AN: Hello my lovely readers!
This chapter is going to complete this lovely story! But don't fear, I'm nowhere near done with this pair. There's also a couple of other pairs in the works that are going to get their own story!
Stay tuned my friends!
What kind of book mission takes four days to complete? What in the world is taking her so long? This was all Natsu could think about as he sat in the guild hall that morning. Come to think of it, he had been one of the only Dragon Slayer's here the last couple of days. Was there something going on that he wasn't aware of?
Looking down at his food, Natsu was surprised that he actually wasn't hungry. Loss of appetite had been happening to him quite a bit lately, it was starting to worry him. This wasn't the only thing about him that changed that was worrying him...
"I don't know why you look so worried, Lucy's fine." a voice came from behind him, and it wasn't a voice that Natsu really wanted to hear.
"I'm worried because she just had to find some books, that shouldn't take four days Ice breath!"
Gray's eyes widened as he finally got a good look at the Fire Dragon Slayer, he sat opposite of him at the table and saw that he hadn't touched his food. Wow, this is really eating him up… "Look Natsu.." Gray reaches out and touches his fiery hand, forcing him to look up at him. "I know you're worried about her, but I'm more than willing to bet she's in good hands. She's not the only one that's been gone for that long if you haven't noticed."
The icy touch surprised the Dragon Slayer, but it was somewhat comforting. Looking around the guild hall, Natsu sighs and sees that there was almost no one here. Even Erza had gone on an S-Class mission and wouldn't be back for some time. "Now that you mention it, I guess you're right. I haven't seen Gajeel, Levy, or Wendy in a couple of days. I wonder what's going on.."
"Well Wendy's out of town, she went to some festival a few towns over… I'm not sure about Gajeel and Levy though, they could've taken another mission together. They've been doing that a lot lately." Gray hadn't realized he was still holding onto Natsu's hand until it slipped away from him. Looks like he finally calmed down enough to start eating.
Finally shoving fork-fulls of food into his mouth, Natsu was starting to feel more energized. His mood seemed to lift the fuller he became. Looking at the Ice mage, he laid one hand back down, hoping that he would grab it once more. Over the last few days Natsu hadn't been able to get Gray out of his mind. He wasn't sure what had gotten into him that would cause this. Stupid ice man… I can't believe he just pulls me in so easily. Although I will admit, it is nice not to get so easily fired up.
Normally, the two of them were at constant odds. But even Gray had not iced the change in Natsu's behavior towards him. I wonder what he's thinking… The Ice mage couldn't help but notice that the Fire dragon Slayer had let his hand fall back down onto the table. It was odd for Natsu to not eat with both of his hands… he looked like an animal when it ate most of the time.
The front doors of the guild hall opened, causing both wizards to look up. Two Exceeds and a small Dragon Slayer came through the doors. Gray was sort of happy to see Wendy, maybe she could cheer Natsu up. He watched as the three walked toward them. Happy flew ahead of the duo, smiling as he took his place on Natsu's head.
"I see you finally decided to come to the guild…" Natsu said between bites of his breakfast. Happy had been spending quite a bit of time with Carla lately. The absence of his blue haired friend was strange to the Dragon Slayer, Natsu was used to Happy being near him at all times. Now that Happy has Carla, it could be days before that Happy would be at home.
"Yeah, Carla and Wendy just came back from the Starlight Festival. Wendy said that she saw Lucy there with Laxus!" Happy said, making nearly every ear in the guild perk up at the same moment. The guild broke out in hushed whispers, but Natsu and the gang didn't seem to notice.
"Well that's what took her so long. See? There was nothing to worry about." Gray looked at Natsu, who decided to become interested in what was left of his food. Anger seemed to radiate from the Dragon Slayer in waves. Instead of getting irritated, Gray felt the need to comfort him. Normally, this kind of bad mood would result in multiple fights around the guild.
"What are you so worked up about? It sounds like they're getting pretty serious Natsu. "
"It just doesn't feel right… I don't trust him Gray."
"I don't really think that matters. Not only can he overpower you if you try to fight him off, but it is what Lucy wants." Gray looked at the Dragon Slayer, who refused to look back at him. Leaning forward, Gray reaches out and lifts Natsu's chin, forcing him to look up. "If Lucy's happy, then we should be happy for her right? Unless you have some kind of feelings for her?"
