Disclaimer: I don't anything. At all. I own NOTHING! Mwa-ha-ha. Sorry. Lost
the sanity for a minute there. Ah, hell. Who'm I kidding? Me, normal?
Never. Oh, well. If you don't like Siri/James or Lucius/Rem, leave now. I'm
using some ideas I've read before, so if I use an idea that's yours, I'M
SORRY! : p! I hate Peter. He's not in this, much.
"But it's not fair! All I did was go out with Kalie a few times. That doesn't give Sara a reason to bitch-slap me!" Remus laughed. After three years like this, you'd figure Sirius would be used to being slapped. "It's not funny. What if I start regressing?" Remus hit the floor in hysterical laughter, gaining him many stares from passing student. "You?! The living sex organ, himself? Yeah right!" "Moony, shut up!" Sirius pinned him to the floor and clamped his hand over the werewolf's mouth. All the students were staring at them. "Yuck, Moony!" Remus, desperate for air, had licked the inside of his palm. "You asked for it." "I did not." "You did so." "Did not." "Did so." "Did not!" "Did so!" "Nu-uh." "Yu-hu." "Nu-uh!" "Yu-hu!" "God, just shut up, the both of ya'!"
Both boys turned their heads. Lucius Malfoy and his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle, were pushing through the crowd. "Honestly, Lupin. I commend you for not slugging him. Even I can't stretch my patience that far." "Well, Malfoy. You just don't get the practice I do. Your gorilla/boulder hybrids do whatever you tell them to. Anyone else, 'oh, daddy. Could you kill him? Could you arrest her? I'd to it myself, but I'm a little whiny baby that can't do anything by myself.'" Malfoy's face turned bright and scattered snickers could be heard. "At least I can go out alone. You always have to have one of you hopeless friends following you." "At least I have friends!" There was a collective gasp. Remus looked proud of himself. "Oh, I know all about those two body guards. A few galleons a week and they'll pretend to like you. A few more and bribe a few girls into pretending, too. Like you could get a girl." "At least I like girls!"
Everyone's eyes were on Remus, waiting to see what he'd say. He gave Sirius a slight wink. "You know, if you want to insult someone, at least don't bring so much truth into it." Malfoy's jaw hit the floor. All of the students that had been expecting a fight ran away. "Well, it's been nice talking to you, but Siri and I have plans. Maybe later." His voice was teasing and seductive. "No way!" Malfoy and his cronies made tracks. They almost knocked into James, who was rounding the corner. "Malfoy. As an ex- prefect, you should know better than to run in the halls. Ten points from Slytherin!" Remus and Sirius were almost in tears. "Ah, the joys of being head-boy." James sighed. The three boys howled with laughter.
"Were you there the whole time?" James smirked. "'Coarse I was. Nice touch at the end, Moons." Remus took several over-dramatic bows. "Thank you, my adoring public. I'd like to thank the little people. Like 'Rat-boy' Malfoy. Without whom, the prior performance would have be impossible." James thought he was going to crack a rib from laughing so hard. Remus extended a hand out to help him up. "Way to go, pal." "Yeah, yeah. So anyway. What's up with Lils. She looked PO'ed." James blushed. "Well, you know how I went to meet her down by the greenhouse? Well, I went early 'cause I was bored. She was on the bench, practically asleep in *the* slimeball's lap. You know who I mean." "Snape?!" "Exactly. I got mad. I mean, real mad. I yelled at her. She yelled back. I yelled at Snape. She slapped me."
The boys winced. Then Sirius got mad. "Well, who blames you for yelling at her?! Little wench deserved it! Cheating on you is one thing. Doing it with Snape takes it to a whole 'nother level. Oh, you just wait until I get my hands on him!" Remus placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Siri, I don't blame you for wanting to kill him, but the last time you said that, I almost killed him and James." Sirius blushed bright red. "I still am really sorry." "I know. Anyway, you should be apologizing to James more than to me. I bit him after he shoved me in the shack." James smiled, sadly. "It wasn't your fault. You can't control the wolf. Pomfery is still amazed that I didn't catch 'it'."
