Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia

Note: This is the final chapter! I hope you enjoy it! x

Chapter 14

Arthur sighed happily to himself as he took a moment to appreciate the quiet of the morning. He and Francis had been married for five years, and since then there had been very little time to dwell on the tranquillity of the early morning. The Englishman finished the last of his paperwork for the day, still preferring to wake up before Francis and get all his work done before the Frenchman could distract him. He put his pen down, sighing again as he glanced around his study. On the wall he was facing, there were posters of Francis in the prime of his career, which Arthur had collected over the various years of working for the Frenchman. On each poster, Francis looked undeniably sexy, and Arthur smirked lightly at the knowledge that he was married to this man. On the other three walls were various vinyl records and CD's, mostly of Francis' songs but there were also some records that he had published more recently in his new line of work.

Arthur was very proud of his study, and he knew that Francis did not like coming in here because of Arthur's insistent preservation of his career, but Francis let him keep all the posters and records reluctantly. The Englishman smiled softly to himself, standing as he saw it was time to wake the Frenchman, and he left his study, his footsteps muffled by the soft carpet of the landing as he went to their bedroom. Pushing the door open gently, Arthur smiled to himself as he saw the sleeping form of his husband. Francis' breathing was soft and regular, and he did not stir as Arthur came over to his side of the bed. He was lying on his front, his naked, sun-kissed back exposed, and Arthur took a moment to admire him. Francis was in his thirties now, and yet he did not look a day over twenty-five.

Arthur grinned to himself as he suddenly donned a stern tone. "Wake up, you lazy frog."

Francis let out a muffled groan, shifting under the covers. He was still awful at waking up in the mornings, and Arthur delivered a light but firm pat to Francis' ass.

"Get up." He demanded, smirking though as he was purposefully mimicking how he used to wake Francis up, way back when he had only been the singer's agent.

Francis stirred again, burying his face in the pillows to hide his smirk as he knew full well what Arthur was doing, so he decided to respond playfully. When Arthur reached over to pull the covers off him, Francis rolled over and grabbed Arthur's hands, tugging him onto the bed on top of him.

Arthur let out a yelp of surprise, having thought Francis was still too asleep to be so mischievous. "Hey – "

But his protest was muffled as Francis kissed him, pulling him closer. Arthur relaxed easily, loving the Frenchman's sleepy affection as he kissed him back, shuffling closer and pressing their bodies together more. Francis smirked against his lips, one of his hands roaming towards Arthur's ass, when there was a thump that sounded from down the hall.

Francis paused, a soft sigh escaping into the kiss before he pulled back and pouted, his hair dishevelled from sleep and his expression half amused and half irritated. "I was hoping we could have some time to ourselves this morning…" his accent was thicker because he had just woken up, and Arthur chuckled.

"Perhaps we can have some time together once they've gone back to bed." Arthur mused, pecking his lips again as they heard another thump.

Francis heaved himself out of bed, pulling on some fresh clothes as Arthur picked up the clothes they had discarded on the floor the night before, and just as Francis finished dressing, the two men heard loud whispering and giggling.

Francis smiled, waiting for the inevitable knock on the door and sure enough there were two sets of knocks, which created a disjointed rhythm.

"Come in~" he called, his smile bright as the door flew open and two little bundles of hyper giggling rushed in, one running into Francis' leg and the other jumping on Arthur, who was perched on the edge of the bed.

"Oof!" Arthur let out a grunt as he was pounced on, and he smiled. "Steady on, Alfred."

Alfred beamed up at him, his bright blue eyes sparkling with mischief and his blonde hair all dishevelled and messy as he refused to ever brush it.

Francis laughed, scooping up the other boy who had violet eyes and longer blonde hair, much like his own. "Bonjour, Matthew."

"Papa!" Matthew beamed as well, his chubby little hands outstretched to hug Francis' neck.

Arthur smiled as he stood as well, holding Alfred on his hip which he now found very natural.

In the beginning, Arthur was afraid that he wouldn't be a good father, but he knew that Francis wanted a family so badly that Arthur was willing to give it a shot. That had been three years ago, and when he and Francis had first visited their local adoption centre, Alfred and Matthew had instantly been attached to them. Now they were a perfect family, and although the children were still very young, they had already made so many wonderful memories together.

Arthur had fallen into the more stern fatherly role, whereas Francis had easily adopted the more affectionate role of spoiling the children silly. Arthur had often observed that Francis had actually become quite maternal, as he fussed over the two children like an overprotective mother, choosing their clothes and cooking for them and taking them to the park. Arthur was busy working quite a lot but he had learned to cherish the moments when the four of them were together. And he and Francis had fallen even more in love with each other as the years passed. Arthur loved how soft and charming his Frenchman had become, whereas Francis loved how strict his Englishman pretended to be, when in fact he knew he could make Arthur melt with one kiss.