The look of shock that crossed the Dragon Slayer's face was enough to let Gray feel a small wash of relief fall over him. "Why would I have feelings for Lucy? I just want to make sure she's safe! He's bad news Gray. You know as well as I do, Laxus never stays with one girl for long. It usually doesn't last after the first date."
"Yeah, but who knows how many 'dates' they've had Natsu. Remember, we found his shirt at her place earlier, and now we find out they went on a mission together. That sounds like he's being pretty serious about it."
"Maybe Gray's right Natsu." Happy interrupted. "I've noticed he's been a little different since being reinstated into the guild."
"How about the three of us go take a mission, it'll take your mind off of all of this for a day or two." Gray looked at the Dragon Slayer, trying to gauge his reaction. Noticing that the wall was up once again, the ice mage sighs in frustration. "I could use the money, so I'm going to look at the board, hopefully you decide to come along."
Watching the young wizard walk away, Natsu just rolled his eyes and shook his head. Why was it that he wanted to chase after him, to make sure he wasn't angry? "Damnit…Whataya say Happy? Wanna go on a mission?"
Flying above Natsu's head excitedly, Happy yells excitedly as he flew over to the request board. "Lets go!"
What time is it?
Laxus kept his eyes closed as he felt his body slowly start to gain consciousness. He never knew what time it was when he woke up because of his blackout curtains, which he was very thankful for. He was hoping that it wasn't too late, It was nice to actually wake up and feel well rested. If he felt well rested, then they have probably been sleeping most of the morning. The Lightning Dragon Slayer couldn't remember the last time that this had happened. He had a feeling that it had something to do with the girl that was wrapped around him.
Slowly opening his eyes, Laxus turned to look at the clock on his nightstand. At least it's not too late, It's only 7:30, I might even go back to sleep.
Looking down at the gorgeous blonde in his arms, Laxus couldn't help but smile. His free arm slowly began tracing the dragon on Lucy's back, still mesmerized at the beauty of it. He could see the little yellow embellishments of her tattoo light up at his touch, causing his mate to stir and gain consciousness. He smiled as he felt her mind start to work again. What time is it?
It's still kind of early. Laxus wrapped his strong arms around her small frame, pulling his mate closer to him. We still have time to lay here before meeting our fate at the guild.
A small chuckle came from the blonde in the Dragon Slayer's arms, the sound was like music to his ears. Actually, I was thinking about going to see Levy. I need to thank her. She was the one that set up the mission we went on. She's basically the reason that we got together this weekend. Who knows when it would've happened if we didn't go on that mission.
The feeling of happiness and love overflowed the Dragon Slayer's body… It took him a moment to realize that the source wasn't just his own body, but his mate's as well. He was going to have to give his own thanks to the little bluenette. How about I go and train with Gajeel, and I'll tell Levy you wanna see her.
Sounds like a good idea, I can't wait to show her my cool tattoos! Getting up from the bed, Lucy proceeded to try to find an outfit that would show off her new ink. She searched her closet for her purple backless tank top. Once she found it, she came back out and pulled out a pair of frayed black jean shorts from her dresser. Lucy looked at her mate and smiled "Hurry up babe! Please!"
Laxus couldn't believe how energetic she was feeling, and how her good energy was rubbing off on him. "Okay okay Princess, I'm moving." The Dragon Slayer stretched as he sat up in bed. It didn't take long for Laxus to get ready thankfully, within minutes he was grabbing his shoes to head out. "I'll be back with Levy in like five minutes." He says with a smile.
"Sounds good." Lucy pulled her hair up in a ponytail. Looking in the mirror, she decided to do minimal makeup. As she pulled out her eyeliner, she felt strong arms wrap around her. The Dragon Slayer's nose ran gently over her mating mark, making a shiver run down her spine. You know I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this.I know exactly what you mean. The Dragon Slayer placed gentle kisses from her ear to her lips, causing her to drop the pencil in her hand. After a few moments, he pulls away with a big smile. Laxus knew that once his mate saw the black mark running across her face, she was going to be livid. "I love you, I'll see you in a moment." Laxus gave her one last peck on the cheek before stepping back and disappearing out of sight.