He ran his fingers through Remus's long tawny hair. "It was not your fault and you know it." "I guess." "I know it. Not a single person has the right to blame you." Remus smiled. "You guys are the best friends a werewolf ever had." "You better believe it." Sirius stated, giving him a thumbs up. "Come on. Let's get back to the common room. Maybe I'll get a chance to talk to Lily. It could have been a misunderstanding." "Yeah, maybe." They made their way back to the common room without encountering any people. Lily was curled up on the couch with 'Cannes Rhapsody', a book about the wars between werewolves and vampires. (A/N May be used in later story.) When she saw James, she stuffed the book into her backpack and made for the dorm- room stairs.
"Lily, wait!" She glared at James. "I have nothing more to say to you, James Potter. I've said my piece, and you didn't like it. End of story!" She stormed up to her room and slammed the door. James slunk over to the over-stuffed chair, flopped down, and stared at the fire. "We should leave him alone." Remus whispered. Sirius nodded and they headed up to their dorm rooms. Remus played solitaire with some muggle cards and Sirius pulled his journal. He wrote the date and checked to see if Remus was too absorbed in his card game to read over his shoulder. He was. Sirius dipped his quill in his well and placed it the page.
Dear Journal. Life sucks. It really does. Sara and I broke up, but that doesn't really matter. I didn't like her that much anyway. What really got me mad was that Lily cheated on James. With Snape! Snape, of all people. I know you're thinking (if you can) 'well, aren't you happy?' I would be, if James weren't so sad. He looked ready start bawling when Remus and I left. I'd be some kind of sick freak if I were glad that James is so upset. I think I'll try and talk to Lily. She makes him happy. Besides, he'd never swing like me. What a dream, huh. *Sigh* If only. Oh, well. Better put you away before Remus asks to read you. Or just rips you out of my hands and reads you anyway. C ya'. Siri.
Sirius put the journal in his side-table drawer and put a very complicated locking charm on it and activated the 'personal voice scanning' password charm. Remus looked at him, funny. "What's with all the spells? Is whatever's in there that private? You know you can us more than that." Sirius blushed. "I just don't want to take any chances. It's really." Remus shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat." Sirius was about to smart-mouth back, but loud shouts and explosions were coming from the common room. Sense the Marauders hadn't played any pranks that day, it was quite unusual. They raced down the stairs to see bloodstains covering the floor and a person howling in pain. But that wasn't what shocked them. James was the one screaming and Lily had her wand on him!
She broke whatever curse she was using and stormed out of the tower. Remus checked the bystanders to see if any of them were hurt while Sirius rushed to James's side. He pulled the smaller boy into his arms. James's body was covered with cuts and bruises. It was obvious he'd been slammed around quite a bit. "Prongs! Are you okay?" The small boy was coughing deeply. "Yeah. I'm okay." His voice was tired and his breath came out in pants. "What happened?" Sirius commanded. "Lily and I got in another fight. She used a spell I've never seen before. It made my body feel like it was on fire. Like I'd rather die than let her keep the curse on me." Sirius grit his teeth. "Did it sound like 'cruccio'?" he asked. James nodded. "Yeah, that was it. What is it?" "It's a newly developed curse. I heard my dad and Orion talking about it. It's supposed to be illegal, though."
"Siri! Is James okay?" Remus called from across the room. "Yeah. I'm taking him to the hospital wing." "Oh no you're not." James pouted. "Yes, I am." Sirius picked James up off the floor and carried him down to madam Pomfery's office. "Madam P! I need some help." She opened the door and gasped. "My goodness! What happened to him?" Sirius decided to stretch the truth. "He got in a fight. That's all I know. You can ask him for the details later, but right now he needs some help." "Of coarse." She started shoving random potions down his throat. "Blech!" "Yes, yes. I realize it's not the tastiest thing in the world. Now Mr. Black, I need to talk to you in the other room." "Okay." She and Sirius walked into the side office. She gave him a stern look.
