A Purrfect Lucky Charm

AU. No Miraculouses. Adrinette.

Marinette always consider herself to have a mysterious lucky charm but today it's clearly not working for her.

It actually started pretty well. She actually woke up early and got down to eat a real breakfast, showered and got dressed up. And then she was on her way to work. She prefers walking because its just a few blocks away.

After graduating she worked for her idol, Gabriel Agreste. It was one of her biggest dreams. And she actually became closer to Adrien, the love of her life. After sometime she actually got passed her stuttering and talked to him normally. It was really gun to hang out with him and just talk. Of course Alya was so proud of her baby Marinette all grown up to actually converse with him, to which she rolls her eyes at. But lately Nino has been hinting her that maybe just maybe Adrien returns her feelings.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw a poster with a advertisement of a pet shop. What caught her attention was the weird feeling that she had. But she just ignored it for now she'll think about it later.

"Maybe I should stop for some coffee." she said to herself.

She then entered a nearby cafè but quickly noticed that Theo Barbeau was the one at the counter and she immeadiately regretted going inside.

"Hey Marinette." He said flirtariously.

Marinette cringed inside and gave him a tight smile. They a a rocky history. Theo have been trying to court her for years but she declined every time. But she always manages to avoid seeing him. It must've slipped her mind that he works here.

She gave her order. And just politely replied to his comments but try to move away to him as far as possible. She quickly ran out to the street when she got her order and paid. As she came out she noticed a cat walking nimbly on the streets and she again got that cold feeling earlier.

And the next thing she knew is she tripped on air and have ruined her shirt by accidentally pouring the coffe on it. The designer sighed heavily and continued to walk she'll just change it at the office where she keeps a pair of extra clothes.

The blunette's phone rang in her pocket. She checked the caller and answered it.

" Hey Alya." She said while trying to be cheery.

"Hey girl!! Have you gotten to work yet?" She asked oblivious to Marinette's sadness.

"Not yet. I'm still walking towards it. Why?" She asked the journalist curiously.

"Yes!! Just continue walking girl but walk slooowwly. That will give him a little more time." Alya said muttering the last part to herself.

" Who will have more time?" Marinette asked but Alya has hanged up on her.

She sighed heavily and just continued. She then noticed a cat plushie that a child has been playing with. Again with that cold feeling. Are cats really that popular?

She then noticed a couple of guys staring at her shirt. She looked down and saw that she was wearing a white blouse and now its see through because of the coffee.

" Whaaa.!!!" The designer yelped and ran fastly towards the Agreste building.Can this day get any worst?

As she entered the building she was greeted by flyers about a missing cat. She immediately threw it away and ran for the elevator, but it said closed for repair.

" Seriously?!" She said and just headed for the stairs climbing each step dejectedly.

"Hey Marinette!" Nino greeted her as she entered her office.

"Oh hey Nino! What a surprise seeing you here." She greeted back.

"Well I came here with Alya and Ad-ahmm someone so yeah I thought I'd come and visit you." Nino said but Marinette swear that he almost spilled something important.

" Ahh Alright then. But what's that on your hand?" She said curiously.

"Oh its a cat keychain. And umm you're shirt is a bit uhhhmm..showy." The dj said as he slightly blushed and averted his eyes.

" Oh! Yes sorry. I had accidentally spilled my coffee. I'll just get my spare change of clothes." She said admittedly and went to search for spare clothing.

"No. no no no!! This can't be seriously happening to me today!" Marinette said. She can't find any spare clothes.

"Are you alright Marinette?" Nino asked worriedly.

"I can't find any spare clothes."The blunette said dejectedly.

"Oh. Well I don't have any. But I know who would. I'll be right back Marinette. And here is one of the cat charms keep it." He said as ran out of the door.

Marinette stared blankly at the cat charm in her hands. And didn't noticed tears streaming off her bluebell eyes. It really has been a rough day for her afterall.

Alya once told her that she is like a living lucky charm. Her presence seems to turn things around positively, but right now she just feels so down.

Marinette just stayed in the office for the whole day. She cried for sometime but eventually became tired and just rested. She tried to do some work but her mind is too messed up to think of any designs. She always ended up drawing cats even if it seems like those things started this bad day. But Marinette doesn't hold any grudges she just thinks its a big coincidence.

"Mari, you in here?" A familiar voice resonated from outside the door.

Marinette just stared at it. She tried to answer but her voice won't work. She just stared at it for a while before she went back into staring into blank space.

The person that knocked finally came inside, but the designer didn't looked up she just stared distractedly.

"Hey you alright?" The familiar voice said and put a hand in her shoulder.

Marinette finally looked up and her bluebell eyes saw a cat themed plushie in his hands. Her eyes looked panicked but it continued going up until she saw Adrien's face.

"Adrien..?"She said in a whisper.

"Hey I've been looking all over for you." Adrien said. He then scratched the back of his neck and said, "Nino asked me to get you some clothes but I had an emergency photoshoot and came here as soon as possible.So here is my shirt. I hope it fits it may be a little big but it could work for the time being."

Marinette then stared at his face. and suddenly she was hugging him and crying in his chest.

"Hey it's gonna be alright. Tell me what happened."The model said comfortingly.

Marinette manage to tell the story even though her voice is a bit raspy from crying. She told him all the bad luck. From Theo (to which he tightened his hold to her), to the coffee, the blouse, the elevator and Nino not coming back. She also told him about the cats to which he widened his eyes and said an apology for what he brought but she just thanked him for it.

"Thank you Adrien. I really appriciate it." She said after she finally calmed down.

"No problem. I actually was gonna surprise you to lunch but the photoshoot ruined it." Adrien said.

"Really? It's fine. I get it that you're busy and you didn't have to do that. " Marinette said appreciatingly.

"But I want to. I know here wear this shirt first then I'll take you to dinner." The blonde said with a gleam of endearment in his eyes.

"But.." Marinette said but Adrien said first.

"No buts. You had a bad day. It's only right that I treat you and spoil you tonight. You deserve it. And I have something to tell you later." Adrien said with a slight blush and averted his eyes after he said this.

"Alright. Thank you Adrien." Marinette said appriciating Adrien's efforts. She also kissed him on the cheek and went on her way to the bathroom to change.

She looked back and saw Adrien gawking and turning as red as a ladybug. He then snapped out of his trance and gave her a grin.

"Y-yeah. W-wel-welcome." He said while still blushing.

Marinette laughed at this. She then realized something out of all the cats that appeared today Adrien's was the luckiest out of them all. Maybe everyone has a lucky charm designated for them. She can't wait to spend her night with her one of a kind lucky charm.

There you have it guys. Thank you for all of those who reviewed you all literally made my day. Hope you all like this. And the stories might minimize a little in a few weeks or so because it's when I'll go back to school. Thank you all guys. Shout out to all who reviewed in my stories. Thank you so much. Pm me for ideas and suggestions. I really appreciate it guys.

Please review down below and tell me what you think.