Turning back around, Lucy noticed the black mark that ran across her face. Damnit! That must have been what he was laughing about. It was his fault for coming up behind me like that! Desperately trying to undo her mistake, the eyeliner only seemed to smudge on her face more, adding to her frustration. I'm gonna get him back for this!
After what seemed like an eternity, Lucy was about to give up on the smudge. At that same moment, a flash came from the other side of the room, alerting her that Laxus was back with Levy.
Nothing could've prepared Lucy for the scream that came from her best friends' mouth. "OH MY MAVIS! LOOK AT YOUR BACK!"
As Levy ran towards her, Laxus used it to his advantage and quickly teleported back out of the room. Sorry babe! Gotta go train now!
He thinks he can just sneak away, but he has another thing coming… Lucy thought to herself before looking down at her best friend with a big smile. "I know! I woke up to all of this this morning." Lucy turned and showed her the extent of the markings on her body, forgetting about the Dragon Slayer for now.
"So it's official then! You two are mates now!" The short bluenette jumped excitedly as she clapped her hands. Levy walks towards her friend to get a better look at the tattoos on her body. "This looks so cool! The colors really shine, almost like Dragon scales!"
"And I have you to thank for it." Lucy says with a huge smile. She hugs her best friend tightly. "I can't believe that you set that whole mission up just to get us together. You're an evil little genius."
"I just wanted to see my best friend happy." Levy smiles and embraces Lucy. Once she pulls away, the bluenette notices the black mark running along Lucy's cheek. Levy couldn't help but chuckle. "I see someone tried to help you with your makeup this morning."
Before Lucy could move, Levy was grabbing a concoction of different things from her bathroom. She mixed them and placed it on a makeup round before coming back to Lucy. "This is what I use! So much cheaper than buying that makeup remover at the market."
Once the bluenette was finished, Lucy took a good look in the mirror. She was amazed at the results, her skin felt clean and moisturized. "You're the best! My face feels great and it got rid of that huge mark. How about we head to the guild? I want to see everyone!"
"Oh no you don't!" Levy nearly screamed, surprising Lucy.
"What? What did I do?"
"We're not going to the guild until you tell me every detail about your weekend!" Levy smiles excitedly at her best friend. "I have to know how my plan played out after all."
Lucy laughs, the noise filling her room as she motions for Levy to follow her. "How about we tell each other about our weekends over breakfast."
"Hell yeah!" Levy says exitedly as they make their way into the kitchen, going to the coffee maker as Lucy heads to the fridge. "It's been a long time since we've had a breakfast gossip date."
"My thoughts exactly." Lucy grabbed everything her arms could carry and placed it on the kitchen counter. "Sounds like we'll be able to do this a lot more often if the boys are going to keep training every morning. We might as well move in together." Lucy said with a laugh.
"I think you might be onto something!" Levy loved the idea, and was sure that the boys could easily be persuaded.
After breakfast and almost an hour of gossip, the girls decide to head to the guild. Walking down the streets to the guild, the day couldn't have looked more perfect. Everything's finally turning around Lucy.. She says to herself as she starts skipping down the street.
"Someone's in a good mood, I don't think I've ever seen you skip before." Levy says with a chuckle. She could see how much of a positive impact the Lightning Dragon Slayer was having on her best friend.
"I can't help it Levy! I just feel so great!" She says with a smile as she turns the corner, seeing the guild in front of her. It took everything in her not to rush into the building. But as soon as she opened the doors, everyone's heads turned. Many smiles and looks of shock could be seen, but the guild wasn't bustling with activity this early.
Two people in particular caught her eye however. Over by the request board were her best friends Natsu and Gray; who are unable to look away from the new artwork adorning her body.
"Holy shit! Where did you get those scales?!" In the blink of an eye, Natsu was over by Lucy, examining her new markings. "What in the world happened to you?" It took a moment for the Fire Dragon to realize there was someone else next to Lucy, who kind of reminded him of…
"Levy too? Did you guys decide to go on a bad girl rebellious kick or something?" Natsu looked between the two girls, confused as to why they would do something so drastic.
Lucy laughs and shakes her head. "No silly! We have a lot of catching up to do. How about we go sit and talk." Gesturing him to follow, Lucy leads the group to a table.