The Englishman was brought out of his thoughts by Alfred tugging on his shirt collar. "Dad! Food!"

Arthur blinked, before realising that Francis had already taken Matthew downstairs so he could make a start on breakfast, and he smiled to himself, carrying Alfred down to the kitchen and sitting him in the highchair next to Matthew, who was happily swinging his legs and giggling at Francis. The Frenchman grinned as he danced to the radio, making breakfast for his beautiful family. Alfred laughed as Arthur rolled his eyes at his husband, causing Francis to laugh as well.

Arthur had thought for a time that he wouldn't see Francis smile or laugh again. Even after they had gotten engaged, Francis had gone through a period of depression from losing his singing voice, and Arthur had not seen him smile for over a year. Now seeing his husband smiling, laughing and dancing as he cooked made Arthur's heart flutter.

The Englishman watched the movement of Francis' hips and the way he mouthed the words to the song that was playing, and he closed the distance between him and the unaware Frenchman, slipping his arms around Francis' waist from behind. Francis gasped in surprise but he soon smiled, turning around in his hold and pecking his lips.

"Breakfast's almost ready, cher~" he purred, the smile never leaving his features, and Arthur returned the smile, only responding by leaning in and kissing him again. Francis hummed, sliding his arms around his neck as he kissed him back, their lips dancing together in perfect harmony as the Frenchman pulled Arthur closer to deepen the kiss.

"Food!" Alfred suddenly demanded, kicking his legs and only just missing a sharp contact with his brother's leg.

Francis pulled back, pouting slightly at the interruption, but he smiled again as he reluctantly pulled away from Arthur's grasp to give the children their food. Arthur let out a soft chuckle, although secretly he wished that he and Francis could have some time to themselves every now and then. Francis was devoted to his children, and as much as Arthur adored it, he desperately wanted the two of them to spend some time together.


It had been a long day: Arthur had helped Francis look after the children for the day, and the twins had decided that tonight would be the night to refuse to go to bed. After many repeats of putting the toddlers back to bed and going downstairs, only to trudge back upstairs when one of them got up, the children were finally asleep, having worn themselves out with tantrums.

Arthur flopped on the sofa in exhaustion, having done the last put-back-to-bed routine by himself, and he realised that his husband was nowhere to be found. As much as he wanted to settle down and watch some television, he wanted to share this quiet time with Francis as well. So he slowly got back up off the sofa, exploring the downstairs in search of him.

Arthur was about to give up when he heard the faint strum of guitar strings from the basement which was Francis' studio, although it had not been used in some time. Arthur blinked but ventured down the stairs anyway, stopping in shock at what he heard.

Francis was singing.

It was not quite the perfect, angelic voice that Arthur had loved so much, but it was almost perfect. It was quiet and slightly strained, but it was definitely Francis.

Arthur silently crept down the stairs until he could see his beloved husband with his back to him, plucking the strings of his old guitar and singing one of his old songs. Arthur's heart melted as he heard him, having missed Francis' beautiful voice so much. He beamed to himself as he just stood and listened to Francis for a good ten minutes, before Francis finally sighed, putting his guitar away and turning to face the stairs. He froze as his gaze met Arthur's, and a faint blush dusted his cheeks.

"How long have you been there, cher?" Francis asked softly and nervously, still blushing.

"Long enough to hear your beautiful voice again, love." Arthur smiled, finishing his descent down the stairs and coming over to the Frenchman, placing a hand on his cheek. "Why didn't you tell me you could sing again?"

Francis sighed, leaning into his touch. "It's not the same. I'm not as good as I used to be…I didn't want you to think I would be as good as before."

Arthur let out a chuckle and shook his head. "You sounded absolutely perfect, Francis. I don't know what you're talking about."

At this Francis smiled, kissing the palm of Arthur's hand gently. "Merci~"

Arthur smiled, before cupping Francis' face and kissing him gently and lovingly. Francis kissed him back, relaxing in his hold and moving closer.

Arthur smiled and pulled back just enough to rest their foreheads together. "I'm so proud of you, love. You've come so far~"

Francis smiled, shrugging slightly before sighing happily. "I love you, amour. I doubt I would be able to sing today without you…"

Arthur chuckled at this, shaking his head softly as he silently disagreed, about to say so when they both heard the toddlers crying again upstairs, and he let out a groan instead.

"Ready for round two of 'bedtime'?" he teased, and Francis laughed.

"Of course~" he grinned, taking Arthur's hand and together they walked upstairs.

This was going to be a long night, but neither Arthur nor Francis would trade it for the world.

~The End~

A/N: I finished it! Please review and tell me what you thought of the ending! I'm sorry it took so long but it's finally here!

Thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed the story!

Please check out my other stories and I will love you forever! xxxxx