"What really happened? You've been in here more than Remus. What happened?" He gulped. "Well, Moony, um I mean Remus, and I were in our room when we heard a shriek. We ran down the stairs. There was blood all over the common room and Lily was standing over James putting a curse on him." "Cruccius?" she asked sharply. Sirius nodded, meekly. "Please don't get Lily in trouble. James would be really upset. Please." he begged. "I'll have tot tell Albus. It's up to him to decide on a suitable punishment." "Yes ma'am. Um, would it be okay if I stayed with James." She looked at him. "Very well. It's impossible to separate the two of you, anyway. If I said no, you'd still find a way in. The potion I gave him takes a while to kick in, so you can stay until he falls asleep." "Thank you." He walked over to James bed and pulled up the chair.
"How ya' doin', buddy?" he asked softly. James reached out and slowly grabbed his hand. "I'm a lot better now. It just hurt so bad. Sirius, I wanted to say thanks." "For what?" "For helping me. For bringing me down here. For being my friend at all." "What else could I do? Go Slytherin?" "Don't even joke about that. I wouldn't be able to stand it if I lost you. Or Moony or Wormtail. You guys mean too much to me." Sirius squeezed his hand. "I'd never leave you, Prongs. You've been my best friend all my life. Nothing will come between us. Ever. You should know me better than that." "But, Padfoot. Not everything turns out that happy. I've been spending all my time with Lily. And you with all those girls. We hardly ever hang out together anymore. And never just the two of us. I miss it."
"I do too. Nothing's been the same sense Moony got his first girlfriend." "And his last by the looks of things." Sirius decided to try something. "You know, Moony told me first. He was afraid that you guys would reject him. Call him a freak. He was so scared." "We'd never do that! Like that changes who you are." Sirius was so relieved. "James, I." The smaller boy kissed him tenderly on the lips. Though very happy, Sirius was extremely scared. He jumped back. "Siri, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. It's just, it felt right. So right. I'm sorry," Sirius shook his head. "No, no, no. James. Please don't do that." "Siri, I'm so." "James don't say you're sorry. I'm the one who's wrong." "What do you mean?" "Oh James. You wouldn't understand."
James held Sirius's head in both his hands and forced him to look into his eyes. "Try me." Sirius's body took control of his mind. He pushed his lips onto James. They were so soft. James was squirming in the bed, trying to get his arms. He wrapped his arms around Sirius's neck. "Oh, Siri." He panted. The taller boy climbed into his bed. (A/N NO! They don't do *that*. I just don't feel like writing a make-out scene right now. My b/f's being an ass.)
"But it's not fair! All I did was go out with Kalie a few times. That doesn't give Sara a reason to bitch-slap me!" Remus laughed. After three years like this, you'd figure Sirius would be used to being slapped. "It's not funny. What if I start regressing?" Remus hit the floor in hysterical laughter, gaining him many stares from passing student. "You?! The living sex organ, himself? Yeah right!" "Moony, shut up!" Sirius pinned him to the floor and clamped his hand over the werewolf's mouth. All the students were staring at them. "Yuck, Moony!" Remus, desperate for air, had licked the inside of his palm. "You asked for it." "I did not." "You did so." "Did not." "Did so." "Did not!" "Did so!" "Nu-uh." "Yu-hu." "Nu-uh!" "Yu-hu!" "God, just shut up, the both of ya'!"
Both boys turned their heads. Lucius Malfoy and his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle, were pushing through the crowd. "Honestly, Lupin. I commend you for not slugging him. Even I can't stretch my patience that far." "Well, Malfoy. You just don't get the practice I do. Your gorilla/boulder hybrids do whatever you tell them to. Anyone else, 'oh, daddy. Could you kill him? Could you arrest her? I'd to it myself, but I'm a little whiny baby that can't do anything by myself.'" Malfoy's face turned bright and scattered snickers could be heard. "At least I can go out alone. You always have to have one of you hopeless friends following you." "At least I have friends!" There was a collective gasp. Remus looked proud of himself. "Oh, I know all about those two body guards. A few galleons a week and they'll pretend to like you. A few more and bribe a few girls into pretending, too. Like you could get a girl." "At least I like girls!"
