Chapter 6: Rationality, Rapports, and Home Runs

We moved into the gym for the grip test, I guess the equipment was in there, and Aizawa passed out the dynamometers. Once I was handed mine, I switched it to my left hand and began stretching my right. Once I was satisfied, I tossed it back, took a deep breath, and squeezed as hard as I could without pulling a muscle.

After I finished, I glanced down at the machine. Sixty-five kilos. Good, way above average. I wasn't sure what I'd score, considering I hadn't done this test in a while. I look around at my classmates to gauge their own reactions to their results. Midoryia looks devastated, probably because he's comparing himself to the guy with six arms judging by where he's looking. Shifting my gaze around the room some more, I notice that Rin looks satisfied and Bakugo looks smug. I'm starting to get the feeling I'm not going to like this guy.

Once we were back outside, we started the third test: the standing long jump. Bakugo and laser guy, who is apparently named Aoyama, blasted across. Next up was Tohsaka. I wonder how she's gonna use that quirk of hers here. She stood at the line, and...took off her shoes? Once her shoes were off, her feet began to glow red and black. She leaned forward and blasted off through the air, making a perfect landing on the other side. So, she consolidated her energy in her feet and expulsed it with her jump to boost herself to the other side. Her quirk, Energy, sure is something else. She's able to charge energy and release it, through herself or objects. Not only that, but she's a genius and beautiful. She'll make not only a great hero but a popular one too. I hope I can do the same, but how can a guy who makes swords compete with people like Rin Tohsaka? Needless to say, however, I couldn't do the same on this test. I did good, for a normal person. If this keeps up, I might be in trouble.

Test number four: repeated side steps. That small kid, Mineta, didn't look like much at first. To be honest, he still really doesn't, but at least now he seems like he might be useful in the right situation. As for me; another test, another normal score.

For the next test, we made our way back to where we started. Bakugo was apparently exempt from this one due to his ball throw earlier. Everyone proceeded to take turns throwing, with Uraraka being the stand out this time. Her distance: infinity. Well. Does that mean that she automatically gets first place? How do scores on the individual tests contribute to your overall placement in this assessment? Did she just break the test? I guess it doesn't matter, to me at least. I'll let Aizawa deal with the scoring, I have to focus on staying in this school.

As Aizawa calls my name, I walk towards the circle, looking around as I do. I catch the gazes of my classmates. Bakugo is eying me with a hard look like he's suspicious of me. Rin looks irritated; probably with the test for not letting me utilize my powers so far, and that she can't reasonably blame me for it since it's not my fault. Eh, she'll probably still blame anyway. Didn't stop her earlier. Iida looks at me sympathetically, probably because he knows if we were being tested on practical ability and skill related to being a hero, I would be doing much better. Midoriya has a similar look to Iida, but not as knowing and more worried. Probably because he hasn't really seen me in action yet. Hell, he might never see me in action if I don't start to turn things around. I walk into the circle and start to think. How can I use a sword to throw a ball? Oh, wait. Is it really that simple? How did I not think of that until now?

I reach out my right hand and say, "Trace on." Blue motes began to generate around my hand, forming into a curved form. A second or two later, in my hand was Bakuya. I heard a gasp from the crowd, a girl I think, but I ignored it and continued. I bend down and grab the ball, taking a deep breath after I stand back up. Then, as I'd seen done, and only done a few times myself before, I threw the ball in the air and swung Bakuya with all my might. A huge smack was heard as the ball went flying. Yep, that should definitely be a home run. Maybe. I'd never really had time for baseball. I look down at Bakuya, checking on how it held up under the swing.

"Not too well, it seems," I mutter to myself as I notice it's slightly bent shape. If Bakuya was a normal sword, it would definitely need repair. Luckily, being apart of me exempts it from needing upkeep. I turn around to look at Aizawa and catch my classes reaction. Most of them look a bit dumbfounded or surprised, and a couple just look amused. Strangely enough, a tall girl with black hair among them looks completely shocked; almost like I just walked up to her and slapped her across the face. That reaction, while weird, still has nothing on Tohsakas wide eyes coupled with her jaw on the ground. Then that stupefaction changed into rage and annoyance, eyebrows furrowed and eye twitching. Then she glanced around at the looks she was getting and quickly, and kind of comically, composed herself. Her slightly red cheeks, colored from embarrassment, were all that remained of her silent outburst.

