A/N: This is part of the Why Me story if you have not read that yet. Please read before reading this since there is spoilers. This takes place after the Bite Victim of Fredbear gets killed, and before the events of Why Me. My OC is named Terrance and he will be the Big Brother of this story. Anyways once again please read Why Me first before reading this so you can understand why I have certain plots the way they are.
Terrence P.O.V.
I stood frozen like I was paralyzed for life. I wipe the blood scattered on my Foxy mask I used to prank my brother. My only brother.
"A-Alex?!" I stuttered as no response of his sweet childish voice sounded my ears.
"Terrence, what did you do?!" my girlfriend Alyssa said with wide eyes full of tears. She's my friend behind the Bonnie Mask. She really knows how to pick on Alex. She has beautiful silk hair and tan skin with eyes of almond.
"Dude, you just killed him!" Marcus stuttered. He's the one behind the Freddy mask and he and my other buddy Jacob (The one behind the Chica mask) are like brothers to me.
Right now, we are in a situation where we just murdered someone. Someone who I used to be close to.
"Terrence, you killed him!" Marcus said nervously as I glanced at him like he was crazy. We were all in this whole prank so why is he blaming me?!
"No! You….you were in this too!" I protested back.
"No! Not like this! You're the one who always teases your brother so you're responsible for his death!" Jacob defended.
He was right indeed. I'm the one always there to show up at the right time to tease my brother to the death. And literally. We teased to the actual death.
Screaming from left to right echoed in my ears as my visions suddenly went blurry. I could see my brother lying still in Fredbear's mouth as my chest went heavy like a boulder had run over me. The last thing I could remember at this moment was seeing the horrified looks of my mother and father before my vision went black.
We were in the hospital as I sat alone knowing that I'm never going to be forgiven for this. Alex will never survive that bite and if he dies, that makes me a murderer. I'm a murderer. I'm a thirteen year-old boy that committed murder. This can't be happening! This has to be a nightmare! I have to wake up. But no. This is reality.
"Mom," I breathed as she walked near me with an unpleasant look. Her eyes were red from crying and she looked exhausted.
"Mom, I'm sorry!" I said as she only walked past me without looking back. I saw my aunt and uncle who were there to check upon Alex as she hugged her older sister Melanie tightly. My uncle somehow didn't look as sad as Melanie. But why doesn't he? I guess I was seeing things, but I thought I saw a slight curve on his mouth as if he were slightly smirking which kinda made me wonder why he was. I shrugged it off since it was after all, just my imagination.
I could already tell that they won't ever forgive me. Even if Alex at least loses his memories they won't ever forgive me.
When my parents walked out of Alex's room, that gave me the chance to leave me alone with just him and me. He was bandaged on the head covered in blood, with his skin pale white. A plasma machine lay there along with his heart rate which didn't seem too convincing that he'll even live.
"Alex….." I breathed suddenly feeling this feeling of sadness fill my mind. Why am I suddenly feeling water in my eyes? I haven't cried since I was five or six, but a teenager like me shouldn't cry. Dad says I'll be a man someday, but I don't know if I'll even live to be one.
"Alex, I don't know if you can hear me, but please just listen and wake up! Alex, I'm…..sorry. I'm sorry." I grabbed his hand which was stone cold. Heaviness filled my chest with regret as I wondered what everyone's going to do with me in the future. But I do know it will be a dark one. Suddenly, a ringing came to my ears as I gasped looking at the machine which was buzzing. His heart rate was a zero. It was now a straight green line buzzing like crazy.
"ALEX! ALEX! SOMEONE HELP! NURSE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Alex! Alex! Wake up!" I shouted like I never did before.
Why was I suddenly attached to my brother like crazy? I can't save him, and it's all my fault. What the hell did I do to him? No one's forgiving me. I can't even forgive my own self. I never felt so sorrowful in my life. Not even this attached to Alex like I wanted him to be there to forgive me.
But he was gone. He won't be able to hear me now. I fell to the floor on my knees still clinging onto Alex's hand tightly like I never wanted to let go.
"Alex….." I quivered as I saw a band of nurses burst into the door. Then my parents as I heard my mother scream like a banshee. It was the loudest I've ever heard her scream. My father was shedding tears for the first time as the two looked at Alex with grief and sorrow. This was all my fault. I really did it. I murdered my own brother.
After all this teasing and pranking and scaring him made him die a horrible death. A death I had caused myself. The world is going to despise me for this including my mother and father. This is all my fault. I can't stop saying that either, but it really is.
The funeral for Alex was worse. It was two days since I killed him. Mom and Dad wouldn't speak to me after what I did. I know I will go to juvenile soon since it's kinda taking forever to think about where I should go for prison. But I murdered someone I would never imagine be important to me.
Alex and I one time were having a fight over something and Mom tried to stop it after Alex and I refused to talk to each other for a couple of days. She told me that I should stop my bullying on him since he's all I'll have left if there was ever a time family became a problem. I knew Mom was probably going to split up with Dad since they haven't been talking to each other at that time. But since Alex is gone, I have no one.
What a really stupid prank I have played on him. Dad said it wasn't even a prank. I have to live with this regret now. It's something I'll never forget. And something no one is going to forgive.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter!