Disclaimer: I do not own any of the properties portrayed throughout this story. This crossover will contain spoilers from the original source materials.
Notice: Information regarding the future of this story will be located in the Author's Notes at the end of the chapter.
There is no other choice. This is the thought that ran through Pyrrha Nikos's mind as she walked across the tiled floor of the vault. It is eerily silent. No one present dares to speak up in an attempt to fill the void. What is about to be done is something that should never happen. It is an inconceivable nightmare that must now be faced, but what else is there to be done?
There are lingering thoughts of the morality of the situation, if what was being done was the right thing. It would be the better option rather than allowing things to go on as they are. Or would it? No. It was too late to question this. The consequences could be dire if no action is taken. However, did she have the right to take away someone's soul?
Cinder Fall, the current Fall Maiden, is being brought over in a stretcher from the infirmary after she was recovered from the top of Beacon Tower. The state she was found in was horrendous. On the brink of death, Cinder was found with a deep wound extending from her right shoulder to her lower back. However, she hadn't lost any blood, it appears that the wound was cauterized as there were burn marks extending out from the wound itself.
After being found, Cinder was immediately put on suppressants to prevent her from regaining consciousness. It was clear that the danger she posed to everyone would be catastrophic, but what were they going to do with her? It would be impossible to restrain her for long. The Maiden powers aside, she still possessed a great deal of abilities, many of which would easily allow her to escape. While impossible in her current condition, she would soon recover, and it would only be a matter of time. However, the situation was much more complicated. With the powers of the Fall Maiden, the destructive potential she possessed was incalculable.
Fortunately, there was one option, one that was a necessary evil: the transfer of one's soul into the body of another.
Pyrrha was given the option of assuming the title of Fall Maiden. While she has her doubts, she knows that if she doesn't take on this burden, then someone else will. This was the duty of someone who would protect others – to take their burdens and shield the innocent form harm. Whether or not she would make it to the end was irrelevant in her mind. The opportunity to protect others was right in front of her, she didn't even need to fight. So long as the abilities of the Maiden belonged to someone else, to someone else who would not use them for their own personal gain, then any pain, any sorrow, that may come in tandem with this ancient power was worth any sacrifice that may come. She did not know of what battles may arrive, she didn't even know if she would survive the process and a part of her hoped that it would fail, that such a wrong act would not have to be committed. Even so, she prepared herself. While this may not be a battle of wits or strength, this would be a battle of wills.
"I don't believe it has to be said, but there is no shame in backing out of this, Ms. Nikos." Doctor Oobleck walked in step with the Invincible Girl – his gaze aimed straight forwards. Despite the long arduous night behind them, the verdant-haired instructor didn't appear to be fatigued. No doubt from the vast amounts of caffeine he undoubtedly consumed.
"I understand your concerns, prof- doctor." Pyrrha pauses a moment to collect her thoughts. She knows what she is doing is the only option but finds it difficult to put it to words. "Too much has been lost today and I owe it to everyone that fought last night to do this."
Oobleck doesn't react to her statement. It is clear to Pyrrha that, while he may have nothing else to say, his mind is racked with a plethora of thoughts on the matter but knows that there would be no point.
Pyrrha looks around her and finds much the same as both Professor Goodwitch and General Ironwood make their way towards the end of the vault. The General was one of the first to arrive back at Beacon when the battle had ended. With too many unknowns, there had to answers somewhere. Unlike Oobleck, fatigue was ever present on the two. Signs of the battle from last night were all too clear. While Pyrrha had not been completely filled in on the situation in Vale, she could only surmise the city was in much the same state as Beacon – tattered and broken, but still standing. She was in all too much of a hurry to make it down to Vale to find her teammate. However, before she could ponder on the thought for too long, the group had made its way to the end of the corridor.
It was clear that this is where Cinder and Ozpin had their confrontation. Large portions of the vault had been completely destroyed in their struggle. Glass littered the already destroyed marble floor. The ornate columns had fallen from their supporting position and were haphazardly strewn across the room.
While General Ironwood and Doctor Oobleck went to inspect the remains of the machinery to insure it still worked. Professor Goodwitch stepped forward and addressed Pyrrha.
"Mrs. Nikos, I feel that it is appropriate to let you know that what you are about to do today will benefit mankind in more ways than you can imagine. While you may never get the recognition you deserve for this act, know that you have my thanks. The war that Ozpin told us about, the one we are trying to prevent will eventually be a thing of the past."
