It was weird, Shizune thought. She'd had Naruto on her mind, enough to have a dream about him last night and now they were having lunch together. It rarely happened as he was either training or out on missions and she had to stay on top of Tsunade-sama to make sure the daily work was completed or see to her own training. She didn't like it though as the relationship between her and the blond across from her had changed over the years. When she first met Naruto Uzumaki she thought he was a kind, awkward, hyperactivity boy with a big heart and bigger dreams. But through their letters she saw the different sides to him, saw as he tried to piece himself back together.

Every time he expressed or hinted at his shame for what he'd almost done, she wanted to hug him. When he got really excited about some book or something she sent him, she'd beam with pride for the next day. But just as Naruto had revealed more of himself, intentionally and otherwise she'd done the same, even voicing occasional annoyance with Tsunade-sama among other things. She'd seen him at his lowest and hadn't looked away. It's something he hadn't experienced before as he would hide his fears and worries from Sandaime-sama and even Iruka-san, afraid to be weak and needy.

Just as in her dream, Shizune privately wished she'd taken Naruto from the village when he was younger and exposed him to a carefree childhood, one where seeking comfort from an adult wasn't panic inducing in itself. But there was no going back and regrets were only helpful if one grew from them. Also, she didn't want to be a downer, it was a lovely day and she got to spend time with one of her favorite people.

"Outside of training what have you been doing, Naruto-kun? Sakura says you're always coming from or going to the library after team training and missions."

"I'm studying for the Foreign Service Exam."

"You want to be a diplomat?" she asked in mild surprise.

"I want to be Hokage and figured this would lead to some good experience. Also, it'd reduce the amount of combat oriented missions I'd have to take."

"Do you not like being a combat specialist?"

"No, not at all. I don't like the end result, the constant questioning of who can be spared, what does it mean to let someone go since they could always hurt you in the future and stuff. The actual fighting, though, it's a rush and freeing in a sense. I know that sounds bad."

"It doesn't. Generally, hospital work can be pretty boring until we have a slate of emergencies and are pushed to the edge. It's not that you wish for those things, of course, but when it happens meeting the challenge can be thrilling." she said and saw Naruto smile in response.

"That's it, exactly. But enough about me, how are you?"

"I'm well, Naruto-kun. Since Tsunade has become more responsible with her paperwork I actually have time for a private life. That's nice."

"Oh, is there a special someone? Maybe a senbon chewing Tokubetsu Jounin?" Naruto wondered.

"How do you know that?" Shizune sputtered out in shock, she thought Genma and her had been discrete.

"Well, he's behind you and he keeps looking over here as if to gauge whether or not this is a friendly outing or a friendly outing."

"Oh, you must be misreading that. I talk to Genma-kun about you, he knows I see you as my little brother." She said. Naruto knew better as he could sense the encroaching jealousy in the man but chose not to challenge her, If given a chance he could set the man straight on his misunderstanding and any other thing. The two chat away before Shizune excuses herself and Naruto figured it was a perfect time to introduce himself to his father's former bodyguards.

"Hi." Naruto said once he arrived to the table, holding out his hand. "I'm Naruto and you're Genma, right?"

"Hai, I was-" Genma started to introduce himself as Minato-sama's former guard as Kakashi had informed the trio Naruto was fully aware of his heritage recently but was interrupted once he shook Naruto's hand.

"Shizune's fella. Yea, she told me. It's good to meet you. My nee-chan is special so it's nice to know there's someone that can make her happy. Her being happy makes me happy." Naruto said with the sincerest grin on his face. "I think everyone will be happy if she remains happy, don't you, Genma-san?"

"Sure." responded the Tokujo that still had yet to get his hand back.

"Good, good. Well, it was nice to meet you, Genma-san."

"Uh huh."

"Well, I should get back, it's nice seeing you again, Genma. You stay safe. And sorry for interrupting."

"No problem, Naruto." he said once Naruto released his hand and he watched as the teen/lying, smiling demon walked away. Once Naruto was out of earshot, Raido and Iwashi began to cackle at Genma's expense.

"Guess you better treat Shizune right, Genma." Raido said.

"I always was. God, I think I preferred it when the kid was a loudmouth punk pranking everyone." Genma said as he inserted a senbon in his mouth.

"He reminded me of the time Minato-sama did something similar because you wouldn't shut up about how hot Kushina-sama was." Iwashi added, causing Genma to pale at the memory.