"So," someone said, breaking the silence, "did that guy really just freaking homerun that thing? With a sword?" The speaker was someone I remember from the locker rooms. His yellow hair and black lightning bolt highlight were hard to forget.

"It seems he did," said Iida, with slight pep to his voice and a smile on his face.

"That was INSANE!" said...where was that voice coming from?

"Is your quirk making things or just swords?" Asked a pink girl.

"Enough," said Aizawa. He wasn't loud, but everyone shut up pretty quickly. "That was...surprising, Emiya. You thought out of the box to use your quirk in what I assume was a new way?" He questioned.

"I only played baseball a couple times in elementary school," I answer simply.

"Very well. Score wise, you did good as well. Not as good as Bakugo or Uraraka, but good," he said, holding up his phone. On on it was the number…

"One hundred and seventy-four meters," I read, bringing me to smile.

"Good job, Emiya," Aizawa monotoned. I couldn't tell for sure whether it was a compliment or sarcasm, so I took it as the former. "Midoriya, you're next."

Midoriya started walking up to the circle as I walked back to the crowd. We locked eyes as we approached each other. It looked like he wanted to say something, but was hesitating. Probably due to nervousness if his appearance is anything to go by. Wait, why would he be nervous? I know he's meek and shy, but his quirk...oh. His quirk, it hurt him last time he used it. Does it always do that? It must, or he would've used it in smaller amounts earlier. His arm was completely broken last time he threw a punch, will throwing a ball do the same thing? If it does, he can't finish the rest of the assessment with a broken arm. He'll fail with normal scores and be expelled without his power. He'll fail due to not completing the assessment and be expelled with his powers. He's trapped. Damn it, how can I help? How can change this? I...I can't. He...should've known. You can't be a hero with a power that always breaks you. I hope I'm wrong about you Midoriya, but I don't know how you can pass. I'm sorry.

"Huh, w-what did you say, Emiya?" Midoriya asked, looking at me, confused. Shit, I must've said some of that last part out loud.

"Nothing, Midoriya. Just, good luck," I tell him, walking past him and back into the crowd. As I head towards Iida, I see the girl from a minute ago. The shocked girl. Shocked girl is staring at me, but she seems like she's trying to be discreet about. She was not doing a good job. Maybe she was surprised by my quirk? I'm not sure, but I can't deal with a casual conversation with a stranger right now, so I keep walking. As I pass Tohsaka, I notice her fuming from a side glance and keep walking. I'm gonna pay for that later, along with everything else, but I keep walking regardless of my self-preservational thoughts. I reach Iida and stop next to him, saying, "Hey." Well, I've never had many friends. I could be doing worse.

"Hello, Emiya. You did very well on the ball throw. Very inventive use of your quirk. It seems I was worried for nothing," he responds with a soft smile. Worried? Was he worried I wouldn't pass? Are we that close yet? I feel like it took me and Issei longer to get that close, and Shinji...Regardless, I appreciate it.

"I guess so. Thanks for worrying, though. It means a lot," I say, giving him a big smile.

"You're welcome. It's what friends are for, I suppose. I... haven't had that many in the past, but I assume being worried about each other comes with the territory?" He asked, seriously. I stared at him for a second before I started to laugh. Who'd have thought I'd meet the perfect person to become my friend here; someone just as inept as me at these things. I think I was laughing a bit too loudly, though. I could've sworn I saw Tohsaka out of the corner of my eye looking at me like I'd gone crazy. Iida was giving me a similar look. As soon as I calmed down, I decided to speak again.

"It's fine Iida. You are being a completely normal friend," I said in between chuckles, "I'm kind of new to this too. I just found it a bit funny how similar we are in that area. I'm glad to be your friend. I look forward to working with you," I said with an outstretched hand. He looked at me with shock for a moment. Then, his face morphed into a beaming smile as he reached out for my hand. Just as we were about to shake, though, something whipped out at Midoriya from out of my vision. It grabbed him and pulled him towards...Aizawa? Aizawa just held him there, glaring at him and saying something as Midoriya trembled and exclaimed that Aizawa was the hero Eraserhead. Rage ignited in me. Midoriya was already going to most likely get kicked out, because of him. Now, the nice, helpful, meek, heroic Midoriya was being held in the air and scared out of his mind by the same guy who was going to ruin his dream and has been nothing but a jerk so far? A guy that was supposed to be a hero? No. I pulled back my hand and started walking towards Aizawa and Midoriya.