"I suppose things will only get harder from here on out, won't they?" Pyrrha asks.
Before her question can be answered, Professor Goodwitch's gaze lingers over to the scene behind her.
Slowly, Ironwood lifts Amber's body out of the capsule. The previous Fall Maiden hangs lifeless in the arms of the General who gently lays her body down. He then proceeds to take off his jacket to cover her. He takes a moment to collect himself until proceeding with the repair of the machine.
Pyrrha looks over towards Amber. She didn't know her, her struggles, or what she may have been through. Amber had spent her final moments in fear as her powers were taken by Cinder. Her journey ended here and there was nothing that could change that now.
It didn't take too long to repair the machine. Despite the scale of battle that had taken place in the Vault, a majority of the machine's functions were operable. Both Oobleck and Ironwood took to making what adjustments had to be made with Ironwood guiding Oobleck in what to do. This went on for several minutes after which Ironwood motioned towards Goodwitch to bring over Cinder.
The current Fall Maiden was rolled over to one of the capsules and fastened in. Then, it came to be Pyrrha's turn. Once again, she approached the other capsule and laid down inside. A well of emotions washed over her. She took a deep breath in preparation for what was to come.
Oobleck walked over to Pyrrha and explained what would now happen.
"Now, Mrs. Nikos, because both of the capsule exteriors were heavily damaged, the machine won't be able to properly seal you two in. To remedy this, we will be forced to physically connect you to the machine through a series of cables."
At first, this didn't appear to be a serious problem. That is until Oobleck brought out the needed cables – half an inch of specialized steel with the ends containing a needle apparatus which appeared to be nightmarishly long.
"This is a back-up system which was put in place in case something were to happen. General Ironwood ensures me that the results should be the same either way, however each cable will have to be inserted in several points across your body."
If Pyrrha was being completely honest with herself, the idea terrified her. While she had prepared herself for anything, she hadn't quite expected this. Still, it would only be a small price to pay for what was about to occur.
"Do what you have to," was her only response to her professor as she steeled herself.
The Invincible Girl closes her eyes as metal pierces through her skin and inserted in her body; from all up the side of her leg, to the inside of her arms, ending with two just above her collar bone. To say the least, the pain was more than what she had expected. Looking up at her professors one last time, she gives them confirmation to proceed as planned.
The moment the machine roars to life, Pyrrha's body is slowly consumed in heat. It hurt. She wants to scream, but no sound escapes past her lips.
Moments before, just as Team RWBY is guiding their new allies to what remains of the dormitories, an eerily familiar sensation washes over two of its members. Immediately, Shana and Ichigo stop in their tracks. Both have shocked expressions much to the bewilderment of everyone present. Team RWBY along with Shirou and Rin attempt to ask what is wrong but their questions fall on deaf ears. It is clear that something is wrong, but neither Flame Haze or Soul Reaper has yet to respond. Then, without warning, a pair of flaming wings erupt behind Shana as she takes flight towards Beacon Tower. Ichigo turns towards Shana's direction with confusion written across his face. Still, there is only one way to find out what is wrong and that is to find the source of the problem. In an instant, the Soul Reaper disappears from sight as he heads towards the Tower.
With little time to question what just happened, the remaining group hastily rushes towards their friends. Not knowing the gravity of the situation, everyone is rightly worried about what is happening. With an attack on Beacon happening only last night, everyone expects the worst. While their worries only continue to build with every step, every labored breath, they run towards what can only assume to be a disaster.
Ignoring everyone, Shana quickly makes her way to the base of the tower and looks for the source of her distress. Almost no time passes before Ichigo arrives and began his own search alongside the Flame Haze. Without acknowledging the other, the two make their way into the tower. The building is devoid of people and is showing the scars of last night, rubble covers the floor, all the windows had been broken through, and makeshift defenses litter the entrance. Instinct takes over for Ichigo and Shana as their eyes home in on what remains of the elevator. The doors leading in are ripped off their frame with several electrical cables still throwing out sparks with what little energy they can. Without hesitation, the duo jumps down into the unknown.
There is a faint glow illuminating the bottom indicating that there is something down there. What it leads to remains a mystery as the two allow gravity to pull them to their destination. Embers glowing a dazzling orange fall behind the two as the air rushes past them.