By the time Shizune returned, Naruto had settled the check and was ready to leave. She went to speak to Genma briefly and met Naruto outside, looking slightly confused.

"Genma-kun was acting weird, you didn't do anything did you?"

"Oh, I just threatened him a little." He said and she slapped his arm, playfully.

"You didn't have to do that, Naruto-kun. Genma is a good guy."

"I believe you but it never hurts to be sure."

Shizune and Naruto would enjoy a leisurely walk through the village, picking up lunch for Tsunade; Shizune said she'd pout and sulk all day if Naruto went out with her and didn't get Tsunade anything. They also got Tonton some treats for a similar reason. Naruto walked her back to the Hokage Tower and then left to study as the exam date was fast approaching.

Tsunade was confused. Temari was triumphant. Naruto just wanted to go home. What caused the three distinct reactions from the blondes?

"You pranked Naruto?" Tsunade asked in her office. Temari was on Naruto's back, having been given a piggyback ride through the village.

"Yes, Tsunade-sama and the best part? He can't prank me back!" Temari exclaimed while holding up a victory sign.

"How did she prank you, Naruto?" the Godaime asked and noticed the boy had some decidedly pink cheeks.

"I'd rather not say." the chunin said and hoped that'd be the end of it.

"Fine, fine. Thank you for checking in Temari, I will leave you to your fun until I have need of you." Tsunade said before her eyes lit up mischievously, "Although, Temari, that's more fun if he's facing you."

It took the other two blondes a moment to understand her meaning but when they did blushes were abound and the exited the office as fast as possible, Tsunade's laughter playing them out.

"Well, that was embarrassing." Naruto said as he made his way through the village, the desert flower still on his back.

"My faithful steed shouldn't complain so much. Besides, I won fair and square." Naruto would contest the fairness of said win. Before Temari departed for Suna a few weeks ago she challenged him. She handed him a sealed envelope that contained her prank, which Naruto was not to open. If she successfully pranked him upon her return, he'd open said envelope for confirmation and had to do whatever she wanted in response. Also, he couldn't retaliate.

Naruto agreed, confident that there was no way the Suna Jounin could prank him. But she did, however her prank was more like a low level seduction. Her goal? Get Naruto to try to kiss her. She succeeded, much to Naruto's embarrassment. Kurama found it the height of comedy which only further embarrassed Naruto.

Now, Naruto has to carry her around for the day and do whatever she wants. It wasn't a bad deal, he likes Temari's company as she's easy to be around. She has insights into being a jinchuuriki thanks to Gaara and some of the strains present with Hinata or Sakura aren't there as well. Naruto felt Temari tense and heard a troublesome. Sensing something off with her and Shikamaru Naruto shunshin'd to his team's training grounds knowing they'd be alone.

"So, what happened between Shikamaru and you?"

"I asked the lazy bum out and instead of just saying yes or no, like a normal human, he grumbled about it being troublesome before saying 'yea, I guess'. What the hell? I'm a fine piece of ass!" Temari said and grew a tick mark when Naruto didn't respond. "You're supposed to agree with me."

"My primary experience with girls is being hit by one when I got even vaguely familiar so my understanding on what I should say is skewed but yes, Temari, you are indeed a fine woman."

"I said piece of ass."

"You can be a fine one of those as well." Naruto said with a slight grin that widened when Temari caught on to his meaning.

"Oh, you're going to get it now, Uzumaki. I'm going to beat you down and then make you carry me to this new vegan stand." Termai replied, unhooking her fan and swinging it with zero hesitation. Naruto shunshin'd away but Temari followed, chasing him across the training grounds until both collapsed in laughter.

"Was that prank in response to Shikamaru?" Naruto asked and could see Temari tense.

"Yea. Sorry, I-"

"It's fine. You gave me fair warning so you weren't outright trying to use me."

"Thanks for understanding, Naruto."

"No problem. 'Sides it's not like I actually kissed you."

"But you wanted to."

"Temporary insanity. I had an abusive childhood, you see. I seek comfort wherever I can. I'm just a poor, orphan boy looking for love!" Naruto said dramatically, his face streaming with a river of fake tears.

"You're so full of crap. You'll never be a good diplomat if that's the case."

"How do you know I was preparing to be one?"

"I saw the book on your desk, dummy. You were too busy perving on my supple flesh to notice much of anything. I really am quite enchanting." Temari said, arching her back and placing the back of her hand on her forehead.

Naruto scoffed at her pose, trying to ignore it was similar to that dream he had that one time, "Then what are the magic words so I can send you away?".