"You have to admit though Lucy, it's a gutsy look, now everyone is going to think..-"
"Think what Gray?" Lucy was surprised at the almost disapproving look on his face. It made her a little angry, causing her scales to shimmer.
Gray's eyes widened as he watched her scales flash quickly, almost as if they got caught in the light, he quickly tried to retract his steps. "All I'm trying to say is, people might think you belong to Laxus now with all of that new Dragon art on your body."
Lucy calmed a little, knowing Gray was only concerned for her. "Well that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you guys about." Lucy smiles before looking at Levy, who gave her an encouraging smile. "While Laxus and I were on our mission together, he admitted to me that he felt the pull that all Dragon Slayer's feel when they have found their soulmate. He hadn't realized this until recently when he was reinstated into the guild. It wasn't long after that that we started seeing each other." Lucy paused and looked at the shocked looks on everyone's face, except for Wendy's.
"That explains why you guys were at the Starlight Festival together! Oh I'm so happy for you guys!" Wendy says excitedly. "That means… The same thing must have happened to you Levy! Are you and Gajeel mates as well?"
Levy smiles at the young Dragonslayer and nods, noticing that the two boys didn't get as excited as Wendy. In fact, Natsu almost looked furious.
"YOU'RE HIS SOULMATE?! LAXUS HAS NEVER HAD A SECOND DATE AND YET HE THINKS YOUR HIS SOULMATE! THAT'S JUST CRAZY TALK!" Natsu explodes, heat radiating so heavily from him that the temperature in the room rose several degrees.
Lucy was unsure of what to say, but she felt a rage building inside of her. She wasn't sure if it was her own instinct to defend her mate, or something else. But she wasn't going to sit there and let Natsu talk like that. Quickly she stands up and is about to lay into him, but a lightning bolt struck behind her.
Laxus appeared in the flesh with a glare that could kill. He looks straight at the Fire Dragonslayer and pulls Lucy close to him. "I don't ever want to hear you or ANYONE question my loyalty to Lucy. Do you understand me?"
The room became eerily silent as everyone was watching the Dragonslayer's. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife, but Laxus paid it no mind and continued glaring at the Fire Slayer. "Just because you haven't felt the pull for someone, doesn't make it fake. Your time will come, and when it does, I hope you never have anyone question your loyalty to your mate, or have them try and take them from you.
Before Natsu could say anything, Lucy looked up at her mate completely shocked and a little angry. "I could've handled that myself… I don't need you to fight my battles for me."
Taken slightly aback, Laxus looked down at her. "While I was sparring, I kept feeling this weird tingling in the back of my head. All I hear is Natsu screaming and the next thing I know I'm here." He holds onto her reassuringly. "I didn't do it because I didn't think you could handle it. It's my job to protect you, and that was the first time that's happened. It was a little freaky for me too. I'm sorry."
Natsu was unsure of what to think of the scene in front of him. He had never heard Laxus speak to a woman so politely. Not only that, he said he was sorry? "Alright, now who are you and what have you done with the real Laxus!"
The Lightning Dragon Slayer laughed and rolled his eyes. "It's still me you idiot. Lucy has just turned my world upside down." Looking down at the beautiful blonde in his arms, he pulls her close and places a kiss on her forehead. "And I wouldn't have it any other way." he whispers against her skin, causing her to blush.
Gray looks at the two of them and smiles. "They seem extremely happy Natsu, is the interrogation over? I wanted to go on a mission. Lucy would you and Laxus like to go with us?"
It had been a while since Lucy had been on a mission with the two of them. "I would love to! How about you?" Lucy asks, looking up at her mate.
"I think I'll sit this one out babe. I have some guild paperwork I've been putting off." Laxus smiles. "I probably should've finished it before our weekend, but I was just too excited to." The Lightning Slayer gives his mate a small kiss. "I'll stop by before you leave." He whispers against her lips before releasing her to go to his office.
Lucy watched him walk away, still every bit as awestruck by him as that night at the Fairy Tail party. It took her a moment to come back to reality, but once she did, Lucy looked to her side to see Levi missing from it. She must have found some other people to talk to.
Not giving it much thought, Lucy hurries over to her friends at the request board. "Found anything good?"
Gray shrugged. "Nothing really noteworthy, There are a couple security jobs that seem small and close together. I think that'll be our best bet. Should take us only two to three days to finish."
