in a penthouse there. He honestly thinks nothing of my accident and offered me (in private) to live in a fancy apartment he bought. He'll pay for anything since he's a millionaire."
My eyes widened like saucers. Now I was really going to make my escape. No one will suspect that I was going to live with a girl and literally uncover my true identity. Everyone will think we're brother and sister.
"That's awesome. We can totally hide our identities together! We'll be like partners in crime!"
She giggled once more as she held my hand. She has a really cute laugh. But her hand feels so warm. I knew she would be the new start of my life. Arianna and I will live together escaping the hellish nightmares we've suffered. No more prison, no more cruel people, no more hate.
It was probably another few hours until we landed in New York at a pretty late time. Time zones are really confusing.
"Hey Arianna, I know we're going to live on our own and all, but how do you suppose we're going to get education.
"My Grandpa of course! He'll make sure that we'll be educated well enough to live on our own!" Arianna smiled.
Thank god for this girl. Not only she's rich, but she can help us get away with things so easily.
"That the lord for that!" I sighed as we exited the plane.
"My Grandpa's meeting us here. He made sure my parents didn't know I was going to run away and live here. He's the best grandfather ever!"
I wonder why a parent of the girl's parents would let her do this. I don't know how he allows it, but I guess parents don't need to tell secrets to their children.
"Ah! My beautiful Arianna has arrived!" said a man's voice. He was very sophisticated and dressed up in a suit.
"Grandpa! Is it okay if I let this boy stay with me?" Arianna asked.
"Is he a friend?" He asked. Arianna nodded as she explained the things we had in common. I had to admit, I did feel a little nervous about explaining my life with her and her grandfather which made me totally forget the ideas of strangers.
"I see. My stupid daughter of mine was hard on you?" Her grandfather asked Arianna as Arianna nodded again. "Welp. She's nothing but a drunkard. She just needs to be helped. I wish her dear mother and I could've raised her better."
"At least you don't have to tell her anything! This is a secret between us!"
I did forget these were total strangers and I'm trusting my life with them. I just hope my future won't end in a very bad state.
"Now, let's take you to that penthouse I own! She's such a beauty!" Her grandpa said excitedly as we both boarded onto a limo.
"Wow. You really are rich!"
Arianna laughed as we both entered such an expensive car. We drove by busy streets and saw many wondrous sights. We arrived in Manhattan as her grandfather opened the door to his huge and fancy penthouse and apartment building.
"Wow. Am I lucky to be alive right now!" I exclaimed.
"Come on! Grandpa had already gave us a nice room!" Arianna said as she tugged the sleeve of my shirt and dragged me inside. I looked at the beautiful marble floor and the chandeliers hanging with crystals from above. I could totally get used to this. We rode up a fancy elevator and walked to our rooms where the two connected with each other. We were on the top floor and had a great view of the city.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Arianna squealed as we walked into our new modern life home. I smiled as I headed towards the balcony to look at the lights of the city.
I walked outside on the luxurious balcony as a cool breeze passed by. I knew I was going to forget my old life that easily. I knew I was going to become someone new. I know I can count on a true friend like Arianna. My new life begins here. I am not Terence Smith. I am Mike Schmidt.