"Oh, you wound this fair maiden! Restitution must be paid. You're buying me dinner."

"Fine, let's go."

"Ah, ah, ah. You have to carry me, Seabiscuit."

"That's a terrible name for a horse." Naruto said before allowing the kunoichi to get on his back, swearing he'd get her back one day.

Over the last several weeks Hinata Hyuuga has gotten closer to her longtime crush than she ever thought possible and while it was not the relationship she'd hoped for, it was still amazing. The didn't do a lot together, sometimes walking around the village talking or training, as Naruto was a training fanatic. She'd been improving her katon jutsu and even finished her Gentle Step Twin Lion Fist. She swore Naruto was more excited about the jutsu than she wash as he praised her excessively for her cool jutsu.

But with this new found intimacy, something had been bothering her; the words he spoke when he acknowledged her feelings for him. That he didn't trust himself, that something had occurred between Jiraiya-sama and he. There was more there, of that she was sure but she didn't know what and didn't know how to broach the subject. It seemed to weigh on him, though, whatever it was and she knew how emotional baggage could limit a person. She also knows how freeing it can be to cast it off. That's why she invited Naruto to meet her here, on top of the Hokage Monument. Naruto arrived to see Hinata sitting atop a pale lavender blanket staring at the sky. His approach was silent but he could tell she knew he'd arrived. He took a place beside her, viewing the array of light that filled the onyx canvas. The two sat in companionable silence

"For so long," Hinata started without preamble, " I took the wrong path. I'd give up before giving my all. But your example changed me, saved me, you know." Naruto looked startled at her words knowing he'd been a screw up as a child. "You always got up, you never gave in." He looked down in shame, knowing there had been a time that wasn't remotely true. "But something's changed. I won't ask what but you're convinced you're not the same."

"I'm not." Naruto answered back softly. Hinata only looked at the blond, eyes filled with determination and then, without notice she stood up her back turned toward the ledge and jumped. Naruto, was shocked but didn't allow it to stall him as he placed a hiraishin marker where he was sitting and then jumped down after the lunatic Hyuuga. He knew he wasn't going to catch up to her by simply free falling but he needed eyes on her to accurately grab her via a shunshin. He performed the jutsu, it adding to his pre-existing momentum and caught Hinata in a bridal carry before teleporting back.

Hinata looked at the Uzumaki, his eyes filled with competing emotions; concern, relief, confusion, and a little anger. Her response to this surprised Naruto as she cutely giggled, not bothering to remind him he hadn't let her go yet.

"Naruto-kun is Naruto-kun. You may have matured but this," she pointed to his heart, "hasn't changed and you have people to insure it never will." Naruto couldn't make sense of the perplexing Hyuuga, why she'd jump to prove a point or how she could be so sure he was still the same. Seeing her words hadn't gotten through, Hinata softly slapped the blond, shocking him. "Naruto-kun is Naruto-kun." she said again, firmly. And then, because she had just jumped off a mountain ledge and was brimming with adrenaline and because she was feeling brave and a little daring, she kissed Naruto on the cheek, before leaving his grasps and returning home.

If she'd looked back, Hinata would have seen Naruto sporting a blush equal to her own. What she could not have known was the gentle ribbing a certain Nine Tailed fox was giving his container, laughing at the once wallflower acting so bold. What neither knew was how her words restored some of Naruto's resolve and helped him on the path of truly forgiving himself and accepting he wasn't different at his core. He'd sit atop his father's head for the rest of the night, floored by the words and actions of his friend.

Naruto stood in the ruins of a training ground, in his Gama kata stance. He was eyeing the Hyuuga prodigy warily and was receiving a similar look from his opponent. They'd finally managed to get that group spar out of him, though none of the girls were in attendance as they were busy with other matters. Shikamaru went down first, Naruto had no intention of dealing with his multilayered strategies. Next was Kiba, the Inuzuka too headstrong to work as a team against the blond Uzumaki. He ran head first into a Great Breakthrough Jutsu and was knocked out instantly. Abandoned by his partner, Lee blitz Shino and took the Aburame out. Naruto used his distracted state to slap several restriction seals on the taijutsu ace.

Choji was a surprising fight. The Akimichi heir fought with a tenacity Naruto never knew the boy to have. He was also very strong and highly durable. He seemed to shrug off Naruto's attacks, his special build giving him some added protection. However, he couldn't adjust to Naruto's speed so while Naruto couldn't K.O. his fellow chunin, Choji was getting potshotted without much offense in return. It was ended when Naruto managed to trap Choji in a Water Prison Jutsu. The only person left was Neji.

