
I know this is a part most fanfiction readers skip, but I'd like to say a few words beforehand.

Firstly, this is my first publication, so don't expect everything to be perfect just yet.

Secondly, this ship will be the death of me. I absolutely love the two of them. I'd appreciate a prompt if anyone has one. And PLEASE excuse the occasional anachronism such as modern technology. I would like to keep to the time period in which TLOK takes place, but sometimes I'm in the mood for a few modern interactions.

Right, let's get on with it.

Chapter 1: All According To Plan

Korra slumped around the Sato mansion, looking for something to do. She had done her training for the day, and even went for a quick shower. Now, dressed in her usual outfit, she wondered what she could do next. Looking around her, she took the time to admire the way the halls were decorated. It seemed to be the definition of class, which was intimidating for Korra at times because of her watertribe background. Yet she still felt at home because of one person. A person who has been there for her at her darkest times.

As she passed a family portrait in the hall, her eyes caught the exact person she was thinking of...


She glanced at the clock at the end of the hall, and decided to go and check if Asami was back from the office. Expecting to find her workaholic girlfriend tinkering away at a Satomobile, she made her way to the estate's garage.

Upon entering the enormous warehouse filled with a variety of prototypes and disassembled car parts, Korra found her expectations to be spot on. Bent over the open hood of the latest addition to her Satomobile collection, Asami was hard at work toiling away at the engine. Korra seemed to be enjoying the view. She scanned her girlfriend's body... That perfect backside, those oil smears and the tanktop that looped over her curved assets almost too perfectly.

Almost... Too perfectly. She thought. That's when a devious idea formed in her head. She strolled over and decided to set her plan in action.

Asami felt arms curl around her waist, and a peck on her cheek.

"Hey, gorgeous."

"Hey..." she said as she blushed. Turning around, she asked what Korra did all day.

"Nothing much. I did found out about something interesting though."

Asami grew curious. Knowing she caught her attention, she elaborated.

"Did you know that it's physically impossible to touch your belly button with your elbows?"

Asami stared at Korra, her eyebrows furrowing together as she mouthed the last part of her girlfriend's statement. It didn't take long for her to actually try it.

Korra turned a bright red as she saw her plan starting to work. Her eyes were glued to Asami's tanktop, or more specifically, her bulging rack. With each attempt the heat on Korra's face grew more intense.

"Korra, I can do it. Who told you that--" she said as she noticed where Korra was looking, and glanced down to see why.

"OH!" she cried as she disbanded from her position, a blush as big as Korra's instantly plastered on her face.

"I didn't think you'd actually fall for that." Korra finally said, scratching her neck. Asami seemed to be looking around for something to say, when the same devious smile Korra first had started to curl onto her mouth.

"Well, you've just sealed your fate. I've got something up my sleeve that'll make you regret what you did today..." she whispered seductively into Korra's ear. Dragging her fingers across her jaw, she started to walk away but not before planting a slap on Korra's ass.

Being too flustered to react, Korra just stared at her girlfriend making her way to the exit.