Everyone's eyes were on Remus, waiting to see what he'd say. He gave Sirius a slight wink. "You know, if you want to insult someone, at least don't bring so much truth into it." Malfoy's jaw hit the floor. All of the students that had been expecting a fight ran away. "Well, it's been nice talking to you, but Siri and I have plans. Maybe later." His voice was teasing and seductive. "No way!" Malfoy and his cronies made tracks. They almost knocked into James, who was rounding the corner. "Malfoy. As an ex- prefect, you should know better than to run in the halls. Ten points from Slytherin!" Remus and Sirius were almost in tears. "Ah, the joys of being head-boy." James sighed. The three boys howled with laughter.
"Were you there the whole time?" James smirked. "'Coarse I was. Nice touch at the end, Moons." Remus took several over-dramatic bows. "Thank you, my adoring public. I'd like to thank the little people. Like 'Rat-boy' Malfoy. Without whom, the prior performance would have be impossible." James thought he was going to crack a rib from laughing so hard. Remus extended a hand out to help him up. "Way to go, pal." "Yeah, yeah. So anyway. What's up with Lils. She looked PO'ed." James blushed. "Well, you know how I went to meet her down by the greenhouse? Well, I went early 'cause I was bored. She was on the bench, practically asleep in *the* slimeball's lap. You know who I mean." "Snape?!" "Exactly. I got mad. I mean, real mad. I yelled at her. She yelled back. I yelled at Snape. She slapped me."
The boys winced. Then Sirius got mad. "Well, who blames you for yelling at her?! Little wench deserved it! Cheating on you is one thing. Doing it with Snape takes it to a whole 'nother level. Oh, you just wait until I get my hands on him!" Remus placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Siri, I don't blame you for wanting to kill him, but the last time you said that, I almost killed him and James." Sirius blushed bright red. "I still am really sorry." "I know. Anyway, you should be apologizing to James more than to me. I bit him after he shoved me in the shack." James smiled, sadly. "It wasn't your fault. You can't control the wolf. Pomfery is still amazed that I didn't catch 'it'."
He ran his fingers through Remus's long tawny hair. "It was not your fault and you know it." "I guess." "I know it. Not a single person has the right to blame you." Remus smiled. "You guys are the best friends a werewolf ever had." "You better believe it." Sirius stated, giving him a thumbs up. "Come on. Let's get back to the common room. Maybe I'll get a chance to talk to Lily. It could have been a misunderstanding." "Yeah, maybe." They made their way back to the common room without encountering any people. Lily was curled up on the couch with 'Cannes Rhapsody', a book about the wars between werewolves and vampires. (A/N May be used in later story.) When she saw James, she stuffed the book into her backpack and made for the dorm- room stairs.
"Lily, wait!" She glared at James. "I have nothing more to say to you, James Potter. I've said my piece, and you didn't like it. End of story!" She stormed up to her room and slammed the door. James slunk over to the over-stuffed chair, flopped down, and stared at the fire. "We should leave him alone." Remus whispered. Sirius nodded and they headed up to their dorm rooms. Remus played solitaire with some muggle cards and Sirius pulled his journal. He wrote the date and checked to see if Remus was too absorbed in his card game to read over his shoulder. He was. Sirius dipped his quill in his well and placed it the page.
Dear Journal. Life sucks. It really does. Sara and I broke up, but that doesn't really matter. I didn't like her that much anyway. What really got me mad was that Lily cheated on James. With Snape! Snape, of all people. I know you're thinking (if you can) 'well, aren't you happy?' I would be, if James weren't so sad. He looked ready start bawling when Remus and I left. I'd be some kind of sick freak if I were glad that James is so upset. I think I'll try and talk to Lily. She makes him happy. Besides, he'd never swing like me. What a dream, huh. *Sigh* If only. Oh, well. Better put you away before Remus asks to read you. Or just rips you out of my hands and reads you anyway. C ya'. Siri.
Sirius put the journal in his side-table drawer and put a very complicated locking charm on it and activated the 'personal voice scanning' password charm. Remus looked at him, funny. "What's with all the spells? Is whatever's in there that private? You know you can us more than that." Sirius blushed. "I just don't want to take any chances. It's really." Remus shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat." Sirius was about to smart-mouth back, but loud shouts and explosions were coming from the common room. Sense the Marauders hadn't played any pranks that day, it was quite unusual. They raced down the stairs to see bloodstains covering the floor and a person howling in pain. But that wasn't what shocked them. James was the one screaming and Lily had her wand on him!