The two had been at it for about five minutes before this break, Naruto proving elusive as he hadn't gotten any tenketsu closed. But Neji showed he was deserving of his rank avoiding all of Naruto's jutsu. But the evasive style and liberal use of the Kaiten was taxing and the Jounin was breathing heavily. More than once Neji wondered if this was the power of a well trained jinchuuriki or Naruto's own talent showing itself. The Hyuuga watched as Naruto retrieved several kunai from his holster. That by itself wouldn't be concerning, except they were tri-pronged kunai. Naruto tossed the kunai toward and around Neji. He was in utter shock and disbelief surely Naruto didn't actually know the Hiraishin no Jutsu, right. He didn't have time to contemplate further as Naruto appeared behind the Hyuuga and chopped him on his neck, temporarily knocking him out.

Every male member of the Rookie 11, save Naruto, woke up to a large amount of killing intent and bore witness to their Hokage marching towards them like wrath given form. All shared a similar thought.

'We're going to die.'

"Who told you idiots you could destroy my training ground?" the question was asked of all but she was only looking at Naruto, which confounded the other shinobi in attendance.

"They all said Tical was better than Cuban Linx. I had to represent." Now, Tsunade knew that was a complete and total lie but a part of her wanted to believe it was true. If it were then she'd educated her fellow blond properly. She shook her head at the wayward thought.

"You better be glad I have funds set aside for nonsense such as this. Besides, that isn't why I came here anyway. Let the brat know he'll be my escort for the festival tonight. And he better look presentable or I punt him to Uzushio, got it?" The clone nodded and dispelled.

The others just sweatdropped at Naruto abandoning them to an angry Tsunade and promised to pay him back in the future. Naruto received the message and promptly started getting ready, thankful Shima-baasama had gifted him some formal wear. Two hours later he arrived at the Senju compound, ready to escort the Godaime for the evening.

As Tsunade walked to the door, she was impressed that the brat cleaned up so well. Those notoriously uncontrolled spikes were actually combed and gelled back, leaving only one hang just above his left eye. He had on a royal blue yukata with a white obi and a pair of geta, which surprised her.

"Nice shoes." she said and he scoffed.

"I, for some reason, walk better in these than I do normal sandals. You look lovely this evening, Hokage-sama." and she did. Tsunade had on a sky blue yukata with white floral print and a pink obi. Her hair was pulled back into an elaborate bun with two black sticks keeping it in place. She had the barest hint of makeup on and pale pink lipstick. Naruto offered his arm, another thing Shima-baasama drilled him own was etiquette.

"Why thank you, Naruto." she said, taking his arm as the pair walked off at a leisurely pace.

"So, why did you choose me anyway?" Naruto asked.

"Who else was I going to choose, brat?" Tsunade asked with a smirk.

"Woah, way to flatter a fella." The jinchuuriki said with an eyeroll.

"I'm not one of your harem members or your fangirls. I'm not going to squeal because we made the briefest amount of eye contact."

"I have fangirls?"

"Do you not pay attention?" He hadn't. He'd been training, running missions and studying. Outside of time spent with Tsunade, Shizune or the rookies/ Konohamaru Corps he didn't pay much mind about what was happening with the village's populous. They stopped being dicks, that was really enough.

"I've been preoccupied," Naruto started, fighting the urge to scratch the back of his head. "Also, does that mean if I give you the appropriate length of eye contact you will squeal? Because I'm torn on if I want to see that or not. Might be an effective jutsu. The Swoon no Jutsu? Fangirl Flipout No Jutsu?" Naruto said, tapping his chin.

"You're an idiot."

"And you're illicit. Talking about a harem because one girl likes me."

"One? The Priestess and the Nadeshiko don't count?"


"What about Temari?"

"That was just… we're just friends."

"You had my apprentice so turned around I thought she wanted to pound on you just to jump your bones."


"Even the ramen stand girl makes eyes at you."

"Now, now. Ayame-chan is like an older sister to me. Besides, how do you know all of this?"

"I have a spy into your fanclub."

"WHAT?" Tsunade had to laugh, the gaki was too easy.

"Because I have two eyes and years of experience, idiot. Or do you forgot you drag me to that stand every chance you get."

"Better than that den of iniquity you take me to."

"Hey, they know how to pour a stiff drink and not ask too many questions."

