Sands of Time and Shadows of Old
Remember the past?
Who am I?
Who are you?
Why do I know you?
Have we met before?
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh is not mine and I never claim to own it in any of my fics, the names Nahkat and Sette are mine you are welcome to use them, so long as you credit me.
I'm doing a "real" style fic instead of my usual "Script" style, some people don't like my Randomness so I'm doing a sequel to "Through a Kings Eyes". If I get good reviews then I'll write more, if not then I'll scrap the idea! ^_^
[] & {} Count as dream speech and as thoughts.
Ooooh yeah possible Yaio warning later, we'll have to see…….
(Turtle Game Shop, roughly 3:26 am)
[SETTE!! SETTE DON'T GO!! I LOVE YOU!!] Cries of pain, two people one still and cold looking the other wrought with pain and worry. Stepping closer the two people are shadowed and too hard to make out, the only thing that is visible are the dead bodies the blood and the surroundings. An ancient temple, markings of arcane evil adorn every wall, scribed in blood and black paint.
More cries then a dark voice, a familiar voice {You don't want to live anymore do you?}
The same voice that cried [No…. I want to be with him.]
{Then you shall}
[Will we meet again?]
{I have a feeling that you already know each other}
"AHHHH!!" Yugi sat up screaming, clutching his sheets and sweating.
Yami appeared before his Aibou in an instant, worry etched on his usually calm and near stony featured "Aibou? What is wrong? A nightmare?"
Yugi nodded, sweat clung to his brow and his violet eyes were filled with pain and worry "Y-yes Yami I had a nightmare, a horrible, painful nightmare…." Yugi began to sob, he clung to Yami for comfort.
Yami blinked "Painful? Who hurt you?"
Yugi shook his head "N-not me, another person, I was watching….."
Yami looked in to his Aibous eyes, he could feel a slight nostalgia coming over him "Continue, what happened in your nightmare?"
Yugi looked thoughtful "Umm.. W-well I was in a temple, an evil one. Full of weird writings and pictures, there were lots of dead bodies and blood, so much blood…."
Yami went pale, his features became contorted with an ancient fear and horror, a remembrance that pieced his soul [God….. It.. it sounds so familiar… and yet… is it?] Yami racked his brain trying to remember if anything so dark and horrible had ever come to his attention. Yet nothing came to his mind he blinked then thought [B-but I can see it….. I feel like I ought to know this….]
Yugi turned to look at Yami, he tilted his head if Yami could look more afraid Yugi was sure his other half may die of a heart attack. He spoke up looking for answers in Yami's eyes "Yami….. What's wrong? You look so terrified….."
Yami closed his eyes and smiled ruefully "It is nothing young one… I merely worried about you, will you be ok? Or shall I stay with you to stop the nightmares?" Yami then opened his eyes and looked in to his Aibous' wide but sleepy eyes.
Yugi nodded and settled back down he then watched as Yami slipped in next to him and held him "Good night Yami"
Yami rested his head against Yugi's "Good night Aibou may only good dreams come now…" Yami laid there listening as Yugi rested, his soft breathing and his warmth were the only things Yami tried to focus on. But there were thoughts racing through his mind, things he could not just shrug off [That dream……. No Nightmare… It's like… I've done it, that it isn't a nightmare… but why don't I remember?!]
Yami finally drifted off and returned to his soul room but through out his dreams all he could do was wonder…………
(Turtle Game Shop 7:00 am)
"YUGI WAKE UP!!!!" Yugi's Grandpa yelled for the 20th time, Yugi could sleep through just about anything when he wanted to, finally Yugi's brow twisted in to a sleepy frown as his grandfathers yelling finally sank in.
He sat up groaning and rubbing his eyes "Mornin' Grandpa….." He yawned and looked around Yami was gone [Yami?] there was no response [You must still be asleep, lucky….] Yugi thought as he got up and began his daily routine of dressing and rushing out the door so that he could catch his train. Joey met up with him at the corner of his road and they headed to school together "Hey Joey!" Yugi said cheerfully, as ever.
Joey laughed "Mornin' Yuge!"
Yugi grinned and said "So how are you today?"
"Fine, tired but fine…… Heey you're lookin' pretty grotty you know? Did you go to bed late?" Joey looked at Yugi's sleepy violet eyes.
"No….. I just, I had a really creepy nightmare…… It was so strange!"
"No kiddin' when creepy is involved with us it must be bad!" Joey groaned, praying that nothing bad or freaky would happen.
Yugi laughed and said "Well if anything happens then we'll be ready!"
(Meanwhile at the Kaiba House)
[Nahkat…… You must be strong…. For me and for Egypt…]
Seto Kaiba sat up with a slight gasp he looked around and then groaned, sitting up and just waking up were never two things to do together. He flopped back down [What the hell was that? Who are Sette and Nahkat? I feel like this is familiar… but…. Nah! It's just working over time!] With a sigh Seto tried to get up once more, this time he managed to stand and groggily carry himself to the bathroom, after washing and dressing he went down stairs and got the paper and some toast. Mokuba was eating his breakfast and watching a T.V show, Seto always wondered how Mokuba could manage to guide that spoon to his mouth while watching T.V and while laughing. Seto sat at the table then murmured "Morning Mokuba."
Mokuba grinned and said without taking his eyes off the T.V "Mornin' Seto!!" then he resumed his giggling.
Seto shook his head and ate his toast, he needed to go to the office before school so he didn't have time to waste. He got up and put on his white coat "Mokuba, are you coming in the limo?"
Mokuba nodded and got his bag "Yup! Let's go!!" He dashed off.
Seto groaned and turned off the T.V [Why can't he turn it off? Just once?] however giving in Seto walked down to the limo and got in, Mokuba was dropped off at school and Seto gave him a note to hand in to his teacher.
Then he went to the office but as he looked through corporate log books and files he found himself wondering [Who the hell is Sette? Who the hell is Nahkat?] Finally Seto went to school, but he couldn't stop questioning these two people from his dream, who were they?
Ok guys I need 15 good reviews on this one, I'm not too sure yet whether I'll continue it so persuade me! ^_^
Oh yeah and check out my other fics unless you don't like script because I do script a lot… Because I don't think that I'm much good at this style!
Oh yea' before I forget check out Through a Kings Eyes if you haven't read that then this won't make much sense, or it might…. But you won't be in on everything!