"Sounds good to me!" Lucy said excitedly as she skimmed the board. Gray was right, but the board was usually scarse this time of year.
It was then that Lucy felt it.
There was a chill in the air and an enormous celestial energy coming from upstairs. How had I not noticed it until now? Now that she had locked onto the energy, she couldn't believe that she hadn't sensed it before. How long has it been here? I wonder what kind of key could hold such a powerful energy. It feels like it's coming from… Upstairs?
"Hello? Earth to Lucy?" Natsu waved his hands in front of her face, pulling her out of her mind and back with her best friends.
"Sorry Natsu, you guys pick the mission, I'll be right back." She didn't know where she was going, but she had to find that spirit. Lucy walked toward the stairs as quickly as her legs would take her.
Babe is everything okay? Your energy is eratic as hell.
Lucy almost stopped in her tracks, for a moment forgetting that Laxus could communicate with her this way. They did it at home and when they were around each other; but Lucy didn't think it'd still work this far away.
I just felt an enormous celestial energy. I'm coming upstairs to see if I can find it.
Lucy was expecting a response, but instead there was radio silence in her head. Almost as if Laxus knew something she didn't.
You're hiding something… Where's the key.
Uhm… I really don't know…
Okay… but you do know something. Lucy was at his office door in a flash, knocking before letting herself in.
Laxus was surrounded by papers, Lucy was unsure if there was a method of organization, but she wasn't really concerned about that right now. "Spill it mister."
The Dragonslayer sighed and looked up at his mate. "You really are persistant…" He says before he scoots his chair back and pats his lap. "Come here, I'll tell you what I know."
Lucy smiled excitedly before going to sit on her mate's lap. She loved the feeling of his strong arms wrapping around her. "So how did you find out about this? Was it while you were with my spirits?"
"Not then, but it was that day." Laxus smiled and placed a small kiss on her lips before continuing.
"As soon as I left Gajeel's house, I had to find Gramps. He was the one that had the necklaces that we're wearing." Smiling, Laxus reached up and touched her necklace gently, watching it shine in the light. "I was a mess that day, I was afraid that I might have to get the necklaces from my father, or worse, that he had sold them to some random person. But Gramps had found them a long time ago. When I went to his office that day, he was telling me about a key that the Celestial Spirit King gave him. The reason he didn't give it to you was because you hadn't sensed it yet. He thought that after our mating, you would be strong enough to sense it. I'm glad to see that he was right." Laxus holds his mate close while playing with her hair. "I think he said something about making it a wedding present."
Before Lucy could respond, there was a knock at the door. Master Makarov let himself into Laxus' office. He was a little surprised to see Lucy there. "Oh hello Lucy, if you don't mind I need to speak with Laxus in private."
Lucy was surprised at his demeanor, but agreed nonetheless. She smiles between the two of them before leaving. I'll see you later babe! As she was walking away, she couldn't help but wonder what the two of them could possibly be talking about.
The sun was beginning to set as Lucy finished packing her bags. It was going to be interesting being away from her mate for more than a night. Being away for a few hours alone felt like an eternity. Is this just what life is going to be like now? Constantly missing Laxus and wanting to be with him?
Well I'd hope you'd miss me
The voice in her head startled her. Doesn't this telepathy thing have a signal range or something? Where the heck are you anyway?
Laxus' laughter was like music to her ears, except it was a little weird coming from her own mind. No it doesn't. Anywhere in the world if we need each other, we will be able to contact each other. I'm always a thought away from you. But since it's new it can be a little overwhelming. Over time, you'll be able to block me from some of your thoughts, but it takes a lot of practice.
Hmm… That's interesting, but that still didn't answer my other question of where yo-. A knock on her front door stopped her thoughts. She quickly got up and went to the door. She smiled as she was greated by her mate at the door, flowers and a small gift bag in hand. "I got you a little something." Laxus chuckles and watches his mate steal the bag from his hand. He walks in and places the flowers in a vase with some water. Lucy's excitement radiated throughout the room. He couldn't wait for her to open her present.
Lucy lets him in and excitedly takes the shopping bag to the couch. She quickly ripped the tissue paper away, revealing two black boxes inside. Grabbing the first one, Lucy opens it to reveal a cute charm bracelet with four charms. First was Lucy's name, surrounded by a small yellow dragon. The second was a heart with the date of the Fairy Tail party engraved, the third was a collection of stars with the date of the starlight festival, and the fourth was a key with today's date on it."