"Aizawa!" I yelled, getting everyone's attention. That included him, as he gave me a curious side glance in response. "Put down Midoriya. Now," I said, not as loud as my yelling a second ago, but my voice filled with steel regardless. I heard a gasp or two from the crowd and Midoriya seemed to freak out even more, trying to say something but not being able to get any words out. Aizawa turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

He then turned away, set down Midoriya, and walked away, saying, "You can't control your power. You injure yourself when you use it and will be a liability in battle. Izuku Midoriya, you cannot become a hero with that power. You've got your quirk back, so give it another go. Get it over with." As Aizawa walked away, Midoriya stood there muttering to himself. After listening to him talk to himself for long enough, I put a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me with wide eyes.

"You don't have to do this, you know," I said, causing him to give me a questioning look. "This test, I mean. I don't know your full situation, but I know you hurt yourself when you use it. If-"

"No," he said firmly, looking at me with determination. "I have to do this. For myself, and the people who believe in me. I have to try." The look on his face, his eyes. It reminds me of the one time that Fuji-nee…

"You get this look on your face, this look of determination when you talk about being a hero! Your eyes just scream at me, saying, 'Nothing's gonna stop me!' You know how I feel about you getting into danger, but when you get that look on your face I really believe you can do it!"

"You know what? I believe in you. You can do it. As long as you don't let anything stop you and keep that determination, you can be a hero," I tell him, telling him what I tell myself every day. Do I believe what I just said? Can he be a hero? I'm not sure. What I do know, though, is that when I look at him, I see a bit of myself. I see a boy who will never give up, and sometimes that's all you need.

Midoriya looked up at me in utter shock. Then, he started to tear up. As he held back the tears, he grabbed me in a hug. Well, I didn't see that coming. As he hugged me, my arms hung at my sides, my body as stiff as a board. I also swear I heard a squeak of delight from a couple of the girls. Oh no, not again. I do not need a repeat of the Issei Incident.

"Ummm, Midoriya? Could you please...let go?" I asked as politely as possible. He looked up at me with watery eyes as I said this, then he registered what came out of my mouth and went full Midoriya.

"O-o-ohhhhh! I'm so sorry, Emiya!" He yelled as he flung himself away from me and bowed to me as he began hitting me with a barrage of apologies. This got a few laughs from the class, while Aizawa just sighed.

"Emiya, get back to the group; you can talk to Midoriya later. Midoriya, get to the circle and get this over with," he said in his usual monotone voice. With Aizawas reminder of what he has to do, Midoriya's face went from frantic back to determined.

He looks at me for a second and then said, "I won't let you, or anyone else, down." I gave him a nod, and we continued towards or spots. Standing next to Iida again, I watched Midoriya silently. Then, Iida asked me something.

"Do you think he can do it?" he said. Iida's smart, of course he came to the same conclusion I did about Midoriya's power.

"Logically, he probably shouldn't be able to," I said honestly, "but I believe in him."

Iida looked at me strangely but then went back to his normal blank face, saying, "Very well, then so shall I. He has defied expectations before. If you believe in him, then I can give him the benefit of the doubt and believe in him as well." We then turned back towards the circle as Midoriya wound up the ball and threw it, yelling one word. Smash.

Author's Notes

Shit, this took way longer than it should've, but life happens. Also, laziness happens. It won't again, though! Hopefully...

Regardless, here's the new chapter. The next one should be up soon, It shouldn't be more than a week or two at the most. Thanks for bearing with me, and thanks for reading! If you have any questions, please either review or PM me and I'll answer them the best I can with spoiling too much. Well, that's it for this time. Oh, also, I was thinking about putting a thing after each chapter but before the AN that has the description of all the original quirks. Let me know what you think.