"Any idea where this goes?!" Ichigo yells out.
"I don't know." Shana immediately answers, her sight never leaving her objective. "I'm guessing you felt that, too?"
Ichigo thinks about it for a moment, trying to recall the feeling that surged passed him for that brief moment. But, before he can think on it too much, the two arrive at the bottom of the elevator shaft. Entering the Vault, the two arm themselves and sprint towards the end of the corridor.
Noticing two individuals approaching, Ironwood readies his firearm and rushes to intercept them. Just as the three are about to clash, a frantic Oobleck waves his arms out in exasperation, gaining their attention.
"No, no, no, General this isn't the place to create another war-zone!"
Both Ichigo and Shana come to a halt with their weapons still drawn. Their vision bounces from the Ironwood over to Oobleck, finally landing on the aura transference device.
Shana readies her sword and asks in a precarious tone, "What's happening here?"
There is a moment of uncertainty between the professors and general. Despite the damage from the events of last night, there is no way that Ichigo and Shana could have found out about the Vault in such a short amount of time.
"General, it's alright. Oobleck stands in front of Ironwood to ensure him of his sincerity "These are two of the individuals that aided us in the battle last night. From the report I was able to gather from the students, they may have turned the tide of battle in our favor."
Not being wholly convinced, the general stubbornly lowers his firearm. Too much had gone wrong and he could not afford to have this moment end in ruin as well. Lives were lost last night and this would be the only consolidation that the dead would receive from the leaders who were meant to protect them.
However, Shana stood firm in her stance. Something wrong is happening, something utterly terrible. A sensation from not too long ago crept up her spine. It was the same feeling she had always experienced back in her own world; the consumption of Power of Existence. Her instincts were on high alert, her entire life she had trained and fought against the Crimson Denizens that preyed on humanity. While those days were now behind her, it was impossible for such an act to be possible. So, the question now is how?
"Is this it?" Shana asks. "Is this the machine you were referring to, the one with the capability of transferring one's soul?"
Oobleck notices the sharp implication in Shana's tone and is wary on how to proceed. It was true that she specifically had voiced her concern over the capabilities of the machine, but this was something that had to happen.
"Yes. We couldn't delay the process any longer in case another altercation was to arise," argued Oobleck.
A scowl begins to form on Shana's face. It is clear to her that this was the first time something of this nature had occurred. Which meant that no one knew what the end result would be or the consequences which would soon follow after.
"Do you have any idea what is going to happen to her?!" Shana exclaims, the temper in her voice rising.
"Yes, we do." General Ironwood spoke up. He speaks with determination and absolute confidence. "Pyrrha Nikos will become the next Fall Maiden."
The General himself was no fool. He knew that this procedure came with its own caveats of uncertainty. It is true that he does not know what exactly will become of Pyrrha. However, with the success of an artificial soul in the form of Penny Polendina, Ironwood was confident in the outcome. Although, should there be complications, he was ready to take on any burden or responsibility. Whether that took the form of stopping the Invincible Girl or protecting her, he would meet the challenge head-on.
Suddenly, the process was finished, the whirring of the aura transference device gently dies down and returns the room to silence. All eyes turn towards the machine in anticipation of what was going to happen next. Dread begins to fill the room as neither Cinder nor Pyrrha had moved.
Up until this point, Ichigo had quietly accessed the situation. He wasn't quite sure what it was that he felt a moment ago; the sensation that both he and Shana had felt. It was clear that something unnatural had occurred, and there would be ramifications, but he didn't know what they would be. This inadvertently involved him due to his responsibilities as a Soul Reaper. However, there was one thing certain in his mind.
"No more." Ichigo stated.
Without hesitation, Ichigo flash steps, appearing directly behind the machinery in an instant and raises Zangetsu over his head before bringing it back down on the main control panel of the aura transfer device. Sparks fly in every direction as everyone present shield their eyes from the sudden burst of light.
"What… what have you done?!" Ironwood exclaims in disbelief.
The General takes a step forward in order to confront Ichigo, but is stopped in his tracks when Shana intercepts him. Her blade is leveled with Ironwood's throat stopping him from moving any further.