There was a time when we went to the shopping center that you saw this charm bracelet. You loved the color of the band and I knew then It'd be a good present for you. I've been waiting for the right time to give it to you, and after yesterday, I figured it was as good a time as any.
I love it! But why does the key have today's date? What's it for?
Open the second box.
Lucy grabs the second box from the gift bag, it was much thinner than the other box. Upon opening it, she sees a golden key, with a red string and note attached. You already have a key to my heart, now here's the key to our new home.
"Y… you bought us a house?"
Laxus smiled, unable to contain his own excitement. "You forget that I can hear every thought that runs through your head; especially when you get excited." The Dragonslayer said with a chuckle. "I overheard your thoughts about getting a house with Levy and Gajeel. As soon as the thought ran through 'our' head, I told Gajeel the idea and he agreed... Only because he's now getting a constant training partner."
"After I finished training, I did some looking and found the perfect place. I had just signed the papers when I sensed your argument with Natsu."
Lucy was absolutely speechless. She had numerous emotions going through her, but exitement was ruling them all. "I.. I don't know what to say. Thank you!" Lucy runs over to her mate and jumps into his arms, kissing him passionately.
Laxus smiled and held onto his mate tightly. "I'll get all your stuff moved while your on your mission. I'm glad I could make you happy."
"You make me the happiest woman in the world." Lucy's eyes shimmered as the Dragon Slayer gazed into them. He could feel all of the love she had for him radiating inside of himself.
"You make me want to be a better person, just to see that gorgeous smile on your face." Laxus brought his lips to hers and kissed her gently. I love you Lucy Hartfilia.
I love you too Laxus Dreyar, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
Wouldn't have it any other way.
A knock at the door startled the two lovebirds out of their trance. Lucy smiles and kisses his nose. "That should be the boys." Jumping out of his arms, Lucy went to grab the door, smiling at her best friends as they barged though the door.
"Lucy lets go! There's a super buffet on the way there! They say it's all you can eat, but we'll just have to see." Natsu said with a confident grin. It wasn't odd for Natsu to clear Lucys fridge in an afternoon. Her grocery bill was astronomical trying to feed two Dragonslayers.
"Alright, alright! Let me grab my ba-" Lucy turned to grab her stuff, but saw that Laxus was already on it. He gave her a wink and grin as he walked passed her. "Never mind… I guess I'm ready."
"What's got you in such a rush to get her outa here?" Gray asked questionably.
"Got a lot planned for while you guys are gone. I'm hoping by the time you come back, we'll be moved into our new home."
"Wait… You're moving? I figured you guys would just stay at your house." Natsu said, butting into the conversation as Laxus put Lucy's bags into the car.
"Yep… Which is actually what I wanted to talk to you guys about." The Lightning Dragonslayer shuts the door and looks over at the three mages. "I have given a lot of thought to it, and I know that Lucy means alot to you guys and the same goes for her. How would you like to move in with us? The house is big enough we can avoid each other in times when we want our privacy. Levy and Gajeel are moving in as well."
Lucy beamed with happiness as she ran to her mate, hugging him tightly. "I love the idea! Whataya say guys?"
Gray looked like his mind was running a million miles a minute. After a while however, a smile appeared on the ice mages face. "I'll do it, It'll be nice to live with all my friends, I always feel like we don't see each other often because of the missions we go on." Gray looked from the couple over to the Fire Dragonslayer. "What do you think Natsu? Are you gonna live with us?"
"I'll think about it over the mission… If I do I don't want a room anywhere near his!" He points to Laxus, making him laugh.
"You have nothing to worry about, it won't be anywhere near it and you won't hear a peep from any room. This house is made with privacy in mind." He says with a confident grin. Before he heads back into the house, Laxus pulls Lucy close, kissing her lovingly. "I'll see you when you get home." Don't forget, I'm always here if you need me, just a thought away.
I know, you're the greatest. I love you. "Okay, don't work too hard!" Lucy says with a laugh before kissing her mates cheek. She says her final goodbyes, before getting into the car.
I love you too. Go kick some ass.