This is just an update from me! Gothamlightwing's comments compelled me to add an update. I haven't been forthcoming about my personal life on here since I haven't been sure who's still reading and I don't know if anyone cares about what's going on.

I know you're just now reading this for the first time Gothamlightwing, but my last update was just in April. I'm still working on this fic but my writing has slowed. I made a new year's resolution to finish it this year, but once I posted in April and didn't get much response, my motivation just kind of disappeared. Your comments definitely gave me the boost I needed though. I know I shouldn't write for comments. I love this story and these characters are dear to me, but I have not had the creative energy recently. It takes a lot to muster it up. Your comments revived me though. I don't mind them a single bit.

i find it amusing that you dislike Hale and Nate so much. I kind of love them. But they are also very dramatic so it makes for fun writing. Anyway, I have a lot more I could say to reply to your comments, but that might be weird.

Instead, I just want everyone to know that I think about this fic every day. I ended up having my baby in October. So I started this final fic in the series in 2017, got pregnant and had a baby and still haven't finished the fic. My baby's name is Lilith and she's amazing, but also keeps me extremely busy. I'm also working from home as a therapist in light of COVID events.

I appreciate those who are still checking in with this fic on occasion and I apologize for taking so long. In the future, if I write a fanfic series again, I plan on completing more of it before posting so that I'm not so dependent on feedback as motivation. I have some now though. I have an end to this story in mind, but unfortunately, the fic won't write itself! I have had some writing life breathed into me so I plan on setting time aside asap to get this written.

thank you! - Heather (the-smol-death and etaeternum on Tumblr)