Then, without warning, Pyrrha emerges from the capsule, pushing past the wires she had been connected to. The surge of energy that courses through her begins to settle down. Her entire body is burning. Every time she inhales it feels like breathing in coarse sand. She holds up her arm in attempt to cover her eyes which are throbbing in pain. The cold atmosphere of the Vault creeps along her sensitive skin, sending a shiver down her spine. She stumbles across the marble floor, landing on her knees. Professor Goodwitch goes to help Pyrrha up, but is stopped as she holds out a hand to stop her.
Pyrrha takes several labored breaths to regain her composure. Slowly, her vision clears only to be met with the floor and her own crimson hair flowing past her face. She takes another moment to steel her composure until she is ready to meet the others face-to-face. Then, Pyrrha stands up to be met with a shocked crowd. She herself is surprised to find Ichigo and Shana among the professors and general, but is quickly distracted by the fact that no one had begun to say anything. Much to her confusion, she took a step back only to see her reflection on the glass of the capsule.
A flame flickered across her iris until it burst to life. Fire danced across her vision, trailing to the sides of her face. It didn't hurt her. It didn't impair her. The power of the Fall Maiden was now a part of Pyrrha Nikos, the Invincible Girl.
Author's Notes
Well, guys, it's been a while - I even changed my name. A relatively short chapter (could definitely have been more polished, but I wanted to get it out before the year), but I think it's at a good point to stop for now. There's a lot to be discussed so let's get straight to it.
This story is getting a soft reboot. Let me preface what I'm about to say with this: the events that have happened thus far will eventually occur, there might be slight variations, but they will happen. I bit off more than I can chew by introducing all four characters one after another. Things were going too fast for me. I honestly think this story could be great, but I can't start it off with how I have. So, to remedy this, I will be taking a step back and starting with how each of our characters ended up on Remnant; eventually answering the big question as to why they are there in the first place.
The next time this story is updated, there won't be a chapter, rather just a notification that the first chapter of the reboot will have been published. I understand that not everyone will be excited about this change, but I sincerely think it's in the best interest for this story. Also, there's finally an outline for this story and I will follow it dutifully - pending any great suggestions from y'all.
I have decided on adding one more character to the roster - no more, no less. They are being written in to the story at the moment. However, they will not be appearing for a long while. Though, I think they will be a fan favorite. I wish luck to anyone willing to guess as to who it is.
There's a new cover image for the story, I will keep as is for now until the first story of the rewrite is published, then it will be changed back.
There's not much else to say. Thank you for giving my fic the time of day and I hope you've all been having a great time. I do hope this chapter has entertained you. Until next time.
Rankin de Merthyr: I definitely agree with you and I'm glad I gave myself time to think about this before I delved any further. While I will be adding another character, I'm hoping this reboot will give me more time to develop relationships between the present characters in hopes of not bogging down the entire story by focusing on only a few.
desdelor97: There's a lot of potential to be had with his character and I can't wait to explore it.
mx2432: Any events past Vol.3 for the most part will not occur. It's at this point where the story truly splits off from the main canon. However, the characters that were introduced in subsequent volumes will still exist despite not being introduced in this story specifically: Maria Calavera, Ace-Ops, etc.
Golden Nova: I never made it quite clear which version of Ichigo arrived at Remnant, and I had made it purposely vague (because I myself didn't know at the time). But, after giving it some thought, I have finally chosen which Ichigo will be playing a part in this story. I won't say it here, but one of the first chapters of the reboot will make it abundantly clear.
Dark demon619: Unfortunately, I never got to living arrangements, but in lieu of that, I'm hoping that the next few chapters of the reboot will be solely dedicated to more character driven moments that will give a larger insight as to who they are.
Darkjaden: Let me clarify what I meant. I consider UBW Shirou a dense character in terms of combat ability. The guy would not let Saber fight in his place because he felt that he had to fight in her place despite the vast difference in their strength. This just repeats throughout the entire series and ultimately drags down the character for me.
phuxeds: I definitely agree that Shirou is either just below or on the same level as EMIYA. I mostly based that comment off the fact that Prisma Shirou's skin began to darken at an accelerated rate when he didn't use the class card compared to his other counterparts. I'm sure this was just done for an aesthetic purpose to differentiate the character, but I wanted to play around with the idea for a bit.
zangetsulanzadelrelampago: In The Art of War, Sun Tzu once said: The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. There will be a way back, just not one you might be expecting.