"And every guy in there lies in wait hoping it'll be their lucky night. I'm starting to think I should beat their asses from the jump so I can have some peace."

"Aww, does Naruto not like the mean men scheeving on Tsunade-chan! I'm touched you care so much about my virtue."

"You have so little left and Shizune-neechan can only do so much." This cause the Godaime to gain a tick mark, resulting in Naruto laughing.

"Yea, yea, yea. Laugh it up, I'll get you back before the night is over. And before you take the chair from me I will convert you to the divine elixir known as saki."

Tsunade and Naruto would make their way through the village, enjoying the various stands and chatting up the villagers. In between, they could be seen laughing as if they shared a private joke just between the two. Kakashi had been one of the many people assigned to guard the Godaime. Truthfully, she didn't need it. She could level mountains and with Naruto being there, they were essentially the two safest people in the village with each other as company. But the precautions were taken and everyone felt better because of it.

Kakashi felt the oncoming presence stop behind him. He didn't even have to turn to know it was Jiraiya. Truthfully, Kakashi was still a little sore about everything that had gone down between the Sannin, Naruto and he. He wouldn't fight the man again, Tsunade-sama made it clear what that would result in but he couldn't pass up being a dick.

"They look good together. Very natural, don't you think? As if they've known each other for years."

"Yea, a real mother and son pair." Kakashi snorted.

"Sure, mother and son. Let's go with that."

"What else would we go with, Kakashi?"

"Mother and son, like you said. I couldn't have meant anything else. Two attractive adults with a unique intimacy. Clearly I meant maternal."

"You're talking out your ass."

"Mah, mah, Jiraiya. No need to be upset, I am agreeing with you." The Sannin huffed, suppressing the urge to strike the dog summoner.

"I just came to inform you that your team, Gai's and I will be heading out for a mission to Kiri tomorrow. You'll get details in the morning."

"I look forward to it. How early do we need to report in, you know, in case Naruto needs time to rest."

"Fuck you, Kakashi."

The two blonds walked back to the Senju compound, both having enjoyed the presence of the other. Even as extroverted as Naruto was, he was tired from all the people that wanted to speak to him and it was only a mere fraction of the demands for Tsunade's attention. They'd been traveling in silence since they left the center core of the village but Naruto got the sense Tsunade wanted to tell him something. She seemed apprehensive.

"I've got some good news and bad news, Naruto." she said as they turned down the final path.

"Oh, ok."

"Well, the good news is you passed your exam and are now qualified to engage in diplomatic missions. Congratulations."

He beamed. He'd started studying on the Mountain but ramped up once he returned so for it to have worked, for him to have proven he wasn't hopeless at intellectual work was nice. "Thanks, Tsunade-chan. What's the bad news?"

"The three tails is set to reappear in Kiri soon. They've asked us to help reseal it as the grounds of a new alliance. I'm sending Team Kakashi to help." She saw the look in his eyes, near pleading not to do this. In his letters he'd been pretty explicit about how he felt concerning the creation of jinchuuriki and she knows he'd never want to take part in it.

"Please, I… I can't do this to someone else."

"You won't have to. Jiraiya is responsible for the sealing, at most you'd provide the barriers to protect people but you won't have to directly seal the sanbi into their jinchuuriki." Tsunade saw he was unconvinced but not voicing it. "I wish I didn't have to do this but if sealing a hostile jinchuuriki is inherently risky and Jiraiya might die without your support. Not to mention, Nagato might show up and Jiraiya can't take him alone. I don't want to do this, Naruto but no matter how mad and disappointed I am… I couldn't just send him to die."

"I understand." He said as they approached her door.

"I'm sorry I had to end the night like this but I didn't want you to be blindsided tomorrow."

"Thank you for giving me advance notice. I appreciate it." He said. The two bid each other goodnight but Naruto was too lost in thought. He didn't know what to do, his personal ethics and desire to do right by his partner at war with his loyalty to his village. Kurama had remained silent. He knew what the boy desired but also knew he was in an unenviable position. Naruto would think about it for the rest of the night, even as he prepared for bed. It was only the banging at his door that stopped his thoughts and alerted him to how out of it he was. When he opened the door he saw Jiraiya there, barely supporting himself. The Gama Sannin said something incoherently and then fell into the door, being caught by Naruto. The blond just huffed and put him on the couch, allowing his Godfather to sleep it off. He then settled in and got some rest as well. Tomorrow was going to suck.