She broke whatever curse she was using and stormed out of the tower. Remus checked the bystanders to see if any of them were hurt while Sirius rushed to James's side. He pulled the smaller boy into his arms. James's body was covered with cuts and bruises. It was obvious he'd been slammed around quite a bit. "Prongs! Are you okay?" The small boy was coughing deeply. "Yeah. I'm okay." His voice was tired and his breath came out in pants. "What happened?" Sirius commanded. "Lily and I got in another fight. She used a spell I've never seen before. It made my body feel like it was on fire. Like I'd rather die than let her keep the curse on me." Sirius grit his teeth. "Did it sound like 'cruccio'?" he asked. James nodded. "Yeah, that was it. What is it?" "It's a newly developed curse. I heard my dad and Orion talking about it. It's supposed to be illegal, though."
"Siri! Is James okay?" Remus called from across the room. "Yeah. I'm taking him to the hospital wing." "Oh no you're not." James pouted. "Yes, I am." Sirius picked James up off the floor and carried him down to madam Pomfery's office. "Madam P! I need some help." She opened the door and gasped. "My goodness! What happened to him?" Sirius decided to stretch the truth. "He got in a fight. That's all I know. You can ask him for the details later, but right now he needs some help." "Of coarse." She started shoving random potions down his throat. "Blech!" "Yes, yes. I realize it's not the tastiest thing in the world. Now Mr. Black, I need to talk to you in the other room." "Okay." She and Sirius walked into the side office. She gave him a stern look.
"What really happened? You've been in here more than Remus. What happened?" He gulped. "Well, Moony, um I mean Remus, and I were in our room when we heard a shriek. We ran down the stairs. There was blood all over the common room and Lily was standing over James putting a curse on him." "Cruccius?" she asked sharply. Sirius nodded, meekly. "Please don't get Lily in trouble. James would be really upset. Please." he begged. "I'll have tot tell Albus. It's up to him to decide on a suitable punishment." "Yes ma'am. Um, would it be okay if I stayed with James." She looked at him. "Very well. It's impossible to separate the two of you, anyway. If I said no, you'd still find a way in. The potion I gave him takes a while to kick in, so you can stay until he falls asleep." "Thank you." He walked over to James bed and pulled up the chair.
"How ya' doin', buddy?" he asked softly. James reached out and slowly grabbed his hand. "I'm a lot better now. It just hurt so bad. Sirius, I wanted to say thanks." "For what?" "For helping me. For bringing me down here. For being my friend at all." "What else could I do? Go Slytherin?" "Don't even joke about that. I wouldn't be able to stand it if I lost you. Or Moony or Wormtail. You guys mean too much to me." Sirius squeezed his hand. "I'd never leave you, Prongs. You've been my best friend all my life. Nothing will come between us. Ever. You should know me better than that." "But, Padfoot. Not everything turns out that happy. I've been spending all my time with Lily. And you with all those girls. We hardly ever hang out together anymore. And never just the two of us. I miss it."
"I do too. Nothing's been the same sense Moony got his first girlfriend." "And his last by the looks of things." Sirius decided to try something. "You know, Moony told me first. He was afraid that you guys would reject him. Call him a freak. He was so scared." "We'd never do that! Like that changes who you are." Sirius was so relieved. "James, I." The smaller boy kissed him tenderly on the lips. Though very happy, Sirius was extremely scared. He jumped back. "Siri, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. It's just, it felt right. So right. I'm sorry," Sirius shook his head. "No, no, no. James. Please don't do that." "Siri, I'm so." "James don't say you're sorry. I'm the one who's wrong." "What do you mean?" "Oh James. You wouldn't understand."
James held Sirius's head in both his hands and forced him to look into his eyes. "Try me." Sirius's body took control of his mind. He pushed his lips onto James. They were so soft. James was squirming in the bed, trying to get his arms. He wrapped his arms around Sirius's neck. "Oh, Siri." He panted. The taller boy climbed into his bed. (A/N NO! They don't do *that*. I just don't feel like writing a make-out scene right now. My b/f's being an ass.)